
Tuesday, March 27, 2018


I am back from my daughter's house
and just wanted to check in with you!

Look! Look!
Can you believe it is March 27, 2018 already?
It is now
Isn't this pretty?
Care to join me on the side porch?
What do you mean I am a liar?
Oh! Yeah!
This IS my porch but it is from 

Here is 
of what a 
SPRING DAY in Wisconsin
REALLY looks like!
and this....
yes-I still have the Christmas flag 
on the playhouse-thanks for noticing.
Does this look like Spring to you?
THAT is the sad reality of  living in

However, there is absolutely NO EXCUSE
for me to leave this out by the back door
until today.
Which reminds me?
Did I share a post of what the side porch 
looked like for Christmas?
Well, no time like the present!
Notice the ice on the table?
That was my PRESENT for Christmas.
and,yes, I know the difference between present and present~
By the way,
That is the same table that you saw up above.
Hurry! Hurry all you early shoppers!
There are only 273 days until Christmas!
You're welcome!

I will have an announcement
for you in a few days.
I am going back to work
full time for a two year period
as a partner with my son, hubby
and one other person.

I will be sharing pictures of our
in a bit.
First I need to get the paint
out from under my fingernails...
although I did more
'supervising' than painting.
Age DOES have its privileges!


  1. Take heart, spring is just around the corner.

  2. My spring looks like your spring!! And how exciting...can't wait to hear the details! Luck to you all! xo

  3. What? A job? At least then you’ll have a really good excuse for keeping your Christmas decor up until Easter 😀

  4. What are you doing, what are you doing?? This is very exciting!! -Jenn

  5. I hope your new job is a welcome addition in your life Diana! Change is good, and I’m sure you’ll be great at whatever it is you will be doing.


  6. Believe me, I can relate to your spring...and this is from NC! Cray weather! Wow...back to work full time for two years?? I hope it's everything you want it to be! Good to have you back...missed ya!

  7. Yeyy!! Spring is around the corner.. we are getting warm sunshine from yesterday!!!
    And good luck for your new job!

  8. Well it seems when you are gone for awhile - you come back full of surprises. I hope you love it. I really did think your Christmas present was beautiful. And it looks like a cold spring! sandie

  9. I would love to join you on a nice sunny desk, however there is not one in sight ..This has been a tough year... We still have six feet of snow but it’s slowly melting so that’s a PLUS ... Hope that you enjoy your job.. sometimes alittle change is exciting.....Have a Happy Easter.!!!

  10. We have MUD! Our soil is rich and it takes so long to seep down and dry up.

    I am looking forward to your announcement.
    Happy Easter!

  11. It is so cold even here in South Carolina. Brrr...I can't handle the cold. Your porch looks inviting and it will be warmer soon I hope. I love your Header beautiful. xo Dolly

  12. I can’t wait to hear your news! Sounds exciting! Burr, the bay looks cold!

  13. You have a new blog look! Love it. I think we are all confused by spring, and I love your coooooold pics as well as the good 'ol summer days.
    Are you happy about going back to work? Not sure what you will be doing but I think it's rather exciting. Sometimes I really long for that purpose.

    Love to you,


  14. Love that Christmas flag is still out - lol - and I feel ya about "spring." I am sitting here with the space heater going, and I am sick of being cold all the time, haha.

    I about squealed when I saw that playhouse - oh my golly gracious, it is AWESOME! I will buy it from you when all the grands are too big to use it and will have it shipped here for mine! It is so perfect that I can't stand it!

    Now this back-to-work stuff sounds intriguing - ? Can't wait to learn more about it.

    Have a blessed remainder of Holy Week and a joyous Easter.

    Love and prayers. ♥

  15. So sorry that Spring has not arrived in Wisconsin. Love the porch and I bet it is a great place to sit and relax.

    So your going back to work? I hope that it is something that you like to do. I miss work , but this old dog doesn't hunt anymore LOL

    Wishing you and your family a most Blessed Easter. Are you have all the kids over for dinner?


  16. Hi Diana! Weather wise, our Wisconsin spring has not been the best, that's for sure. I am so over wearing winter coats! I'm intrigued to hear more about your new adventure.Happy Easter and many blessings to you! Jane

  17. Yes, Spring will come (to those who wait) like everything else. You always make me smile and sometimes laugh, love you blog post. God bless you in your new job adventure! Have a blessed day and Easter weekend.

  18. Oooh, I can't wait to hear about this work proposition! I'm intrigued. I'll have to share more of our spring photos, Diana. LOL! We are bursting with flowers down here! I LOVE it! Of course, I'll have to extend my spring by enjoying yours in a month or so. ;) Thank you for your Easter wishes. I hope you and yours have a blessed and joyful Easter as well! hugs ~ tanna

  19. Diana, Glad you are save at home. Your spring looks bleak...Ours has flip-flop for this whole month of March. Will we ever have normal weather patterns any more. The past two or three years the U.S. has suffered from weather. My daughter once gave me a gold cover paint brush and said I could hang up my painting such luck. I am thinking of painting the ceiling while Ted goes on his fishing trip.
    Can't wait to see all the pictures. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  20. However we do have green grass and trees in bloom but not really a blooming out all over spring! Today....rain. I am about over the rain although I know it will be what the spring floors need! But...happy spring to you!

  21. Lots of big news from your corner!

  22. Spring there looks like the spring I grew up with in Michigan!! Looking forward to hearing all about your new venture.

  23. I'm sure you're ready for a real spring, but your view is beautiful from where I sit. :) I can't wait to hear about your new venture! It sounds exciting.

  24. We are experiencing a little bit of spring for a couple of days here in Ohio. Temps in the 50's and rain but only last week, our Spring looked much like yours. My porch is still patiently waiting, it's not warm enough out there yet. It will be interesting to hear about you job and the office rehabbed office ! Hope Spring finds it's way north soon.

  25. Well, I hope spring starts to move on in up there. Congrats on the new job- an with family too, which is fabulous!

  26. Come on spring! What a great view. Looking forward to see what is going on with your life. You are always busy and so creative. Love your sense of humor and dedication Diana. Happy Easter. XO

  27. Oh Diana, your sense of humor is the best! I truly hope Spring arrives soon in your neck of the woods. It doesn't look like Spring here in the mountains though we are starting to get some green grass...everything else is brown.

    Hugs to you!

  28. We've not had spring either. It has been COLD and RAINY here in Missouri. I honestly can't tell you the last time we saw the sun. It is DREARY!!! I am so ready for some warm temperatures and sunshine! Can't wait to hear all about your new venture my friend!! Extra prayers today for you and the Hero!! Have an awesome day!!!

  29. SHeesh, you've got a lot on your plate right now!

  30. I am worn out just reading all you get involved in. However, that is not bad, just hard on old folks. Spring is here, but will be another cool spell for Easter. Trust working with your husband and son works out. Will you still be blogging? Take care and send me some of your energy.

  31. does look like Minnesota, too, lol. Hopefully soon it will look like the May photograph...probably in May!

  32. You are so doggoned cute! Love your photos as always, Diana.

    Welcome home!


  33. Oh, I love your porch table at May AND at Christmas. And that little angel is sweet. It was nice to see pictures of Spring around your neck of the woods. Even though there's no green yet and still snow on the ground, it's still so pretty. I hope this two-year work journey is a good one for you, Diana. A happy Easter to you, dear friend.

    love, ~Sheri

    1. ps...your Header made my heart sing with those purple flowers. : )

  34. Congrats on the new business adventure. You will be a big asset to them. Have a great rest of the week and Happy Happy Easter. Enjoy being with the family.

  35. Diana you are such a bright spot in my day gf. I have another friend who texted me a photo of her taking down her Christmas tree LAST WEEK. You are loved gf.

  36. It's has been very cold here at the Beach too, so there is no escape. Today looks better but it sure looks frosty in WI. I sure hope you get some Spring weather soon. Great news about your job!
    Happy Easter to you and your family.


  37. That's big news and congrats! Can't wait to hear more. Happy Easter Dear. I hope you and the family have a Blessed day!


  38. Spring is slow this year. We have been alternating between nice days and cold and windy days for a while now. Today there was a little sleet thrown in for fun I guess. Right now the sun is shining, go figure. Looking forward to seeing photos of your new adventure. Don't work too hard now. :)

  39. Your side porch is beautiful during both shown seasons but if you want me to choose my would be...awww...SURELY you know which one I luv bestest.....

  40. Welcome home!!! We have a ton more snow than you but it was 50 degrees today so hopefully some of it is FINALLY going away!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Do you'll even have spring, or just warm winter?

  42. At first when you showed that porch picture, I was thinking, "What the heck - how they get warmer than us?!" Your reality spring photos look just like it is here, too. We do have some lilies poking out of the ground and my lilac bush is budding, but that's it. Could have snow showers on Saturday. Oh, yay! NOT!!

    1. Oops, hit send too quickly. Meant to also say that I look forward to hearing about this new business venture of yours!

  43. Hello. and yes it still looks like winter to me, spring in name only for a little while longer! Very excited about the new buisness adventure, it will be a huge sucess!
    Blessed Easter ~ He Is RISEN ~
    xo Roxy

  44. What a fun post. Looks like Michigan spring too -- up north Michigan, at least! The new working stuff sounds interesting and I can't wait to hear more about what you will be doing. Enjoy the Easter holiday and your grands!

  45. We have crazy weather here, too, but no snow, no ice. I still want that playhouse, it is so sweet! Your blog page is very pretty! Great news about the new business. Congratulations.

  46. You did need something else to do. But this sounds like something exciting. We are headed back to Ohio in a couple of days from Florida. We've been gone 2 months and going back to snow. Good luck.

  47. Nope, doesn't look like Spring at all. Brr, that looks cold and frozen to me. Congrats on the sure to be your sassy self and keep them in line, ok? Happy Easter to you!

  48. Well at least your header tells a tale of spring! I suppose the groundhog knew what he was talking about when they announced 6 more weeks till spring haha Well its spring already so enough of the snow! Your table does look lovely regardless and how I love the playhouse! Glad you survived the circus and are back blogging again. Congratulations on your new adventure, cant wait to hear more about it!
    Have a wonderful Easter!!

  49. Can't wait to hear your news!!! Your energy level is off the charts girl!!
    Are you still trying to sell your house? I remember the pics when it was on market but I don't remember reading
    about a sale...

  50. Happy Easter Diana!! It is Springtime in NC, you should come for a visit!! Get away from all that awful white stuff!

  51. I had no clue anyone could make me feel lucky. Well, after spotting snow you have just made me feel super happy. If I had to deal with that I would be very, very sad.
    Have a wonderful Easter and thank you for the wonderful posts.

  52. I was just in Beloit WI this past weekend with our oldest she was looking at Beloit College. She got in but has decided not to go. I wished she would cause it's such an easy drive from our Chicago suburb, only 1 hr. 20 minutes away! Looks like it will be Bradley Univ. in Peoria, 3 hours away. oh well. Living in IL I can relate somewhat to your winter blues. How exciting about the job, can't wait to hear the details. Have a blessed and happy Easter! xo Kathleen

  53. Looking forward to hearing your announcement!

  54. Ahhh....Spring in Wisconsin and New York! The snow is finally melting here but I am the only one on my block with it still in my yard. I have been ACTING like it's Spring....making summer salads and "grilling" (in the broiler), decorating for Spring and dressing for it too (and freezing to death without my winter coat!) Sounds like an interesting adventure you are about to start. Looking forward to hearing more. Please don't say you are going to stop blogging!!

  55. Well, Merry Christmas to you!! Wet and cold here...still have a bit of plowed snow on the ground which should be gone after three days of drizzle..No spring here!! Looks like our fore cast is for more rain and a little warmer..Not time to get out and play in the dirt yet..Getting anxious...Have a Happy Easter..

  56. You just put a big smile on my face with that new header/blog design - SO pretty! I can't wait for warmer weather to arrive so I can go work in the garage, you know me. ;) I like that you're always onto something new, Diana! Looking forward to seeing the pretty office space.

  57. Wow! Wisconsin IS lovely, though. I love your lake.
    I pray that going back into the work life will be fun for you.
    Happy Easter, dear Diana.

  58. It looks so pretty spring or Christmas. I think I would love to live in that playhouse..xxoJudy

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  60. goodness, Diana, i am SO jealous of your gorgeous lilacs! even in photos (like your banner) they are so lovely that i can almost smell them. i used to have a white lilac bush at my little cottage in Washington and enjoyed the fragrance wafting in the windows in spring. hang in there, girl - the snow has to melt sometime!!!! ~ deb@homewardFOUNDdecor

  61. I got the shivers just looking at your photos! I can't wait to see what your big announcement is....

  62. Diana, spring just takes longer to spring in some places than others!

  63. Beautiful porch pics, despite the weather! It looks like you'll have your hands full, working with those guys..... or will it be the other way around?😁 Enjoy your new job - can't wait to hear all about it! Happy Easter!💜🐰💖🐣💙🐇💝🐥💚

  64. Wow, Diana, going back to work full-time!! I hope Spring arrives before too long for you. Happy Easter blessings to you and your hubby. xx

  65. i have been wondering how you're doing,, working with your son and hubby,, well,, you will be boss right?

  66. Wow! You had be going there for a minute or two! Both tables in both seasons looked delightful! And it looks like you must live by the water? How lovely. Have a blessed and Holy Easter with loved ones near...and going back to work? I hope it is something fun? Can't wait to hear more details.

  67. You are so funny!!
    It is truly spring here....about 73 degrees and I have birds building nests and the bluebirds are already on eggs....
    In fact, we are just about to leave to drive to "kids" house to go see our Grandson in his "Spring" program! So cute I am sure.
    Sorry about the ice and snow....but it will be hot soon.....

  68. I love your new header, Diana! It is gorgeous! Springtime here in the midwest is awfully slow to arrive, don't you think? At least all of our snow is gone, but it's still cold. So excited about your new career! Can't wait to hear your news:) Happy Easter, my friend!

  69. Busy lives give you permission to leave the flag out:) Take a deep breath and enjoy your weekend! Can't wait to hear about your upcoming adventures! HUGS!

  70. I was going to say! Sure doesn't look like MY side of Wisconsin. LOL We got another 6 inches of snow last night and more falling even as I write. And before that, we still had a blanket of snow on the ground. Looks like Easter eggs will be hidden in snowbanks. But I LOVE your photos of May. Isn't May such a beautiful month! And I'm so looking forward to it! xo

  71. Hope you had a wonderful Easter!!! It's been beautiful here.... ;-) I'm not missing the snow from Ohio, Md. and PA at all!!! Congratulations on going back to work! Looking forward to hearing more about it. Have a wonderful day!!


  72. Our Spring looks like yours too. I didn’t see your Spring table at your old home so glad you shared it. Your new header is pretty and I can’t wait for the lilacs to bloom. Sounds like you have great adventures ahead of you!

  73. You deserve a huge thanks for this wonderful post.This is really an excellent post.thanks

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