
Wednesday, May 10, 2017


First of all,
thank you all so much for 
humoring me and playing along
with this little
The results are in and tallied.
I will show each table and list the people
below that chose that table.
I was asked to remove
one of the tables 
(weirdly enough-even though it was sourced out)

I moved anyone that had picked that 
table to another table...
LOL- sorry 'bout that -
hope you like your tablemates!

Here we go:
Table #1
Flower Boxes On A Plank Table

This turned out to be a large wedding:
Here are the guests:
Tina, Cheryl, Cindy, Patty, Nancy, Kim,
LV, Patti, Ellen, Lisa, Connie, Fran, Julie,
Richella, Amy, Sugar, Nonnie, Cecilia,
Bonnie, Ellen, Mary, Debbie Ray, Billie Jo,
Lorrie, Kris, Karen, Katie M,
 ADAM (yeah- a guy),
and two surprise guests with the same name-
Anonymous & Anonymous
and LIZ-(I forgot to add her name--duh)!


This was a smaller, more intimate wedding.
Your table mates are:
Jettie, Karen, Sandy, Patty, Diane, 

Table #3
Ashes Of Roses 

This was also a small, intimate wedding
and attending are:
Linda, Denise, Ann,Renee & Donna W.

Table #4
Flowers With Floral Cloth
This is a table of sweet ladies I know and love:
Neadeen, Marydon, Rose, Nancy & Cathy
and KAY G (some idiot I forgot her)

Next up:#5
Hydrangea-A Wedding At Home
You will be seated with one of the only other men
that played along:
imageRon Carrier is sitting with Jenn, Susie, Arlene, Karen, Celeste, Beemie, & Krishna
Poor Ron!  I know a couple of those gals
and I KNOW that at least one of them 
Susie will act up.
Ron won't mind because he loves
and after a few drinks he will put
spike someone's Susie's ginger ale.

caused a big stir!
Y'all love those lanterns and a lot of
you crashed this wedding whether you were
invited or not.
Rose Lanterns
Well, shove over and make room for:
Debbie H, Donna, Sheri, Vee, 
Mildred, Sandie, Linda,
Nancy, Judy,  Kathy, Katie, 
Robbin, Louise, Josephine,
Martha Ellen, Karen Ann, 
Debra, Debbie, Sissie & AnnMarie.

And last, but not least-
White On White Intent
I will say this is the one that was the 
With all the interest in 
White and Cream 
I thought this grand reception would be
flooded with guests.
I guess I was wrong--
but a few of you 
picked this very beautiful venue:
Kathy S, Diane & Susan
You all can have two entrees!!!

Thanks again for playing along-
It is so much fun to see 
who thinks along the same lines
and loves the same things.

I love, too, that there are a couple of guys 
that weigh in-
that adds to the fun.

IF I missed anyone's name that voted
for a table please forgive me and
you can leave me a nasty note
in the comments.

I will be driving to my daughter's house
to stay for a few days---and---
I will try to check in from there.
If I don't get a chance to do that,
 I will be home
late Sunday/Mother's Day.

Have a wonderful rest of the week.


  1. Thanks for the fun, Diana! I hope you enjoy your Mother's Day and your time with your daughter! xo ♥

  2. This was fun and it's always interesting to see how everyone's tastes are so varied. Of course, those that chose the one that I chose have the best taste of all! LOL! Btw, which one did you choose?
    Happy Mother's Day Diana. Enjoy your time with your daughter and family.


  3. I like who I am sitting with but 6 out of 7 - some people don't have taste - lol. Well that was fun. I wish you a wonderful Mother's Day this weekend. Sandie

  4. Happy Mother's Day to my very special blog friend. Have a fun time at your daughter's house. : )

    love, ~me

  5. How fun was this???
    I am happy my favorite was so many other's favorites as well!
    Happy and Blessed Mother's Day!!!

  6. I chose #1 but didn't get listed...but I'll forgive you :-) I hope you have fun at your daughters!
    Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day!

  7. Thanks for the fun, Diana! Happy Mother's Day.

  8. Oh dear, I missed the wedding tables!! I'm fickle and would've been table hopping because I loved #'s 1, 4, and 6.
    Happy Mother's Day, Diana, and have fun at your daughter's house.

  9. That was fun as always!
    Happy Mothers Day and enjoy your time away with family.

  10. That was fun as always!
    Happy Mothers Day and enjoy your time away with family.

  11. So glad to know I picked a winner and will be surrounded with new friends. So I guess that is the prize? Nice! :-) happy Mother's Day. Xoxo

  12. WOW, my favorite really was crowded after all! Thanks for the fun, Dianna! Happy Mother's Day!

  13. This was fun. Wishing you a very happy Mother's day. xoxo

  14. Diana, Hey I like the people at my table...but I say let's push them all together and have a real party. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. I wouldn't torment Ron too much.

  15. That was fun! I know a few folks at my'll be a fun evening. Sorry about the removed photo...pfffttt...can't remember what it even was. 👰🏻

  16. I was at the very full table this time!! Always so much fun! I love Ron and would try to steal him over to my table to enjoy an cocktail!! Enjoy your Mother's Day weekend!

  17. I missed joining in on the fun but if I'd gotten here on time, I would have chosen the first one, I think. They are all beautiful! Have a wonderful time at your daughter's!

  18. I missed this fun game, much to my regret, but table 4 would have been fine with me!

    I hope you're having a great visit at your daughter's home, Diana!

  19. Diana, clearly I wasn't invited to the weddings(s). I think I had to stay home because of a bad back. Always happens at the most inopportune times! Probably a good thing as it would have been too hard to pick the one I would have attended. I think they are all very elegant and pretty. I'm back now so maybe I could crash the honeymoon! Have a great Mother's Day with your daughter..xxoJudy

  20. I'll have the chicken AND the beef and sit at the table up front! They really are all beautiful! Thanks for the fun and enjoy your Mother's day weekend! Hugs, Diane

  21. Wow, I thought I would be alone at the plank table! Glad to hear I would be in good company. Have a wonderful Mother's Day my friend. Enjoy your daughter and your visit! xoxo

  22. Enjoy your time with your daughter, Diana, and have a very, very happy Mother's day!!

  23. I'm happy with my guests...and will take the table with me when i leave!

  24. What! I picked number 4!! You must not love ME! HA!
    My dear, you can put me anywhere, just bring me some food! :-)

  25. Somehow...I missed this post..Boo!! Guess that means..I missed the party...

  26. This was SO much fun!!! Enjoy your time away with your daughter, and drive safe. Have a wonderful Mother's Day, sweet friend. :)

  27. Fun, fun! Part of me wishes it was just a little bit real so I can meet the other ladies and really sit at that gorgeous table!

  28. Excuse me!! I missed this post. Im scooting in on table 4! I love how the blue off sets the floral arrangement.
    Someone removed their table? How weird. At least I know now that people really do that. Did you thank her for visiting? Ha!

  29. I'm in good company. Have fun at your daughter's, Diana. Happy Mother's Day! xo

  30. I missed a lot of blogs lately.
    So happy mothers day to you.

  31. It's too late but I want the plank table!!!

  32. Happy Mother's Day dear friend.

  33. Thanks for adding me to the table! I want to sit with ALL your friends at all the tables. Anybody YOU love, I will most certainly love!! Happy Mother's Day, you funny lady! xx

  34. haha, this is always fun. I can't believe I'm at the "popular" table. ;)

  35. I'm sorry I wasn't around for the fun this time! I would have loved to join table #4 because of the intimate setting, but honestly, table #6 with the rose lanterns, and gorgeous backdrop would have been my first choice. I'm sorry one of your choices got removed! I hope to be around when you do the next one! :)


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