
Friday, July 12, 2019


Hi everyone!

I am doing this as a favor for
Sweet Linda.
She has helped me out 
COUNTLESS times with blog issues,
thus the title she holds,
The Fairy Blogmother~
(and you know I am all about fairies).

She quite suddenly found out Christine who started Dishing It & Digging It link Party has closed it down. Linda was a host on it as well.

Linda has decided to host a new link party every Sunday, the same time, called "Love your Creativity".
You are welcome to share recipes, crafts, tablescapes, wood working, diy, tutorials and more. The party is every Sunday at 1:00 Pacific time.

Please pop over and lend her
some support.
Better than that sign up for
her link party.

If you DON'T know her,
you have missed one of the 
Sweetest People in Blogland.
She has been a blogger,
a designer, a caretaker,
a cook and bottle washer,
survived at least 4 bouts of cancer,
and you can't keep the gal down!

Please pop over and visit her at
and I know you will find 
something special there.
Thanks, Linda,
for all your help and I hope
you get some new visitors
and lots of links!

Please pray for Linda.
On top of everything else she just
had some surgery and is in for a
painful recovery. 
The surgery was much more than
she thought it was going to be
so I know it is disheartening 
as she now has a longer,
more painful healing process.


  1. I’ll go to visit right now! Thanks fir the suggestion, take care my friend!

  2. I am so happy that Linda will continue with a new blog party. Have a great day and weekend

  3. You’re such a good soul! I visited Linda. May she continue to heal and feel well.

  4. Diana,
    I will be supporting Linda's new party and also sending her prayers and hugs too!!

  5. Thanks for letting us know and I don't know Linda.

    She sounds like a fighter. Horrible she has to go through anymore health issues. Going to pop over and it's not just for the blog party.

    She sounds like a warrior. You're a wonderful person Diana.


  6. Very pointed entry. I am amazed at the way some people handle the curves thrown at them in life and keep hitting the ball. One day i will learn more about this net to do all these neat things.
    Sherry and jack enjoying this Pennsylvania Dutch country

  7. Linda is an absolute doll. I haven’t joined parties in a long time, but this sounds like fun! Thanks for sharing, Diana. Xo

  8. I agree -- Linda is terrific! Best wishes to her!

  9. Hi Diana :) Thanks for Linda's link, will go check out her blog! I hope you're having a lovely summer so far! :)

  10. Prayers for your friend, Linda.


  11. Diana, Linda is such a sweet person. I will pray for her. I will also check out the link party. What a fun thing. I went into town to get a few groceries and saw that there's a city thing going on and Horton's is all dolled up for this weekend. Wish I had the stamina to go for awhile. Maybe tomorrow. Blessings , stay cool. Love you. xoxo, Susie

  12. Diana, thanks for this post. Linda is one of my favorites and a longtime friends. She has helped me many times! Linda is so generous and kind and giving of her time and expertise. I don't have a new post, but perhaps this will inspire me to get one created for Sunday.
    Thanks again!!!

  13. Thanks so much my sweet friend, Diana for writing about my new link party and also asking for prayers. You are truly an angel. I finally slept last night. The pain is still there, however each and every day, it will get better. Have a lovely weekend and find some time for yourself to relax. Xoxo

  14. Linda is a wonderful gal. She is so creative, and her table settings are exquisite. I will say a prayer for this dear woman right away. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  15. I love link parties and I love Linda. I know shes gonna throw some good ones. prayers as always.

  16. I'm not familiar with her blog, I'll go check it out. That link party sounds like it's right up my alley but I'm so bad at keeping up with them.

  17. I am short on creativity but I will pop over now to visit your friend!

  18. lol v her sweet blog and she’s a terrific gal . Praying for sweet Linda . Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. Will definitely keep her in my prayers! Going over to visit her blog now. Have a wonderful weekend!



  20. I don't know her but she sounds AWESOME...I will definitely visit her blog. Believe it or not, I don't know how to do link parties but if I figure it out maybe I can participate. I know though I will be checking out her blog and links. Praying that her recovery isn't as difficult or long as anticipated. You are a sweetie for helping her out. Blogging can probably give her something to keep her mind off her pain:)

  21. Sending prayers to your friend Linda. You can never have to many of them that is for sure. Hugs and prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley.

  22. Hi Diana, It is so neat to see kindness in blogging and that is exactly what I see in this post. I’ll pray for Linda’s full recovery and wish her the best with Love Your Creativity! What a great name for a link party! And, thank you Diana, for your kind comments on my blog. Wishing you a fine weekend and week ahead. John

  23. Hi Diana,
    I will surely hope over to Linda and see what it's all about.. I've wondered though, what is a link party and how do you join it? I've seen them before but never knew what they were or how they worked. I hope you are well. :)

  24. I don't know Linda but will hop on over to visit her – and will send up multitudinous prayers for her health and comfort! And bless you for doing this for her! ♥ ♥


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