
Tuesday, February 7, 2017


There are three blessings
that have happened this last week!

My friend, Sissie's son, 
Jeff (here)
has been on a prayer list
and many of you have
prayed for him and sent money
to help with his medical bills.
It appears that the open wound
at the base of his spine is healing

My friend, Jettie's surgery
was a real success.
She came home Friday
and is almost pain-free.
She started therapy yesterday.

This is an old picture of her
but the only one I have in my files.
Thank you all for your prayers for her.

hahahaha-never mind---
but when it comes to monkeying around
with computer things..
If the hat fits-wear it...
I finally figured out how to get
I could NOT for the life of me
figure out how to get the 
'green' background off 
the top of my blog.
To the rescue~
(Life and Linda)
Let me tell you-
she is as beautiful inside as 
she is on the outside.
She did NOT 
make me feel like an idiot.
I felt like it was Christmas
just like Santa Claus
'then in a twinkling'
she fixed problems 
I didn't even know I had!
Now THAT is a good FIXER!
So---if you need help--
you can check out her blog.
She has several tutorials 
to tell you how to fix things yourself..
and I could do SOME of them..
but she is a self-taught
fount of knowledge
and I would bet that if you have
she can fix it.
She also designs blogs--
and can fix any of your
blogging needs.
Did I mention she is 

Another little un-counted blessing-
I was downstate WI 
on Sunday watching
The SweetCheeks play 
volleyball for POWER.
She is an awesome player
and in her first year on a team.
Okay- she 
for Volleyball but 
it is the only picture I can find of her
on this computer.

One of these days,
I am gonna have to find a 
that can do for me/my computer what
Linda the Fairy Blogmother
did for my blog.

For all you others that are
I found one bit of really
Y'all have a great and

I am over at the VA this morning
and then helping someone
for sale this afternoon.


  1. Hi Diana! Many blessings indeed - this was a great read to start my day. I am still navigating my new laptop as well. Yikes...I thought it would be easy, but I can't edit photos to save my soul or figure out how to watermark my pictures (because they are so good people might steal them without a watermark - ha, no...). Like you, I know I will prevail! Have a lovely day at the VA. Jane

  2. So glad to hear that prayers was answered for your friends. God is Good All the time!
    Now about that Windows 10 fairy, when you find it please let me know. Enjoy your date with the Vets!

  3. Diana, I LOVE this post for so many reasons. I'm so glad that those who have been suffering are healing. I'm also so glad you have introduced us to your Fairy Blogmother. I seriously feel inept at times. All I want to do is make some tabs under my title so people can click to other pages. I will definitely pay a visit to Linda's blog. As to the Windows 10 fairy? Nope, no fairy, but I suspect there is some ugly, warty troll under a bridge somewhere controlling Windows 10. -Jenn

  4. We have a lot to be thankful for this week! And of course the password joke is classic! Why didn't I think of that! heehee! Hugs!

  5. Oh my goodness, I just got goosebumps reading about Jeff! Praise God. So thankful Jettie is doing well too. As you know, we love volleyball in our house. Katie's students actually participated in volleyball Special Olympics at her old gym yesterday.

  6. Lots of wonderful news! I've only been able to use my phone this week as our internet has been out since guy is supposed to come today or tomorrow. A pain...but it's small stuff. Hope you have a lovely day, Diana!

  7. Gosh you are a busy girl - which is not a surprise. Okay I am happy about your two friends doing better. And your friend coming to the rescue on your blog. Sweetchecks is adorable and I bet she is a good volleyball player! she is cute. And I like the 'incorrect' - lol. Have a good day. Have fun staging her house. sandie

  8. So glad to hear all this good news! Still praying for them.

  9. Wonderful news to hear about so many blessings....thanks for keeping us updated!

  10. I'm so happy that prayers were answered, Diana! I can vouch for dear Linda...she is the best and a wonderful fairy for sure, especially for those of us who are techie challenged.
    I loved the post on remembering your touching and heartfelt. ❤️

  11. Isn't wonderful to hear of answered prayer? Linda has really made your blog look even prettier! She is a sweetie. Have a fun day, my friend. xo ♥

  12. Diana, Is there room for two head in that cap? LOL... Glad for all the wonderful blessings this past week. God is good. SC is growing up...just like my Emma pooh. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  13. Your blog looks lovely! Love that signature!! Oh, you're girl is growing up! Such beautiful eyes and smile - So happy for your friends healing -

  14. Love all the blessings Diana. Have fun with your veterans. I know they smile when they see you coming. You make their day.
    Have a good one.

  15. Hallelujah for sweet blessing!
    Oh, and I love your password hint, very clever :)

  16. Its great tor read of good blessings and answered prayers. Its going to be a beautiful day.

  17. That is just the best news about Jeff and your friend. Prayer means so much. I'm not a computer wizard but somehow blunder my way thorough. Hugs!

  18. Hello Diana, thank you so much for your call out to me for helping you along on your blog. This Fairy Blog Mother loves designing and fixing blogs. I am so glad Jeff and Jettie are doing better. Blessings are the best thing ever. Enjoy the new bells and whistles I added. xo

  19. So happy to hear good news for all! Prayers answered!! :-) Awesome to find someone who knows all about the technical issues of a blog :-) Will have to visit her site. Have a wonderful afternoon.


  20. I love your post! It's good to share our blessings, and yours are all terrific. I bet that Sweet Cheeks is a force to be reckoned with on the volleyball court! Ima changin' all my passwords to incorrect, ROTFLMAO that's just what I need to do!

  21. BTW Linda is an angel. She has helped me with my blog and incompetence so many she designed my blog.

  22. Oh it is always so nice to read GOOD NEWS!

  23. Diana, Sweet Cheeks is growing up so fast and she is so pretty. I'm very happy for your friend Jettie and I pray for her recovery. I am so thankful that so many have been reached through your blog and so many reached out to help my son and to pray for him. You have no idea of the number of people who told me they heard about Jeff on your blog. You say you are no angel, but I still say that you are very much an Angel. I also think that many others agree with me. I think I need help from the Linda with my blog. It's been pretty sad lately and needs an update. I'm hoping too, that once Jeff is stabilized that I can get back to blogging! You have a really big heart and I can never thank you enough.


  24. Linda is a great gal, and she actually lives not too far from me here in California. I'm so happy to hear about Sissy's son. Bless her family. And great news about Jettie and SweetCheeks. Yes, many blessings all around us. We just have to notice them. :)

    love, ~Sheri

  25. I am thankful for answered prayers for Jeff and Jettie and many happy times for your family.

  26. Linda is a wonderful help in times of blogging distress. Your new header is so cute!

  27. Happy to see answered prayers, tech problem solutions and the usual LMAO here :)

  28. Girl! You have also made MY day. I have prayed so hard for Jeff! I love seeing him here and I totally love this wonderful news. God IS great.

  29. Lots of good news in this post Diana...
    And that granddaughter...💕...aren't they just the best?
    Enjoy the rest of your week...
    Linda :o)

  30. so many blessing and only a quarter of the month done! <3

  31. Such wonderful news and answered prayers! I did notice your festive header right away; so sweet. Glad you found some help; tech problems are so annoying! It's wonderful to find a fairy godmother with a magic wand for that kind of thing.
    What a cute granddaughter! xo Deborah

  32. Thanks for sharing your wonderful blessings! It's so nice when prayers are answered and someone feels better for it. I do love how your blog has been looking! The picture header is so sweet. I want to update mine (I did do some tweaks myself) but I have such a hard time with change. I must keep Linda in mind. I am currently struggling with setting up another Facebook page that is not doing what I tell it to!

  33. These are truly wonderful blessings, Diana! Sweet Cheeks is adorable in her sparkly tutu. It's so nice to have a fairy blog-mother. Your header is so cute :) xx K

  34. So happy to hear prayers have been answered! God is good! Linda is definitely a clever and beautiful lady. She did my blog makeover last year and I am so happy with it ☺

  35. Wow such good news for Jeff and Jettie! I am glad you gave Linda a try- she's been in charge of my blog updates and fix ups for a long time!

  36. Lots of good news. So glad to hear Jeff is healing and Jettie's surgery went well. It's always good to have a friend who can step in and help with technical issues. Glad Linda could help you. xo

  37. Happy to hear all the good news! I'll be checking out your friends blog. There some things that I can't figure out and I'm just gettin' too old to even try any longer (or too lazy...shhh). Your Sweet Cheeks is a cutie, I love her smile. Have a nice week!

  38. Oh Diana, what wonderful news and indeed, answers to prayer! Only God, my friend.

    Your new header is so sweet and yes, Linda is such a precious lady. Hugs to you!

  39. it is great.. You gave some good news.. it is very nice to hear tat your friend's son is feeling good and recovering..

  40. So thankful for answered prayers.
    I do love your sweet.
    God bless your day, dear friend. xoxo

  41. Great news for your friends Diana! ARGH...computers....nuf said. Sweet Cheeks will LOVE volleyball. Great team sport. Have a wonderful week.

  42. So very happy to hear your friends are both on the mend. I tell you....your Sweet Cheeks is just darling! Proud Grandma for certain! Warm hugs Diana!

  43. HaHa! Love that last computer tip. So glad to hear your friends are on the mend. That Sweet Cheeks....just looking into those cute little eyes makes me smile.

  44. So thankful for answered prayer in these peoples lives. God is good!!!!

  45. Diana, Great news on answered prayers(mine too). So I've "known"followed Linda for years now. She was such a blessing when two years ago a doctor was telling me I had ovarian cancer. Linda is a survivor of it and in all things she is so wise and knowledgeable. Her table designs are wonderful too. I told her next time I come to her neck of the woods, I want to meet her in person. So glad she was able to help you with your issues on the blog-yes she is an angle. Boy your Sweet Cheeks is getting so grownup!
    Love you!

  46. Linda is a lovely lady and she has made your blog look lovely, too!! I love to hear good news. Thanks for sharing and have fun spreading the smiles at the VA...

  47. We should all take some time to count our blessings...Good to see Sweet Cheeks..she's becoming quite the young lady. Enjoy your day.

  48. All wonderful blessings.

    It makes me think about my own - our daughter and her fiancee are about to close escrow on their first home - I'm going to have fun helping her decorate. It is raining again and California really needs that rain and I have absolutely nothing I have to do today!

  49. So glad to hear about these wonderful blessings, Diana. Our God is a good, good Father! Prayer is such a powerful thing and thank you for sharing these wonderful reports! I have heard others talk about being helped by Linda. If there is anything that goes wrong on my blog that I cannot figure out, I will most definitely go to her for help!

  50. I'm cracking up at that cartoon with the password!!! Brilliant! Such good news all around! We got a bit of good news this week too and hopefully I can share soon. :)

  51. So many blessings and thrilled with the updates. Thanks for the Hope your HERO is hanging in there

    Cindy info with help, I'll be visiting. My hubby and I LOVE our veterans. Please, always share your family.

  52. Love the header. I love visiting your blog. Good things going on for people you love.

  53. Diana, those are wonderful blessings to have. So glad that all the surgeries came through fine. Linda helped me with a problem once and she is so sweet and your header looks really great. BTW, Thanks, now everybody knows my password!!!..Happy Day to you..xxoJudy

  54. Oh sweet friend I am so happy for your friend and the successful surgery she had. God is good my friend.
    Linda did a great job as she always does with your header, she is really very smart and a wiz I'd say !
    I'm sorry I haven't been around, but I will soon get even with your great posts, I've missed everyone. Life has gotten in the way and various invitations I've made. Hubby was 70 Jan. 28th, but I made a luncheon for 20 the 3rd. of Feb. It was a lot of work, which I was happy to do and cook, but I'm still exhausted. Plus the week before that I invited two American couples who are wonderful and live here now. They are retired early and have invited us twice. So I invited some more friends that spoke English and family and yes, they ended up been 12 too. There was more cleaning and cooking, although we hire a waitress to help serve the food I make, lol.. But this way I can enjoy the luncheons and the guests.
    Your little girls looks prettier every time I see her !
    Hugs darling.

  55. I'm so happy you've had these special blessings in your life this week, Diana! As always, it is other people's wellbeing that blesses your heart.

  56. Hi Diana, So wonderful the blessings around us that you share. I am so happy for the good news on Diana's son and Jettie's surgery. God has answered so many prayers and holds us all in his care!! SC's is growing up so fast. What a beautiful little lady she is!! Love your new blog look with the help of our talented Linda!! She is incredible.
    Enjoy the rest of the week and weekend ahead. Blessings love to you dear friend. xo

  57. I enjoyed your post. It is always good to hear of blessings. I don't have a computer to figure out and I don't know windows 10 but I have plenty of challenges and so I celebrate with you!!!

  58. So glad that you have figured out your computer. Isn't it wonderful that all your friends have recovered and are doing so well. You are blessed.

    WOW SC is really growing up and she is so pretty. Great looking granddaughters all of them.

    Sorry to be so slow in commenting, but I've been under the weather. But I do have good news - my kidneys are back to normal - Yea Yea. It only took 7 years to get them back to normal. Couldn't understand why I was dragging around and I need more thyroid so they are increasing my dosage and that should do the trick. I also have beat diabetics - so i have lots to be happy about. Now I will be the energizing bunny LOL

    Wishing you a terrific weekend and God has blessed us with wonderful rain.

    Lots of hugs,

  59. I am glad to hear your friends are feeling better, prayer does work... we'll all have to keep the prayers up xox

    Yay to getting you computer fixed and for your friend helping you out, I will have to drop by and visit her blog, look into some of those tutorials...I get frustrated and ultimately would rather pay someone to fix it for me... lol... I'd like to do a blog update, maybe for the spring xox


Please leave a comment~They bless my heart~