
Tuesday, April 25, 2017


First of all---
Thank you to all of you 
that left me your thoughts
regarding an Etsy shop.
I will let you know 
what I decide but I think your comments
have cemented my decision.

Yes, It's true!
That is what they are telling me.

So, could someone please explain
why this is a COLOR picture of the water out front?
We have had so many grey days,
I could fly.....
if I could get my broom started!

Not a speck of green to be seen...
When-Oh-When will Spring  

I am opening at the VA this morning.
I need to be there before 6 AM.
Do you think it would be selfish of me to 
PRAY that when I got home this afternoon
that the above scene would look like this again?
Well, would that be TOO MUCH to ask?

Well, I am a little bit 
about it...
I wonder if 
will EVER come.
Yes- I am!
I am worried!
HEY!  At least I got the


  1. Oh my gosh is that the view from your house??? How gorgeous! Spring will be there soon, I know sometimes it seems to take its sweet time! Xo

  2. Your view is gorgeous, gray or colorful!
    HA HA! At least you got the hair color right, you are so funny.
    One movie I liked, "MY Week With Marilyn", it was good!

  3. Oh no , not gloom! You get out there girly and bring out the sunshine! Better days are coming.

  4. Yes, we all get ravenously hungry for greenery in the springtime, don't we?

  5. You have a long and busy day today. I do hope spring arrives soon. I am happier in spring - lots more color in the landscape, longer days, and bright sunshine to lift the spirits. God bless you and yours. xo

  6. You are making me feel just a little bit guilty about our beautful spring days here in Eastern New Mexico....hope it comes soon for you! Have a great day at the VA...hugs

  7. Ha! Marilyn does have our hair color. Maybe it's the false eyelashes I'm missing. I better go to Walgreens!
    It'll be green soon and then you can take a canoe out onto the lake!

  8. If I had a view like that in my back yard I wouldn't care if it was grey! Well maybe I would because green is always so much better. It's greening up here on the Coast but our grass has patches of brown, so when I sit on the porch all I do is concentrate on the weeds and the brown spots! LOL! I hope that you and your twin sister, Marilyn get your wishes!


  9. I know how you feel about spring, Diana. You need some green in your life. Should I send Kermit to come and stay with you? We're on good terms, we are. ;-) He's a little whiney, but his color is right. Your view is pretty amazing, even in gray tones. Hugs, Nancy

  10. I hope it greens up for you, but I must say it's a pretty view no matter! Hugs!

  11. That view is gorgeous (green or not) :) I sure hope spring arrives soon though. And you arrived before 6 AM??? Whew! I'd need a nap by noon. :)

  12. Spring will come, it is here in Georgia. It's a little cool this morning though.
    Have fun pushing the Vets around!

  13. I can just imagine the smiles on the faces of those vets when they see you walk into the room . . . I know that you bring sunshine and hope to everyone that meets you. Here's wishing you a pretty green and sunny day.
    Connie :)

  14. You look pretty good to be worried. It is so funny - we have spring here, in fact it is almost summer - I can't believe that you are still gray. It will change soon I know! sandie

  15. We got plenty of april showers here

  16. run down to the corner store and get some green tinted glasses...............

  17. I hope you get some SPRING soon!!! It is greening up here so beautifully. Today is cold, rainy and yucky but this weekend we will be in the 80's! I wish we could actually have a Spring with high 60's and low 70's. It seems we never really get a good Spring. Oh well, I am not complaining, I count my blessings! Hope it looked better when you got home today!!!! XO

  18. Gosh gorgeous.


    Yes, spring is pretty elusive up here in the northern tier. Can't be much longer now...

  19. It's all grey and showers here, too, and cold. My water view looks like yours. I miss green, but I would just settle for some sun at this point!! ;) And she was stunning, wasn't she? Would you believe me if I told you that my mom actually looked like that? Scouts honor...a cross between Doris Day and Marilyn and a Broadway show girl to boot. I know she did not chew gum though, because whenever I did there were comments about a cow or something like that! ;) Oh mother.

  20. Well, personally I think that view is perfect no matter what color it is! But I'm hoping for your sake that it will be green very soon!

  21. Diana, I do hope the sun greeted you when you returned home. If not I know there is sunshine wherever you go. Take care. ♥

  22. I have a darling meme on my Facebook page that shows the split second weather changes. We are in for a full storm tonight. Can't wait to see how my pups love that!

  23. Diana, I hope it's greener this evening. You have a beautiful view . Hey, I wish my hair looked that good. :):) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  24. I hope Spring color comes soon, Diana, to your neck of the woods. Thanks for the laughs, as always, for you brighten my day!

  25. Spring is just arriving here and it is making it's way west to you!!!

  26. I hope you had a good day and that it warms up there soon! It seems like there's all kinds of weather in the country right now. Nice and cool tonight when we walked! Hugs!

  27. It's the colour of #ClimateChange /:

  28. It will arrive. You have to be patient or move....LOL Love your worried look. Have a lovely week. xo

  29. Yesterday I was beginning to think I should shop for an ark! We do have green here in Oregon all year round but it is so amazing when things bloom and color abounds!

  30. Yikes , really? No green yet? Ok that settles it...I could never live there. We've had green since February (unusual but by March normally). Hope it greens up for you soon!

  31. Oh, wow! The view is amazing...even if it is wintry looking! LOL! LOVE your view. God bless you, sweet friend. :) Spring is coming to your world soon...I promise.

  32. Thanks for making my day! You can bring a smile to anybody's face! xo Dolly

  33. Definitely too many gray days, but at least this morning I was able to hang sheets on the line, first time this season! Hoping for real sunshine soon!!

  34. Spring drags it's feet here too but once i t gets going it's full speed ahead! I noticed the trees are budding so before long we'll have leaves. It's tough waiting for it all to happen. I hope you had a good day at the VA hospital.

  35. Greetings Diana, I know all about gray days, since October 2016 we now have 44" of rain. Not sure when Spring will arrive.

    Hugs Diane

  36. Oh, I bet you're longing for the spring and a little sunshine, Diana. I think we've seen the last of the rain here, but there's still clouds mixed with sunshine. The bay around your home is so pretty when the grass is green and the water's blue. Spring will be there before you know it. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  37. Spring will come sometimes it is a bit late.
    Last picture is cheerie.

  38. I will pray with you! LOL! My motto is "If it is important to me then it's important to God" as He knows my hearts desires. Have a good day. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  39. Ha! We've had a lot of gray around here as well..Now we are supposed to get up in the 80's!! Yuk!! Guess there's not much we can do about it..We never have much of a Spring any more..

  40. It truly is grey out there - more rain today - BLEH. Mud season. *sigh

    BUT... Saturday, supposedly sunny and 79. I'll take it...

  41. LOL!
    i'm sorry. but you will make me laugh when i'm on my death bed.
    here's hoping your world greens up sooner rather than later.
    get thee some bubble gum. xo

  42. Spring has definitely sprung here in northern IL, so it's coming your way, I promise! We just had a string of beautiful weather with warm temps and sun. But now rain is moving in and the forecast looks cool and gloomy for the next 10 days. Blech.

  43. Take heart, Diana, spring ALWAYS comes!

  44. Diana, you should never be afraid to ask God for anything, girl! He created it and He can change it...go for it! By the way, where is your general location?

  45. Di, soon it will be summer and we'll be anxiously waiting to decorate for Fall.

  46. Oh, sweet Diana, I wish you could come visit me in North Carolina! Our trees are all leafed out. The dogwoods have pretty much dropped their petals now. The azaleas have now all faded and the rhododendrons are in bloom! Spring comes to NC early--you just need to get down here! :)

    Hope you have a wonderful day, sweet one.

  47. Snow in our forecast UP NORTH ;-)
    I have the hat, gloves, boots and winter jacket out ... oh that is right ... I never put them away, not when one lives in Wisconsin.
    xx oo

  48. HA! We went from Spring to Summer to Spring again in 4 weeks. BUT, we haven't had rain in so long that everything is turning brown. So it's kind of cold, but not green. Weirdest year yet. I hope you get your Spring soon, my friend.


  49. Well, I wish I could say the same thing. It has been Spring in Texas since the end of January. :) It is going to be a horrible Summer for us, I already know it. I wish I had that view every morning! So gorgeous! My view right now is a crew of about 15 men building a house right next to us. LOL Take care. xoxo

  50. I too can not wait for the sunny days of spring and summer. I am tired of cloudy and rainy days!!
    Enjoy your day.
    Julie xo

  51. This is a strange spring here, too. We've had everything from cold to hot and now I'm back today to turning on the furnace again. It'll warm up as more rain is forecast and I know that soon I'll be complaining about the never-ending hot temps. Hope you get some green there soon!

  52. I also wanted to say that I love the header with the pretty grandgirls and pretty flowers!

  53. Springs a coming...Just hold on!
    Spring is here, but they are calling for a snowy weekend. I am so over the cold!
    Our trees and spring flowers are blooming and I hope the freezing temps won't kill them all!
    So, hang in will be there soon! ;)

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Hugs, Amy

  54. If I could wrap up my Spring....and send it to you.....I would, dear Diana...I would! Southwest has some killer deals....why don't you just fly on out to sunny Southern CA...or you could just ride your broom...HaHa. Love your posts love your heart and love the smiles you give me.

  55. You look fabulous when you're worried! ;-)

  56. Oh! WELL yesterday and today was soooooo gloomy and grey and rainy - we had three separate huge storms blow in and move out and now it is sunny but cool (perfect for me,) so hang in there: it'll be here before ya know it!

  57. Spring has finally arrived and it is nice to finally take off my bathrobe.

  58. It's been one crazy spring everywhere, I think! We have had so much rain - it has broken all records and you want to talk about gray......but it is getting green, at least. Too green, like in mossy, slimy, moldy green! And yes, I think you should try Etsy - I will be your customer :) xx Karen

  59. Me thinketh we came back a bit too soon :(. Dreary and cloudy here too.

    (Marilyn's got nuttin' on you).



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