
Saturday, February 15, 2020


Speaking of 
There are days when I feel
and then seeing something like this
puts it in perspective.
Not the greatest picture-
taken from the road this 
misty morning.
I imagine this is here waiting
for the Daytona 500
to officially kick-off.

So---the results of my poll~
Between my blog, 
Facebook & personal emails,
I had about 120 responses.
Here is the breakdown:

8-Voted for a Condo Blog
14-Voted for a Camping Blog
31-Voted to combine Condo & Camping
23-Keep blog and add to it

 Some suggested calling it The Next Chapter.
There were several suggestions of 
names I might use.

So- I think, at this point in time,
I will add to the blog I have
and just headline different subjects.
I have lots of fodder for both
camping and condo living
(or will have after we move and start camping)
Think March and Early Summer.

So, bear with me.
For now I will continue with my 
And show you pictures of
whatever happens to strike my fancy.

Condo Update:
I asked my son to show me a peek
of what was happening at the condo.
He showed me a 4" square of quartz countertop
and a close up of his teeth.

Gotta love a kid man son like that.
Kid has a million dollar smile
(literally-check the invoices)....

He is keeping me in suspense like
Chip Gaines
waiting for 
Is it time to go home yet?

Okay-back to the matter at hand~
Thanks again for weighing in.
I will be back soon....pinky promise!


  1. I am glad you are continuing with your usual nonsense, to quote you. That is a million dollar smile on your son.

  2. Wise decision. You have one of the best blogs, so it makes sense to keep it like it is or similar. When you start condo living, write about it...when you start traveling-that will be fun for the readers to travel with you.

  3. You could also add in a menu bar across the top for sections like "condo life" or "on the road" ~
    Whatever you do will be wonderful!!

  4. Sounds great! Can't wait to get a sneak peek of the condo, too! xo

  5. Sounds like a great plan! Good looking boy you got there.

  6. What a great smile he has...I guess you'll have to forgive the suspense, but really how long to you have to wait...Hope you like it !

  7. Yesssssss!!!!! Keep it, and just have "Compartments" or some such. I did like the idea of keeping the Nana Diana. It's your Trademark!

    But I don't care what you call it!!!!!!

    Plus, not everyone is interested in specific Topics. Myself, I don't have an interest in blogs, allllll about knitting. Or only about this, or that specific topic.

    I like blogs, about the blogger.

    Wow! Wasn't that profound????!!!!???? >,-)

    But I do. And this blog is about you and what's going on, about you. When you want to talk about condo living, that's about you. When you want to talk about RVing... That's about you too. When you don't want to talk about either of those things, it's super too.

    All this "prattle," to say, I am Wisps of Words and I approve of your message. -smmmile-

    ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’•

  8. Also... You have an adorable son and grand son!!!!!

    ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’•

  9. Good Afternoon. I hope you are having beautiful weather where you are at. Today we got in the 40's so we consider that a heat wave. I am anxiously waiting to see your condo. It might take a little bit to get to get use to being in a smaller place, but probably not. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri friend Shirley

  10. Diana, I know that blimp feeling, gaaa. I just glad you are going to blog. I would miss you so much. All your kids have beautiful smiles. Hope you are enjoying some fun moments while away. Like warm sunshine and blue skies. Don't you miss the grandgirls while there? Seems they were with you most times you went to Florida. Blessings to you and John, take care,love you, xoxo, Susie

  11. If it is not broke, don't fix it.

  12. So glad there will be more of the same! Love the toothy smile!

  13. Your usual nonsense delights me so I'm thrilled you are doing more of the same and maybe more beyond that!

  14. Glad you made a decision on your blog, Diana. Now you can get on with whatever it was you were doing before....oh yeah....relaxing in the sun, and watching the big blimp! Have fun in the sun, and leave the work to that handsome son of yours. Love you. Debbie xo

  15. Happy to read there will be more of the same :)
    That is a great photograph … super smiles.

    All the best Jan

  16. Glad you'll be adding on to your existing blog!

  17. Your usual nonsense is what drew me in to your blog and now that you have me hooked I will happily read whatever you post. You have a delightful sense of humor that you put into your writing and I always enjoy stopping.
    Looks like your son also has a sense of humor just sending the picture of the countertop. He does has a fantastic smile too.

  18. Your son does have a great smile! Now you know we can't wait to see what is going on at your new home!

  19. The quartz looks great and so does that dazzling smile! I think you have chosen well to keep the blog and just add to it as you want with a new subject line. Just keep us posted!!

  20. With Ryan in charge it is going to look fabulous. What a cute picture of Car and Ryan.
    Have a good time on your trip. Whatever you do on the blog will be fabulous.

  21. Looking forward to seeing the condo. Very cute picture.


  22. I think that is a lovely idea, to keep what is working and adding your new adventures.

  23. Diana, I have NO doubt that whatever you choose to write about will keep your readers clicking away...can't wait to see what's in store!

  24. Sounds like a good decision to me. :)

  25. Sounds perfect. I have become quite fond of your usual nonsense. So your son has your sense of humor. Lucky him. Are you still in Florida? I guess are there for the month huh! You’ll be home soon.big hugs xxoo..

  26. Looking forward to the glimpses of your adventures/activities/thoughts/whatever!

  27. Your choice sounds perfect. Enjoy as you go and blog.

  28. Great idea if you ask me :-) I like the Granite very much! That look is very "in" right now with new kitchens and baths. It's the go to look for most of our customers.

  29. Now that I read this post, I am changing my vote to what you decided to do. I should have voted that way to begin with.. that is why I left the name MADSnapper since the day I created it in 2009. I put any and all and everything on it. the MAD fits anything, Snapper fits photos, I recently add bloviator to the header. I love your blog just like it is, so blog on about whatever when ever. I would have to sneak a peak at the condo..

  30. Good morning, Diana. Whatever name you pick for your blog I'm sure it will be perfect. Cute pic of the son and grandson! Have a great week.

  31. Okay, I guess I missed something...Are you moving>???? Glad you are keeping your blog the way it is and just touching on different topics...

  32. I am sure that whatever you add, we will enjoy reading. I personally like your posts now and find them to be interesting. I would like to know how to add other pages to my blog, but I have not been able to figure it out.

  33. Love the picture, of son & son or course. Granite, seems tough to install plumbing and all, but the latest and longest lasting there is. Can't wait to see the finals.
    Sherry & jack

  34. How nice that you have so many friends who can give their opinions so freely. ;)
    I love quartz tops and nice teeth too.

  35. I haven't been on my computer much so I don't know what's going on, but I say to keep with your usual nonsense.

  36. Can't wait to see more! Cutie pie kid with that million $ smile ☺☺

  37. If I was you I'd scale down all those many labels down there and then figure out categories you want these topics to go into. Then I'd put them there. That would be how Google could easily send people to you.

  38. Glad things are moving along...Your son has a winner smile. Feeling worn out today...know by tomorrow my batteries will be recharged. They have too...haha. Life goes on.

  39. I think I've missed something-missed alot! Are you moving? Downsizing? Traveling? Don't worry. I'll catch up with you!

  40. I'm had to hear you are adding to the blog! You are still talking a break but in a different way! Life changes and we add and take away but we are true to ourselves! soon you’ll be enjoying the good life! I want our trailers to met up and have some fun!

  41. I know you must be so excited to your new home! I can't wait to see it, too! Love the photo of your son and grandson!

  42. Yikes, I am squealing with excitement for you:) Can't wait to see! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  43. I was going to say keep your blog as is and just vary the content matter. Good the you came to the same conclusion! I think it was mental telepathy that worked there!

  44. I know whatever you decide to do will be great. You are a natural born entertainer:) Hope you are having fun. Handsome son and little man:)

  45. It's always good to reevalute, Dianna, but I'm with the consensus, to keep it as is. I just love that you write from a perspective of whatever "hits the fan", and your sense of humor along the way keeps your blog a very special space in blogland! I look forward to hearing more about your adventures! There were two million dollar smiles in that picture... you're a rich woman :) Blessings to you!

  46. Looking forward to all that you will share with us.
    And remember .. you come camping over in this neck of the woods. :-)

  47. LOVE your decision. Strictly condo or strictly camping would be *whispers so softly you can't hear me* boring, kinda sorta .


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