
Sunday, April 2, 2017


It is amazing to me
that someone that I don't know
finds their way to my blog
through one means or another
and asks for prayer.

This came from
It is not for her!
Nope-it is for another person she visits.
I don't know this lady,
but she has asked for prayer for 
her niece, Kristen, and 
Kristen's unborn baby.
For anyone that has ever had 
a tenuous pregnancy-
one that is fraught with anxiety
and the fear of the unknown,
you will know exactly what 
Kristen is going through right now.
Not only does she have to worry about
her baby's life but also her own life.

I am just going to copy and paste
the words Kristen's Aunt wrote:

"Please pray for Kristen.  She is 26 weeks pregnant with a baby boy, and due to the improper handling of an IV, she developed a blood clot, which has traveled to her lung.  She is also suffering from tachycardia and has to give herself blood thinning medication shots for the remainder of her pregnancy.  She cannot give birth while taking the medicine she is currently on, as it would endanger her life.  Yet, they cannot switch her to the medicine she needs to be on before giving birth too early, as it can cross over into the placenta and kill the baby.  One of the things that concerns us most is that they have not been able to figure out an exact due date.  Timing is of the essence, as it is imperative that the switch in medications be made at the exact right moment.  We would SO appreciate your prayers  that God will spare both Kristen's and the baby's life and allow His power to be revealed in this situation, in spite of multiple medical missteps that have happened along the way.  I think often of Jehoshaphat's words, "Neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon Thee."  Your prayers are appreciated more than we can say."

Please lift this young lady 
and her unborn child up in prayer.  
If you are not a pray-er, 
please send your good thoughts 
and personal blessings to her.

Thank you all so much. 
When I know the outcome
 I will do an update here.

Have a wonderful Sunday.


  1. I just said a prayer for this beautiful unborn child and his mother. The miracle worker is able to guide the hands of those that are in charge of the medical issues that they are facing. Thank you Diana for sharing this request.

  2. Prayers sent up for both mother and baby. God is in control and knows all things. May His Glory be shown in this situation.
    Thanks Diana, have a blessed Sunday.

  3. Diana, I know from my own experience that your blog is the place to go to ask for prayers and blessings. There is no doubt in my mind that something wonderful happens here that cannot be explained. I am praying for this Mom and her unborn baby. God Bless them both.


  4. Diana, I am praying foe Kristen and her unborn child. what a scary time. Prayers are truly needed. We think of you as our Prayer Warrior...I reach many. I know I would want you on my side. Bless you ,xoxo,love, Susie

  5. Praying for this young mom and child. Also prayers that God will work through the minds and hands of the doctors involved.
    Praying from North Carolina

  6. Thank you Diana. Praying for Kristen, her baby, and family. This is very tough and scary, but we have a great God to whom nothing is huge or tough or scary. xo

  7. I think it's wonderful that so many get to your blog-will be praying for this gal and her baby that they make it through this.

  8. Praying for her and her baby, God is in control, give it over to him.

  9. Diana, thank you for posting the prayer request for Kristen and her baby. I truly believe God uses you and your blog to gather His children to pray for the needs of others. With all you have on your plate I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time, making the effort, to get this out to so many. God bless you, Diana. Hugs, Nancy

  10. I will certainly pray - oh how hard that has to be for her. Love, sandie

  11. Oh my goodness, of course, I will say a prayer for both. Diana, you really are such a kind lady asking for prayers for so many. I do believe it helps. xo

  12. Blogs are great prayer chains! Please add my prayers as they join the others.....

  13. What a difficult situations. Prayers for this family.

  14. Joining you all in prayers right now !


  15. Joining many others in prayer.

  16. OH, what a predicament!... sending prayer -

  17. Cheryl is a sweetie and have been praying for Kristen and her baby for a good while now. Thank you for adding her request to your blog. You have a precious heart, Diana. ♥

  18. Yes, praying for Kristen and her baby.

  19. I'm joining in on this prayer request! You do have such a precious, caring heart Diana.
    Thanks for sharing...

    Hugs, Amy

  20. Prayers being said. What a terrible predicament! But God can bring them both through this.

  21. I will definitely be praying for both of them and that the Doctors will be guided in helping them.

  22. Joining others in prayer.
    Also, my nephew and his wife are expecting their first baby. My nephew was born premature, weighing only 3 pounds 7 ounces, his mother had a blood clot on her lung and was in critical condition for 3 weeks and at one point was not expected to make it. Not only did she make it, she had another baby (perfectly healthy). My nephew grew to be over 6 feet tall (I think he is 6 4") AND my sister in law, the one with the blood clot on her lungs? She is a champion tennis player and a picture of health!
    Just thought I would put this on here!

  23. I will be adding this dear young woman and her baby to my prayer book list, and thank you for being a channel for prayers. Heaven knows we all need them. I have several friends right now that are facing insurmountable struggles in the flesh, but Greater is He that is IN US, than he that is in the world trying to defeat us. Pray, pray, pray. Thank you Diane for sharing this.

  24. Will be praying for this young lady and baby. I have been there myself and it is too scary for words. The Lord was with me and He will be with her. The outcome is His alone. Thank you for posting this!

  25. Dear Diana! Bless your dear heart for doing this for us! We are MOST grateful to you for spreading the word about my dear niece and all that she is going through. We know God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think, and our trust is in Him. You are SO incredibly kind and have such a big heart! I just cannot thank you enough, and I trust God will bless you for all you do. I remember coming here once a while back when your husband needed prayer. I do trust things are better for him by now, and for you, too. Sending much love and gratitude to you today!

  26. Praying for Kristen and her baby.

  27. Absolutely!
    Offering my decade of the rosary tonight for her and her precious baby.
    Thank you for sharing.

  28. Praying for Kristin and her baby; for all to go well and for a safe and healthy delivery. Thank you for passing these requests along Diana is a privilege to lift each one up in prayer.

  29. Praying for baby and mom. It sounds like a dangerous situation. I have been praying for my pastors family friend as she developed toxoplasmosis during her pregnancy and the baby had to be taken early by Cesarean and is now a premmie and only 2.5 pounds. Praying the mother and baby both survive as both in intensive care.

  30. Hi Diana, Joining everyone here in prayers for Kristin and her unborn baby. May God bring them safely through this difficult time. Thank you for letting us know and sharing this request.
    Blessings xoxo

  31. Done. Asking for Mom's intervention too. She had a similar situation and "lost" the baby. Maybe she can help from where she is <3

  32. I will keep Kristen and her baby boy in my prayers this week, Diana. Have a great week!

  33. Most definitely praying for them both and their family. Power of prayer is so strong. Thank you again Diana for your prayer request for me and my family as well. Getting on the road to healing and wanting to visit the blogs of those who have reached out to me and kept me in prayer... my heart is full...


  34. Hi, Late as usual but I will be praying for Gods protection and perfect timing for both baby and mother! Blessings to you and yours, Roxy

  35. Hi Diana, I am praying!! xoxo

  36. Diana, I just said a prayer for this precious baby and her mother. Thank you for always being such a thoughtful blog friend.

    love, ~Sheri

  37. Asking God for a Miracle here for this precious mom and baby.

  38. Saying prayers, Diana..... so scary. God bless her and her baby and family.

  39. Surrounding Kristin and her baby in prayer right now. Praying to guide the doctor's hands to know what the perfect timing will be and all will be well and healthy.

  40. How terrifying for her and her loved ones...absolutely she needs some answered prayers right now. Thank you for sharing, sweet Diana.
    xo, T.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Sending prayers and good thoughts... how scary for her, I hope they figure out a way have both of them safe xox

  43. This family needs all the prayers we can muster. xoxo

  44. How sweet of you to share prayers for this family! I've been following their story for a while, and how wonderful of you to share their story here, for more people to pray! The Lord is our only hope in dire situations like this, and I believe all will be well, as I continue to pray and believe! Hugs to you today (you will be happy to see I've updated my profile, thanks for the "nudge") :)

  45. Praying that our Lord will reveal to the doctors perfect timing for mother and baby during this medical situation.


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