
Sunday, April 4, 2021


 Wishing you a 

Happy Easter

and a 

Happy Spring!

               I will be taking a break for at least a month.

I have some unexpected surgery coming up

mid month and I need to get some things

done before I go in hospital.

It is not life-threatening so no worries there.

I feel fortunate that at age 72 this is the 


I have ever had.

I have been blessed with good health

and hope to continue on with good health

once this problem is taken care of.

I will have 15 days of

'don't do ANYTHING'

after the surgery

and then another couple of weeks of

'take it EASY'.

If you know me that is like a gunshot in the foot

If you feel inclined -send up a prayer

for my hubby.  

He is not doing so great and is used to me

taking care of him.

I will have a grandgirl on call to help

when I need her.

See you in a month.

If you don't see me in a month---

check the obits.

Okay- that's a joke- you know me- I have 


about everything!

It's how I survive!


  1. Love you! You're in our prayers, the family is too. Happy Easter sweet friend! Rest, heal and get back to us all soon. xoxoxo Dolly

  2. Take care sending plenty of prayers! 🙏🏻 Let us know how you are doing!

  3. I will be thinking of you during this time, Diana. Take care, rest, and I hope all goes well with the surgery. Saying a prayer for you and your husband. Happy Easter to you, my blog sister.


  4. Yes, I'll have you tucked into my prayers. You and your Beloved.

  5. prayers for the surgery and your hubby, and all who will be helping you. see you in a few weeks

  6. Good luck on your upcoming not-serious surgery! I so hope things turn around for your hubby. He's had enough to deal with! Happy Easter, and may Spring weather come along and stay, making your recovery that much easier! -Jenn

  7. Diana, I am praying for John and you. So glad your grandgirl will be helping. I know you are a strong woman, but hey sending hugs and prayers might help too. Love you dear friend, blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  8. Happy Easter to you and your husband, Diana. And good luck with your surgery. May it go well and may you heal quickly!

  9. Prayers you are fine in a short time....

  10. Prayers for Both you and the hubby. In this life there is no simple surgery, maybe routine but we need prayer if only going for a shot. LOL I am laughing, but that is true.
    Love you lady an will be anxiously looking for a return of this sweet time at your house.
    Sherry & jack in a cool but sunny Florida.

  11. Sending love & hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery ~

  12. There is a customer who comes in the store frequently and every time I ask how he is he replies "terrible but I'm not in the obituaries today" Well I hadn't seen him in a couple weeks so when he finally came in I asked where he'd been. I told him I had even checked the obituaries to see if he was there. :)
    Sending prayers for both you and your husband. Take care and have a Happy Easter.

  13. I hope you have a blessed Easter!
    Prayers for you and your husband!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Yes, will be praying. See you when you get back.

  15. Prayers for you and your husband. Take care. We'll miss your humorous remarks.

  16. Praying for you and John. Let me know if I can help in any way. Love to both of you and see you when you get back.

  17. Love to you..Hope you are having a nice Easter..You know I will be in touch..Hugs...

  18. Prayers will be lifted up for you and your surgery, Diana. I always lift you and your hubby up in my daily prayers. God bless you and Happy Easter!

  19. Keeping you and your hero in my prayers, Diana.

  20. Happy Easter my friend. I will be sending up a prayer for both you and your hero. Do what the doctors say (don't do what I do) and you will heal much faster. xo Laura

  21. Happy Easter and good luck with your op and recovery. I know you'll approach it with your usual flair! Cheers

  22. I will be praying for you and your husband. Take the time you need and we will see you when you are all better. Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  23. Know that I'll be praying you through your surgery and recovery, sweet Diana! And praying that you have more than enough help in the month ahead. Keep in touch when you can, and rest easy knowing that you will be first and foremost in our hearts and minds! Love ya, girl!

    xoxo Laurie

  24. Oh my goodness!!! I will pray for both of you! Please let us know as soon as you feel able how you are doing.

  25. So sorry for your surgical issue. Prayers for you and for your hubby. So happy you have some good help in your grandgirl. Prayers for her too, for being such a blessing! xo

  26. So glad nothing takes our God by surprise, but he orgastrates each detail of our lives. I pray that God will do great and mighty things in your life and family during this time. Sending all my love, hugs and prayers to you!!

  27. Wishing you and yours a Blessed and Happy Easter.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  28. Will continue to pray for both you and the hubster! xoxo

  29. Hope your surgery goes well and the recovery will be quick and pain free. Please follow the surgeon's advice and take it easy for even longer than recommended, if possible! Hope all will be well with you and your husband.

  30. I wish you much luck with your surgery. I wish I lived closer to come over and help. Prayers sweet friend. xoxo

  31. And here I was fussing over where to sit at your Easter table. You never told us you were going to have surgery! Praying now for you as you prepare and then for the surgery to be successful, and for you to heal quickly. Will definitely be praying for your hubby as you recuperate. I hope you will have good helpers. Take care of yourself and get well soon, but please obey your doctor and don't do too much!!

  32. Praying for you and your surgery and your hubby as well.

  33. Thinking of you and sending you a prayer for a fast recovery. Also for your husband during this time. See you soon.

  34. Prenez soin de vous et à bientôt
    Meilleurs souhaits d'une lectrice française.

  35. Happy Easter! I'm sorry you need surgery. I hope all goes well for you and your husband. I'll miss you.


  36. Praying for all. If I haven't heard from you in a lot less than a month, i'll be knocking on your door.

  37. I will be praying for both you and your husband. Glad you have a granddaughter to call on for help. Take care and I hope you have a speedy recovery !

  38. Prayers continue for John; adding you for a surgery with no complications and a speedy recovery! You will be missed! Hugs!

  39. I Hope the surgery goes well Diana, sending you very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hugs, Polly x

  40. Very, very, very best wishes to you!!!!!

    Gentle hugs,

  41. If this is the first medical issue you've had then you've been very lucky. I'm one big mess of medical issues. I hope it all goes well for you!

  42. Had an idea, about that dooooooo nothinggggggg order.

    Do they make ankle locks, which announce to your doc's office, when you DO something not allowed????

    That sounds like a very good idea, to me. Knowing you, and how doooooing nothingggggg, is not in your usual vocabulary.



  43. I'll be sending up prayers for you both. Please take care and all good wishes on the surgery.

  44. Praying for you and your family. Wishing for you all the best!

  45. Your a sweet friend and we will all be praying for your surgery and for John! You will do great and recover quickly! Can’t keep a good woman down!! You must be specific in what you need, when others will say” Can I Do Anything “ say we’ll yes I really could use... ??? Love ya girl 🙏💝

  46. Haha, you and your humor. You make me laugh. Diana, I'm praying for a successful surgery and easy recovery. May this be the last one you need. Praying for John too. I'm sorry he continues to not feel well. Try to take it easy.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  47. Sending you prayers and good thoughts for a speedy recovery.

    Prayers for John as always.

    I'll be waiting for you to get back.

    Virtual hugs and kisses,


  48. Prayers for you, girlfriend.

  49. Diana, I am wishing for you only the best..Take care.xxoJudy

  50. Diana, I shall be thinking of you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I am so sorry you are facing surgery. Prayers for you and your dear John. So glad y5our grand girls can help. Much love. xoxo

  51. Thinking of you . . .
    caring about you . . .
    prayers too . . .

  52. Sending prayers to you and your family. 🙏🙏

  53. Oh Diana, my prayers are with you and John as you go through this time and surgery.
    With love and prayers

  54. I'm going now to write your name in my prayer journal although I already have Diana and John written in it. Love and prayers for you as you have this surgery and a good recovery! You will be missed but we will be right here when you get back!

  55. I will be thinking of you.
    Saying a prayer for you and your husband.
    Do please take care, make sure you rest, and follow Doctors orders!
    Hoping all goes well with the surgery.

    All the best Jan

  56. Praying for you and I do hope all is well. 72????? You kidding right? looking mighty fine. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  57. Sending many prayers and positive vibes for you & John. Jane

  58. Speedy recovery, I will be thinking of you during this time, Diana.

    Hugs diane

  59. Get well soon, my friend! Love you so much. xoxo

  60. Dearest Dianna, I’m so sorry to hear about you having surgery. I had major surgery 5 yrs ago and recovery was not easy! I will be praying the Lord sends angels to help you and your hubby while you recover. Wish you were near, because I’d love to pamper you.
    Love you girl!

  61. Hello my dear,
    I will be praying! Praying for your husband and family too.
    Lots of LOVE!!!! Carla

  62. Love you Diana. I only just read this. You can know beyond a doubt you will be in my prayers. The God Who sees, knows you.

  63. Prayers for you and your hubby! ��

  64. Good luck on your surgery Diana! See you when you get back! ♥♥

  65. Sorry I'm just now seeing this and hope all is going well with you. Sorry to hear about the surgery and sure pray you recover quickly and easily. I am having a medical issue also but like you at age 72 I am thankful I've been blessed with good health to this point...and praying I will continue to be blessed once this has all passed. I'll be praying for you...please pray for me. Love & hugs!

  66. Diana, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending heartfelt GET WELL wishes your way.

  67. Sending you much love and prayers for a speedy recovery, Diana.

  68. Much love and prayer Diana, thinking strongly of you.

  69. Hello Queenie! Do listen to the docs and TAKE IT EASY! It's hard, I know. Yes, prayers for your hero. xoxo


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