
Friday, November 14, 2014

Finish It Up Friday- Five Fotos (or 6 or 7 or 8 or is it 9) For Fun!

Still working on purging my pictures.
I had planned on doing all
but I couldn't resist these taken
this week at my house.

#1- Guess Who's Coming For Dinner?
It's little CJK
Let Nana whip you up a nice meal!
Good to the LAST DROP!
Wait- What do you mean you think I lied about
COOKING A nice meal for the kid?
The truth is out!
The box is a dead giveaway!
Look! Look!
Look what you can do with a Happy Meal Box.
Who needs the toy inside?
AND- Who needs prescription glasses?
Not this one!
The family clown
(famously known as SweetCheeks)
is being out-clowned.
Methinks I see trouble brewing!
Cheer Up!
Here's your little cousin giving you a 
Nano-Nano, Nana!
~remember Mork & Mindy~
Doesn't your heart ache for the loss of 
Robin Williams?

uh-oh--another hiccup, SweetCheeks!
Look who ELSE is getting cuter by the day!
Baby Bright Eyes,. Big Boy E & CharlesInCharge!
Don't worry, SweetCheeks,
you will always have a special
spot in my heart!
Happy Fall-Y'all.
Have a good day AND
thanks for smiling at the "littles" in our family.


  1. Diana, Those are the cutest picture of CJK.. Well all of them actually, you have very pretty grandchildren. They all have been watching you, we can tell. LOL. Great picture of you with SC. Hope you get some sunshine today. he weather maps have been scary. xoxo,Susie

  2. HI Diana! What darling snaps of the kidoes! They are all so cute and I know you must have a ball with them - not to mention you're probably the most funnest grandma around. Well, maybe except me! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Diana, this post was adorable. There is nothing like a little time with the grand babies to brighten your day. I love all your sweet pics. I recently lost mine, three years worth when my computer , hard drive, died. The geek squad called me yesterday to say they were unable to retrieve them. I kept telling myself to back them up but put it off to another day. Lesion learned!
    BTW the christmas list is priceless!
    Take care

  4. They are all so cute. Looks like that little one is quite the clown.

  5. Oh Diana! Those are precious. Love your littles and your writing! Love the Happy Box pics! They are so cute! You are so blessed!

  6. Cuteness overload here, my dear! You should have warned us! :) Each one so precious - and obviously very much in love with Nana!

  7. Your grands always make me smile, Diana. What fun pics! Love that look on SweetCheek's face. She's already recognizing that she's soon gonna have stiff competition. LOL. Such a fun way to start the morning.

  8. You sure do make some cute grandbabies! Between Starbucks and McDonald's they should be getting all their recommended daily allowances of something, right!

  9. Sweeeet! Loved seeing this post today. Did my heart good. All so adorable. :)

  10. Such cuties... How could we not smile.


  11. Grandkids are just the best thing ever! I got to take one of mine to violin lessons last night and she is improving. So proud of her!

  12. Little CJK is too darn cute, Diana! Looks like he was having too much fun enjoying his gourmet meal:) And a happy meal box always makes an oh so fashionable hate:) Big Boy E and crew are growing so fast, such cuties! Something tells me Sweetcheeks will never lose her special place in your family! Love that pic of the two of you!!

  13. What a great picture of the three little ones, Diana! That's one to frame, for sure.

  14. Beautiful kids! What fun you are having with them all!

  15. OOO, they are all so cute and is their Nana

  16. Love those "littles," Diana! You are truly blessed! xo Nellie

  17. They are SO gorgeous Diana - all of them !!!
    What a perfect excuse to stay busy - lucky you !

  18. Your grandchildren are so adorable but of course you know that! How wonderful it is to have a day just to enjoy their company, always so special.

  19. Such sweet little ones! You captured some great shots! Bright Eyes is going to be walking before you know it! Happy weekend!

  20. Precious and cute little ones you have, you are doublely blessed!

  21. PRECIOUS!!!!! Have a lovely weekend Diana :)

  22. Couldn't you just eat them up? They are all so cute, Diana!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend.

  23. Loved poor Sweet Cheeks' expression. It is so hard to be the oldest and start seeing the little one's encroaching on your time with Nana. They are all so cute it's hard to top any one of them.

  24. These sweet photos warm my heart! Have a great weekend.

  25. Okay I thought Sweet Cheeks had a sister? Then three cousins. You have a wonderful group of grands. I love him with the box on his head and the glasses - now that was smart and cute.

  26. Always love seeing photos of your precious Grands. Best weekend wishes to you!

  27. Sweet Cheeks has a taste of what is yet to come. Those little ones steal the show every time. Just ask my youngest!

  28. Cute...Cute photos of your grandkids! My little grandson decided to share his cold with me and oh how I wish he hadn't!!
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  29. ohhhh, they are all so cute, even Sweet Cheeks when she has her " pout " on!!!

  30. Oh so sweet Grandchildren. Thanks for sharing .

    Have a great day my friend. I just got back.
    Went the grocery shop thingy. Took some snaps on the way down and way home and inside the store. Looks like Christmas goodies are out and the christmas trees up .My,My. My one Grandchild is giving out candies at Santa Clause parade in New-market.

  31. It's always a joy to see your sweet grandkids. You are lucky to get to spend so much time with them!

  32. Those babies are all gorgeous! :)

  33. Your kiddo's are darling! You really make me look forward to being a grandma! Sweet Cheeks is all grown up! And you look beautiful with that gorgeous long hair and pretty smile!

    Sending love and thank you's for your visits and well wishes.

    Jane xxxx

  34. I love what a hands-on Grandma you are with your beautiful grands. Such special memories they will have being with you. Stay cozy this weekend.

  35. It's all the beautiful smiles I'm enjoying! :-)))))))

    Hugs and happy fall, y'all,

  36. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that makes me miss my little grandsons

  37. So cute!!! And you too Missy! Have a great weekend!

  38. All of them are adorable...just like their sweet Nana!

  39. Sweet and cute! kids can always brighten up your day.

  40. Hi Diana, oh what little cuties. They are so adorable and you are the best grandma ever!! Love this post!
    Have a nice weekend.

  41. Sweet cheeks better get used to it..Her cousins are adorable..The little ones always steel the show..Very sad about Robin Williams..A real tragedy..Have a fun weekend..stay warm..How's your tummy??

  42. The pictures are great Diana. I love the one of you and SC. You have such beautiful grands - all the boys and girls.
    Have a great weekend.

  43. I love seeing your grands. They are all so cute!!!!

  44. They are adorable! Enjoy every minute ~ :)

    Sorry I haven't been around. Feel like you-know-what ~ not fun.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  45. They all have the most stunning eyes! My goodness are they just ADORABLE!!!! Such sweetness for sure! Wishing you a beautiful weekend!!! Nicole xoxo

  46. Those little ones are adorable! My we both have long hair. I don't wear mind gets in my's curly too..and I also straighten it with a curling iron. Otherwise I cannot get a comb through it at the ends. Your hair looks blond in the photo. Sooo pretty..

  47. Love all your grands! Here's a little Mork and Mindy tid-bit: My nephews couldn't say Mark when they were little guys so in there little accents they used to call him Mork. Since we were engaged and Mork and Mindy had been a popular show, (and my name was so close to Mindy) well, we had Mork and Mindy put on our Wedding Toast Glasses :) I still have them today and have super memories about those good ole days! Have a super weekend!

  48. Too cute! Love all the pictures but that one with the kids sitting on the leaves is my favorite!

  49. Cute, Cute, Cute!!! Who needs toys when you have a box! That baby is really growing! Such a cutie! The boys really love her, don't they! Poor sweetcheeks. She has some real compitition now! Not that her sisters don't give her any.

  50. Oh, I know what you mean about getting rid of unwanted photos. It's hard when they are friends or family, isn't it? But there is something very freeing about "out with the old, and in with the new." It will always be my motto. That one of CJK I'd have to keep though. :~)



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