
Tuesday, February 21, 2017


For those of you that missed
the update on 

Just a quick note to say-

John is still cancer free.
He now goes from being scoped every 
FOUR weeks
to being scoped every
SIX weeks.

That is progress.

There is some concern that his 
THYROID is not functioning.
It is most likely damaged from 
all of the 
But- Thyroids (or lack thereof)
can be regulated with meds.
That explains why he is 
all of the time.

We were lucky enough to have our
stay with us for four days
this past weekend.
She as as beautiful 
INSIDE as she is on the OUTSIDE.
We are blessed!

I am off to the VA 
this morning
and then coming home to pack for

I will fill you all in on that later!


  1. Very good news!! When might they start dealing with the thyroid issue? I'm sure he would be happy to have more energy. -Jenn

  2. Amazing and very happy news! Praise God! Let us hope and pray for continued good health! Enjoy your week and celebrate!

  3. Very good news! Your Lulu is beautiful and isn't she the one who is the singer? Singing praise to God for all our blessings.

  4. Excellent report and knowing about the thyroid is a very good thing. It is no fun being tired all the time. Have a happy day! (Planning trips is always happy for you. I still remember that midnight ride...)

  5. Such great news!!! And yep, replacement Rx for thyroid function will help ALOT with John's fatigue (I had to have my thyroid completely removed in 2010). Continued prayers for continued good health!

  6. Very thankful for answered prayers.
    Lulu is so pretty. What a blessing to enjoy her visit!

  7. Good Morning!
    I saw this on FB and just had to pop on by and say Praise God! This gave me chills, you have been on such a journey and you have done it all with style, grace and faith.

  8. This is wonderful news. I have thyroid problems also and I can tell you the tiredness is something I struggle with each day. The medication does help a lot.

  9. What wonderful news! Our daughter had her thyroid removed when she was 17. She is 44 now and the meds have always worked....hugs....

  10. Diana, that is great news, NO CANCER is always a blessing to hear those words. Progress is being made in extending the time between checkups. YOur LuLu is not little anymore and just a beautiful girl. My husband (thehubs) is on thyroid medication after having thyroid cancer. We had a scare this year, his 5 year anniverary, but they are watching him closely and he will be retested again in April. We are blessed to have good health care through the VA and the Choice program they are using now. Thank you for your volunteering at the VA, I know that our veterans love the kindness the volunteers spread through the buildings. Have a great day and enjoy your upcoming adventure!

  11. Your grandchildren inherited the most beautiful smiles!

  12. Such good news about your John. Yay!
    After all he's been through it makes sense that he's tired but I hope thyroid meds help.
    An adventure? Woooo hoooo!

  13. YAY!! Great news! God is good. Enjoy your adventure!

  14. Such good news!!! That makes me very happy. :) Love that pic of Lulu too...she is just beautiful and she has the BEST hair! Very pretty girl! xoxo

  15. Praising the Lord for the good report! So thankful that the scope can be spread out and not so often, and will pray too that the doctors can regulate his thyroid with medication! I'm sure you are up to something very fun, will look forward to hearing about it :) Always nice to have something fun to do in the winter! Hugs to you today :)

  16. Oh I am so glad John is still cancer free.
    Thyroids are funny things....hopefully they can help in that department.
    Have a great day!!

  17. So glad to hear John is cancer free. I completely understand the thyroid function. it can be regulated with meds.
    I, too have to take a pill every morning, so my body can stay regulated. Lulu is adorable and I am so happy she visited for 4 days. What a nice blessing. Lots of love to you, Linda

  18. I am so thankful and so grateful to God.

  19. Great news! I don't have Facebook, so thanks for the update.

  20. So happy to hear this great news about John, and hoping his other health issue will be taken care of. Your Lulu is a darling. I can imagine how pleased you were to have her visit for four days. Now, you have me curious about your little adventure hehehe.

    love, ~Sheri

  21. PTL for the good news re. John! Any and all advances rejoiced over!

  22. Happy happy news! Pretty pretty Lulu! Have fun on your trip.

  23. Very very good news. Hugs John and you too Diane.

  24. Wonderful news, Diana!! Oh your little Lulu is gorgeous, she looks like a model!! xo

  25. Oh thank you Jesus!!!!! I KNOW HOW HAPPY YOU ARE!!!!! Praying DAILY for John's complete recovery. Jesus is Lord!!!

  26. This quick update made my morning!! Thank you, Diana dear. Please give my love to your family, and keep a big hug for yourself.

  27. Thank you so much for the update on John! It has been a long hard jouney for you both. I am so happy to hear the good news!

  28. This is such wonderful news Diana! Energy is a good thing to have and especially to keep up with you! ;) just is a must nowadays! Praying they do exactly what he needs for his thyroid.
    Have fun planning your getaway! Enjoy!

    Sending hugs, Amy

  29. Such good news! I loved reading this! It will be interesting g to find our about your upcoming adventure.

  30. Diana, I know that is some good news on John. Getting the thyroid meds will help. Hug him for all of us. Your Lulu is a beauty. It is so nice to see that she is a kind person too. I always tell Emma...pretty is , as pretty does...LOL. I hope all our g.children stay good citizens. Hope you are going to have some fun. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  31. That's good news on the cancer-free find

  32. Glad to hear John's good news. I know you probably hear this all the time, but load John up with fruits and vegetables....juiced is better.

    Your LuLu is gorgeous! And she does look very sweet!

    Have fun on your adventure!

  33. So glad that John is doing so well. I have a problem also with my thyroid and have to take medication. Was a little low again so the Dr increased it some. Never know if its old age or my thyroid LOL

    Have a great trip.


    Enjoy yourself!!!!

  34. Very good news and praying for it to continue! Your grands are so cute!

  35. So happy your Hero is doing well! God is so good :) I love adventures...hope you have FUN!!

  36. I thought I had already commented on this, but I guess that was FB. I cannot believe a year has passed, but am so thankful with you and your family for the good news. Praise the Lord! Your granddaughters are all so pretty.

  37. Yes! Good for your Hero! He does need all his energy to keep up with you. ha! Glad you had your Alana stay with you.. xoxo

  38. So happy for you both about the good news! Lulu is adorable- she's becoming such a beautiful young lady!

  39. Great news! I hope that he continues to heal well and gets the rest he needs. You have beautiful granddaughters.
    Take care, Janet W hugs and prayers

  40. Cancer free, what a praise. I remember those days when there was much prayer sent out for your dear husband and your family.What a privilege it was and continues to be as I pray for you.
    Time away, good for you! I look forward to hearing all about it.

  41. Cancer free, what a praise. I remember those days when there was much prayer sent out for your dear husband and your family.What a privilege it was and continues to be as I pray for you.
    Time away, good for you! I look forward to hearing all about it.

  42. Cancer free, what a praise. I remember those days when there was much prayer sent out for your dear husband and your family.What a privilege it was and continues to be as I pray for you.
    Time away, good for you! I look forward to hearing all about it.

  43. Good News ... continuing to pray!

    Looking forward to hearing about your getaway.

  44. Oh this is wonderful news!! Congratulations!!!

  45. Yeah! I'm so thankful for this result! And I hope your new adventure is wonderful!

  46. Glad to hear the good news and Lulu is beautiful! Have a happy new adventure! Nancy

  47. Praise be to the Lord - this is great news.

    As for the thyroid - new prayers being sent up for that too. It's scary but not dreadful-beyond-hope!

    Your sweet Lulu sure has grown into a lovely young lady!

    Happy adventures. Enjoy - you've earned it, hon. Hugs.

  48. I'm so glad to hear of John's good results! And although I'm sorry to hear his thyroid isn't working, it's good they found the cause of his fatigue. Hope it all gets regulated and he's feeling better soon.
    Lulu is beautiful. I know you enjoyed her staying with you!
    Enjoy your adventure!

  49. Your John's health news sounds very promising. Lulu is gorgeous. Have a great day.

  50. Looking back on some of the early posts re John's difficulties, it seems you two have had a long row to hoe this past year. Hoping you're off to a wonderful, restful time! Behave yourself and no putting fruit on John's head while he sleeps.

  51. Such good news!!! Sending prayers for John's continued remission and good health!! Your grand daughter is stunning!!

  52. So great to hear the wonderful news, Diana. I continue to keep the two of you in my prayers. Your granddaughter is a true beauty. Safe travels.

  53. So great to hear the wonderful news, Diana. I continue to keep the two of you in my prayers. Your granddaughter is a true beauty. Safe travels.

  54. Such wonderful news and oh yes. let us praise the Lord! Your precious LuLu is stunning! Hugs and blessings sweet lady, Cindy

  55. I love the teaser. Can't wait to hear more and I love LuLu's picture! Happy dance here for the good news!

  56. Diana, I am so glad to hear that your hero is doing well. Yes, the thyroid can be treated. I had thyroiditis for a year meaning that my labs were up and down and could not be treated. Doctors said the inflamation would go away and my thyroid would become slow and I'd be treated for hypothyroidism. That's exactly what happened. So glad it wasn't the worse case senario. You are such a positive person. I know that has helped his recovery.

  57. Love the pictures of your grand children!
    They really are such good looking boys and girls.
    May God continue blessing you and yours!

  58. So happy for your good news. Your grandchildren are such blessings.

  59. So happy to hear John is still cancer free. Hope he can get help with his thyroid/fatigue issue. Lulu is gorgeous. What a beautiful dress! xo

  60. So much good news, Diana!! And a beautiful grand daughter to boot!! ;)

  61. So good to hear. I look forwards to your adventure.

  62. Soooo glad to hear John is doing great and cancer free. Enjoy your get away.

  63. Praise God! I love hearing the phrase "cancer free"!!! Can only imagine how you feel. Oh my Lulu is gorgeous, she is growing way too

    Blessings on your adventure..

  64. Glad to hear a great report and little lulu is adorable.

  65. So glad to hear the good report...God is GOOD! Lulu is a beautiful young lady too! :)

  66. Your little LuLu is very pretty... sweet girl xox As I said before, so happy your hero is okay, my sister had to have her thyroid removed... she will be on medications for the rest of her life, it took a bit to regulate the meds but she's doing well now xox

  67. Hi Diana and a big woo hoo for John! Such wonderful news. I am so happy for all of you, I know it has been a long haul. Can Lulu get any more lovely? Your grands are growing so quickly! Jane

  68. Hello Diana, wow I am so happy that your hero is doing so well and is cancer free. I know you are all so happy! Wishing you all a lot of happiness. P.S. I love your new blog look! :)
    Hugs, Julie

  69. That is indeed good news about your sweetie.

  70. It sure is good news indeed! I'm thankful to God. Little Lulu is beautiful as always!

  71. Those are great news, Diana! And your little Lulu is such a beautiful young lady! Wow, I'm telling you time flies!


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