
Sunday, February 12, 2017


I know that MANY of you

I met bj when I first started blogging
and she is just a 
This is her and Mr. SweetNothings.
Her 'guy' can do anything she 
can dream of---if she can describe it
he can do it!
Her dear husband, 
has had a biopsy to confirm
the doctor's suspicions.
They fear he has 
brain cancer
and they desperately need
If you are NOT a pray-er,
please wing good thoughts
and blessings their way.
You can read more about 
the discovery of his cancer here.

I believe in the power of prayer...
I believe in positive outcomes...
I believe in miracles...
I believe....

I know many of you do, too.

Have a blessed Sunday.


  1. I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers are headed to the Throne of Grace on behalf of Bill. I believe in miracles too. I've seen too many of them to not believe.

  2. Sending prayer and healing vibes his way ...

  3. Thank you Diana. I have been praying for BJ and her Mr. They are truly good people. We know that prayers have great power. I believe too. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  4. Prayers for BJ and her dear hubby.

  5. Read the news on BJs blog yesterday. First I have to say, BJ is such a genuine, kind, loving person. And a HUGE prayer warrior for others, myself included. We have seen time and time again on our blogs the power of prayer!!! Bill (aka Mr. Sweets), BJ, family and medical staff attending to his care, you will all be prayed for.

  6. Praying for them both, Hugs and love coming their way.

  7. Oh my, so so hard to understand the human body, but so comforting to know God's awesome power to heal. I am saying many prayers for Bill Conklin to be wrapped in Jesus's healing arms. Prayers for Bj too. Please Lord bless the both with your mighty strength and mercy.

  8. I share your same feelings about BJ. She is a sweet and dear person and I am praying hard for her and Bill. God Bless them both. And thank you for sharing the word.


  9. I am sorry to hear the bad news. I will pray for them. Bless you for sharing.

  10. I believe too! Praying for God's healing hand on Mr.Sweet

  11. I am praying. My brother-in-law is also fighting brain cancer. Do you know what type Mr. Sweet has? I will be praying for him too.

  12. Whew - I am a pray-er so I will, let us know. Doctors can be wrong! There are miracles too.

  13. I'm so sorry hear it.. Praying for them.. hope the doctors are wrongs..

  14. I am so very, very sorry to read this news. BJ is such a very dear person and I have admired and loved her for years now. Mr Sweet is as adorable as BJ and the two of them have a wonderful, loving family. I will pray hard and often for Mr Sweet and BJ too. Thank you for letting me know.

    Susan and Bentley

  15. I am so sorry to hear about your friend, I am keeping them in my thoughts.

    Hugs diane

  16. BJ is such a well loved blogger and friend to many. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.
    Thank you for letting us know.

  17. This is so sweet Diana. I love bj and her sweet hubby. I am keeping them in my prayers for a good outcome and recovery.
    Let's hope the power of prayer will help both of them in this time of need.

  18. I am so sorry to hear this....sending prayers....

  19. Saying a prayer for bj's husband, Diana.

    Have a sweet Sunday.

    love, ~Sheri

  20. I believe in the power of prayer. I have been praying and will continue to pray.
    Thanks Diana.
    Audrey Z.

  21. Oh, this is just heart breaking and I'm certainly praying for Bill and BJ. Thank you for putting this out there.
    Shelia ;)

  22. I also believe in the power of prayer...
    Thank you for letting us know about BJ's husband.
    My prayers are going out for both of them.
    That is what made me a faithful follower to your blog, in the first place . . .
    Diana, Prayer Warrior for those in need.

  23. Praying for them both. Such sweet people. Sending them virtual hugs and good vibes too. xoxo

  24. I am a prayer, dear Diana, and I will definitely keep Bill in my prayers. Have a great week. Did you sell your house?

  25. I have been praying for Mr. Sweet and BJ too... so sweet of you to do a prayer request for them! Hugs to you today dear friend!

  26. Oh will do ! I haven't been to her blog for awhile but do visit occasionally ; lovely lady ! So sorry to hear about this.

    Meanwhile you commented on me mentioning "The Crown" were one of the ones that got me interested in checking it out, watching the trailer, asking my DIL about it, etc. Right now, I on about the 8th or 9th episode and am starting to talk to myself inside my mind in English accents. ( This happened to me as well once I'd discovered Downton Abbey a few yrs. back :)

    Trying to work my way through the first season with the Netflix free trial : )

  27. Thank you for sharing this Diana...I will certainly pray for God's healing power.♥

  28. I am so very sorry to hear this very hard news. Prayers for her and her husband. I believe nothing is too difficult for the Lord and He will see them through.

  29. Ive been praying. Though I dont know BJ personally, Shes my blogger friend that I easily can relate too. I just love her to death. She is so sweet and full of spunk. I hate anything like this to stike.

  30. Thank you for putting this out there. I don't know BJ well, but as a blogger from back in the day, I do know of her. I will be praying for a full recovery~ let's go big with our request~!

  31. Praying for them both, Diana. Ephesians 3:20. Hugs.

  32. Diana, my heart breaks for bj. My mom had brain cancer. I am praying as hard as I can for him her and the whole family


  33. I've been following along on bj's blog. My heart goes out to them. Definitely praying!

  34. I will certainly hold them up in prayer, Diana.
    Thank you for sharing and passing this along so many can be in prayer.

  35. Praying for bj and Bill and following his progress on her blog <3

  36. Praying now . Thank you for sharing . This breaks my heart . But I know the great physician and He can do all things . Praying . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  37. Hi Diana, thank you for stopping by my blog. I left you a reply there. I am sorry to hear about your friend's husband. I will be praying hard that all goes well and that they will have the support they need to go through it all. BIG HUGS to them.
    I hope everything is going well with you guys and that hubby is still getting stronger and back to his usual self :)
    Take care my friend. Hugs

  38. I'm so sorry to hear about your friends, I will definitely keep them in my prayers!

  39. Sending many prayers to both BJ and her precious husband.
    Hugs, Amy

  40. Diana lots of prayers for bj's hubby! This is just heartbreaking. May God be with them both.

  41. Most certainly will be praying for Bill and his loved ones
    Luv Janice

  42. I have followed BK for awhile and will definitely uphold her hubby and her as the wade thru this. A friend of mine in Ca. just passed last week from brain cancer-she left a 15 yr old son, daughter, grandson and wonderful hubby. We need to stop cancer now!
    Hugs, Noreen

  43. Awww, so sad to hear that news. No one deserves this dreadful disease. Prayers and healing thoughts for both BJ and her beloved hubby. Xo

  44. I saw this photo on my feed and thought it was BJ's blog. I was expecting to hear the news good or bad when I first laid eyes on it. I didn't want to read it which shows how much I fear for him. Brain cancer is certainly scary no matter what stage the cancer is in.

  45. Oh no. She is the sweetest. Praying. I hate cancer. We have so many right now with brain cancer.

  46. Prayers being sent. I empathize as I know how she feels. God be with her and family as well.

  47. Love, hugs & prayers for BJ and Mr. Sweets.

  48. So sorry to hear this. Sending prayers and a big hug their way!

  49. You are such a dear, Diana, for sharing this. I have been away from blogging for awhile and didn't know about BJ's hubby. Of course, he will definitely be in my prayers.

    I really need to do some catching up...I've been such a slacker. I hope all is good with you and your hubby

    Warm hugs,

  50. Diana, I read about Bill on BJ's sad, but as other folks have pointed out, prayer is a mighty tool. Sending lots of hugs and prayers...

  51. Oh yes, praying for them! Thank you for sharing.

  52. Thank you, Diana, for bringing an awareness of Bill's situation (and thus BJ's) to us. Praying for them both. God is still working miracles. xo

  53. Oh no!!!! I'm so sorry to read this. I was just thinking about BJ the other day. I haven't checked in to blogland in so long, I'm completely out of the loop of everyone's lives. I'm heading over......

  54. We believe we believe... our hearts abide in Him. Thank you for doing such a nice thing for dear BJ and her husband on your blog... I shall visit now... Hugs


  55. I do not know BJ, but I am so sorry to hear this news about her husband. I will pray for them.

  56. I love bj and am praying for her husband Bill. This is really sad, but the power of prayer is amazing. xoxo

  57. Praying for them both. Such a sweet couple. Sending them hugs and prayers. xoxo


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