
Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 I am sorry to share this sad news.

A fellow blogger sent me a notice

that she had passed away.

I am sure that many of you

knew and loved

Debby Ray.
She was always been a
delightful blogger and an even more

You might know her by her blog
As many of you know,
she was struggling with some health issues.
In the midst of her health issues,
they sold their home,
bought a lot close to family,
moved into an RV and were
building a new home.

A year ago-
Debby Ray had asked me to 
share this with you-
“I will be taking a break from blogging for a while and am not sure at this point when I will be able to return. I have no idea how to even begin to write a blog post and there are still so many unknowns ...all of the details are not really important at this time. I have been diagnosed with cancer of the liver bile duct... most of you know I have been fighting this for quite some time. Through the years we have brought our many prayer requests to each other and I have felt yours and have been so grateful for them.
So after 13 days in NC, it looks like I will be able to get out for Mother’s Day. I will be returning to TN the first of the week to get a treatment plan in action at Vanderbilt. Thank you for your prayers! I hope to post updates as often as I am able. Much love to all!”

Debby was such a dear heart-
please pray for her family and all they going through.
Life is uncertain enough during these times
and then to lose someone you love
is unbearable.

Thank you all so much!
As always, if you don't pray,
please wing healing thoughts and well-wishes
her family's way.

What a sad loss for everyone that knew her....

Edited to add this note from
Pamela Steiner:
We were all saddened to hear of Debby's homegoing. But I do want the readers to know that she DID get to move into her new house that they were building. They were able to move in for Thanksgiving and were there for Christmas too. She had posted a few pictures on Facebook at the time, and everything was so very pretty and she was SO happy. She also got to see snow on their property from her new house. She was very happy to be there, but not nearly as happy as she is now in her heavenly mansion! I know her family welcomes your prayers.


  1. Praying for Debbie's family and friends. I'm so sorry for the loss. Thanks for letting us know. xoxo Dolly

  2. Prayers for her family and friends. I remember that post.

  3. Oh that is so sad, she was a blogging friend of mine for a long time. So sorry that she never got to live in her dream house BUT I'm sure God as given her a fine mansion in Heaven.

  4. I didn't know her, but I shall certainly pray for her family and friends.


  5. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this about Debby. I have been praying for her and so it is a shock to read this. Thank you so much for letting us know. I will be praying for her family. Hugs...Sandi

  6. Prayers and love to her family, and to all the blogger friends she left behind. I am sorry for your loss and thankful we have you here to guide us through the good and the bad. Hugs!

  7. So sorry to hear of the loss of a blog friend. I don't know her but sending prayers for her family

  8. We were all saddened to hear of Debby's homegoing. But I do want the readers to know that she DID get to move into her new house that they were building. They were able to move in for Thanksgiving and were there for Christmas too. She had posted a few pictures on Facebook at the time, and everything was so very pretty and she was SO happy. She also got to see snow on their property from her new house. She was very happy to be there, but not nearly as happy as she is now in her heavenly mansion! I know her family welcomes your prayers.

  9. Such sad news. Glad she is free of pain and with her Lord.

  10. She was such a dear. Her son posted the service on Facebook if anyone wants to see it.

  11. Praying for her family and friends.

  12. This is very sad. I didn't know Debby but I do know what it is like when a dear blog friend dies. Sending hugs your way.

  13. I will certainly pray for Debby and her family. How sad. She didn't look that old either. :(

  14. Will pray for Debbie's family as they adjust to life without her. It is so hard to lose a loved one. xoxo

  15. Dearest, Thank you so much for sharing this news update! I am so glad she is pain free. She was the sweetest dearest Blogging friend! We are all going to miss her creative writing and her amazing photography! May her heart for others always be remembered!! I have thought of her often as you know! May we all lift up her dear family in prayer in this trial they are going through. Much love and prayers...

  16. My deepest sympathies and condolences to the family.

  17. Such a shocker. Debbie was such a sweet woman. Prayers and healing thoughts for her family. I am so glad she got to enjoy her new home for a short while. Thank you for sharing Diana. Xoxo

  18. She was a dear love. My prayers are with her family. I am so glad that she was able to live in her new home, but as Pam says, her heavenly home is amazing.

  19. I'm so sorry to hear this, Diana. Debby was a lovely blogging friend of mine as well. I enjoyed seeing her wonderful photos on her blog. I will say a prayer for her family during this time of grief, and thank you for letting us know.


  20. So sorry for this loss. She looks very happy and full of life in the photo.

  21. I did not know her, but I am so sorry for her loss. From her photo, it's evident she was a vibrant and happy soul. I just read a post by a blogger I follow and she has just lost both a brother and a sister within days of each other, plus she lost another sister not long ago. Sometimes life can sure be hard. Asking God to bless all these families.

  22. I remember when you posted about Debby last year! What a great loss of a sweet lady. How devastating for her family. But according to Pamela, Debby was a believer and thus we have the assurance that she is in Heaven today. God rest her soul. xoxo

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  24. I was so sad to hear about Debby’s passing. She was a special lady. RIP Debby.

  25. Such sad news. She seemed like such a darling lady. Many prayers for her family.

  26. So sorry to hear about the loss of yet another friend. I didn't know her but will pray for her family. May she rest i peace. It is never easy losing anyone we love. Bless you for sharing.

  27. Praying for her family and friends. Thank you for sharing.
    Love, Carla

  28. Diana, I didn't know Debbie but am so sorry for her loss. I'm glad she got to enjoy her new home. Our sister-in-law has the same cancer and we are just waiting..Stay well..xxoJudy

  29. A blog/FB friend who was Debbie's friend told me about her passing. I have seen her comments on several blogs I follow but we never connected through our blogs. My friend said I would have loved her and I'm sure I would have! Losing a loved one is devastating and I will certainly say a prayer for the family.
    You are such a sweetheart, Diana.

  30. My heart was so saddened to read of Debby's passing into the arms of the One she loved so much, because of the hole she left behind here on earth. I know this must be so hard for her husband in that beautiful new home they built. My heart aches for him, and for her children and grandchildren and extended family and friends. She was a precious friend, and we had many conversations through email through the years. I miss her so much and my heart and prayers are with her family, even while I rejoice that she is now with the Lord who she loved so much.

  31. I am sure sorry to read this:( What a beautiful soul! Thank you for letting us know, I will be praying for her family! HUGS and PRAYERS coming your way!

  32. I am sorry to read this, but thank you for letting us know.
    Saying a prayer for her family and friends.
    May Debby RIP

    All the best Jan

  33. So sorry to hear this news, Diana. It just breaks my heart. I will send prayers of comfort and condolences for her family. I'm glad to hear she got to enjoy her new home and spend the holidays there. I'm sure it is a solace to her grieving family. Sending hugs xo Karen

  34. Sad to hear this. She was a sweetie!

  35. I am so sad to see this. I didn't know Debbie, but our blogger community is a small world. My sympathy and hugs to you and all of our blogger friends. May Debbie's memory be a blessing.

  36. I'm so sorry to hear this. I just prayed for her family.

  37. Debby was so, so special. We had a mutual friend in NC and it was so funny how we found that out. That seemed to bond us even closer. What a lady!

  38. I did not read her blog, but dang, how sad! May she rest in peace.

  39. So sorry to hear this about Debby, thanks for the post.

    Hugs diane

  40. I have thought about Debby so many times. What a shock this is. She was such a sweet kind person. Debby had a knack for taking beautiful pictures and writing beautiful posts. So glad she got to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas in her new home. Thank you Diana.

  41. Sorry to hear about your blogging friend. I have seen so much death this past yr. Hang in there. Can't wait till you will be back blogging regularly.


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