
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Romantic Country- Winter 2014

I am really enjoying this 
Winter 2014 magazine.

Under the heading of
Cottage Comfort is an article 
An Eye For Fabulous.
It is INDEED fabulous as is Michelle @
Are these the cutest things you've seen today?
And wouldn't you love to sit here?
Or linger over coffee here?
Michelle- I am available for coffee any day between
8:30am and noon....just sayin'.....

While I am awaiting that invitation I will 
take you to see a condo in an article called
The Art of French Style.
owned by Will & Cathy Kimmel.
She co-owns The French Flat
Now THIS is a condo!
Isn't this lovely?
I know that doesn't leave you feeling blue 
How about some
This is a bit of the kitchen in the home of
Gail Smith - of the Agoura Antiques Market-
Her whole home is warm and welcoming
and there are several pages devoted to it.
And-this doesn't strike you as a typical
Florida home,does it?
Look what Robin Smith did here!
I couldn't find a site for her but she mentions
The Vintage Soul as inspiring her.
This is just one room of her sweet home.
And, last but not least.
Rhapsody In Blue is brought to us by
Sandra Linderman.
The only link I could find for her is here.
How fresh is this?
She has a very minimalistic approach to decorating
and it showcases her pieces beautifully.
There are MANY more pages devoted to her home.
Just for fun...
How cute are these little
There are instructions for making them in the magazine.
And what does that magazine 
LOOK LIKE you ask?
Why-Just like this!


  1. Thanks for the preview! That's a magazine I am not familiar with.

  2. What a beautiful issue. Thank you for sharing all those gorgeous pictures. I'm completely smitten with those paper trees! What a fun project!

  3. Diana, Such beautiful things. I love the three wreaths at the window. All the green things in the kitchen , so nice. I do like all the neutral colors , with the bits of pastels. Hope you are doing much better. Missed you, xoxo,Susie

  4. Thanks for showing us the magazine Diana. I do hope that you are feeling better and had a nice Thanksgiving. Take care.

  5. Oh I love it all!!! I love the cover. I would love to be sitting in one of the lovely rooms.


  6. Those dining areas and kitchens are fabulous!!

  7. Good Morning my friend. This is a great magazine with lots of great inspiration. I got the pleasure of meeting Michelle in person last Spring when I was out in Boston. She is so sweet and so creative. Love all the variety in this magazine for inspiration. Have a great day.

  8. Good Morning, Got a cup of hot cinnamon tea ready to visit some of you. Had my wake up call. My daughter calls as she is driving to work. I loved the pictures you shared. I don't buy magazines unless it has something that I really want. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family. I loved Bright Eyes Picture. They just grow to fast. Have a wonderful day and stay warm. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley.

  9. Romantic Country is my favorite magazine....thanks for giving us a preview of this months issue! hugs.....

  10. I've been enjoying this magazine, also. Lots of eye candy! Hope you are feeling better. Sally

  11. I need to get a copy of this magazine immediately!

  12. Mmmmmmmm, guess what? I think I am getting over-dosed on white, white, white.

    I don't live with it, of course. but have had "longings for it." Hell.... Tell it like it is! Have "lusted over it"!!! ,-)

    But now, I think it is running a bit cold, to me. I no longer sigh, when seeing such interiors. I no longer long for them. Maybe I am finally immune??????

    And hey, that's good! I'd never be able to convince my (very accomodating husband) to live in alllllllllllll shades of white. -gigggles-

  13. Oh how romantic! There are so many pretty ideas :) Hugs to you, Diana!

  14. Just charming! Love the homey feel of all the furnishings.

  15. Love it all, and especially those kitchens!!! Thanks for sharing the pics!

  16. These are all very beautiful, the fifth photo down is my favorite. I used to love the all white look, but the older I get, the more warmth I seem to need. I love the wreaths on the windows and the shutters on either side.

  17. Diana you are a romantic at heart. All beautiful rooms.

    xo Danielle

  18. Oh - oh -oh! I am in love with these beautiful rooms! I need to find this magazine - thank you for sharing, Diana. Now I need to buy a lottery ticket first. xo Karen

  19. I really have to pick up a copy! In my next life, I swear I'm living in Petite Michelle Louise's house. =) C'mon over when you have a sec, I'm having a giveaway.


  20. Now you've done it! I want to start crafting and I really don't have time right now! Thank you so much. ;)

  21. I always love this magazine, and this particular issue is especially good. Love that paper tree...May be getting my craft on and trying it out. Thanks for the fun share! Jane

  22. Lots of pretty Christmas inspiration! I might even cook more if I had one of those kitchens.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. I have to dig through my magazines, I think I have this one, if not I will get it as soon as I go to the store.
    How are you feeling? Have my tree up and almost completely decorated, but it looks like the house was stirred by a spoon. LOL
    Hope all is well with you. I am really sick of going to the Dr and Lab every day.

  24. I like all the ideas...the pink kitchen really appeals to me

  25. Some lovely ideas here! It sets my mind to going.:-) xo Nellie

  26. I no longer buy magazines since the acquisition of internet and now Pinterest... But these are little nibbles very tempted to buy this one! Thanks for the links! I'm checking them out!

  27. So many "pretties". Ohhhh how we gals just "gobble up" such pretty ideas.

  28. This is such a lovely issue! There are so many beautiful things! It really puts one in the Christmas spirit! Thanks for the links! I loaned my issue to a friend and haven't explored them yet.

  29. I was just thinking about you..Haven't seen your blog and you're not on Bloglovin either...Went to you the old fashioned way and I'll be --------! There you are..Hope all is well and that you are feeling better..I've missed you...

  30. Love this post Diana, I have not received my issue but I hope it is here soon. Love those doorknob note holders. I have made many of those and they always sell great. So many wonderful decorating ideas in these pages in this issue and I can't wait to read it. Thanks for sharing and for the links too. So great to see you. I was wondering since I have not seen you in forever, but I finally got your post just now in my inbox and was so glad!! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Happy December.
    Hugs and Blessings

  31. What a beautiful issue! I will have to make a trip to the market and pick up a copy!

  32. Hi Diana,
    Wow, love what you shared from the magazine and now I am heading out to pick up the issue for myself. Wonder how the people of Walmart deck their homes?!?! Sending kisses.

  33. I refuse to discriminate, so I will take any one of the above :)

  34. I always love your reviews!! Especially when I didn't subscribe and had to wait to see it! Xo

  35. Great reviews, Diana! I spend my lunch hours looking through the magazine!! Over and over!!

  36. I really loved the winter issue too, Diana! I was so excited to see Michelle's home featured, it is just gorgeous! Have you gotten your spring issue yet? Mine came yesterday, and I am totally drooling over it!!

  37. It's all a bit different, some I really like some I'm not so sure of.

  38. Oh my, oh my, oh my! I have never seen this magazine before...where the heck have I been? Such beautiful and inspiring homes. Thanks for the review girl!

  39. I have that magazine. It's so pretty isn't it? I love the house that is featured on the cover!

  40. Lovely, just lovely! I must look for that magazine.
    It is so good to see you. I trust you are feeling better and had a wonderful Thanksgiving?
    Sweet blessings to you.
    Joy! Debbie

  41. It looks like a wonderful issue! I hope you're resting and relaxing and taking time to read. And I sure hope you are feeling better every day! Sweet hugs, Diane

  42. OMYGOSH...that one that's on the cover just makes my heart beat faster.....

  43. I just loved this magazine, too! Wonderful articles and photos!

  44. Yep! Call me for coffee when you get there would ya?!?!!? Amazing! This world is filled with so many talented people! And those paper trees are awesome!!! I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and that you are feeling better...been thinking about you!!! We have all had the stomach flu over here! No fun! Wishing you a great week lady! Nicole xo

  45. OMG, we haven't visited in a while, I've missed you! I went away on a long weekend and had a few issues lately, I'm glad it's over...for now.
    Anyway, here I am looking at your gorgeous post, so beautiful and inspiring!
    Hope you had a great Tksgiving, so much to be thankful for!

  46. Gorgeous rooms Diana - but that table with the tin on it? OMG - I'm in love !
    And those trees are perfection -
    I know - I just know that's what you're working on - you told me not to try and guess - but I'm going all rebel on you and doing it anyway LMHO

  47. Everything looks so pretty. And I love those paper trees. I have no clue where I would put them, though.

  48. So pretty! I love all the rooms... and wow! did you see that huge ball of yarn in the last room photo? All inspiring!

  49. I still don't get this magazine...have to change that in the new year!! I love, love, love the wreaths in the window! Thanks for sharing, Diana!!

  50. That is a gorgeous magazine! I will have to look for it.

  51. Thanks for sharing your *favs* from this great magazine! Hope you are feeling better! Blessings, Cindy

  52. I love the old world kitchen. There's something about a big kitchen that does it for me. That's the first thing I noticed with our new home. I really like the cabinets and the countertops in this old world kitchen, and that faucet is so unique. So many great ideas.


  53. Thanks for sharing, Diana! Beautiful pics! Happy, Happy! Are you not getting my posts? I miss your daily comments, Di! Have a good one. xo

  54. Those are beautiful homes! I feel like I need to go change into my better jeans. :-) Sorry I haven't been around for a bit. Hope you have a happy day, Diana.

  55. you spoke so highly of the issue, I almost bought it a second time. But looking at it at the bookstore, I realized I already had a copy. thanks for bringing this up again. I'm going back to take another look.

  56. Beautiful photos...I need to grab a copy when I'm out tomorrow!! Did you get my reply to that pretty card :-)

  57. OMG! Soooooo pretty! Love it all, but especially that tin table.

  58. I am a little late here but I do love that country kitchen! It is all beautiful! sandie


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