
Monday, April 20, 2015

PLEASE PLEASE PRAY for this young woman

I am sure a lot of you know 
She is a wonderful woman,
a mother and a grandmother
that gives so much to everyone.

She is asking for prayer for
her beautiful daughter-in-law,
seen here with Debby's son and two grandgirls.
Here is what Debby said last week on her blog.

My daughter-in-law  had been having headaches 

for two days when this was taken. 

She went to the ER on Tuesday.  Then she went back

 on Wed. and was admitted overnight .  The next day she was

 transferred to a hospital in Columbus by squad. She is now

 in ICU with a torn carotid artery.  They are still doing 

testing.  Her headaches have not gone away.  She is on blood

 thinners and being carefully watched.  She did have a couple

 of mini strokes.  I think her prognosis is good but we have 

no idea when she will be home.

I spent the night with the grandgirls.
They are so sensitive and miss her a lot. 

They did face time and we all were crying.  

Our DIL looked really bad. 

I contacted Debby yesterday 

and her DIL is still in ICU,

and not doing well.

Please pray that this 

young, beautiful mother

is restored to health and her family.

Please pray for those two little girls, too, 

that are missing their mom,

and Debby's son that is missing his

wife and worried sick.

Pray for Debby's peace of mind, too.

Thanks so much!

Debby and I both thank you for your prayers.

For those of you that don't pray

please send your good wishes and love.

I am at the dentist in the morning

and will be around later in the day.


  1. Oh Diana, that is just heartbreaking. I'm a prayer warrior and will start praying now. Please keep us posted.


  2. Yes, Ive already been and will continue to pray for Debbys daughter in law. how terribly scary for everyone. god is good though.. he can fix this!
    good luck at the dentist my friend!

  3. How very sad that this is happening to such a young woman. I pray that the doctors will be able to help her and bring her home to her family.

  4. Wow that is so scary. Praying she will continue to heal and return home to her loving family.

  5. Diana, I was shock when I read this at Debby blog. I have been praying for her DIL.. when we pray we have to include the person and their whole family...because an illness effects one's family also. It's scary what this young lady is going through. Hope you do well at the dentist Diana. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  6. Adding my prayers to those of others, and wishing her well.

  7. I will keep this lovely woman and beautiful family in my prayers, Diana.

  8. Saying a prayer now Diana for this sweet family. xo

  9. I will be praying for them, Diana. What a scary time. We never know what tomorrow will bring. Praying that God will bring her to full health soon and back with her family.

  10. Thank you for sharing this can turn on a dime can't it? Will offer a prayer for this sweet young Mom!

  11. Thank you for sharing this too. I missed Debbie's post last week.

  12. I will definitely hold them all in prayer, including the medical team.


  13. I follow Debby's blog so I feel like I know her. I will definitely say a prayer for her and keep her in my thoughts. She really is a beautiful young woman. I can't believe she is having this problem. It sounds like a rare thing! I hope she not only recovers from this but also doesn't have any long term negative effects from it. Any form of a stroke is dangerous! I know how close Debby is with her family so this is a very difficult time right now.

  14. Morning, I will be praying for the very request you have asked of us! Thanks for allowing us to help and to lift them all up! Wisdom for the medical team and comfort for them all. But mostly for recovery for this lovely young woman!
    Hugs, Roxy

  15. Diana,
    Just said a prayer for your friend's daughter-in-law and all the family. What a cute picture this is of them. Love all the flags in the picture. They look like a wonderful family.

    Have a splendid week.

    love, ~Sheri

  16. Do you live close to her? I do know her though the blog. She is a wonderful woman. She also has others going thru health issues. This is terrible about this young DIL and I will surely put her on my prayer list and pray. Sandie

  17. Prayers going up! And it seems you have been at the dentist a lot lately. I hope you are just about finished with that. It's no fun at all.

  18. Prayers for her and her family... May God bless this family with good health and long happy lives.

  19. I too just prayed for her immediately Di. Plus her family. Thank you for sharing so all of us in one accord can pray to hold her up to the Loving Father God.

  20. Another example, of how fragile our lives are. Enjoy each day the best you can as we know what tomorrow will bring. Trust they can correct her problem and be back with her family soon.

  21. Prayers and hugs are going out for Debby and her family. I know what it is to have someone in the hospital and not knowing what is going to happen and young children involved.

  22. Thank you Diana. We appreciate all your prayers. Hugs to everyone.

  23. So sad and scary for them all...sending prayers...

  24. Just prayed for her and those two little girls who miss their mother!

  25. I will pray for her and her family, too.

  26. This is so sad. Brought tears to my eyes. Sending prayers to them. <3

  27. Sending prayers for all of them! xo Nellie

  28. My daily prayers include the intentions of my blogging friends. I believe in the power of prayer with all my heart. Thank you for gathering so many because "where two or more are....." the Lord is the midst, listening with a compassionate heart.

    1. Diana, I did receive your acknowledgement of my offer of prayer through an email reply. Thank you for the personal attention you give all your readers!

  29. Prayers said for all of them. Let her recover to go back to her beautiful family.

  30. So beautiful and so young. Prayers for sure...

  31. Yes, it is a privilege to pray for this young wife and mother and her daughters and her husband and all her family. How good that she is right where she needs to be for healing and help. Praying for comfort for all and a speedy recovery.

  32. Praying for all of them. Hopefully the doctors can figure everything out and all will be well soon.

  33. Sending prayer, good wishes, healing thoughts and love -

  34. Prayers going up for all of them.

  35. I read Debby's post the other day, still praying! So very scary! Sending more prayers and I hope your dental appointment went better than last week's! Blessings, Cindy xoxo

  36. Diana,
    As tears fill my eyes I pray for a beautiful woman that she be healed and reunited with her family to live a very long life.

  37. Yes, I'll be absolutely praying for Debbie. May she be restored to health in Jesus name.

  38. Oh, Diana, I am so sorry for that lovely woman and her family. Of course I will pray for them and a speed recovery. They are learning more about blood clots and stokes. I have had three blood clots, but fortunately they never moved. I was sent to a specialist and found out that my blood is to thick and I will be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. It is called the Factor V and it is a mutation and is inherited. I am sure they have checked all that out. But, I was told to tell my family to have that checked out. because you can inherit it. I remember about your grandson when he was sick and a fellow blogger told you about his disease. It's just a thought, but talk to your friend about this.
    Hope the dentist was kind to you today.

  39. I am so sorry to hear about Debby's daughter in law, Diana! What an awful thing to have to face. I can only imagine what her girls and husband must be going thru. I will pray, and I'll drop a line to Debby as well. Thank you for spreading the word.

  40. Praying for this young woman and her family.
    Very frightening.

  41. I somehow missed this, Diana. I will definitely pray for her and I will contact Debby too. xo Laura

  42. Hello Diana! Sending this dear women and her family my prayers!<3

  43. Hello Diana! Sending this dear women and her family my prayers!<3

  44. Praying that all goes well for this young mom and her family!!

  45. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear this, Diana. I will most definitely say a prayer and send positive thoughts their way.

  46. Diana-- such a gut wrenching story. Sending prayers for her recovery and for her precious family. My heart breaks for this little girls-- I will pray for a miracle...

  47. I'm so very sorry! Sending prayers for this precious lady and her family! Thank you for sharing this need! XO, Betsy

  48. Sending prayers to join the rest...Torn carotid?? One would think they could fix it!! Hope all goes well for her and her family..

  49. I absolutely will the second I hit send. I will. Now.

  50. Hi Diana, I don't know Debby but will go to her blog as soon as I let you know I'm here praying too. You are such a blessing to share these needs with us!
    Hugs, Noreen

  51. Sad for this to happen, I wish her all the best and hope she is well and fit very soon.

  52. Prayers on the way...wishing for the best.

  53. Definitely continuing to pray for Krista and her family. God has presented me with many opportunities to pray for others in the past day. So many serous concerns all around but there is much peace and power in prayer!

    Blessings ~ Lisa

  54. These unexplainable circumstances in this young family are truly a challenge to one's faith. I pray that the husband and children will not have a spirit of fear, but of peace, courage, and strength for what they are facing. And that the healing power of Christ would be evident in their wife/mom!
    Mary Alice

  55. the healing white light of HIS love is all around her. and a shower of prayers for krista.
    powerful and full of love and healing. ♥

  56. So much for this little family to deal with. I am praying for good outcomes and quick recovery. Sending a virtual hug.

  57. Oh, I'm sorry to hear this about this lovely young woman and I will certainly be praying for her.
    Shelia ;)

  58. Prayers prayed for the entire family...God is Great and the Healer!!!

  59. Loving prayers extended to a precious daughter, daughter-in-law, wife, mother and beautiful lady!


  60. I will pray right now. So sorry. Martha

  61. Prayers for the family. Hope she will be back home with them soon.

  62. I am praying praying hard for this sweet family.....that the doctors are guided in knowing how to take care of her and how to help please keep us posted and let us know if there is anything we can do.......Nicole xoxo

  63. I will pray right now for this sweet lady and for her family too!

  64. Sending urgent prayers and loving healing to this beautiful wife, Mother, and daughter and also to the sweet family. xo Karen

  65. That is so tragic in such a lovely young mother. I will keep her in my prayers.

  66. I was popping over to say of course you have a Dianna statue and was hit by your sad post. Poor sweet babies. Prayers for God's healing

  67. I saw this yesterday Diana and yes I'm praying too!

  68. I am keeping this beautiful lady and her sweet family in my prayers. What a lot to deal with. Thanks for letting us know my friend. Sweet hugs, Diane

  69. Sending prayers ~ thank you for letting us know. Keep us posted.
    xx oo

  70. This completely got me teary eyed as a mom myself.... I will definitely pray for her! Please keep us posted

  71. I am so sorry to hear this news. My prayers are with all of them.


  72. Oh NO!!!
    I will be praying for her..

  73. I can't imagine this for anyone. My heart goes out to them all and many prayers.


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