
Friday, April 2, 2021


 You all never cease to amaze me!

I made up this little 'game'
and you played along again!

Are you ready for your results and to see 
who is sitting at your table?

Of course, we DID HAVE a couple
that couldn't make up their mind
I will point them out and make fun of them
but at least they tried...

Anyway--- here we go!
Table #1
Tiptoe Thru Pastel Tulips
Gert (was afraid she would be sitting alone), Jan E (here for the jelly beans), Miss BB(who has a whole 'nother name that I am not at liberty to share), Mevely, Akasha's daughter (love it that kids are playing along), Jack & Sherry (and he says he is NOT folding bunny napkins thank you very much), Arlene, Bless, Phyllis(Welcome!!!), Cindy and JennythePirate(who is taking ALL the black jelly beans-guess Jan won't be getting any of that color)

Whew--that Jenny sure is demanding!

Moving along:
Table #2
The Blue Plate Special

Here we have Debra/SheSeeks-(and pretty sure she will be bringing TheRareOne-I'm skeered to ask what makes her Rare), Akasha (who has chosen NOT to sit with her daughter at Table#1), Laurie, Judy, RonTheCocktailKing (y'all are lucky to have him at your table), Dear Wanda, Rose, Rita, Hootin'Annie(wouldn't you love to have her let out a big old hoot at the table?), Carla (and as a TRUE Wisconsinite is wondering WHAT the SPECIAL is)

Table #3
Transfer(ware) Me There
Wow!  A lot of you gals like Transferware!
Seated here are: Penny, Diane (insisting on a bunny napkin), Vee (here because Table THREE rhymes with VEE???, Janice, Happy, Jan/LowCarb, Lorrie, Miss Dishywoo(gotta love anyone with a name like that), Nancy, Jeanie, Nonie, Bonnie(the rhyming pair-Bonnie & Nonie),DebbieDabble, Buttercup, Sugar, Rain(table reminds her of her dear grandma), and POLLY-(couldn't make up her mind and I think I scared the Bejesus outta her because she came back and decided to sit here-Welcome Polly!)

Table #4
Eggs Take A Bow
Here we have: Sandy/Chatty, bobbie, Louise(wants tea and something for dinner besides eggs-what-do I look like a short order cook?), Patty M(bringing her lab dog -NOT LAP dog-lab dog who will sit at her feet-make sure your toes are covered girls!), Pam (had several 'conditions' but MUST sit facing a window-wonder if I put a mirror across from her she would think she was looking "out"-or see the twin she never knew she had), Fran, Kris, Melanie & Cindy/Cloches.

Table #5
A Tisket A Tasket A Green & Growing Basket
A small group- Nellie (who doesn't really like ANY of the tables so this was her first/last choice) Julie, Cecilia(also wants a bunny napkin-LISTEN UP- I GAVE YOU INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO MAKE THEM...DO IT AND BRING IT), Ellen, LisaK,   and Sandy

Table #6
Wisteriaful Thinking

Jenn (wants a bigger table-um-okay), Ginny, Susan K,  MA, Terri(getting all dolled up and dressed to the nines-as opposed to showing up in her bathrobe like she usually does) & Marilyn

Table #7
Eggsactly 16 Eggs In A Row
Sandra (hates ALL the tables but will lower her standards to sit here IF we remove the centerpiece) Hey!  I don't make this up- I just relay the words!
Theresa, Ann, Jan/Journey, DawnP, DorisF, Liz (her OCD won't let her sit at Table 5 because something is askew there).

So folks--there you have it.
You picked your table so you should have
like-minded people sitting with you.
If you DON'T like them---
well, as my daddy always said,
you made your bed-now lie in it....
or in this case...
sit on the chair you chose.

I "think" I got everyone this time
AND put you at the right table
BUT--let me know if I screwed up
as I'm sure you will.

Oh!  And who couldn't make up their mind?
Well, Tom the Backroads Traveler wants something with paper plates! Then there is Kim/Exquisitely -who has no idea where she wants to sit-so I guess she will sit at home?  

Off and running (before one of you hurts me with mean words).
Have a great blessed Good Friday!

Scruffy and I are off to visit a
"puppy school" but more about that later.

I have a wonderful little video of an Easter past
coming up on Sunday.
It will make you smile 
but also break your heart a bit.


  1. Great We will be with Gert and Meverly, they may even show me how to fold a rabbit or napkin.
    Thanks for the chance Imma love this table and even sharing it with a Pirate......
    Love ya
    From a cool Florida someone up yonder left the door open!
    Happy Easter and looking forward to the video.

  2. So much fun. Love when you do these table settings. Happy Easter sweet friend.

  3. Love ya, woman ~ Thank you SO much for hosting us, Diana ~ honored to play along!
    But I don't know how much longer I can go on being a 'good' girl!!!
    Just doesn't go along with my naughty nature!!

  4. You are so funny...I do NOT want to sit looking at a mirror. I absolutely do NOT like to watch myself (or my twin I never knew I had but everyone thinks my sister is my twin but she is short and I am tall and she was a brunette and I was a redhead but now we are both something in between, but I am still tall and she is still short so we are NOT twins, besides she's older), anyway, I don't like to watch myself eat. If I did, I'd probably never eat in public again. LOL. So please, just let me look out the window like I asked, and also to have nice friendly people to visit with! LOL. You are so funny.


  5. Such beautiful tables you chose for us. Thanks so much for the inspiration.
    I am crazy about transferware, so I picked #3.
    Happy Easter blessings to you and yours, sweet friend.

  6. I’m sure I’m in good company! Thanks for making another fun post! Happy Easter Diana!

  7. Such fun, Diana! Give Scruffy an extra treat, and tell him it’s from me in Tennessee!

  8. Oh, I didn't know we could bring a guest! Yes, I'll bring My Rare One with me! And here's how she got her name --

  9. I'm glad I chose the one that I did, as it got maybe the least choices!

  10. Thank you for hosting the Easter brunch! Hope you have a Happy Easter. :)

  11. I don't know any of the people at my table 7, but at least i can see them pluse I am OCD also and will have a friend

  12. Thank you Diana, it has been lots of fun. I don't know any of the ladies but you make everyone feel at home straight away and ready for a lovely tea party. Lots of hugs Polly x

  13. I rad this with interest as I couldn't remember which table I'd chose. Looks Like I'll be seated with a fun group. Always good to see some new faces. Hope you have a wonderful Easter at your house!

  14. Diana, How exciting...I’m not sitting alone!! I love it! It’s always so fun...meeting new people! Jelly beans? Who said jelly beans? I want some..don’t care what color they are! However, if they’re all gone by the time I get to the table...I’ll just start pulling those tulips to take home! Ha Ha

    Have a blessed Easter!

  15. Good luck with Scruffy! I am happy with my table choice and WILL dress appropriately!! (grinning) xo

  16. I always enjoy these!
    Hey ... we are actually having nice weather for Easter weekend! In Wisconsin! I hope it is sunny and warm on your side of the state too.

  17. Such fun.
    I always enjoy these posts, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  18. I stole all the black ones out of Erica's decorations too. It's me black pirate heart. Haaahahaha xoxo


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