
Sunday, June 9, 2019


While I don't like that 
people really NEED these prayers
for things that are happening,
I am glad that I can do this
little bit to help.
Why this has been my "thing"
is beyond me-
but I am glad to be a messenger
for those in need.

Prayer Requests~

Please pray once again for my friend, 
This is her fourth(?) maybe 5th surgery
on her hip.
Recovery from this last surgery
has resulted in a hematoma
so she has surgery tomorrow.
Right now she is  suffering excruciating pain.
Pray for a good surgical procedure
and a proper healing this time.

Then we have
Connie's hubby, Steve,
needs prayers for health issues.
He is very private so asks
that you pray and he figures God
will know his name and know what
you are praying for.
Isn't he a handsome devil?
hmmmm...maybe I shouldn't be using
in a prayer request?
We'll let God sort that one out.

Please continue to pray for
son, Jeff.
Also, please continue to pray for
Wild Bill,
Sugar's hubby (AtRivercrestCottage)
He is bravely continuing to fight cancer
and they have big life changes underway.

I know there are many more out there
that need prayers, healing and comfort-
even though I have not named them here
please send up a silent prayer for
all those in need of a healing.

As always,
if you don't pray,
please wing healing thoughts 
and good wishes their way.

Thanks so much.
Have a wonderful Sunday.

I just got a message from
She is asking for prayer for 
her husband, Curtis.
He has been in ICU & Critical Care
for 6 days.
He has having TIAs (mini-strokes)
and he has A-Fib.
Right now he is in Rehabilitation
to get some strength back.
His condition is ongoing and
Sylvia feels helpless and alone.
Please send prayers and well-wishes
to her and Curtis.
Thanks so much!

And--another lady wrote to me-
Here is what she has to say-
Dawn Pinnataro please add my mom to your list; she is almost 84, diagnosed with 1 type of cancer, had surgery & was discovered she actually has rare cancer of abdominal wall & will start aggressive chemo jun 20th. I share my prayers with you all, please share your prayers with me. ( we lost my 90 yr old dad not even a year ago)


  1. Will light a candle and send prayers for all.

  2. I'll keep them all in my prayers. Thank you so much for letting me know. Some of these I didn't realize what they were going through! Enjoy your Sunday my friend! Blessings, Diane

  3. Will be praying for all that they are blessed with what is needed. It's always a blessing and an honor for me to pray for others. Hope you have a happy Sunday!

  4. prayers for all of these needs and for those reading this post that are in need of prayers.. the older we get the harder life hits us.. thank you for passing on the prayer needs. YES your hubby IS a handsome devil. I am a lover of all things Cowboy and he looks like one whether he is or not..

  5. Good Morning, God will hear the prayers for those in need as you and I both know from our own experiences. We can never send to many prayers for those who are ill. Prayers to all for a healing recovery.

  6. Keeping all of these people in my prayers.

  7. Thank you Diana, and all who pray, it is #5 3 to replace and 2 for hematomas. Thank God for Prayer, and I am praying for all the others who need it too. Love you all.

  8. Thank you for letting us know. Prayers will be going up for all.

  9. You are blessed to have a 'cause', and it is a blessing. Prayers here in North Carolina. God is Good!
    Sending love and prayers,
    Sherry & jack

  10. Prayers and healing thoughts for all. I am so sorry they are struggling. Happy Sunday. Xoxo

  11. Prayers for all. Thank you for sharing.

  12. A sincere heartfelt prayer for all those listed...and, may I add our dear friend Vee and a young Atlanta family who just lost their precious 10 year old daughter to brain is very tough at times...may God bless each and every one.

  13. Oh Diana so many in need right now of our prayers and positive thoughts for big healings to take place. I hope and pray for all of them. You are a prayer angel and we are all so grateful for your help. Thank you sweet friend for reaching out to all of us for these wonderful friends to find prayers and comfort in the coming days. Love you.


  14. I most certainly start prayers for all listed here by you dear Dianna.
    God bless them all and heal them soon.

  15. Diana, I am sending prayers and healing energy to all those who you've mentioned and a global prayer for all those in need. xxx

  16. Thank you for sharing, Diana, I will be praying for these requests you shared. Hugs!

  17. “...pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16

    It is a privilege to pray.

    You do seem to be called, Diana. ☺️

  18. I believe in the power of prayer, Diana, I count it a privilege to help pray for all those mentioned, a few are already on my prayer list.

  19. Hi Diana! I'm honored to be among your prayer warriors, and will be sharing this post with my Bible study group tomorrow morning. Like you said, God knows the details. Blessings!

  20. Diana, That is kind of scary about Jettie. I am not so sure I could trust the same drs, after so many surgeries and still having pain. WTH. Yes, I will pray for all those on list. Everyone knows you have a good heart, no matter how onary you get...that's why you are the prayer warrior. It's seems life can be so hard at times. We have to take it one day at a know for some of us(me) that is hard also, as I have no patience. May God bless all our friends and loved ones with good health and the strength to get there. Bless you Diana. Love you, xoxo, Susie

  21. What would do without you, you’re our blogging angel, prayers for all and you as well, I have been given an amazing help with my computer to help me keep online, I’m so glad, I would miss you all so much,

  22. So much pain and so many prayers needed! Thank you for having a servant's heart to share all of these needs! Love and hugs to you sweet friend!

  23. Prayers and healing thoughts going out to all those in need of them

  24. You are a great messenger. I will add them all in my prayers.

  25. Prayers daily for all of these intentions.

  26. I'm glad to add these folks to our prayer list!! We're supposed to prayer for each other, no matter if we don't know them personally. God knows who we're prayin' for! You are such a blessing to be the messenger for those in need of prayers! Hugs! ♥

  27. Thank you for sharing these prayer requests. There are so many folks out here who are suffering and have such serious issues. I know they can use all the prayers we can offer. We never know when we will be the ones in need of prayer, and it is good to know there are people out here who care enough to pray and to spread the word. Thank you. Praying now.

  28. Prayers and healing thoughts for all.

    All the best Jan

  29. You are so precious to such a great friend to do meny by helping them spread the need for prayer . God has you helping Him with this mission dear friend . ❤️ Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  30. I will say a prayer for all these people in need! If you don't mind, can you please add (you don't have to do so formally - just in your own prayers) Penny of At Home in English Valley to your prayers? She lost her beloved husband, Harold, aka "Tyke" to pancreatic cancer just 10 days ago. She has not announced this publicly anywhere, and I don't want to embarrass her, but I know that she can use as many prayers as possible.

  31. I think maybe God has chosen you for this special share prayer requests with others. And I can't think of a better person for Him to have chosen. I said a prayer for each of these people as I scrolled through your post. So many people in my life right now are having health issues or are grieving the loss of a loved one or are going through divorce...sometimes I get so down just thinking of all the people I need to pray for. But I pray for them and feel blessed to be able to do so. Hope you have a great week:)

  32. I think it is wonderful that you pray for others - God said when two or more gather prayers will be answered. So prayers are coming!

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Oh Diana..I will be praying for all these sweet people...

  35. You are such a good soul to look out for folks who need prayer. Sending prayers and hugs to those who are suffering and their families. Hope all is well with your and Your Hero! xoxo

  36. God bless the messenger...that's you! May God bless be near those in need of our prayers.

  37. Thank you prayer warrior. God has been so gracious to us and shown his mercy and Don continues to get better and better. Carried Molly down the stairs (see post) and also took down the garbage today. I think we are off the roller coaster. Please that all those who prayed for him.

  38. You make the perfect messenger...needed by lots of us..My thoughts are with all those people and their struggles..What a should get easier, I think...

  39. Hi Diana, sorry for being Kate. I will have everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

    I was hoping Sabdi's son was doing better.

    Enjoy your week


  40. Oh goodness-so many good people struggling.
    Sending up healing prayers for all of them. You are such a good soul.

  41. Praying for all of these people everyday ๐Ÿ’• it's very kind of you to share the prayer request. You're a very special lady ๐Ÿ’• hugs

  42. are always the most wonderful and thoughtful one to have these prayer requests...I pray for all those who are going through much.

  43. Prayers up for your friends, Diana.


  44. Just want to add my 2¢ worth. I have been praying for all those who have requested as well as all those who hesitate to bring their request to you. Prayer works!


  45. God bless you for doing this, Diana!


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