
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Romantic Homes October 2014

I missed highlighting a few 
while I was on break.
I thought I better get
October's post done 
while it is still October.

So- here we go!
First up is Gay VanBeek's beautiful home.
The article is called Charmed Life.
Her blog is 
Prepare to be enchanted.
Here is one more interior shot.
I WANT those boots!!!
I love the soft feel of this article 
Romantic Vintage
setting by 
Melanie Bowe of En Vie Interiors
Melanie's bedroom is softly serene, too.
And last-but not least-
An article called
The Vintage Kitchen
by Jacqueline deMontravel 
There are several kitchens featured there.
This is part of one of them.
I think you can still pick up a copy of 
October's Romantic Homes.
As for me?
Well, today my own
Santiago the Squirrel
who has apparently buried his acorns
in my HOUSE PLANT that was 
out on the porch for the summer.
I will be re-burying them outside 
so I can bring my rosemary plant back inside.

Hope he can find them before the snow sets in!


  1. Oh, how pretty! I used to buy this mag every month but since I started blogging I just don't buy deco mags anymore! Thanks for sharing it. Now that little goober squirrel! His cousins are cuttin' up at my house! I have meant to tell you how I love that new snap of your and Sweet Cheeks. Your hair is just gorgeous!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. Those sneaky little squirrels! Always making trouble!

    What pretty features from the magazine. I need to subscribe to this!

  3. LOL. I had a squirrel show up on my porch the other day with a big walnut in his mouth. I told him he was clearly confused as this was the place to GET peanuts, NOT bury walnuts! ( he probably intended to bury it in the fairy garden or under my chair cushions! : )

  4. Diana, I caught a squirrel chewing on the edge of a rug on my porch. I had been wondering what was going on with that rug..LOL. I may look my magazine over again this afternoon. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. I have that issue and I love it!!

  6. I like your romantic home even better. Maybe Mr. Squirrel is helping you stock up for the winter. Does your rosemary do well in the house? Mine barely survives, but flourishes outdoors in the summer.

  7. you are such a sweet heart moving the nuts for the squirrel, beautiful homes photos!!

  8. I liked that issue of Romantic Homes and yes, I'd love to have those pink boots too! I picked up the new issue of Romantic Homes yesterday and it was just okay. I think that RH's has made a mistake by omitting the blogger feature. But it's still fun to see those that we recognize.
    I have a Rosemary plant sitting on the porch and I'm hoping It survives!


  9. Thank you so much Diana!! I love your little squirrel too!!

  10. Ohhh... Just in time for a Halloween story!

    You re-bury Santiago the Squirrel's nuts outside. But he doesn't get the memo. He sees house plant, inside, through a window. Being an industrious and territorial squirrel, he finds a way in, to go digging for his stash, IN his pot!

    He does this, in the middle of the night, so you hear weird noises and get spooked. What do you do? Well of course! You send your Hero down to investigate.


    Have to wait for tomorrow, for the continuation...


    "Here there be musing" blog
    "Here there be more words" blog

  11. All pretty, pretty interior shots. Gorgeous homes. Funny about squirrels, little trouble making thiefs! Years ago In Holland I purchased the most stunning tulip bulbs. Planted them and through my window watched the squirrels dig them up and replant them. Come Spring only 1 or 2 plants were in my flower beds and walking down the block I saw all my lovely hybrid expensive tulips in a color profusion that only a squirrel could map out!
    True story!!!

  12. The RH photos were great...but... I enjoyed reading all the comments the most! Love the true story from Row Homes and Cobblestones! Hugs, Penny

  13. I would vote you to have those boots, but I think I need them way more. As for that squirrel , my motto is every squirrel or woman for herself. xo Laura

  14. Good Morning my friend,
    I love Gay's feature in RH. She has such a beautiful style. I snagged her to do an upcoming Spotlight so we can all get to know her better. Just love her blog and style. Thanks for introducing her. Ha ha your little furry friend wants to hide his goodies in your plant. I guess he does not know who he is dealing with lol!

  15. Beautiful photos . . .I do love that magazine. Sweet squirrel, too.
    The squirrels are the only thing that I have really been missing since we moved, LOL.

  16. I think they have boots like that at Atwoods. Do you have Atwoods there? It's a farm supply store - kind of like Tractor Supply Company. They have floral boots, too. You could probably find some in just the color to coordinate with your own house.

  17. Looks like a good issue! I love that kitchen. Silly Santiago...squirrels sure do have some odd habits. :) The birds have been stealing all the coconut fibers from my flower window box to make their nests with. Oh well, at least my cat gets a kick out of watching them on the other side of the window. Nature can sure be interesting to watch. :)

  18. It's all so lovely! Those boots are precious. Maybe you can snag an old pair of Sweet Cheek's boots. ;) XOXO

  19. Those darn squirrels! I wonder if they do remember where they buried them, ha! They have been going crazy around here.

  20. Lovely pictures, Diana. I think I bought this one. It's hard to remember since I'm getting holiday (and I mean "Christmas" holiday) issues for those I subscribe to now. I have been putting them off to the side and just trying to read them when it is the actual season. That's what I did with my Fall ones and I am glad I waited. I just couldn't see reading them and looking at pictures of pumpkins in August!

  21. I always enjoy your highlights from the Romantic Homes Magazine. Squirrels can be such a pest can't they? They used to dig up my flowers on my front porch when I had planters on my railings. Now they're gone so I don't have to worry about them anymore.

  22. You crack me up, Diana. I love Romantic Homes........ so many great ideas, and the next time I see it, I'll pick one up. I love those pink rain boots. I'll take pink anytime. :~)


  23. I loved the October issue, Diana! Those vintage kitchens are just gorgeous, I especially love the one on the cover. Just wish they would have shown more than a few pics of it! I believe Santiago's cousins are living in our backyard. Salvatore said to tell him "hi!"

  24. Sometimes the Romantic look is a little too much lace and too foo-foo. I like lace but simple lace and simple lines and more shabby chic. I love looking at other styles of design, though.

  25. Santiago? In Wisconsin? Did you import him?
    My nieces want those boots for Christmas- they must be Hunter.
    They are $150, so no child with still growing feet will be getting them from me. ;)

  26. I hope Santiago finds his nuts. Maybe you should put up a sign.

  27. I just brought my Rosemary in last week. It flowered!! I had no idea they did that?! and I've had herbs for years.
    My dog Bella keeps the squirrels all treed, so we don't usually see them on our porch.
    I hope you find the pink boots somewhere at a good price. They really are cute, and would look perfect in your sweet home.

  28. Lovely pictures! So soft and inviting!
    Your squirrel is a cutie! They sure are busy! We live on a wooded quarter acre of mostly oak trees. There are acorns everywhere now. Does our squirrel collect and save them? Oh heck no! He's up on the deck looking in the door, asking for peanuts!

  29. Hi Diana, it was a good issue for October. Love those pink boots too. Your resident squirrel must be a relative of mine who also likes to dig in my porch pots. Now they are starting on the acorns from the tree across the street. Hope your little friend, finds his when you rebury them.

  30. I like the first one - Canterbury Cottage Designs. It is so romantic. And I hope you put the nuts in an obvious place!

  31. Yes, October was a good one. I'm not sure on the November one - they are not as good as they used to be. Your little friend needs a hiding place for his treats.
    Have a good one.

  32. O, I do love Romantic Homes...I used to have a subscription but when things got tuff for us, financially, a few yrs back, I dropped it. I kept only one which is Country Living...I may give myself a C'mas gift of another subscription to RH.. Thanks for highlighting these pretty rooms.

  33. You know, I've thought about your RH reviews off & on but could not remember to ask you about them. :) I'm just so sorry this magazine is not as it used to be so I never buy it. Thanks to you, I'm able to see the important features.

    You're very kind to this squirrel! I so hope that "Rosie" makes it.


  34. I've never read the magazine...magazines can get so pricey, like bj I only keep Country Living and BH&G. I live your romantic squirrel hiding his nuts. Our squirrels are so bad they pull out our plants and throw them down! It's like a life long battle between us. I hope yours aren't this bad. I do like those pink boots.

  35. Very romantic. I like my bedroom a's one of my favorite rooms. I came home from 3 weeks to find my Rosemary plant I will pick up a new one at Trader Joes...I use rosemary a lot.

  36. I just picked that issue up this past's a good one.

  37. That cute little Santiago thought he was smart hiding those treats in your plant, didn't he? lol! I love to look at Romantic Homes. It's a beautiful magazine!

  38. Oh, Diana, you are so good to those little squirrels. Our adopted cat almost caught one the other day. I yelled at him, I could not have stood seeing that. Lucky I happened out..I saw the articles in Romantic Homes and I meant to check out Cantebury Cottage Designs and I forgot. Thanks for reminding me..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  39. I brought my rosemary plant in and had no idea it was home to a colony of ants!

  40. I have a subscription. I love to dream.....I didn't notice there were blogs attached, I'll have to check it out. Wonder if you'll end up with an oak tree! :0

  41. I have yet to pick up my new copy of Romantic Homes to read...still in the magazine bin...will catch up soon...loved the features Diana!...glad you caught those acorns in time before your Rosemary had Oak trees...

  42. oh lucky girl. a pet squirrel to drive you crazy. better you than me!


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