
Wednesday, May 29, 2019


A few years ago I did a post
about some things from the
1960s--hair care, etc.
I didn't touch on the 1970s much.

Let's take a little walk down
shall we?

Did you grow up or 
become a young adult in the 1970s?

If so-You will remember some of these, I bet~

We had music, didn't we?
We had Elvis, The 5th Dimension, Sonny & Cher
and oh-so-many-more!
We girls wore clothes like these~
The maxi, the go-go boots & the mini-skirt-
The men in our lives wore this--oh my!
The hippie, the leisure suit & the hipster~
Some of us had these rides-
Not many of us had a ride like this....
And what did we eat?
Well, we ate casseroles-
And Jello Mold Salads
were all the rage-
We drank TAB-
We watched TV & Went Dancing & Loved Music
and I will talk about those things in another post.

The 1970s?
I could go on forever-
but right now I am going to play with my 
Bet you wish you had kept yours.

I think I am going to do some more of these
1960s and 1970s posts!
Those were the years!!!


  1. The 1970s corresponded to ages 13-23 for me so it was a critical decade in my life, oh yes! But don't forget DISCO which was so huge in the first half of the 70s!

  2. ...I have been stuck in the '60s, music end sometime in the '70s.

  3. I remember it well... I was a kid, but it was...well, both gaudy and cool. I had feathered hair!

  4. Although I was a child in the 70's, they hold an incredible nostalgia for me. I'm the youngest of four siblings and I was so used to my bearded brothers (both of whom had Volkswagon bugs!), my sister with the posters on her wall that said PEACE and Woodstock, and I ate my share of jello in various forms. There was an awful lot of burnt orange, avocado green, and shag carpet, too! -Jenn

  5. Oh yes, wasn't that Tab awful! But disco wasn't so great either! Ha ha! Yes, I was there for the 70's I graduated high school in 1975. Come on 80's, that was the decade for me!!👍

  6. I was a young girl and we had that same type of station wagon my mom and dad used to drive us kids around in. I remember the mini skirts and my dad had a leisure suit too! Lol. I enjoyed this fun post.

  7. I was a miniskirt wearing teen and later a new bride in the 70's! Good memories!

  8. Yes, Yes and Yes:) I graduated high school in 1972, had a VW bug just like the one in the picture and TAB was my Mama's favorite drink. I just saw TABs in my grocery store, I smiled at the memories of my Mama. Have a blessed day and thanks for the walk down memory lane. HUGS!

  9. I had my first child in 1971 and truly felt like I was living the good life. How things have changed over the years.

  10. Yes, I remember the 70’s well. Mini skirts, groovy music, definitely the hair. The good ole days. I was already married with 1 child. Xo

  11. Some of the best years and some of the very worst... That’s all I have to say about the 70s. 🙃

  12. Always fun to look back! These clothes and cars remind me much of jr. college.

  13. I remember more of the late seventies. I was 10 1975 so from there I really remember. Pet Rocks, my friends had them. I didn't get why maybe I was to sophisticated, ha ha.

    Remember my brothers and leisure suits, horrible.

    Always fun to look back.


  14. I may have worn a shorter skirt...but overall, I was a "square".... I went to a private school...if your skirt was too short they sent you home....
    I really wasn't aware of the wild stuff....
    I graduated in ' married in "77
    and had my first baby in '80
    so most of that stuff past me by....

  15. I graduated HS in '76 ~ I agree with Vee.

  16. I was a kid in the 70's. I remember Sonny and Cher, Tab (I can even still sing the commercial jingle), and I had pet rocks. Then I turned 10 and the 80's hit.

  17. Sherry and I shared this one as she left her computer to read here on mine. MA said in her comment she had her first child in '71, Sherry said, we had two boys and lived in Cuba then. (Sherry is my 'memory'. We were young adults) We loved this of course. We missed the first 4 years of the 70's but we ddi hear a lot about you guys up in the 'world'.
    Good one, loved every line and picture!
    this time we read together..
    Sherry & jack

  18. HA HA HA...the pet rock! What an ingenious invention that milked millions out of people! Wish I had thought of it or could sell all those mud pies I made while growing up! :-) Love and hugs!

  19. Yup! I lived in the same house I live in today and had green shag carpet and turquoise appliances! I decorated with was all about flower power! I wore bell bottom hip hugging pants and midriff tops. Listened to Blood, Sweat and Tears and Simon and Garfunkel on a big entertainment set with a record player and radio inside the chest. Wow! Talk about Memory Lane.....

  20. What a great post! I was born in 1968 and grew up in the 70's and 80's. I remember disco, satin pants and shirts and roller skating (NOT roller BLADING)!!! I could never use those "brakes" on the roller skates lol! AM radio with the weekly pop countdown...casseroles YES, pet rocks YES...and unfortunately days without sunscreen. My father had a big Chrysler, we called it "the boat"!

  21. Oh, Diana, yes, those were the days. I giggle today with all the maxi dresses, and the boho look that is so popular. All I can think of is the 70s! Been there, done that! I look at the short skirs now, and think they have to be shorter than the ones in the 70s. What do you think? I do remember the rule at my highschool in the 60s: if the skirt didn't touch the floor when a girl kneeled on her knees, then she was sent home. Our school counselor and principal were very strict about this! Ha! Ha! Today, the girls in highschool often look as if they are in their skimpy pjs. How times have chenged!
    Yes, do more of these posts. They a fun walk down memory lane. I have to say, that my favorite memory lane photo eve is your wedding photo you shared some years ago. Flowers in her hair!!! Loveed it!

  22. I know that you can keep a secret Diana. That's why I'm trusting you with this. I lived on Tab and Marlboro Lights for four years of college. Sometimes I miss them... especially those Marlboros. Have a great week.

  23. Oh my the memories! I remember them all and love them! We did have the best music ever! Aren't you glad we lived during that era? I know I am! Loved the fashions well just everything about this post! Thanks for sharing and putting a smile on my face! xoxo Dolly

  24. I married in 1974 at 22 years of age. I considered myself "grown-up" and was a mum 10 months later. We didn't have much money but the future seemed bright. I loved the fashions and we seemed to go out a lot. So much fun to look back!

  25. I was a growing up and graduated in the late 70's. I loved Sonny and Cher, the mini-skirts, and my boyfriend had that same blue bug that we used to ride around in. Love those white go-go boots, and I still like Spam to this day. : ) Fun post, Diana.


  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I was a kid in the '70s and so much of it, I do miss. Especially the not paying bills part.
    Batons, Barbie and her cars, Click clacks, jukeboxes on the tables at restaurants, not wearing seatbelts and having your nose broken when your mom stopped suddenly. Oh wait, that wasn't fun! LOL
    Tang!! (gross!)

  28. A trip down memory lane, I was there, oh the good old days,

  29. This is a really fun post! I love remembering all the things from the 70s and have great memories of most of them! lol I was busy with 4 little boys but it was a great decade for me! Now where did I put my pet rock...I know it's here somewhere! How could I forget THAT? ROFL!!! Lots of hugs, Diane

  30. The 70's really were crazy now that we can look back at them. Some of the music is still my favorite.

  31. I remember wearing platform shoes (they would be the death of me now), and having a fro. You didn’t see many redheads with a fro then or ever. I thought I was so cool.

  32. Lovely to read this post.

    I remember the sizzling seventies because here in the UK we had a heatwave! It was the summer of 1976 and Britain experienced the longest and hottest summer on record... well that was back then, I think we may have experienced others since then. Perhaps that is why Spring and Autumn are my two favourite seasons :)

    Enjoy these last days of May.

    All the best Jan

  33. Oh how I loved the 70's. I was in High School and had a pair of those white go go boots. Loved those boots! I also had a pet rock or a few if I remember right! Ahhh those were the days.
    Happy Wednesday.

  34. Reading all the replies brought something to mind ~ those white go-go boots...
    I remember wanting either to be a brain surgeon, or a go-go dancer because I LOVED those white boots!!!
    All thanks to Rowan & Martin's "Laugh In" show! I loved watching it with my Dad ~ of course all the sex in it went right over my head!
    Sock it to me...

  35. Oh yes, I remember them all. You did good!

  36. Ah, the good old days. My grandmother used to drink Tab. I thought that stuff was

  37. That was fun! Yes, wore a maxi, NO, I didn't wear a mini....I knew better than to try ;-) Indeed, my hubs wore a leisure suit! Oh the crazy 70's.

  38. I was in elementary school in the 70's but my sisters were in high school and I remember them listening to the best music and having the coolest clothes. I loved their skirts, long and short, their boots and their clogs! So much fun to look back...and yes, where is my pet rock? ;)

  39. Yep those were my teen and young adult years! I had the go go boots in the very early 70’s. Bell bottom jeans that were hip huggers! Ahh yes those were the days!

  40. That was lots of fun, and yes... I do relate!

  41. I loved my 1970s! Don't forget short shorts, Dr.Scholls, disco, and for me, root beer!

  42. I loved loved loved those times. And you don't know how many times I kick myself for getting rid of this stuff. I bet the same thing is true now.

  43. Lol. My sisters and I used to go to early mass and wear our nightgowns under our maxi coats. My husband's pet rock, uncovered in the downsize purge, is in my antique booth right its original box crate! Great Father's Day gift idea for the nostalgic at heart, just sayin'....

  44. I sure relate too.

    My heartbreaker was Elvis. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the look at the Blasts.

  45. I was a teen in the late 70's. Oh goodness. Weird times, lol. Disco, big hair, bad styles. Haha, funny. I didn't have a pet rock sadly. I remember wanting one.

  46. Oh yes, the 70s...I was just starting my high school days in 1970. Jim and I got married in 1976, the bi-centennial year and I remember having a brand new shiny 1976 bi-centennial penny inside my high platform shoes as I walked down the aisle as I met my husband-to-be all decked our in his white tux with the black lapels, little ruffly shirt and bow tie, all in perfect harmony. Sister sang "Time in a Bottle" by Jim Croce and brother sang and played his guitar..."The Wedding Song" by Paul Stookey. Those were the days when wedding food consisted of punch, nuts, mints and finger sandwiches...LOL! Many things I loved about the 70s...great music! Fun post Diana!

  47. I ran thru my 30's in the 70's..DIvorced my first husband..I was working nights..They were good years..You have a lot of young readers!!!xxoo

  48. Far Out! Married my dear one in 1971 at 20 years old! Everyone's home was decorated in olive green, harvest gold, rust. Oh yes. Love these posts. Keep em coming please!

  49. Oops, my comment above should read Avacado Green and we called it "Early American" style! Ha ha.

  50. Oh yes...I remember it well! I graduated hs in 1972, and married the same year! So long ago...and only yesterday.

  51. I was there and glad it's all long gone :-)

  52. Boomers: Kids today are stupid.

    Also boomers: Someone sold us pet rocks and we made it popular.

    I say this with love

    and fun.

    Someone gave me a pet rock once but I had to euthanize it.

  53. Hi Diana, Looking back is fun! Seeing that photo of Elvis ... Do you remember the concert he did "Live from Hawaii"? It was one of the first to be broadcast via satellite. I loved his performance and listened to it many times. Just about a year ago I discovered a DVD that is made from the master tapes of the performance. What a great find. Wishing you a fine weekend ahead! John

  54. I love the style with miniskirt and boots!

  55. I have a 70s post on auto post for next week, but it is my children that grew up in the 70's. I grew up in the 40/50's.. but since I lived through all this I do remember everything here. I am 74, by sons are 52 and 54.

  56. Two points of note on this -- Fifth Dimension was my first concert at college! And second, what you mean -- DRANK -- Tab. I STILL drink Tab. Every day. Starting at breakfast. (I'm trying to cut back, though.) Someone else in town does too, because when I go to my store to buy it, I know just how much they have left on the shelf after I've put mine in the cart -- and sometimes when I go back before the restocking guy from Coke comes along -- they have LESS! It always blows away the people at the bottle return when I am stuffing in tons of Tab cans and the cashiers ask about it too!

  57. I grew up in California (from MO) so saw quite the wild 70s. Graduated from high school June 1970! We wore bell bottoms and embroidered denim jackets, men had nehru jackets, I would hear beads and leather braided in my hair, had an embossed leather purse, boots, and muslin skirts. Beaded necklaces, bracelets and belts were the rage!Leather vests were worn by both sexes. Lots of guitar playing by the guys to attract girls! I was smart and never tried the drugs. I married in 1976.

  58. Okay...looking back I think I could do without some of that stuff...course it was cool then. However, not so much now! haha. But I am going to throw this in the mix ~MUSIC~. The 70s had the BEST music. I have the radio on now listening to the Hippie station and they play a lot of the 70s music. I had the boots, but I don't like white so mine were black. I macramed my chockers, and belts! I wore hip hugging bell bottoms and long free flowing hair. Had an old army jacket that I sewed patches on and it was two sizes to big. I wore halters and mid drift tops....yep, thats when I could! But the music, the best.

  59. OMW, what a FUN post. TAB soda, oh ya (oh, yeech!). I'm one of those weird gals who actually liked (fried) spam. That woody station wagon reminds me of the 1960-something Rambler station wagon my parents bought me; I was SO embarrassed to be seen in it!

    PS - I've seen your cute face in some of the same 'neighborhoods' I visit and figured it was high time I step up to introduce myself. So glad I did! I'm Myra (aka, Mevely317), your latest groupie. :)

  60. The 1970's were my favorite decade! I was 8 - 17 years many good memories of this decade. I was really into disco in my teen years, too!

  61. Diana, I wish I had my great legs back to rock those boots....instead of looking like a jello mold. LOL. I remember forcing myself to drink that nasty Tab soda . I think my parents needed a bus like that to haul all us kids around back then. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

  62. Despite being raised in a different country, so many of these things resonate with me :)
    My home was ten miles away from The Beatles, they consumed all of us teenagers.
    Love the reminders.
    P.S. My cameras are a Kodak Easy Share, and a Canon Rebel II

  63. I was a child during the 70's but your post brought back some fun memories, like reading Tiger Beat magazine. Ha! Those really were the days.

  64. Oh yes, I grew up in the 60's and 70's also and remember all of this. thanks for the memories and looking forward to more posts.

  65. 1970 was the year my husband and I got married, so some of these things weren't a real big deal to me -- with the exception of the Jello recipes. I made a lot of them for church and Air Force potlucks! We don't hear about jello much at all these days, unless we're at a cafeteria.

  66. Hi Diana...
    Oh yes...I was there...front row, centre!!
    Had all my kids in the 70's...
    Those were the good old days....for sure...
    Have a great week...
    Linda :o)

  67. Hubster and I were just talking about drinking TAB...I can still remember that awful taste...BUT my best 70's memory was my first ever brand new car, a '74, school bus yellow VW Beetle! I'm still driving Beetles (I have had 9 vw's), but I went to freezing in the '70's to heated leather seats!

    Loved the trip down memory lane!

  68. Made me smile... Loving Memory Lane...
    Have a wonderful day dear friend!
    Hugs, Roxy

  69. I graduated from HS in 1967 and from college in 1971 so I guess I did "grow up" in the 70s. And I definitely remember my husband wearing Leisure Suits...why did I ever let him do that???? There was definitely some good music from both the 60s and 70s (and 50s). And I certainly remember "fighting" with my mother over her thinking my mini skirts were too short and me thinking they weren't short enough. you remember HOT PANTS??? Yes, I had a pair of those too.

  70. Yes! I lived through all of that and remember it well. Never ate the Spam though....yuck!

  71. Hey, woman, I am back on. Got the new computer yesterday. I see you have been up to no good again. LOL- did you miss me? Don't answer that one.

  72. Wht a nice walk through the past. For me the 70s were a time of great change. I left school, got my first job, learned to drive, got married, bought my first house, had my first child.

  73. I have been loving these older blogs! Heck yeah, keep it up. They'er my memories too.

  74. Oh, I wore it all...ate it all...listened to it all...and had kids.


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