
Tuesday, March 3, 2020


We are home but not able to 
get into our new place (the condo) yet.
My most wonderful son
won't even give me 
a sneak peek of it.
Remind me why I am keeping him
in my will...
he is doing all the work over there
for us...that's why.

So, meanwhile.
I am packing things up,
despite having sprained my thumb and wrist..
Don't ask--
not pretty.

Let me tell you  a  secret-
It is hard to get your underwear 
with a sprained digit!
Too much information?
Too bad-
YOU chose to come here and read!

Here's a little treat for you!
Posting this a bit early in the month
so that you have time to make it for

Crème de Mint Cake
1 box Betty Crocker® SuperMoist® white cake mix
Water, vegetable oil and egg whites called for on cake mix box
2 teaspoons mint extract
12 drops green food color
2 jars (16 oz each) hot fudge topping
1 container (8 oz) frozen whipped topping, thawed
Thin rectangular crème de menthe chocolate candies, unwrapped and cut into pieces, if desired
Heat oven to 350°F (325°F for dark or nonstick pan). Spray bottom only of 13x9-inch pan with baking spray with flour.
Make cake batter as directed on box, adding 1 1/2 teaspoons of the mint extract with the water. Reserve 1 cup batter. Stir 3 drops of the green food color into reserved batter; set aside. Pour remaining batter into pan.
Drop green batter by generous tablespoonfuls randomly in 12 to 14 mounds onto batter in pan. Cut through batters with metal spatula or knife in S-shaped curves in one continuous motion. Turn pan one-fourth turn; repeat cutting for swirled design.
Bake as directed on box for 13x9-inch pan. Run knife around sides of pan to loosen cake. Cool completely, about 1 hour.
Carefully spread fudge topping evenly over cake. In medium bowl, stir whipped topping, remaining 1/2 teaspoon mint extract &  remaining 9 drops green food color. Spread whipped topping mixture evenly over fudge. Garnish with candy pieces. Store covered in refrigerator.
Now, I will tell you that being
St. Paddy's Day
 all the calories
 have all been removed
so you can enjoy every bite.
( Removing those calories
is an Irish trick that I promised not to tell)
I'll be serving it to
The Fam here in the Heartland.
Let's hope one of the grandkids doesn't
eat all the Andes Mints beforehand
because if they are gone
they will blame it on
Hope you have a
most wonderful week!!!

I'll be back real soon-
with a 
Spring Table!


  1. Oh my gosh, that cake looks delicious! I'm sorry about your thumb and wrist and I hope it heals quickly!
    I can't wait to see your condo!
    xoxo Dolly

  2. You're falling apart, my friend! That cake looks great, so ship me one. I don't bake! xoxo

  3. Gosh Diana, you will just have to go I know you are so ready to be settled in the new place. Give your wrist and thumb a little time to heal. The cake looks very good. Bet you were glad to see the family again. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

  4. Yummmmmmm to that Irish Minty Cake!! Thanks so much for the recipe!

  5. That St. Patty's treat looks scrumptious. Jilda always cooks a traditional Irish meal on that day and we drink a Guinness beer. We also watch The Matchmaker.

  6. It is a GORGEOUS cake, and I love mint!! I am so sorry about your thumb and wrist. Moving is not easy! Take heart, I once ripped off part of a digit just putting on my underpants. The E.R. staff had a good laugh.

  7. REST that thumb and wrist ~ I'm quite glad your son won't let you in the condo!!
    Hugs ~

  8. A gorgeous cake! Waiting is hard, I know, but it will be worth it. I have had two sprained fingers on my right hand and that worked its way into a year of physio, wearing a brace, and now I have arthritis in that hand/wrist. I know all about trying to pull up my undies and jeans and what have you. It was terribly frustrating! That happened four years ago and I'm still suffering because of it and still on Naproxen for the pain. I still can't peel an apple or potatoes. My hubby has to do it for me. I hope you heal a lot better and quicker than I did. I'm just thankful it wasn't my whole hand that sprained on me. Again, your sense of humour can take you a long way. It's good medicine to be able to laugh. :-)

  9. Ooh sorry about your sprained hand and wrist! I bet your condo is going to be fabulous! That cake looks super good!

  10. That cake would bring a tear to the eye of St Patrick himself!

  11. Sorry about your thumb and wrist. Hope you feel better soon.

  12. So sorry to hear about your sprained thumb, that has got to be a miserable situation! Now that cake looks soo good! My daughter was born on St. Patrick's Day. This sounds like a really yummy cake to try for her birthday! Thank you for sharing it Diana! Hoping you get to move into your condo soon :)

  13. Yumm , that cake sounds amazing!!! Thanks for the recipe. I’m sure you’re so looking forward to getting into your new home. Sorry about your thumb. Not to worry...I won’t ask. LOL


  14. The cake looks so yummo! Glad you made it home and safely. Now on to the dreaded packing. I know Ryan will have that place looking spectacular. I cannot wait to see the reveals. Have a great rest of the week. Welcome back to Winter Wonderland still in progress!

  15. I’m so sorry about your wrist! Hope it heals soon and that your new condo welcomes you with open arms!
    I took a screen shot of the recipe. Thank you!

  16. You crack me up. You even manage to make a sprained thumb and wrist sound funny. And then to top it all off with cake? No wonder I like coming here.

  17. I hope you can get into the condo soon. Sorry to hear about the injury! Here's hoping for quick healing!

  18. Oh yes, I want that cake! I bake often, but more so cookies and bars, but that cake looks and sounds delish!

    I hope you are happy with the upgrades and that you will be very happy in your new home.

  19. That looks wonderful. And of course you know about the groundbreaking research that eating loads of that cake will help heal wrists that are sprained or even just tricky. Just sayin' -- the more cake, the easier the underwear will come up. (Or maybe not!)

  20. The cake is beautiful and delicious looking. Sorry about the digit problem. But keep dressed even if you must ask for help!!!

    Love from Sherry & jack

  21. Cake looks yummy! Sorry about the digit girl. Just keep pj's on without underware. Hey, I see lots of gals looking like that at the store! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  22. welcome home, we missed you lots. on no on the sprained digits, waiting to hear that story... hope it is not a digit that will keep you from typing.. I guess no since this was typed. dumby me... I am dying to see what your son is doing inside that condo...can't wait

  23. Sorry about the sprain, hope it gets better REAL soon! That cake looks and sounds OH SO delicious! Have a SWEET day dear friend, can't wait to see the new place! HUGS!

  24. That cake not only looks delicious, it is beautiful. I am sorry about your injury and hope that you don’t aggravate it by putting on your clothing. Praying that you can get into your new home very soon. Exciting times!

  25. I know you can't wait to get in your new home. So sorry about your thumb and wrist. Hope you can get your underwear on easily again soon. LOL
    xo Laura

  26. That cake looks amazing.....but I'm resisting that kind of stuff till after my fasting blood draw in 2 weeks....fingers crossed that all will look good.☺ (I'm also resisting a shamrock shake, DARN IT)
    Not being able to see the work being done would drive me crazy! Hopefully soon you will not only be seeing it but living in it too.

  27. Oh my on that cake, how yummy! Sorry you are still on hold as far as moving, It can't be long now, can it? Hopefully sooner than later !

  28. Home......

    Not allowed a peek......

    Love that kid!!!.....

    Managed to sprain stuff.....

    -head desk-

    Guess that just about covers it.


    Gentle hugs...

  29. I am so happy and excited for GREEN! Winter definitely seems to be on the way out here in North Idaho.

    That cake looks absolutely delicious! Chocolate and mint together is one of my favorite things. How lovely it's a calorie free cake too... ;)

    I hope your finger heals up quickly!


  30. That cake looks yummy..refreshing!! Sorry about your thumb..I guess you're not going to tell us what you did...I'm sure you are anxious to get in to your condo..the suspense must be killing you LOL...Hoe you are having a good week..Hugs,,

  31. Oh that cake sure looks good.

  32. Welcome back home! Sorry to hear about your sprain - OW! And yes, I've been there, done that and it is indeed hard to pull up (or down) your pants and underwear! Packing must be extra hard, too. Have a piece of that delicious cake and make yourself feel a little better. ;-)

  33. I'm sorry you injured your hand. The cake does look delicious, and I'm so glad that the calories have been removed! Take care of yourself, and be patient about moving into your new place, hard as that may be!

  34. I'm sorry to read about your thumb and wrist injury,, where did you clobber him?
    That cake looks pretty good! Thank you for sharing the recipe.
    I laughed when I saw Susie's comment about going commando, because of your As long as you don't wear a skirt on a windy day, that might work.
    Show us pics of the condo as soon as you can.
    Love to you.

  35. The wrist AND the thumb? Oh, my! Hope it all heals well and soon. That cake looks delicious! But, I think I'll skip the cake and just have the chocolate mints! :D

  36. Hi Friend,
    Sending hugs. Thank you for the recipe. YUM!
    Can not wait to see the condo. :-)
    xx oo

  37. Yum! So sorry about your thumb and wrist (but having lots of fun thinking of snarky things to say. Can't help it. You started it!). That can't be easy for packing either, but I bet it didn't get you excused, am I right??

  38. That looks like a great dessert especially when it's practically health food.
    Sorry about your finger/wrist. So, going commando are we?
    I can't wait to see your finished condo!

  39. Even with a sprained thumb and wrist your humor comes through! Are you packing with your feet? The cake looks amazing! Enjoy the warm weekend!

  40. Drool on that cake. As I am sitting here having my morning coffee, I know that would be delicious with. How exciting you are going into a condo. You are going to love it. Looks like things are going well and your family is still just as lovely. Today I am playing catch up on my old time pals. It is fun to bop around and see what is doing. Have a great day! xo

  41. Poor you with a sprained thumb and wrist! It’s hard cooking, too, besides getting your underwear up and down. That cake looks amazingly fabulous! 💚☘️💚

  42. It looks delicious! And I gave up sugar for Lent. Did you know that even canned peas have sugar?? Anyway, I'll save it for after Easter - or maybe ON Easter.

    Quit hurting yourself. ;-)

  43. So sorry about your thumb and wrist, hope you are healing.
    That cake does look delicious.

    All the best Jan


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