
Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Thanks to all of you that are praying for
(or sending good thoughts and well wishes)

I wanted to give you an update
and ask for more prayers.
While we were down visiting my daughter, 
Mimi, and her family for Thanksgiving
in Indiana,
MyHero and I drove about 20 minute south
to the hospital where Ted was a patient.
Isn't he just a sweet looking man?
This has been a long, arduous journey
involving lots of ups and downs.
Lots of 'scares' and anxiety producing incidents.

Today Ted had radiation.
Tomorrow at 3am (Wednesday)
Ted is undergoing a 
This is a very serious procedure
but it offers lots of hope for 
remission and a cure.

Please keep them wrapped in your heart
and continue to pray 
and/or send healing thought
and good wishes
their way.

Thank you all so much 
for your outpouring
of love and caring.
I know Susie and Ted appreciate
each and every one of you.

I will fill you in when I hear from Susie.
Have a great rest of the week!

ps- I didn't forget about the 
Pick Your Favorite Mother's Day Table.
I am waiting a few extra days so
everyone that wants to play along can do so.


  1. I've been keeping them in my thoughts and heart ~ will keep doing so ~

  2. Diana, I have been saying prayers for them. You can never have to many which we both know. I pray that the bone marrow transplant works. Sending hugs and prayers. ox Your Missouri Friend Shirley

  3. He has been in my prayers from day one and an extra one tonight and tomorrow! Sending love to Ted and Susie and thanks to you for your support and love.

  4. I'll be saying more prayers for them. 🙏

  5. Prayers here, Thinking positive also that the bone marrow WORKS and does a complete job. It is POSSIBLE!

  6. That is a great picture of Ted! He has a smile that lights up the place. Glad that you were able to visit. Ted and Susie are in my prayers.

  7. Praying for success with the bone marrow transplant. And prayers for peace for them both.

  8. Diana, thank you for this update. I continue to pray for them. But will throw in some extra ones. I can only imagine what their going through. They are such lovely people.


  9. Diana, you are so precious to those of us who sometimes need an uplifting thought or to know if others care. Bless you for always being there for your fellow bloggers.

  10. I said a special prayer for them both tonight. I do hope everything goes well tomorrow. It was nice for you to have met this precious couple last Thanksgiving.

    love, ~Sheri

  11. Thanks for a reminder on the bone marrow transplant. Susie and Ted are such dear people, I pray all works out well.

    Thank you, Diana.

    Jane x

  12. Ah! Bless! Thinking of you Ted..And, yes, a few
    prayers going your way.."Onwards and Upwards".

  13. Healing thoughts and prayers going Teds way

  14. Praying for Susie's husband and her!

  15. Susie and Ted are in my prayers and I hope that Ted's journey with this disease is almost over and they can go back to normal life.

  16. I knew today was their big day...prayers for them both!

  17. PRAYERS for Ted! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  18. Praying for Ted!!
    Have a sweet and peaceful day sweet lady...

  19. Praying now for Ted and his family, as he goes through this wonderful bone marrow transplant, may it fill his body with new blood, new hope, and healing, as only God can do. Praying for the wonderful person who is providing the bone marrow, that God will bless this person with peace and comfort and strength. May God work His powerful healing in Ted and bring him back to good health and renewed strength. Praying in Jesus' Name. Amen. Leukemia is a horrible disease. My brother just went through the past nine months of constant pain and suffering, chemo and so many "new treatments", and sadly he never became a candidate for the bone marrow transplant. My other brother and I were both matches and ready and willing to provide if the call came, but it didn't come. My precious brother Russell came to the end of his earthly journey yesterday morning, and is now beginning the new adventure of his life in from pain and suffering at last. My prayer is that Ted will be able to receive this wonderful gift of new life from the transplant and be able to continue his earthly journey here with his family for many years to come. Praying now for a successful surgery today. Amen.

  20. I have been lifting Ted and Susie up to our Lord and will continue too. Thanks for sharing sweet lady. You are so precious. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  21. I remember when you and your husband went to see sweet Susie and her Teddy bear! I loved that you did! I most certainly am praying for Ted, from the marrow of my bones. That might sound corny but I don't care, I mean it.

  22. Keeping Ted and family on my prayer list!! Thanks for the update.

  23. Diana, Praying for Ted today! The Bone Marrow Transplant is a very difficult procedure, or it used to be.
    May healing from the Great Physician touch his body and restore it to health.

  24. I will send a prayer to him too! God take care of Ted!

  25. Thanks for the update, Diana. Just by looking at his face, I bet he has a great attitude which is #1 when it come to beating a serious health issue. Prayers for his procedure and continued healing.

  26. Prayers that all goes well!!

  27. They have been through so much, hopefully Ted comes out of this all with flying colors - keeping them both in my prayers and thoughts xo

  28. Keeping them in my prayers for peace, comfort, and healing!

  29. Diana,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I surely will be saying prayers for Susie and her hubby!! Thanks for letting us know about their situation!

  30. I'll say many prayers for them.


  31. Hi Diana, thank you for the update, I knew that Ted's surgery was nearing. He and Susie are in my prayers, my heart goes out to them. I will be watching your blog for good news.

  32. The Power of Prayer is great. Keeping the prayers going for Ted and Susie.
    Thanks for posting this Diana. You are such an angel.

  33. Sending healing thoughts to Ted and big hugs to Susie..Thanks or posting this..I thought he was having his procedure today..


  34. Sending my Rosary friends this message so they can pray for Susy's husband. I will also pray, prayers are so powerful and I so trust our Lord Jesus Christ.

  35. I've been praying hard for them and will continue to send up prayers for a good outcome. thank you so much for keeping us updated sweet friend.

  36. Praying for success with the bone marrow transplant.

    All the best Jan

  37. Just sent up a prayer and feel blessed to be able to do so. Yesterday we lost a good friend who was the father of 3 young men that we are both very close to. He had been sick but was doing better and the heart attack that took him took everyone by surprise. We went to visitation tonight and it broke my heart. Life is wonderful but sure can be a roller coaster ride.

  38. Its terrible when you hear that someone is sick. He looks great though. And as for waiting for some last folks to pick a table....haha, at least it is not me this time.

  39. Yes he IS a sweet looking fellow. I love that true description. I will add him to my prayer list to be sure. XXX

  40. We will light a candle for Mr Ted.
    Our prayers of renewed life from Seattle.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  41. Prayers for your sweet friends! I do hope that he did well with the transplant! Hope you are doing well also! Love and hugs to you!!

  42. Praying for a success in operation. For this handsome gentlemen.

  43. Diana, my heart just breaks for all that they are going through. I will be waiting to hear from you..Thanks for all you do, my friend..xxoJudy

  44. I am praying for complete healing for Ted and for strength and calm for the entire family.

  45. Praying!!
    Diana, would you share Susie's address with me.
    Thank you,


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