
Sunday, May 20, 2018


I really have a
love/hate war going on
when I do these posts.

First of all-
I LOVE that I can do them
and maybe do a little bit of
good in this world.

I HATE that I need to do them
because it means someone is
in desperate need of prayers and
uplifting good wishes.

I have followed 
since shortly after I started blogging.
We have become friends over the years
and we have prayed for her son, Jeff,
on my blog as he dealt with some
medical issues.

Today~Sissie is asking for prayer
for her dear brother, Kenny.
Kenny has cancer.
Sadly, he has to make some 
serious decisions about his health--
his treatment options are very limited.

Diana and his wife, and all the siblings
are just devastated at what he is facing.
His children are heartbroken.
Please pray for this dear man,
he is a husband, a dad, a grandad,
and I am sure that he is so much more
that that-but that is what I know.

Pray for healing.
Pray for peace.
Pray for his family, too.

I know that Sissie will be so 
very appreciative.

If you are not a pray-er,
please wing your healing thougths
and good wishes his way.
I believe that we are all connected
in this universe we call home
and those connections 
can be healing.

Have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Praying for Kenny and his family.

  2. Praying for Sissie's brother, Kenny and all the family. x

  3. Prayers for Kenny, and his family.

  4. It's my honor and privilege to pray for others so I will pray for Kenny and his family.

  5. Oh I am always left sad when hearing of someone's struggles with their health...I will gladly remember him in prayer....our health is everything...warm hugs for his family..thank you Diana for sharing.

  6. Prayinng for all that family,

  7. So much illness and issues that so many face these days. You got it.

  8. Times such as this are so devastating for all of us. Sending a prayer for comfort and peace. <3

  9. Diana, I am praying for Kenny and his entire family. I pray for a cancer cure to come along soon. Life is just hard enough without cancer. Blessings to you, xoxo,love, Susie

  10. Aww, such a great person you are. I am so sorry Kenny is suffering from cancer. I am wishing him and his family prayers and healing thoughts as they endure all of this. xo

  11. I am definitely a prayer and will be keeping him in mine! Thanks for the opportunity.

  12. Diane, I've been away from your blog and many others for a while...(life...), but when I see a request for prayer I hate to pass by as I so believe in God's answers to prayer. I will add Kenny to my prayer journal. I lost my brother to cancer a few years ago...way to young. I feel their pain.

  13. Sissie is one of the kindest, sweetest people I know. I'm so sorry for this horrible disease to hit her family. I will be praying for her brother and her.

  14. Sending my prayers to join your own. Prayers for direction in knowing what to do or not to do. Prayers for peace in the storm, Prayers for the entire family to know the comfort of God.

  15. How sad. I believe so much in prayers, as our Lord Jesus Christ listens and makes miracles many times.
    Prayers for Kenny on the way.

  16. I'm praying right now... Lord wrap your arms around this sweet man and give him comfort during this difficult time. And be there for his family..

  17. Lifting Kenny and family up in prayer. No family wants to hear the word cancer. But especially, limited options. Praying for a miracle.

  18. Here praying for Kenny, Sissy and family as well as the doctors to have wisdom in treating him. May Peace and Grace cover them.

  19. Thanks for letting us know, prayers are going up.

  20. I am sending a prayer up. I look forward to the day when we are all made new and there will be no more suffering!
    Hope you have a great week.
    :) Cecilia

  21. I hope with all my heart that the prayers and healing thoughts can overcome this vicious disease. Blessings

  22. So much heartache going on in this big ol' world....prayers going up!

  23. Praying for Kenny and this precious family! HUGS!

  24. Prayers going up for Kenny and his family. Thank you for sharing, Diana.

  25. Diana, Thank you so much for this. My family and I so appreciate all the well wishes and prayers. We are keeping the faith and doing our best to help him through this difficult time. With God's good graces and possibly a miracle, we will persevere.

    hugs and xoxo

  26. Wishing them peace and strength.

  27. I also visit her blog.. it is really heartbreaking. I'm praying for them. I hope they will overcome everything thing and will be fine very soon. My prayer is for them.. Hugs!

  28. Prayers given. I am also praying for my special man in my life with prostrate cancer and in treatment. I hate cancer. He has good prognosis thankfully.

  29. I'll say a prayer for Kenny and his family.

  30. You are a good friend to ask for prayer for your dear friends. I will pray for them. xo

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