
Saturday, October 29, 2016

CALLING ALL BLOGGERS HOME-Whatever Happened To---------

As most of you know,
I was away from blogging for almost a year.
A lot can happen in a year.

I have been trying to catch up with some 
of the blogs I used to follow---
Blogs I enjoyed for one reason or another.
Some for their decor ideas,
some for their lovely pictures,
some because they were just

So---that being said---
I am throwing this out there for anyone
that might want to respond that
'knows something'.

wonder where bloggers go 
when they no longer blog?

Did these blogs disappear?
Are they on Instagram now?
Are they on Facebook only?
did you go?

I am worried about you!

Here in no particular order are
blogs that I am missing....

Around the House (Phyllis)
At Home With Elaine (just not blogging?)
Blessed Serendipity
Blooming on Bainbridge
Blooming Rose Musings
Bluebird Notes
The Bam Life
The Bouse Life
Cottage & Broome
Cottage on Main
Confessions of a Junkyard Cat
Creative Decorating on a Budget
Elements Interiors
Happy To Be
Kelley Highway
OC Cottage
Pembrookshire Lass
Rose Petals from Heaven 
Rosewalk Cottage
Rusty Pearl
Shabby Brocante

I borrowed stole am using these
pictures from their blogs/headers
just to jog your memory.
This is FAR FROM a complete list-
Just some blogs that appear on my sidebar
that have 'disappeared'.

It's funny how connected we become
here in
and I worry about people 
that just kind of 

Maybe some of you are still posting-
have changed your name-
have moved on to a different form
(blogger to Wordpress, etc)

IF you have a moment and know 
what happened to any of these bloggers-
I would love an update.

And- as a side note---
 I was sorry to hear that
Pat from Back Porch Musings 
had passed away. 
She was such a lovely lady
and a beautiful blog.

Next post I will share my
 adventure at 
with 6 crazy running sweet grandkids
and my 2 daughters and 1 son-in-law.
Now THAT was scary!


  1. Good Morning, I am not familiar with the blogs you have listed here. Hopefully, some of your readers will give you insight as to what happened with some of these friends. Wishing you a nice weekend, Diana. xoxo

  2. I do know what you mean about losing touch with blog friends. I am guilty of that myself. We do become attached just as if we were close friends and knew them in a real relationship. That is a lot of blogs - hope someone can inform you of where they are.

  3. Hi Diana... thanks for telling me about the pop ups. I didn't even know I had them and I don't like them. It's terrible when a blog that you love drops out of sight. Hope you're having a great weekend.

  4. Hi Diana, yes, I often wonder where some of my favorite blogs have disappeared to and worry about the lovely folks behind them. I can't offer any insight to those you've listed. I did not know about Pat and I am so very sorry to hear of her passing. She was a neat lady with a great fashion sense, a talented homemaker and most of all, very kind and sweet. If you get any updates on your list, I hope you will share. Jane

  5. I've been away from blogging myself. I'm so sorry to hear about Pat. She'll be missed.


  6. I have no answers for you as to where these blogs have gone,, to the land of lost bloggers I suppose,

    boo zoo, now thats an opening if I ever read one!!!

  7. I am not familiar with any of the blogs you mentioned. Would the blogs not always be out there on the internet unless the blogger themselves deleted them? It takes a bit of dedication to keep blogging week after week. Maybe they just tired of it?? Looking forward to your zoo experiences. -Jenn

  8. Yes, Pat's passing is a loss to Blogdom. In the past 18 months or so, we have also lost Lynda Naranjo, Cait O'Connor, Margie at Margie's Crafts, Ccekay at Thinkin' of Home, and more. Currently, I am wondering where Terri of Homespun Cottage is amongst others. In the past, Auntie of Aunt Amelia's Attic would suggest that every blogger have a trusted blogging buddy to hand off one's password so that , in the event of troubles or death, the community in Blogdom would know, Ceekay's family did that; Margie's family did as well. Sad tooic. I sure hope that your friends aee just on a blogging hiatus.

    1. Before I forget, thank you for giving a place to express these losses whether permanent or only temporary. I forgot to mention dear Beth from Day by Day with Beth Marie. I still visit her blog looking for some of her yummy recipes

  9. Di, left a comment about Miss Gracie's House on your last post by accident (I'll blame it on Blogspot...yeah, that's what happened) and just wanted to say that I give you kudos for bringing this up. It took me a while to find out about Pat's passing a while back, which is so sad for her family and blogging friends. She will be missed for a long while.

  10. Besides sweet Pat, I don't know any of the blogs you mentioned....You can try typing their names into facebook and see if anything pops up.

  11. I don't know any of the blogs you mentioned, but I have had that happen with some of my blogging friends too. You grow attached to them and have real friendships. Basically, I just want to know they are OK. I had two blogging friends who said in their blog that they were going to stop blogging, that it was too much for them. Fortunately I was able to find them on facebook and friend them there so we are still in touch. Not as good as a blog, but still better than disappearing into the sunset never to be heard from again.

  12. Gloria at Happy to Be quit blogging in about 2013 or 14..bad health and just doesn't feel like blogging..she is, however, on Face Book...I don't know any of the others but Around the House just quit, I think.
    Smiling Sally even left a letter for all of us when she passed. I heard about Pat thru another blogger..I agree with VEE that ea of us chose one blogger to spread the word on our daughter knows who to get in touch with should I become too ill to blog or should pass.
    Other people outside of blogging don't know how close we can get to other bloggers that we have never and will never meet.

  13. I did know about Pat; so sad. I am not familiar with these but I googled a few and the blogs are there, they just seem to have stopped blogging. I have seen a few quilt bloggers do that too....yet they might be around on FB or Instagram.

  14. I'm not familiar with the ones you mentioned but I have others I miss so much and have hope they'll return, darling Benita of Chasing Quaintness and beautiful Rue of An Old-Fashioned World among them. Please come back!

    And my dear friend Tammy who announced she was leaving but I don't believe a word of it, she will be back! I won't hear of her not coming back, perhaps with a fabulous new blog.

    And of course our wonderful and always chic Pat, I miss her so much and my visits to her back porch to admire her style, in every aspect of her life. My heart is still heavy from hearing of her passing.

    Even after an absence of 2 months recently, my amazing blog friends welcomed me back, making me wonder why I ever dropped out because I'm realizing that whatever someone is going through, good friends can help you get through it.

    You know that better than anyone, don't you, Diana?

    Love to you,

  15. I'm not any help, Diana. Don't know where or what happened, guess maybe they lost interest. I get brain block sometimes and have to wait on inspiration. Sure hope you don't stop!

  16. Diana..I wish I could help too, but am not familiar with any of these blogs. I too wish there was a way to find out what happens to our friends in Blogland when they become silent . Don't most have an email address attached to their blog? Maybe...if the blog is accessible a person could email them ?????looking forward to your Boo Zoo post😊

  17. I had the same experience Nana. I was not able to visit like I should and so many were just gone when I got back to visiting again. Yes you wonder what happens. I know during the process with Tristen I had little time or energy to be writing my own blogs let alone visit. Then to catch up after and all of that. I did consider quitting but I enjoy blogging too much. I am glad you are back and hope things are going well.

  18. I have often wondered about some of the bloggers that have stopped blogging. Does anyone know what happened to the author of Nanny's Place? She hasn't posted in about a year.

  19. You and I have been thinking alike! I am also missing some bloggers who have seemingly just dropped off the face of the earth and I an worried about them. I don't remember any of the bloggers listed here. I was shocked, too, to hear about Pat of Back Porch Musings. Such a vibrant and always busy lady and gone in such a short time. So sad. I read some of your comments and didn't know about Ceekay, either. I agree with others that we should have a family member or good friend to pass along the news somehow should something happen to us. The not knowing is hard on the blogging community, imo. Glad you did this post, Diana. Take care. xo Cheryl

  20. I'm not familiar with any of the bloggers you mentioned...but yes, I feel the same way when my fellow bloggers disappear. I was just wondering about one of my closer former blogging friends the other day and dropped her an email--'twas so wonderful to hear from her when she wrote back and told me she was doing well and why she had quit blogging. Hope you are able to find your long-lost friends!

  21. Not sure what happens to those that seem to disappear from Blogland. Guess they tire of blogging for some or switch to a different media. Who knows. I did contact one blog friend through Etsy that I did not see blogging and she just got busy with life. She blogged every day!!! Yeah, I guess that's what happens to some. Even I have been laxed in blogging and going for a week or so without blogging. Then there's the problems that Blogger presents, like not letting me leave comments for some unknown reason....that becomes very frustrating. Who knows, everyone has a reason, whether it be sickness, death or what ever. Maybe sometimes depression and there just is nothing to type and talk about. It's nice to know that someone like you cares enough to reach out. I am sure you will find the answers.

  22. Hi Diana...
    I'm so glad you're back! I've been trying to keep up with you a little since your return.. Summer was so busy. In response to your post, I have read a lot of reasons why people have stopped blogging. Some being personal tragedy in their lives.. and some have said that people often don't comment like they used to and they've lost some of the connection with the readers. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It's so sad when when that happens. A blogging friend of mine recently lost her daughter and said she would be gone. Life is just so hard sometimes.. It's so nice to hear from you! Continued prayers and blessings to you and your family.


  23. Diana, I miss lots of those ladies too. Do you remember Marydon...I thought her blog was called something.. Rose..I can't find her anywhere. I miss her too. I can imagine trying to do face book and blogging would eat up one's time. I am glad you are able to post and visit us again. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  24. 1800 Farm House Road also. Love this blog, the decorating and the four legged family members!

  25. Hi Diana,
    I think a lot of these bloggers are on Facebook and IG now. On IG I do see a lot of bloggers that no longer have their blogs. Hope you find some of these fun bloggers and others might know where they have gone. I am thinking of going into the witness protection program just so you know if I disappear someday lol! Happy Halloween.

  26. Diana, I am not familiar with the ones your mentioned. Most I believe were blogging long before me. However, I am so sorry to hear about Pat's passing. I had not heard about that. She was such a sweet lady, and I loved all of her beautiful table settings.

  27. Some might have switched to Instagram and/or Facebook. My sister (Kathy from Creative Home Expressions) is taking a little break. Wish I knew about the others.


  28. I hadn't heard about Pat. I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't think I'm familiar with any of the other blogs you mentioned. I know a lot of people are solely posting on IG now. One of the first blogs I followed finally shut down and now she only posts on IG. I certainly understand that it's a lot easier to do that, but I sure do miss her blog.

  29. I have no idea. Instagram is quick and easy and some bloggers are going that way. Every once in awhile I think about letting my blog go...
    Have fun with your grands. How are things going with your house? Showings?

  30. I do know what you mean...I was just looking at bloggers I followed that haven't posted in "forever"...I guess everyone has their priorities...sad because they were great people!...:)JP

  31. So sorry, none of these dear bloggers are familiar to me. I hope they respond. I lost a couple, and a short time ago, they found me.....yeah. Hope your stray's find you. We really do get connected with blog friends. When one of my blog friends passed away a few years ago, I didn't know what happened. Finally a mutual friend let me know. I've told my husband...if something happens to me, and I cannot post, please let my friends know. We do care about each other, don't we? Love and Hugs.

  32. Diana, not sure what happened to either of these blogs, but Rose Petals from Heaven was one of my first blog friends, and I loved Cottage and Broome. I know what you mean, where did some of our favorite bloggers go to? Some friends I had just wandered over to instagram and only do that now.

    Oh, you went to the Zoo with your grandkids! I love the Zoo, and will be happy to see your pictures coming up.

    love, ~Sheri

  33. I don't know some of these mentioned but I do understand about missing them. I'm so sorry to hear about Pat...I didn't realize she was gone. Such a beautiful lady, inside and out. Gloria ~ Happy To Be has severe health issues but she is still on FB. She was the first blogger I "met" and helped me tremendously in trying to set up my blog. I really miss Blooming on Bainbridge! You know, I'm not a big IG person so perhaps some are there and FB only. Cottage and Broome just disappeared and I miss them. If you find out more about any of them, please let us know!


  34. Diana, so sorry to hear about Pat...hadn't heard about her passing... I loved Phyllis's blog and drooled over her dish storage in her garage. I still go back and look at her table settings. Benita from Chasing Quaintness moved again and said she would start blogging again once she is settled. I think they moved to Texas. Not being a blogger myself, I can't imagine the work that goes into getting a post ready and dealing with rude, down-right nasty commenters. Expecting a full report on the zoo excursion! xoxo

  35. I have only been blogging since 2013 and even in that short amount of time, I too have seen a lot of friends just disappear. I agree with Kris, bloggers are moving over to Instagram where they can blog with photos and just a few words and like Dewena, I miss Benita and Rue. It's nice of you to call out to your friends. Maybe they're still reading and will answer you! : )

  36. Hi Diana, Many bloggers are now keeping in touch on FB and Instagram. I think in part because we are all so busy and those social sites are just easier, faster to manage and post in.
    I too have cut back to just one post a week blogging ~ but after 10 years, and being so busy with many more venues, this is working well right now.
    I do not plan to leave my blog because it really helps with having an etsy shop. Many of my customers like to visit me there.

    I don't know those you mentioned except Pat and I was very sorry to know of her passing when I heard.
    Maybe some of the friends you speak of have email addresses on their blogs and you could email them.

    Have fun at the zoo!! Enjoy the weekend. xo

  37. I do not know any of these blogs so I'm not much help. It is strange when people just disappear, isn't it?
    You become so connected in this community of blogging and you hate to see people go.
    I still feel some what new to blogging and am so slow in learning how it all works. Sigh... Thankfully I have my dear Stephanie to guide me along. I do leave every now and then when life becomes too busy, but I always return.

    It's wonderful to see you back sweet lady~~

  38. Diana, I am glad you brought up this topic-I was sorry to hear about Pat and had no idea! I think something may have occurred with Pembroke Lass-I followed her, but no she was in and out of the hospital several years ago. Sometimes I think some bloggers get old and their friends/family don't tell us. I've know several over the years who passed. I also used to follow Blooming on Bainbridge, don't know what happened there. A lot of gals just went to FB or Instagram when they got too busy.
    Have a great weekend my friend!
    Hugs, Noreen

  39. I am not sure where they disappear to. I think some change their names (hiding?) or reinvent themselves. Maybe some grow tired of it or decide to give up. I do have friends that have a couple blogs they have given up on but are still there with old posts. Maybe their lives get too busy. Who knows.

  40. I see that a couple of people have mentioned Gloria of Happy to Be. I do see her comment on Facebook occasionally under the name of Gloria Lawrence. Don't know about any of your other lost bloggers -- good luck in your search!

  41. Some of the bloggers have stayed in touch for years and some come and go. It's nice to hear from people from so many different places.

  42. I often wonder what happened to bloggers who just disappeared. I'm not blogging regularly anymore but I do worry when I don't see people for a long time. I have a way of thinking the worst, so I hope you hear from some of them. take care.

  43. I hear you o some of these great losses. I followed a few. There was a time about 2 years ago where there was a glitch with blogger and I lost tons of blogs I followed. My mind would jog when I saw them on other blogs in comments. Others I never did find. In any event, should you get info on these ladies please pack it on! As we move forward, I wish I could highlight some of the newer bloggers. That has always broadened my horizon. Maybe I should have a feature like that. What do you think?


  44. I am not familiar with an of those..sorry I can't be of any help..I.'be lost track of a couple that I used to follow..Don't know where they went?

  45. Diana, I have read that a lot of bloggers only last about 1 year. Guess we are just die hards. I know Happy to Be is Gloria Lawrence and I think she does mostly FaceBook. I was so sorry to hear about Pat, I did follow her but, like most of us, time gets away and we don't visit as we should. I loved the way she decorated. I will let you know when I decide to hang it up. Hopefully, NEVER!..Happy Sunday..xxoJudy

  46. I always hate that, people are so fickle sometimes

  47. When Bloggers decide to "pause" for an extended time I like it when they tell us.
    I don't blog as frequently as I once did but, like you, I'm still around.
    I still feel very connected to my blog friends and love to visit them (and hear from them).

  48. I'm familiar with several of the blogs, Diana. I know some of the blogs I followed years ago are gone too. I think other happenings in life just take priority over blogging. I personally have found that the longer I take a break, the harder it is to get back into blogging.

  49. I too am not familiar with those, but I have wondered about others too. I think many people are getting overwhelmed by the number of "fake" bloggers out there..... I am so glad you are back. You were missed for sure.

  50. Can't help with any of those bloggers, Diana. Always good to see you pop back into blogland!

  51. Oh my, I didn't know that Pat had passed away. They had just moved into that new home and she was so please about getting the things to decorate. I know her husband was very ill. Do you know what happened?

    Phyllis from Around the House has been so busy taking care of her husband that has MS that she just doesn't have the time. I think she still read a few now and then. She is my best friend so we talk all the time.

    Hope you find out what has happened to some of them.


  52. Diana,
    O my goodness! I did not know that Pat had passed away. Did you know Sally who hosted Blue Monday? She also passed away too. So sad. I know that Gloria from Happy to Be no longer blogs but she is on Face book.
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and visit!! I am glad that you are back to blogging!! How are you and your hubby doing??

  53. so glad that your are safe and healthy and back to your friends dear .

    i was not able to blog for almost one year and it was due to some personal reasons i mean it was not my choice .
    i am a woman of forty five with some minor health issues but still i want to blog till my last day because here i meet many precious friends and don't want to miss them until it is beyond my capacity

  54. I wonder the same thing. Which brought me to thinking: I have never taken a blog break! Hard to believe. Pat is sorely missed for sure. I think back and can see in my mind bloggers we've lost. And the others, I wonder what happened to them. Are they okay? Is something wrong? I just hate when you're left with a blog that has been "vacant" for awhile and you have no idea why???

  55. I totally agree with this post . . . there are people that touch our heart with their blogs and we become connected. Then when they disappear it leaves a hole. I like to believe that their life has just become so exciting and fun that they don't have the time to post :)

  56. I agree with you about wondering what happens to them, but I don't recognize any of the ones you listed.

  57. Hmmm, I don't know any of these bloggers but I do wonder what happens to them. One that I really miss is Benita of Chasing Quaintness. I know she had to move again unexpectedly. Also Nancy of A Joyful Cottage who is taking a break from blogging. Did you follow either one of them?

  58. Hello Friend,
    I wonder too what happens to folks. I know some just get busy.
    I will say I am so thankful for this community of blog buddies we have. On days that things do not seem right in this crazy world, I love coming to my blog buddies to cheer me up.

  59. Sorry, I don't know any of these bloggers. I know of others that were having personal problems, so they just stepped away from their blogs and a couple of others that decided to just use Instagram. PS - was glad to hear in your other post that Pat's surgery went well. I know with that type of major surgery, she has a long road ahead of her for recovery, so continued prayers!

  60. I want to sit down with a cup of coffee and spend more time with my blogging friends.
    I intend to do that very soon.
    We blogging buds are buds for always!
    Hugs to you, my friend!!!

  61. I haven't been blogging very much. My brother was in a bad motorcycle accident and I have been helping him and other family members to help him out around his house. He is in a wheelchair now, but will be having back surgery soon. I hope to be back soon.

  62. Still here. Trying to find time to blog has been nearly impossible. Sometimes I feel like I am running around like a chickenwith her head cut off and as far as reading blogs, I hate Bloglovin, so I only read blogs once in a while, hence the comment (lol). I do love Instagram. It's quick and easy to read. With all that said, I'll just go ahead and wish you Happy Holidays in case I don't get around to reading blogs for awhile. Hugs, Petie

  63. It happens a lot! I hate it! I suppose some people always intend to get back to it and then just don't. I'm glad you're back! Blogs with an authentic voice are few and far between!

  64. Miss Gracie just up and quit blogging a long while ago. I loved that blog. I don't know what happened to the others. There were several that I just loved and they have stopped blogging too. Sometimes there is an explanation and others times there is just no word. I'm glad you are back at blogging.

  65. Present and accounted for <3 But you know that already ;) X

  66. I did not know about Pat...back porch musings. Oh my....I am so sorry. Don't know anything about the others. But then again, I'm a fair weather blogger myself. I only started the blog and keep it as a running diary for my children. Every yr I make it into a book and they love it. They are always looking back to see what we did on such and such holiday and to watch the grandbabies grow. I think they should have 7 on their bookshelves now...

  67. Oh...Pat was such a fabulous photographer! I'm so sorry to hear about her passing. Thank you for letting us know. I think of other blogs too. I miss visiting with them. I was so happy to hear from you!

  68. Hey friend, I didn't take time to read all of your comments, so maybe someone else mentioned it already, but I do know Kelley Highway is no longer blogging, nor does she participate in Facebook, that I'm aware of. She sometimes comments on my and twin sister's posts but her blog is not active. I hope she'll pick it up again too.

  69. Thank you Diana, for taking the initiative to blog about lost bloggers. There have been several through the years that have stopped blogging, and it is always nice when they take a moment to just let us know that life has been interrupted - I think of Nancy with A Joyful Cottage who was kind enough to let us know she was taking a blogging break. Perhaps some of these dear ladies will pop back on their blogs and just provide an update so everyone knows what is going on in response to your wondering... Hugs to you today Diana :)

  70. I wonder about this all of the time Diana and I am one of those who have stopped blogging I guess. It's been 2 years since I posted and I know there are several reasons. First, I got a new camera and computer and it totally changed how I uploaded pictures and stored them and I was just too darn lazy to figure it all out. 😬 So I started taking more photos on my phone and started an Instagram page. But I know the main reason was so many blogs turned into a business and I missed the relationship part of blogging. On another note, Pat, of back porch was one I loved reading and I have been checking and checking and wondering about her. I am so sorry to hear that she died, so young. (I'm not on FB much either and not sure if that's where you heard). So happy to see posts from you - I hope you can keep it up. (I'm on insta as ordinarymiracles.5)

  71. Oh yes, I have often wondered about several bloggers and there are a few you mentioned that I have wondered where they went. Good for you for taking the initiative to blog about lost bloggers....maybe you will hear from some of them :)

    Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  72. I hope you were able to locate some of these missing bloggers whose blogs you enjoyed. Over the years I have taken several breaks usually about 3 months. I did however mention it in a post - I wouldn't want anyone to worry that I got cabin fever or got burned up in a house fire.

  73. I know what you mean, Diana. The only one of these I recognize is Elements Interior....Kara is on IG.

    Warm hugs,

  74. Hi Diana, I miss your blog. I haven't been reading or posting for a long time. I came across this post and thought I'd let you know I am still around. I am posting over on Instagram. My name is blessedserendipity (one word). Are you on Instagram? I would love to find you there. Happy New Year and hugs to you. XO Danielle


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