
Monday, October 27, 2014

Before & After - Come Sit With Me In My Little White Sitting Room

Get yourself a sedative
this is a LONG post!
Matter of fact, I think it is the 
I have ever done.

I don't do a lot of pictures of my house.
It's just not my thing, I guess.
I do pop in little bits and pieces sometimes.
This house had been on the market 
and sitting vacant
for three years before we bought it.
It was the "cleanest" pre-owned home
I had ever seen.
But- it was dated.
AND it was a tri-level.
We rehabbed this house from a
tri level and made it into 
a functioning two story.
It was a long journey and one I won't tell today 
I will show you bits and pieces of my little
sitting room.
This is my little ESCAPE from life.

This is to the left when you enter the foyer.
It is not a big room
12x13 - I think.
I ended up with rose colored accents
in here by a fluke really.
It started with the leaded glass window
that was damaged 
and came out of another house we rehabbed.

This sitting room used to be a dinette.
Here is what it looked like when we started.
This was taken standing in the same spot.
We removed the door and window and replaced
them with a big bay window.
The wall to the right was solid.
We put in a wood burning and/or gas fireplace.
The fireplace is the centerpiece for this room
and for the dining room on the other side of the wall.
The foyer used to be the old kitchen.
Too much to tell in one
SO- we will just settle on this sitting room!
This is a close up of the bay window area.
The porch you see outside is off the dining room 
that is on the other side of this room.
The wall color is a very light cream.
The chairs I have had for almost 20 years
and I still love them.
I did crackle before crackle was cool~
The little table belonged to Grandmother Clara.
The crocheted topper was a gift from my
cousin Marguerite that visited last year.

Along the other wall is the two way fireplace.
This is solid stone and was carved out of
8 or 9 different stone samples.
It was a model used to show what a fireplace
would look like in the different stones.
When I tried to order one they no longer
made them.
I said what about the model?
You don't want THAT!
Yes- Yes- I do.
They gave it to me for a song.
I painted it and it looks great!
Let me tell you -they did a little whining when they
had to off load this thing at the house.
The picture above the fireplace was a
gift from my kids.
The crystal candelabra belonged to
Gramma Hazel.
The lamp in the corner has a cream and rose colored silk shade.
That was in Grandmother Clara's piano room.

Gramma Hazel & Grandmother Clara
were mortal enemies.
It all started with a hat purchased for 
their children's wedding- don't ask.
I love that their things are all intermingled now!
They are probably both spinning in their graves.

The walls look yellow here but in real life
they are a very, very light cream.
The rocks on the hearth 
are from my son & his wife.
One is a huge amethyst and one is petrified wood.
 That little TV is the one I painted white here.
(I know- I know- who paints a TV)
 I escape in here at 3pm to watch
Dr. Phil and blog.
The guest cottage sign is from
Kris @JunkChic Cottage.

The little bookcase was my daughter's discard.
I fixed the back piece and now
it holds my gardening books.
I planned on painting it till I hauled it in here
and noticed that it matched the old window frame.

The doll was made for me by my friend, Ruth.
She was an excellent dollmaker but gave it up
several years ago.
Pouring those molds is hard, heavy work.
She sold at doll shows all over the Midwest.
Her dolls always had the most beautiful faces.
She has her little witch hat on for Halloween.
Sorry- this is taken through her veil 
and so a bit obscured.
This is looking towards the front porch.
This is the same view taken when we 
purchased the home.
As you can see there was no porch there
when we started.
We replaced the windows in the same opening.
and now the sofa sits in front of them.
I will tell you the "sofa story" another time.
MyHero actually bought me some roses.
hmmmmm....wonder what's up with him....
That book is one I won 
from Ron @ Uptown Acorn.
His house is featured in the book.
I love it!!!!
Here are some bits and pieces in the room.
The rose art is an original pastel that I have had for several years.
The children by the beach 
is a giclee canvas- a gift
from my kids.
The piece in front of it I found at a shop
several years ago. 
I like that the kids 
are headed in the opposite direction
of the kids in the painting.
That sculpture weighs at least 20 pounds.
The little church is an original (or so I was told)
by Charles Buchanan.
The sculptured marble plate belonged to 
Grandmother Clara.
It was meant to be mine because the image is of
Diana-Goddess of the Hunt.
yep-that's me all right!
Pillows I love
Heisen footed bowl-Grandmother Clara
Silver tray-Gramma Hazel
snicker-together forever snicker
yes-I AM evil

I think that's enough for one day.
Don't want to put you on sensory overload.
Oh wait- the piano shawl on the coffee table?
That is from Gramma Hazel, too.
Lucky me.
And just to keep it real.
To the left just inside the opening
is my scanner and printer.
That is NOT pretty-but it  is functional.

Speaking of functional.
I love it when someone climbs up into the 
garage attic FOR me!
Don't fall, MrFunctional MyHero!
I might have a few more jobs for you.....
Notice the suspenders?
Those are to keep his pants up
cuz he is so skinny they are falling off
Hope you all have a great Monday.
As for me?
I'll be hiding after MyHero sees this post.


  1. ha... you are too cute.What a lovely glimpse into your home. I love how you keep your treasured items front and center so you can enjoy them. I didn't realize you painted your TV. you are braver then me. Have a great week!

  2. You are so funny, Dianna! What a beautiful room! I love the bay window and the view to the porch. You put a lot of work into this room!
    Deb who has never rehabbed!

  3. LOVE, LOVE seeing your sitting room and it's transformation. I always like seeing how a tri-level is remodeled, since that's what we have. Your sitting room is gorgeous, and it's especially nice to see all your family pieces and things which have special meaning. Can't wait to see more of your home.

  4. I love your sitting room and I love, love, love, the chairs!!!! It's so pretty.


  5. Love your sitting room it could be a photo right out of a magazine! You are a great designer, look how you improved that home.Beautiful!

  6. You have a lovely bright and cosy siting room. I had to watch several times at the before pictures to really get it was the same room!

  7. HI Diana! Oh, your sitting room is so pretty! I just love it and shame on you for not showing us this lovely spot before! :) How nice to showcase some of your family pieces (love thinking of the grans spinning in their graves, especially at Halloween time! :) ) How wonderful to have the pretty fireplace - it's gorgeous. I think I'd pop out into your pretty room waaaaaaaaaaaaay before 3 and just stay there a while! And...the befores and afters are just amazing!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. What a beautiful sitting room. I always love seeing the before and after pictures, what a lovely transformation. Your mantle is beautiful and I love the guest cottage sign. You should share more pictures of your house more often, love it! xo, Liz

  9. such a beautiful home, its full of special treasures not memoryless objects from Home Decor stores, thats what I love about it its "you".

  10. What a transformation! It's beautiful. I especially love your wingback chairs and the painting of the little church. Your room looks very cozy and inviting. Have a great week. ~Laurie

  11. I'm glad you shared this, Diana. It's a beautiful sitting room, and I enjoyed seeing the before and after photos. Love all the commentary. LOL Have a great day! ~ Nancy

  12. Wow what a gorgeous home you have created! You are so gifted!


  13. Diana, I loved all the re-dos of your home. I like that you used the things from your grandmother's to decorate with too. It's nice that you have those treasured things. I too love the kid sculpture and the painting. Blessings for a great day. xoxo,Susie

  14. Wowzers, what a transformation! I am in love with your room, Diana! It's beautiful, inviting, and the perfect place to enjoy a quiet moment. You definitely have an eye for decorating.

    Also, the doll made by your friend is lovely - she does a wonderful job! Hugs to you!

  15. What a wonderful transformation! You are lucky to have so many special treasures also! Have a wonderful week.

  16. Love love love this room Diana and the views out the windows is stunning. Ohhhhhh I would spend a lot of time in this room. What a great transformation. So happy to see the Guest Cottage Sign in this cozy beautiful room. Love those chairs.... oh my just love everything in the room. Beautiful.

  17. wow, ya'll did an amazing transformation turning that dining room into Your room with all your treasures in it.

    It bright and happy, just like YOU. Seeing this gives me confidence that I too can make my living room represent Me, instead of a room I would decorate for others eyes. so , thank you for that.
    big hugs

  18. This room is lovely, Diana. Every piece tells a story. What a grand place to sit, relax, blog...just be. You've done a wonderful job making it a place for yourself to enjoy, and guests, too. I love it!!!

  19. What a great transformation, Diana! You have real estate vision for sure!! I love how there is a story behind virtually every piece in the room. To me, that's what makes dƩcor personal and turns a house into a home...well that and your family! Well, as long as they are behaving! ;) Enjoy your lovely room!!

  20. I love to see before and after did a great job! H uses suspenders too....I think there body changes shapes as they get! Hugs, Penny

  21. What a beautiful room! I love the white furniture and stately fireplace mantel. I can't believe how it looked before!

  22. OH this is a lovely room, Diana! It was so fun to see the before and after, too..what a wonderful remodel! So warm and cozy, yet elegant, too...I just want to curl up with a cuppa tea and visit! I love all of the wonderful family are blessed to have them. Thank you so much for sharing this space with us...I hope you'll share more!

  23. Wow are you sure that is the same house? Amazing transformation and just stunning! What a sweet room to relax in. Thanks for sharing with us.

  24. A guy who will bring you roses and climb up in the attic is a real hero! I love your sitting room. So beautiful and sweet. I love that you were able to bring the Grans together in this room!

  25. Diana your sitting room is gorgeous!!!! Love love your french chairs and fireplace and every treasure passed down to you from your beloved Grandmothers. It is hard to believe the before shots. The room is so much larger now. And those windows...sigh. Wow you and your Hero know what you are doing. xxo

    PS I think we have that same little tv. But ours is still black and sits on top of the freezer in the garage!

  26. Oh sigh... Oh my.... Oh sigh, again....

    The made-over room, is so wonderful... What a place to escape to. Lucky you!

    And most of all, what always amazes me, about such stories, is the VISION had, of what could be. A Gift. It is. Having the Vision to be able to "see" what could be done, with an area. It amazes me, because of course, I do not have this Vision.

    Wonderful for you, who do. And for the people, you provided such wonderful homes for, over the years... The re-habs you did and your Hero did. Amazing....

    More! More! More! Please. Pretty please. Pretty please with sugar on it... -batting eyelashes- -if I had 'em, to bat, that is- ,-)

    "Here there be musing" blog
    "Here there be more words" blog
    "Here there be whimsey" blog

  27. I loved your post, you are so funny. Your sitting room is gorgeous and looks so comfortable and peaceful. I love how you have decorated it! I also would love to get my hands on that sculpture. It's pretty now but I have an affinity for painting sculptures and that one looks like it would be a challenge. But, it's best to leave beauty where beauty belongs, in a gorgeous room!

  28. Diana,
    Love your wicked humor, Geez I adore you... Your sitting room is luxe and stunning. I always appreciate a blending of vintage family pieces mixed in with personal treasured finds. The beauty of your home's interior looking out on views so breathtaking is true bliss. Hey my view looks out on my postage stamp sized lawn and right across the street another block of Row-homes!!!!

  29. Hi Diana, wow you made the room look so beautiful! What a transformation and you had real vision! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a nice day!

  30. Those before and afters are amazing!!! You really did a beautiful job with the decor. I love the fireplace! It really makes it all the more special when you have pieces in a room that tell a story. I love that. :) I also got a kick out of seeing both grandma's things so closely intertwined. Hee!

  31. Oh my, Diana, what a charming room and the transformation it took to get there is amazing! I love all the family pieces and the ladies "rolling in their graves" - very funny! You should show us more of your house. Great post!

  32. Oh, my you are so creative....I love all the changes and especially all the windows, I love light. What wonderful treasures and hand me downs...lucky you! The fireplace is just over the top gorgeous!

  33. What a lovely, restful comfy room! In a million years it does not look like that dining room...amazing! And so many pretty touches and treasures everywhere.
    It's good that there are 'many mansions' in Heaven...lest the grandmas have to be too close, ha ha :)

  34. What a beautiful make-over and a lovely, sunny, light, place to blog and relax. I love all your knickknacks and art work. Especially the Charles Buchanan. I love that you choose the fireplace with all the different rock-it's beautiful. I must ask you though; what do you do about those gorgeous white couches when your grands come over? I have white couches and now I wish I'd never gotten them. I have having to worry about them, since absolutely everything else in my house is shabby (because I've had so many kids on it for so many years, not because I shabby chic's it.) Sometimes I put quilts over them but the kids just wiggle them off. Usually I just have to take all the covers off after they leave and wash them. It's an all day job. Enough of my gripes - I had to laugh about the grandma's things all mingled together now. You do know the most important thing is to, "Love One Another" and if they couldn't do it, you're doing it for them. Ha! Have fun blogging in your lovely room. I'll bet you've had a few Starbucks in there with you!

  35. Oh, Diana-- all the fore-mother treasures and gifts from your children... and hero! What a room transformation (to put it lightly)! No way it's the same! Now we have a little insight from where you share each of your delightful posts that bring us so much cheer and joy.

    Hugs for sharing!

  36. What a beautiful room the bay window and fireplace. Your room looks like a page out of one of those magazines. Bet you have had many cups of coffee in that pretty room...I sure would. Have a great day. Bummers on the Green Bay Packers, Hope Arron is not hurt too bad, but at least they have a Bye week to recuperate.

  37. A beautiful place to sit and blog.
    I love the way you have decorated the room. Your amethyst is so cool. My boys would love that, that would be the first thing they would run too in entering your room. :-)

  38. I love all the updates and new designs! I also admire your decorating with heirlooms from your family. Just a beautiful job! Thank you so much for sharing your new home!

  39. That is beautiful. Really, really beautiful. I love the window. I love everything. You did a wonderful, wonderful job!

  40. What an amazing makeover . . . Is there anything that you can not do? I love the bay window, it is drop dead gorgeous:)
    The thing that was the biggest surprise was that you spray painted a TV and it still worked. I would have thought that the spray paint would have gotten into the mechanical parts and messed it up. How brave of you :)
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  41. I agree with everyone ... such a beautiful, beautiful sitting room! And, I LOVE that almost every piece in your wonderful space has a story! As for the crackle ... you were setting trends, between that and the White Dove paint!

  42. Diana that is a pretty room Love those chairs. You guys did a lot of hard work and it sure shows.

  43. This is A BEAUTIFUL ROOM filled with many items from your loved ones. Now that's fine living my friend. Awesome job! I LOVE your 20 pound sculpture with your lovely gifted painting. <3 Come Flutter on by and see my post. ;)

  44. I just KNEW you would have rooms like this...full of family love. I also knew you would have a totally beautiful home. I ALSO, just last evening, thought that I had never seen much of your home. So so enjoyed seeing these photos. Thanks, Nana, for sharing your home and heart today.

  45. You should so do interior posts more often!!! The before and afters are out of this world amazing!! And that church painting! Love it! The whole space feels so light and pretty and the pieces from family members makes it that much richer!! Now if you can share how you turned a tri level into a two story I would so love to hear!!! Beautiful work friend!! Nicole xo

  46. I think he puts the Dys- in functional, don't you.

  47. HOLY MOLEY! What a transformation! Beautiful! And I guess I was meant to see this today. I had just sent off my mother's camel back sofa to be reupholstered in a fabric similar to your cream couch. I worried that maybe it would be too light and I wouldn't be able to find a suitable wall color to set it off. The walls and fake fireplace that was grandma's (not as lovely as yours, but still pretty - and it was granny's!) are now white and black marble. Well! Now I know that I chose wisely on the fabric and that I will repaint a light cream like you did and everything will be picture perfect and look fresh and clean* and pretty! THANK YOU!
    *I'll deal with the hair from 6 cats later!

  48. Wow!!!! such a wonderful redo!...
    I had to come by and see what all the excitement was about !
    Love it all, love you!

  49. Diana, Your home is so beautiful. I am happy that you shared some of it and the special things in it that mean something to you. I smile thinking how you are making your two Grandmothers memories live happily (and peacefully) together.

    xo Danielle

  50. I love all the changes you made to the room. You are definitely gifted; I so admire your vision for the space. It is windy and cold here today; hope you are having nice weather!

  51. it doesn't even resemble the original room. Such a gorgeous transformation. So beautiful. I can see why it's one of your favorite places to relax in. You have so many wonderful treasures in that room.

  52. I know how much work you did on that home and may I say it is just beautiful and I know filled with love.

  53. Wow..I don't know where to start..First of all "I love what you've done with the place"...Seriously, it's beautiful and very homey. Love the picture of the kids at the beach..So nice that you have things that belonged to family members and you actually use them..The box that the cranberry glass bowl is sitting on (which is beautiful by the way) just like the one that a friend gave me some yarn in..Glad your Hero has broad shoulders..:)

  54. Diana, you and your hero have a talent for updating and restoring homes! You both have such wonderful vision! I love seeing the before and after photos! Wow, your room is fabulous now! I can see why you escape to this room. What a lovely room with so many sentimental items! The candelabras are gorgeous! You have such a romantic feel to this room! Thanks for sharing it with us! I love seeing your wonderful ideas!

  55. Hi Diana,
    I so remember that post on house proud your kids were when they were remodeling there new home. As for your home it's every bit the home to show of or share often. The crackled finish on the 20 year plus chairs have held there own, timelessly !
    I took notice of what one may not see in your home and that's the love you put into your spaces, and the view if reading in those chairs feeling as if you are in a treehouse, the porch view charms as well, there is a lot to be shared here and I am sure many stories to back your designs.
    It's truly a home to love, holidays I am sure is a cozy family gathering here.

    Beauty and grace and nothing less in your share.
    A wonderful posting.


  56. PS....I forgot to mention the church painting by Charles Buchanan.
    It Reminds me of the few in my favorite walks through Carmel in northern Calif, moving away from the area to southern Calif. I see less of this tuck box charm. Diana even if the piece is not original it's still an amazing piece to hang onto for life. It's defiantly a painting that would have captured my heart.

    Beauty to you, keep sharing the special pieces that inspire your home, it inspires us.


  57. You are so bad... love your room and your painting from the kids. I can only assume that this is where Nana Diana takes her break.

  58. That is one beautiful room! Maybe showing your house should be your thing more often. :)

    Love the colors and the light in that room. The window is wonderful along with the furnishings.

  59. Well I certainly enjoyed this tour of loveliness and heirlooms ~ and suspenders lol
    I would have just kept on reading and scrolling as I was having so much fun .

  60. What a beautiful room with gorgeous treasures! It does look like a light yellow in the photos...maybe a change down the road? LOL Seriously, if I were you, I'd have this room off limits to anyone ~ just a warm and inviting room for "me" time. It's so nice that you have such treasured items from your kids as well as both grandmothers. I've just about given all mine to my kids ~ just don't have the room anymore.

    Thanks so much for sharing! LOVE the porches and the fireplace too. I dated a guy years ago that was a builder in CO, outside of Denver. Very lush and high end homes. He took me on a walk through of a few and I could have married him for one of those houses! :) He had a preference for building a fireplace in the master bedroom that would wrap around into the master bath. You could have a lovely bubble bath while looking out on the front range of the Rockies...or just watch TV.

    You're a beautiful person, inside and out, and I'm glad you have such a beautiful home!

  61. LOL my better half needs suspenders. I don't know what has happened to him over the years.

    I love your sitting room. It is so airy and light. Just so cozy. What a great room for blogging, watching TV and reading. All the computer stuff has to go somewhere.

  62. Beautiful room Diana!....I had an "Aunt Hazel"...what a transformation from the original room to the guest cottage sign from Kris and the book from so very nice!.....suspenders are chic!!!

  63. I think I'm in love. I need you to come for a visit, a house-call of sorts. I'll get you a plane ticket if you say yes!!

  64. It's nice when fellow bloggers share their homes! Thanks for sharing yours.

  65. A beautiful share! Good to see you here my friend! Hugs, Anne

  66. So welcoming--I feel like I could settle in and be totally at home. Love that you have so many wonderful mementos from your family. That makes it so personal and unique. And your remodel is amazing--before and after is unbelievable!

  67. Thanks for sharing your comfy sitting room! I LOVE your accents but really love what you did to remodel the room! I can hardly believe the before/after are the same room! You and your Hero are great re-doers :) You are too funny about the grandmothers, that's the way to embrace our differences! Blessings, Cindy

  68. LOL - you couldn't get through the end without it, could you? Too funny.
    What a beautiful space, full of meaningful things. Just lovely. And so much work went into it. Thanks for sharing.

  69. Oh my gosh I cannot even believe that is the same place, Diana!

    You both did a wonderful job.

    And you always make me laugh so much. Rest in peace, grandmothers!

  70. What a lovely setting room - so warm and welcoming. You have really done some beautiful work in your home. Poor "Your hero", I bet he is a great guy. Your so funny......
    Thanks so much for sharing your lovely home.

  71. What an amazing transformation, Diana! I just love your cozy, bright sitting room and all the lovely and sentimental touches you have used to make this room so inviting. I love the windows, the fireplace and the beautiful artwork and gorgeous doll! It's so nice that you have included your Grandmother's treasures, too. Weddings can bring out the best and worst in people, for sure! xo Karen

  72. Beautiful Diana!!! Who paints TV"s? I did when I was brother and I had a TV to share and he always seemed to have it in his red, white and blue yes I painted it to match my room pink and he wouldn't want it in his

  73. Hi Diana, love your beautiful sitting room. What a gorgeous transformation. I could spend a lot of time here. I sure understand painting a TV. It is doesn't move I paint it!! Love your beautiful chairs and the mantel is stunning. The window area is gorgeous.
    Thanks for sharing your room, I love seeing this and the inspiration it gives.
    Hugs and Blessings.
    xo (trying to catch up~~been tied up with a painful dental emergency) The worst may be over now, I hope!! LOL

  74. Thank you for the mini tour! I love seeing bits of you! Very pretty room and I love the story about the home and the stone fireplace. Love those chairs- the crackle finish really looks wonderful on them! Your home is pretty and romantic and I love the accents. Now I know why you like the Romantic Homes magazine!

  75. Love your sitting's beautiful!!

  76. I really enjoyed the look around, and what you did with that room. I envy the light colours. Mine have to be earth tones as there is always a lot of earth spreading itself around via 4 poodles, 1 cat and 1 boy. I soooooo need new stuff. Maybe next year? Anyway, I love that room, cozy funtional and so happy. Its full of light and lovely things. I hope you will show us more rooms.

  77. What a cozy, comfortable, pretty room! I love that the items in it all have meaning behind them. Hilarious about the grandmas too! Ha! You guys did a lot of work on that house and I'd love for you to continue the tour! Thanks for sharing.

  78. You are a hoot, Miss Diana the Huntress. lol! I love your beautiful room. Can I borrow your Hero to help mine with our Project?
    I take it that your grandmothers didn't get along? Oh the stories I could tell about some of my relative. haha!

  79. Diana, I missed this post. I'm tired of missing out so I have signed up to receive your posts by e-mail. I did a few others months ago and are just now getting them in my in-box. Hope it doesn't take that long now. What a beautiful room. I can just visualize you sitting there, the color just screams 'you' and that is a compliment. I hope your Hero is careful climbing up those ladders. It always scares me when men trying to hold their pants up with suspenders because they are too skinny!! do things like that! I'm always yelling at the Captain and he doesn't think he needs suspenders yet!!! Ha!Ha!..Happy Monday..Judy

  80. Your sitting room is so pretty, Diana! You really have made some huge improvements to the house, I would never guess it used to be a kitchen! Love all of the wonderful artwork, family treasures, and the doll your friend made. She is gorgeous!

  81. I love this room...and I am not talking to you ever again...I want that room. Its amazing what you started with. How long did it take to make the changes? Those poor old ladies, their stuff touching is just hilarious!

  82. This room is barely recognizable from what it was! Adding the fireplace and large windows was brilliant and really gives the space presence and character.

    When Fisherman tugs at his pants and says 'I'm withering away to nothing', I just have to keep him in his place and respond with something like 'it's all still there, it's just moved to your ass' :/

  83. Catching up with you this afternoon from my time away. I love to see how rooms are decorated and where friends blog and spend their time. This is a gorgeous room. I love the fireplace and all the windows. The special keepsakes, gifts etc. make it very special. I love your paintings. In our current home I made the dining room my sitting room. It is mismatched but at least it is being used which a dining room would NEVER be used.

  84. What a sweet room! So pretty and inviting! I love the furnishings and the fireplace - looks so nice to sit close to when it turns cold. I can't get over how much of a renovation you made to your home and this is just one room! Talented and very brave! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Leena


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