
Saturday, September 16, 2017


For ALL of you that have asked me
I am HERE!!

This weekend I am at the base of this bridge
in the UP of Michigan.
MyHero had his 18 month post cancer treatment
throat scope and check up on Friday.
As soon as we were done,
we packed up
and headed north.
Doc says his throat looks good--
but still swollen.
That's okay- Cancer free is good!

Today if he is a GOOD BOY,
we will go see the monks and he can
buy himself a treat!
This place is FANTASTIC!!!
Some of what I've been up to---
I have enjoyed my flowers and sunsets
and even read a couple of books.
I PROUDLY watched
THIS ONE-otherwise known as CJK-
transform into a MAGGOT 
(the ONLY maggot, thank you)
in the play to finish out his pre-school years.
No one could be prouder than we were
of our little maggot!

I watch him Monday thru Thursday 
after school and will volunteer 
one afternoon a week at his school.
I will go from my VA shift
over to his school---a mile or so apart.

These three headed off to school-
Ria going into 8th grade
at a brand new school.
SweetCheeks--with new glasses--
(the better to see my wrinkles with)
going into 5th grade,
and Lulu a sophomore already.
Mimi's two boys- BigBoyE & CharlesInCharge
 are in 2nd grade and kindergarten....
They were so scared getting on the bus
that their hair stood on end.
or it might have been crazy hair day at school
Not to be outdone in the hair department
Miss Bright Eyes cut her hair
tight to her head just in time for 
her three year old pictures
at her little 2-mornings-a-week
church pre-school.
She's a corker!
We are headed down to Mimi's house
next weekend.
Can't wait to see that crazy crew.

Older grands- are John M.
off for his 2nd year of college.
He is one of the fastest runners
in the whole country.
and Miss A--a senior at the 
same school Lulu attends.
This is a prom picture with her date.
  I have other grands, too, 
but don't have permission to 
post pictures of them.

I have been working on a big project
that I will share in a week or so.
I am just not quite ready to put it out there yet..
but it is something fun!

AND---I am still planning on taking the trip
with my best friend in life, Sandy,
We are taking a truck of things to her
vacation home in Colorado.
Looks like we picked up a coupla fellas
along the way there.....
Being as I AM blond--
I get to be the blonde....sorry Sandy...
friendship only goes so far....
Sandy and I laugh about everything, 
and nothing.
Everyone needs a friend like that.

So---if you are very good and 
promise to NOT put Ex-Lax in 
your husband's brownies when you 
are mad at him.....
I might have a little
giveaway that you can enter.

See you shortly with
and news about my project.  

A very happy anniversary today to
Mimi & HarleyMan!
Eleven years today---
Love you to the moon and back.
(mom & dad to Ethan/Charlie & Bright Eyes)


  1. Yay! I'm glad you're back! Maybe we can meet up for a quick lunch when you come to Colorado! Such darling grands!

  2. I have missed you! All your grands are growing up too fast. Have fun in your travels. I know you will. You always do.

  3. I was going to write you a note and check up on you. Good to see your post and it sounds like you've been enjoying yourself so that's a good thing! I remember cutting my hair when I was little! What possesses us to do this? LOL... I didn't know you had these older grands. The Colorado trip sounds like fun! Big hugs, Liz

  4. Diana, Hero being cancer free is wonderful. Praying he continues to heal. Wow your beautiful grandkids are growing up. I hope they all enjoy their schools. Hope when you come to visit your Indy kids you can make it to Horton's on the 23rd. Keep me informed this coming week, please. Blessings to all, hug the grands for me. xoxo, Susie

  5. Missed you, girl! Your grands are getting so big! Before you know it you'll be a great-grandma.

  6. Good to hear from you. So glad Mr. is cancer free, 18 months my goodness time flies, but what a blessing! Keep having fun with family and friends.

  7. This was so nice to hear how you've been keeping. Nice to see a couple more grandkids (although they're not kids, are they). I laughed about the ONLY maggot! Quite the claim to fame. -Jenn

  8. "Cancer free is good!"


    Monks? Is there a monastery in the UP? (It's probably world famous and I've never heard of it...)

    Gotta say, I love the punk rock hair-- and that pretty blue prom dress!

  9. Such beautiful grands.i know those wild hair boys are cuties even with the hair. Good to see your older ones. Bright eyes is just gorgeous. That face.
    So glad that John is cancer free. Can he eat now.
    I'm glad you are working on a surprise and doing well.

  10. What fun to see two of the "unknowns." You sure have good-looking grands. The granddaughter certainly looks like some of her cute cousins. I like it when families look like they belong to each other. Not all do; in fact, most don't. Yay for a good report for John! And a road trip to,Colorado with your dear friend Sandy sounds terrific. Nice to find you here...

  11. Love surprises and glad to see you are alive and kicking. Little Miss Brighteyes....I can see where she cut her hair...but that would be the hairdresser in me. I had to fix and hide many a haircut blunders by the little ones, it was always a challenge. My how your grands are growing up. Glad you are enjoying the summer and have fun going to CO.....everyone needs a friend like that.

  12. Enjoyed your HAPPY post . . .
    Made me think about, remember . . . Mona.

  13. So happy to hear he is cancer free and you have a beautiful family.

  14. Life sounds good for your family, Diana! Lovely photos! I'm glad you are enjoying life!

  15. Lots of grands to keep you busy. They are all beautiful and very talented. Enjoy your time up north. The road trip with Sandy sounds like a blast!!

  16. You sure know how to have FUN! Happy to hear about hubby's check up..praise the Lord! And I think if you could get your hair to look like that! Come on...have a little FUN! Hugs, Diane

  17. Great hearing from you!!! Sweet kiddos and wonderful news for your hero!!!

  18. You busy bee you. Your grands are awesome and it is so special you share them. Congrats to your hero on the good news of being cancer free. What a relief. Take good care of yourself. I shall wait to hear about your project. XO

  19. Diana, your grands are adorable! What a great looking fam! BTW, the link in your name when you leave a comment on someone's blog just takes us to a Blogger page that says "Profile Not Available." Thought I should let you know. Glad your hero is doing so well!

  20. I think at some point every child gets off with the scissors and butchers their hair. Can your husband eat what he wants now, or does he still have restrictions?

  21. I am thrilled about John - I have had friends that have had that and it is a hard cancer to beat - God is good.
    CJK is adorable! And how beautiful your three girls are. Such a lucky grandma.
    And the boys spikes - is that gelatin?
    Bright eyes should be in pictures.
    I didn't know you had an older - good looking - fast runner in high school!
    And your granddaughter going to prom is gorgeous.
    Have a good trip to Colorado with your friend Sandy.
    Loved the the Beverley Hill Billy's.
    Well I miss you and I see you are so busy.
    Miss you.
    Love, sandie

  22. So good to see you popping in again, even for a moment! What a beautiful family you have.

    Don't be a stranger!

  23. Hello Diana!! So good to see you are taking a little trip to the UP with John. The weather, hopefully, will be nice for you. Wonderful news about him being cancer free! Sounds like you are keeping busy. Love all the pics of the grandkids. They are all growing up so fast! and they are beautiful, Diana!!
    Have fun this weekend.
    Love you.

  24. Glad you got good news! Enjoy your getaway!

  25. Wow! What a fun post and I am so happy to hear that your hubby is cancer free . . . tell me what is better news than that?
    We are expecting lots of fun photos from your Colorado trip.
    Connie :)

  26. OH, Darlin' Girl!! I can't take it all in---I've missed your cheery self so much, but it's too much sugar for a dime---all this beautiful family and good times and trips and happiness and fabulous GRANDS and all their activities and their own incredibly-precious selves---and ME with only one PESO to my name!

    Young folks think they have "life by the tail" as my Daddy used to say, but they can't encompass the marvelous, magical mysteries of being a NANA or a ganjin, not for a long time yet. Don't we have the best Job Descriptions in the WORLD!!??

    love from the Heartland,


  27. Great News for The Hero! I can tell you are having the times of your lives! Such fun to see. xoxo Dolly

  28. The grands are off to a good school year! The three girls are getting so big, especially that SweetCheeks. Haven't seen her in awhile. I'm so happy to hear about John's health report. That is good news. Have fun at Mimi's house next weekend, and be safe on your road trip.

    love, ~Sheri

  29. Oh dear Diana!! you are back.. I'm feeling so I'm in a rush , after coming home I'll read the post and write another comment.. love n hugs...

  30. It's good to hear from you, Diana! I love seeing all the photos of the family! I didn't realize there were grandchildren older than the girls. Which by the way, how have they all grown so much, so fast??? Your grandchildren are beautiful, every last one of them!

  31. So happy for your husbands test results! Glad you are having a great time.

  32. I'm often missing these days life is very busy at the moment with the twins but next year should be less hectic, good to see you are back and all is well.

  33. Such great news for your hero dear friend.
    I am in awe to see how your lovely girls... they have grown so much, right in front of our eyes and they are so beautiful as are your older grands too.
    So happy to see your pretty face around blog land again.
    Happy Fall.

  34. I knew you were off having fun! Good for you and yes, great news about John. I taught the littles for a long time...from preschool to grade 1 and without fail, every single year, someone cut their hair the night before picture day. It's like they have radar. She is gorgeous just the same. They all are. You are blessed. xoxo

  35. I'm so happy your husband is cancer free. Mine had his sixth and last chemo on Wednesday. We have to wait until the end of October to see is it worked. I just keep praying.

  36. Hey there!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm sorry about Google+ commenting. I would gladly stop it if I wouldn't lose all my past comments. You sound busy and happy the best combination. I can't wait to hear about your giveaway!

  37. I'm going with the #PINK-tipped Mohawk over the maggot :P

  38. You have wonderful news about John! You said he loves the UP...better leave before the snow flies...ha! So glad to hear from you. Looking forward to your news. xoxo

  39. Hello Sweet Diana,
    I'm so glad your husband is cancer free!!! All your grandchildren are so beautiful.

  40. What a beeeeutiful family! Thanks for sharing their smiling faces:) And so happy to hear that your handsome man is doing well! I'm jealous of your trip -- all my best friends live half a continent away. Have a great time! xo Kathleen

  41. Sounds like you are having fun and just because you are you I know that you are. All the kids are getting so big . Congrats to YourHero for his clean check up. Keep all the good stuff up..xxoJudy

  42. Looks like you're having fun along the way... I was able to go out to "the Valley" and stop in Athens on my way to Syracuse for a training... I even splurged and brought a Mangialardo's pizza with me as it was my birthday. I thought of you while out there!!! Congrats from this survivor to Yourhero for his all clear checkup!!!

  43. I am so happy for you and your Hero for a clean bill of health. And what a proud Nana you must be! Great photos of your kiddies. So nice to know that you stopped by.

  44. What a beautiful family. Looks like you have been busy. Glad for the clean bill of health with the throat. That is AWESOME news.

  45. So happy to hear from you, sweet friend, and to hear the wonderful news about your hubby!! Praise God!! It sounds like you are really enjoying life, and that makes me so happy to hear that! God continue to bless and be with you and your dear family. :)

  46. So many good things in this post to be happy about...cancer free, beautiful (and growing up way too fast) grandchildren (and just how many do you have??) and a fun trip planned with your bff. Life's is good for you and I couldn't be happier. No one deserves it more than you two.


  47. So good to hear from you, Dianna!! CANCER FREE!! YIPPEE!! I know how good that sounds being a survivor myself. Beautiful family pictures!! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!!

  48. Hi Diana, so great to see you. Your grands are all growing up so fast. Happy anniversary to Mindy and hubby. What a beautiful couple they are.
    Glad you had a little relaxing time away and John is doing well and cancer free. An answer to prayers! So happy for you both after all you've been through to this time. God is so good. Happy Sunday and blessings always my friend. xo

  49. Hey Diana!
    Lovely to hear the news "CANCER FREE".
    Your grandchildren are growing up so quickly, they are all gorgeous but you know that already!
    Hey! FALCONS and PACKERS, you do you say? HA HA!! Last time, we talked of them, I ended up with a GREAT package in the mail! Better quit while I am ahead! :-)

  50. Glad to see a new post from you. Ive missed you. I miss BJ too.
    Those babies are precious. Your family is so beautiful!
    Glad here hes "Cancer Free" . I lost my young sister in law last week to cancer but God knows what hes doing.
    Love good news and sweet photos you share.

  51. Cancer free is just awesome, so happy for you! Glad to see you are taking some time for yourself! It will be so lovely to get away for awhile with your friend, Sandy. Have fun.

  52. I missed you! Thank you for the catch-up and so happy to hear your Hero is cancer free. LOVE the pics of your grandchildren. Looking forward to your surprise project and your giveaway! xoxo

  53. I enjoyed the updates on your grands. You are one lucky lady! Enjoy your travels with your hero, and I'm happy for y'all that he's cancer free. Woo hoo!!! :D

  54. Good news for you and your spouse! Enjoy your travels! It sounds like the grandkids are off to another great year! xoxo Su

  55. It's so great to stop by and see your family pics! They are all very pretty/handsome. I love the do's on the boys! Miss Bright Eyes has grown so fast. Seems like those first three years show the most growth. She is precious.

    I'm happy to hear your husband's check up came out great. I hope the swollen throat doesn't cause him pain.

    Enjoy your trip! I bet it's going to be a gorgeous drive this time of year.


  56. Welcome back..missed you..Thanks for the updates on your beautiful grandchildren..They sure grow up fast..Glad your hubby is doing well..Have a wonderful fall..Looking forward to your "project"..HAve a wonderful trip...Behave???

  57. Well, first of all, I didn't realize you hd so many grands! And how great it is to hear that your hero is still cancer-free! You have certainly been missed, dear Dianna! Looking forward to seeing what you have been working on. Hugs!

  58. Hi Diana! Thank you for visiting and following my blog! Your family is beautiful!! I don't know the whole story of your hero's cancer but I'm glad it appears all is well! I love that pic of your grand with her new haircut -- hahaha! Isn't their timing perfect when they do this!? Enjoy your time in MI -- I love MI -- we've taken many a family vacation there and love it because it's close to home but offers so many wonderful things to do!

  59. Hello Diana, thank you so much for the kind comment you left on my blog. Blogging is not for the faint of heart. Just love, love meeting new people, so again, thank you. Yes, cancer free is very good, I am going on five years so here is to your hero, may he remain cancer free forever.


  60. Glad to see you back! Can't wait to see the reveal of your project...hugs...

  61. Good to see you back, and good news about your husband. The UP is beautiful! I haven't been to the Jampot, but have heard of it. Your grandchildren are precious. xo Deborah

  62. SO nice to see an update from you and good news about the "Hero" , and adorable kids in all stages of life !! :)

  63. So thankful for the 'cancer-free' report, Diana! Wonderful news. And those grands. How on earth does time go so fast! These kids are growing up and I'm totally not ready for that. Hope you've had good weather in the UP. We were in Wausau and Green Bay for a very short visit over the weekend and the temps were low to mid 80s. Tonight, back home, it's only 58. Changed really fast!

  64. YAY for your Hero! Good to hear such good news. We need a full report soon as you have us all wondering.

  65. Such great news about your Hero! Hooray! What adorable grands you have - that little one with her haircut is quite something!

  66. Hi Diana, it's so nice to hear from you! I am so happy that your hero is doing fine! It sounds like you have been very busy with your grands and everything. Take care.

  67. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY to hear of John's good news!! God is good!!!! Sure wish your Colorado trip would bring you near me . . .I'd come to see you!!! Love the pictures of your grandbabies. You have such a beautiful family!! Good to hear from you sweet friend!!! Praise the Lord for a good report! Sending a hug!!!

  68. Oh Diana, I'm very happy for you for all the good news you have shared... big bear hug!!

  69. Ooh yay , that is awesome news xx have a wonderful time on your adventures my beautiful friend , sunsets and good books and lots of laughter, perfecto . Much love x

  70. Welcome back, Diana! So wonderful to hear the great news about your hubby. And I must say that you certainly have a beautiful bunch of grandchildren. Lucky you for getting to go on a girlfriend trip! I need one of those. And I would love to visit CO some day ~ such a beautiful state.

  71. Hi diana...
    Great to hear about your husband...beautiful grandchildren...
    Enjoy your trip with your gal-pal...
    See you on the flipside!
    Linda :o)

  72. Hello Friend,
    Great NEWS!! As always thank you for sharing your family!! Beautiful crew!!
    Did you purchase anything at the Jampot? My husband went to college at MTU, so I know that neck of the UP. ;-) He would take me on explores UP to the End of the World. ;-)
    I love the UP.
    Love, Carla

  73. What a fun trip for you and John, so thankful to hear he is cancer-free! Fabulous news! Sounds like you have been very, very busy. I loved all the pictures, but I have to say I laughed out loud when I saw Miss Bright Eyes with her own haircut, and the pixie look in her eyes, she is just the cutest cut-up ever! Love all your sweet grandkids, what a precious crew you have on board :) Enjoy your Hillbilly trip with Sandy... maybe you should do a video of some clips of the two of you having fun together, ha! We all need good laughs, you know :) Hugs to you dear friend!

  74. Sounds like oodles of fun! Grand kids are gorgeous and funny...great...
    Love to you and family....

  75. Hi Diana,
    Hope you stopped for some muffins at the Jam Pot! They are amazing! Loved the pictures of your grand kiddos. Can't believe how they are all growing up. SweetCheeks looks so cute in her new glasses. Are you SURE that you aren't "Granny"???

  76. Hello!! Glad to see you popping in for an update. Looks like you have been very busy. Super lad your husband got a good report at do PTL! Y'all have a great day!

  77. Good to see you. glad to know hubby is doing well. The kids are all growing up. How cool is that to have such a fast runner in the family.

  78. Ha! Love this post! 💇! My youngest daughter did the same thing. I was so upset! It grows, though, and makes for a great story!

  79. I was just wondering about you! Good to know everything is okay with everyone. Can't believe how big the grands are getting! Wow!

  80. So great to see you in my email box! You always brighten up my days! Very excited to hear of the cancer free report! Prayers for continued good health! Sounds like you've enjoyed your break! I'm glad. We all need some down time once in a while. All the grands look so beautiful and handsome! Love crazy hair day! Hope you'll enjoy your volunteer duties at the school. I always did. Can't wait to hear about your big project! Take care, dear friend! Hugs!

  81. So great to see you in my email box! You always brighten up my days! Very excited to hear of the cancer free report! Prayers for continued good health! Sounds like you've enjoyed your break! I'm glad. We all need some down time once in a while. All the grands look so beautiful and handsome! Love crazy hair day! Hope you'll enjoy your volunteer duties at the school. I always did. Can't wait to hear about your big project! Take care, dear friend! Hugs!

  82. Great post Diana, hope all is well.

    Hugs Diane

  83. Oh Wow! Those girls have grown up before my eyes in blogland. When did that happen? like poof! Whew! And that hunk, a hunk...burning love. Wow! I bet he's having to fight to keep the girls off the track! Love your post, Diana and so glad the hubs is cancer free! I have a best friend who has been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I'll be writing about that soon. It's been a shocker. She's on third week of treatment and will probably start losing her hair soon. She's a hairdresser and knows all about cutting before and knowing the power of control, but she says, it's who she is and she's struggling. Keep her in your prayers. Thanks so much!

  84. Sounds like you have been very busy, but it's a good busy. Your grandkids are growing up right before our eyes! So glad that your husbands health is still good. What a relief!

  85. The Jam Pot. I have been there. When we went there they had a huge bear trap outside. Apparently a very naughty bear had been breaking in and stealing jam. Some of the local jams were amazing. One was a berry that grew in the hedgerows, I am trying to think what the name is.............pinberry. No, thimbleberry. That the UPand miss it so much. Now to read the rest of your post, I could not wait to tell you I have been there
    Love Janice


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