
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dining Room- The Great Cover Up

I have been working in several areas
of the house while I have been away.
The dining room was what started it all.
I am not quite ready for the full reveal yet
I will show you the slip covers I made for

I have a bolt of cream colored duck cloth
that I have carried around for MANY years.
Time to use it!

Here is what the chairs look like.
MyHero loves them so I only wanted to
spiff them up for Christmas-
not alter them permanently.

I made some easy peasy slipcovers.
The decoration is just pinned in place.
Don't you just LOVE it?
I have had red and green for Christmas for about
a thousand years.
It is fun to do something a bit different this year.
I will be showing you the whole dining room in a couple of days.
I have some "projects" hidden in the corner that 
I have been working on when there are no
hanging around the house.

I might have had to run to Walmart
for a couple of those cheap pillows though
for fillers.
Look who else has been in Walmart!
It's Super Creepy Santa!
IF he asks, 
"Would you like a piece of candy, little girl?"
Do NOT- I repeat-DO NOT take it!
Run away screaming!


  1. Haha! I'm running away & screaming!

    Your slipcovers are beautiful! Just from that picture I can tell that your dining room has a magical look to it. Can't wait to see it all!

  2. The slipcovers are lovely! Looks like your dinning room will look beautiful!

  3. Haha, really Walmart is consistently pretty spooky haha

    Your chair covers and your "tease" of a dining tablescape = GORGEOUS!!!!!

  4. Diana, I see a bit of blue on the table... Love the slip covers...clever girl. Hey that guy at the Walmart is Santa's perverted cousin Ralph, he sees you when you are showering..LOL xoxo,Susie

  5. Oh how attractive your slip covers. Your a clever lady. I love them. Looks like your giving us a peek of some more pretty deco plates on your table.

    Love them. I like the deco on the back of slip covers.

  6. wow.. fab job on those dining chairs~! they looks so pretty. you made Magic with this project and I love the holiday touch you added.
    oui-no candy from that Sleazy Santa

  7. How scary is that!!!
    Your chair covers are beautiful especially with your decoration on the back. I caught a little peek of your table setting, WOW! Very pretty, Diana.
    I look forward to seeing more of your home.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Loving the chair covers... the Santa, not so much!! :-)

  9. It's about time you came over to the "white side"'t wait to see the reveal!

  10. Your chair covers turned out beautifully, Diana! And I am loving your color scheme this year! I had a feeling the greenery and pinecones were for the backs of each chair. Love!!! Oh, and one more reason why I do NOT shop at Walmart!

  11. Oh no!!! That explains Montezuma's Revenge from last week!

    Do you ever sleep????? (How do you find the tiime to do all that you do? Whiny voice here.) It's all beautiful!

  12. Gorgeous slipcovers. Love the greens and pinecones pinned. Adds such a perfect touch. Can't wait to see more of your projects.

  13. Diana, thank you for my morning laugh with my coffee! I wish I could sew, but my little sewing machine from wal-mart doesn't like me. Everytime I get it out of the box is screams and yells, oh wait, that's me that screams and yells! Have a great Wednesday! xxDazee

  14. Love your chair covers! They're beautiful and provide such a lovely serene touch! I know your dining room will be magical! I'm staying out of Walmart; he's scary!

  15. your chair covers are fabulous. Have your hero close his eyes and paint the wood black on those chairs, or stain them dark, and the chair covers could stay year round. As for Santa, imagine running in to him in the parking lot!

  16. They look so elegant and festive. Take a cookie?! If that dude even glanced my way, I'd be off at a strong hobble.

  17. These are so pretty! You're amazing.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Those chair covers look STUNNING!!! Very classy!!! Good job!! And I would RUN from that creepy santa!!!!

  19. Cute slipcovers. And that is one freaky looking elf!

  20. Ah you are such a tease......Looks like it's going to be very pretty. That elf scares me a bit!

  21. Diana, your slip covers are so pretty with the decoration you made on the back of them. I love silver and white at Christmas too, and your table looks wonderful with the white china as well.

    Oh, I think that's special that you are starting to give your children's ornaments they made back to them. My mother-in-law has been doing this throughout the years, and I love getting goodies from her. I have given the kids a few things here and there, but they are so hard to part with, ya know? When I'm ready, I will let them go hehehe.


  22. beautiful!!!! The Santa, not so much, lol,

  23. Looks like the Grinch stole Santa! What a creepy impersonator! Love the look you gave us a peek of. Waiting for more. :-)

  24. Great job with the chairs Diana..Very classy..

  25. Diana, your chairs are did a wonderful job...looking forward to seeing the rest! And that is one creepy Santa suit...

  26. Beautiful chairs, Diana! Better watch those trips to Walmart! xo Nellie

  27. haha... I will take your advice and RUN! Maybe I should just stay away from Wal-Mart....

    Your slip covers are beautiful, Diana. They look very soft and romantic. Hugs!

  28. You certainly are multi-talented, Diana!! Those slip covers are so nice and I love the blinged up backs!! I always get a kick out of your Walmart friends :) Blessings, Cindy

  29. Diana,
    You did an outstanding job of sewing the slipcovers ... Can't wait until you show the reveal of your decked for Christmas home.

  30. Wow! The sight of that in Walmart would have me running out the door. I wonder how many children he had crying in the store.
    On a lighter note . . . Love your dinning room and I can not wait to see the full reveal. It is always fun to change things and this really is a big change for the buck and so nice that, now you can switch it back and forth. I can see that white in the spring with ivy and pink roses hanging on the backs of your chairs:)
    You are so clever . . . beautifully done. Now, show us the finished room, LOL.
    Love, Connie xx

  31. LOL I love the walmart....I've seen more than I needed to, at Walmart.
    Pretty covers. and so easy to change for different seasons. Hearts in February,

  32. Gorgeous slip covers!!!!!!!!! YOu are so clever!!!!!

  33. I think the slipcovers are fabulous!!! You can change them up for different holidays. I'm making some Christmas stockings now. Took a little break to check out some blogs.


  34. Oh my! The new slipcovers are gorgeous. What a stunning difference they make!

  35. Looks beautiful, Diana. The slipcovers make a wonderful transformation. Merry Christmas!

  36. You are quite talented, Diana! I adore the fitted slipcovers.

  37. Oh I like those slips on your chair! Wonderful-- can't wait to see the full deal!
    That grinchy santa looks hilarious...
    I wonder if I could crochet that grinch hat and sew a santa hat to it... I've got a grinch in the family...that would love it!

  38. I did not know you came by our Walmart! I swear he was there yesterday. LOL Love the slipcovers and the decorations are just my colors. I love the dishes too. I tried to poke my head around the chair but you kept moving it.
    Love to all, Ginger

  39. Love the slip covers! The decoration on the back is pretty too! You're one talented lady!

  40. I am a HUGE proponent of slipcovers! Love them, and the pretty decoration as well. I know what you mean about red and green. Sometimes it's nice to spice things up a bit. As for the Santa, well, I'm speechless (and that almost NEVER happens lol)

  41. The slipcovers are lovely. Beautiful decoration, too.

  42. Ok LOOOOOVE! The chair covers are so pretty and love the decor you put on the back of them. You Rocked it out on the chair covers I cannot wait to see the rest of the room.

  43. He is creepy I wouldn't eat his candy
    The chairs look good, very festive.

  44. LOL creepy indeed!! LOVE those slipcovers Diana!!

  45. Love the chairs. Can't wait to see the whole reveal!

  46. Oooh very pretty, Diana! I can't wait to see the rest!

  47. So pretty, Diana! Everyone seems to be doing the opposite of what they generally do this year. You all in white and Suzan in red! The world is delightfully upside down. ;)

  48. LOVE the slips--what a difference they make! be sure to show off the rest of the room when finished! but, i already love it!

  49. Loving the sneak peek Diana! Except for creepy Santa. Yuck!

  50. It's looking very festive and beautiful. Can't wait for the reveal.
    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  51. Hi Diana, Beautiful!! Your slip covers are gorgeous and the fresh white is stunning. I love the backside arrangement. I did one similar to my dining chairs but they are tied on. Can't wait to see your full reveal. I know it will be wonderful. But that Santa is not so wonderful!
    How's the cough? Have a great night!
    Hugs and Blessings

  52. You've been a busy one! Looks pretty! How do these creepy people get allowed in the stores? Gees!!

  53. I LOVE those slip covers! Oh how I wish I were able to do such things. I got behind the door when they passed out mama's so I had no one to teach me. xox Have to tell you, I don't care for that santa.

  54. Diana, the chairs look wonderful and so do your sparklies. Dirty old man is right! Reminds me of an old man that owned a little mom and pop grocery within walking distance from our house when the kids were little. He only shaved occasionally because he said he was allergic to the razor! Then he would ask all the little girls if they wanted a whisker rub! Tami would never go into the store unless I was with her. He was harmless but so gross!..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  55. Ok I am going out on a limb and disagreeing with The Hero...I love the chairs slip covered....I think it looks so rich...Hollywood regency rich!


  56. I love your new slipcovers! I'm still waiting on mine to be delivered that I'm having made for my chairs. They are due tomorrow. Wish I knew how to sew like you. I had to pay someone else to make mine.

  57. They look fantastic! I do not like my dining room chairs, and this would be a great solution...if only I could sew! Oh, well... Love the decoration on the back.

  58. Oh my gosh you are so funny!! No candy for me!! Lol Your chairs are gorgeous and I can't wait to see the rest of your new creation!!


  59. You are so talented! Can't wait to see the full reveal 'cause these chairs look beautiful!


  60. You have been a busy one. Love the covers. The table looks wonderful. Now, don't be wearing yourself out.

  61. Love the covers and decorations.

  62. Diana the chair covers look so pretty. You did a great job. Now if I could just get creepy Santa out of my head!!

  63. So glad your back!!!!! Wow love your covers I need to make a quick pair myself. I will defintely run if I see that Santa! You did a great job, if you have any extra time you could make me a set :-}

  64. Love those covers Diana! I remember doing something similar loooong time ago, even before blogging. Can't wait to see more, the tablecloth looks gorgeous too!

  65. LOVE the slipcovers!! I toned down the red and played up the white in my Christmas decor this year too...great minds... ;)

  66. I LOVE your white chair covers!!!!

  67. Well, I still like #8 even if no one else did! The chairs look beautiful, and I adore your little added bling! Geez, that is a creepy Santa -- actually looks like he should be on one of those "People of Walmart" videos!

  68. Diana, Let it be said that your dining room chair slip covers are divine! I have a bolt of cotton duck hanging around waiting to be used too. I had bought it a couple of years ago to make slip covers for my patio chair cushions, but I am liking your chair cover idea so much better than making patio chair covers.

    You always manage to make my day with the Walmart people!! That bad Santa is hilarious!!

  69. Oh Diana! These chair covers are spectacular! So gorgeous and the peek at your table looks just as lovely! I can't wait to see the entire room! I wish I could sew like that! It's exactly the look I dream of for our dining room! Hugs, Leena


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