
Friday, November 11, 2016


After volunteering at the 


for a couple of years

I have a whole new appreciation

for our servicemen and servicewomen.

I love the older veterans.

They are so proud and even though they

may be feeble physically

their pride burns strong and hard.

There are some hard moments

as you watch them struggle to walk

to their appointments;

they are often too proud to

ride in a wheelchair.

AND there are some tender moments-

a son holding his dad's arm

on his way to treatment-

a daughter doing the mechanics

for her mother who is unable

to check in on her own-

all part of their every day life.

If this picture of an elderly vet 

hugging a young vet that has lost his arm

doesn't put a lump in your throat

or a tear in your eye

you might not "get it".
I will never ever take our freedom for granted

and I hope you don't either.










Show your support and if you see 

a veteran today,

shake his or her hand and say

Thank You!

You'll be glad you did!


  1. Diana, Kind of hard to type tearing up . That is one rough picture , but ever so touching. I have always appreciated our veterans. Thank you for such a good post. Blessings, love, xoxo, Susie

  2. Oh my goodness.
    Be still my heart.
    My eyes water immediately as I read this and look at this photo.
    Forever grateful I will be....and there are no words to express my deep gratitude for all of our veterans.
    Thank you for sharing this.
    It touched my heart....

  3. Such a moving post, Diana. May God bless our Veterans.
    Wishing you a nice weekend. xo

  4. Even though I have seen that picture before, I tear up every time. I am so grateful to those veterans alive and dead who gave themselves for this country. Joe is at the VA Hospital a lot so I see the sights you do. God bless our veterans.

  5. Love this post... and with all the crazy happenings going on right now... I just don't understand the senseless acts and the right to entitlement this generation is portraying. So much disrespect to our veterans and more... it's a struggle to understand. Thank you for this post and honoring them they way they deserve to be honored and not the other nonsense society has been showing lately. :-(
    There are not enough words to express my gratitude for their services! God bless them all!


  6. I completely agree! Thanks for nodding to the veterans.

  7. what a beautiful and inspirational post, I have been thinking of you and your hero a lot lately, I feel he has waged a war and I pray he is well,

  8. My 93 year old father in law (WWII at the Battle of the Bulge) and I are the vets in our family. I love to ensure he gets the attention he deserves. Thanks for your kind words.

  9. Diana, thank you for working with these heroes! God bless them all! xo ♥

  10. Oh yes, yes, yes! God bless these veterans who were proud to serve. That photo is very moving. I so wish I had appreciated my dad's service when I was younger. He served in WWII and one of my uncles was killed in that war. Diana, will you still be volunteering at the VA and working, too? They will miss you!

  11. Thank you so much for the way you "get it"--and you use your sphere of influence to help others get it. Thank you so much for your work with these too-often-overlooked heroes.

    Bless you!

  12. Thank you to all those who have served since the beginning of this great country. I believe my family line has had at least 1 who served in every war, every conflict we've ever had.

  13. That photo touched my heart, Diana. Thank you for sharing and thank you for all you do to help make their lives a little lighter at the Vet Hospital! I know they appreciate you.

  14. Beautiful post Diana and the photo tugs at your heart. We have so much to be thankful for in our country because of the brave men and women who have sacrificed to keep us free. When I see a military person, I always thank them for their service. I know you love working with our Vets and giving back!
    How did the week go??
    Have a nice weekend. xo

  15. A lovely post, Diana...and I thank you for your generous service to those who have served. xo

  16. A beautiful tribute, Diana. Thank you!

  17. A wonderful tribute :) My son's a Vet and he got a pumpkin roll from Mommy today: ) Ha ha with the tribe of kids he lives with, though...he'll be lucky to just get one slice.

  18. Diana,
    thank you for what you do for our Vets! This was a very moving and wonderful post. Both my sons are Vets and were always surprised and also appreciated it when people came up and thanked them for their service. We should honor and thank our Military whenever we have the opportunity for all they do for us and our country!

  19. This was a beautiful and heartfelt post. Thank YOU for being there to lend a helping hand and a pretty smile. I know they appreciate you, too.
    xo, T.

  20. My husband is a Vietnam Vet. I support and thank all vets. We live in a wonderful country thanks to them.

  21. God Bless all the veterans. Thank you for your service.

  22. My husband was a Vet and I have the utmost respect for all of them..I thank them for their service..Where would we be without them?

  23. Thank you friend. We have many family and friends to yell a big Thank You too!
    Thank you for the love that you show during your time at the VA! I know my grandpa would have flirted with you.
    xx oo

  24. Thank you Diana, for helping the heroes of this land. I've said it before but it has such meaning on a day like today. The veterans have always made our beautiful country great and safe for all of us. Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

  25. Lovely post today Diana. And yes, to all those that served, "the brave veterans that give us a safe and peaceful place to live in" I hope it was not all in vain.

  26. This is a touching post. I can only imagine all the little scenes you have watched in your volunteer work. They are our heroes, every one.

  27. Beautiful post. I saw your comment at my blog. Thank you. SO many gave so much for our freedom. Today was hard for me. so much disrespect in our country, burning cities. Breaks my heart these Vets gave up their private lives to serve us, we all need to be grateful, not just a few of us. :-(
    My nieces lost their dad two years ago. He was in hospice care, his second phamily let him starve to death. He served in Vietnam and the girls always say they can only imagine the horrors he experienced.
    In my encouragement group we sent many cards to retired Vets. I gave Pam the names of two of my girlfriends hubbys. My friend Lyn's hubby Hank is a tough ole bird. He served 30 plus years in the US Navy. When he received cards from our group Lyn said he cried. He said no one had ever thanked him before. Another friend told me a similar story about her own hubby. So sad that so many were ignored. But no more. I hope you and John are doing well. Take care and enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Annie

  28. A big thank you to all our veterans. When I meet a vet and say "Thank you for your service.", I am always moved when I seen tears come into their eyes. It makes MY day! God bless our vets!

  29. So proud to be an American and so proud of those who keep us free.

  30. This was very moving, Diana!
    Thank you for sharing this. We were in bed last night when my husband received a text from our daughter thanking him for serving. That was unexpected and touching. I am thankful for all our veterans. We owe them so much.

  31. Bless you for remembering and making this lovely post. We owe these men and women more than any of us that have been fortunate enough to never have had to go off to war will ever truly understand. That's why that photo is so touching, they both really know the price of freedom. These men and women are "Super Heroes" . . . God Bless Them One & All!

  32. What a heartfelt tribute and the pictures say so much. Melt my heart and bring a tear. God bless our Veterans.

  33. What a great tribute and think too many people in this great nation don't appreciate or realize what they have. Its comforting knowing vets have you there wish you were in IL they sure can use some good help1

  34. Hi Diana..
    love this post..pray for our service people..:)
    yup I voted :)
    Have a wonderful week..

  35. Oh Diana, you are such a good person. I am afraid that I would be crying all over the place if I went there. The picture of the man with the young marine really made me cry. They all have given so much to our country to make it a safe place for all of us. Good bless you too.


  36. oh that picture.
    oh my.


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