
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Front Porch Project

I worked outside all day long yesterday.
I took everything off the front porch.
I scrubbed the porch itself
and the rug that was on there.
See the rug hanging on the fence?

Standing on the porch by the door
 and looking down 
into the front yard I see this.
I LOVE those lavender chairs!
The front view looks like this.
There is lobelia in the bicycle basket.
That was really hard to find this year.
Those are not weeds all over the ground
Those are those whirly things from the tree.
Love the tree-hate the whirlers!
I sit out here sometimes when it is too hot to sit
out by the water-the yard gets really hot back there.
I have pillows to sew for those chairs.
Here is what the front porch looks like 
(watch some pervert google stripped naked 
and then pop in here)
Those might (or might not) be
naked cherubs on the swing~
 MyHero was chopping and cutting things
when I asked him to help me throw the rug 
over the fence to dry.
As you can see he THINKS there is a cave
hidden behind those bushes.
Pffffttt....he can't escape me!
Ummm...I can SEE you!
Pop in tomorrow and I hope 
to have the porch done!
Maybe---probably---most likely---


  1. ha ha yes someone WILL google that, lol! :)

  2. Is he hiding from you, Diana, or looking for Narnia? : ) Love those chairs. I saw some on my walk recently in a pretty lavender and green color. Made me want to get a couple, but I have no place to store them after the season. If we ever get the approval of the patio, I may be able to get them and keep them there. Then just cover them with seasonal furniture covers come winter.

  3. Diana, So funny, catching your husband crawling under the bushes. I like the colors of your chairs. I am still working on our porch. We have to stain it this year. There's always something to do. This week is to be really hot here...we turned the AC on yesterday....bummer, I was enjoying the windows open and the fresh air. xoxo, Susie

  4. That's a lot of work. But what a pretty place to sit for awhile.

  5. Love the plant on the bicycle. Gazing balls are so nice too. Can't wait to see the porch put back together!

  6. Good work! Every gal needs a helper and I have mine lined up for his next free day...better be soon, too. The summer will be half gone at this rate.

    Your garden is sweet...beautiful accents...I know what you mean about the lobelia as I killed some and have been trying to replace it. Not going to happen I guess.

  7. Looks great Diana! The bike is precious...

  8. Love the bike. You are such a smart lady, one day I will get mine cleaned up, maybe before winter gets here!

  9. Oh how fun working and decorating our outdoor spaces is. You have a beautiful yard Diana! I love the pink bicycle with the basket full of flowers. It looks like we could walk over some evening and sit and drink Iced Lemonade with all the neighbors. We lost twp trees in Sundays storm, the very day we had to head out on this trip, so our neighbors got together Monday and cleaned them up for us. So I guess thehubs will be planting trees when we get back home. I can't wait to see tomorrows post!

  10. I'll bet he's thinking that he's invisible, and you can't see him, if he can't see you.

  11. Love your lavender chairs and the lobelia. Your outdoor spaces looks so relaxing. It makes me want to just flop into one of those beautiful chairs so I can sit and sip on some ice cold lemonade.
    XO Barbara

  12. I'm feeling tired just reading about all the work you're doing. I always wondered about those outdoor rugs -- how hard they are to clean.

  13. All work and no play makes Diana a dull girl. LOL! I say you have a cocktail in those pretty lavender chairs. xo

  14. The chairs are lovely with your bike flowers. Every day you make me laugh. Thank you :-)

  15. Diana, what a great bike; it's a perfect accent for your lovely yard! I'm just amazed that so many of your plants and flowers survived a harsh winter. I remember your photos of all the snow you had this year. My Hydrangeas have very few blooms this year due to our snow and freezing weather. You always make us smile with your hero's poses! I can't wait to see you porch!

  16. it all looks perfect, I have never saw the chairs in that color, so pretty, can't wait to see the big reveal,

  17. I'm laughing my head off at that photo of John - you're so hilarious Diana !!!
    ( badly )
    and I love your lavender adirondack's too - between you and Kris I HAVE to find a bike to paint!

  18. I want your porch swing, I lust after your porch, I can't wait to see it all put together. I love the old bike too. Will it be dry enough to get outside today?????

  19. Ugh, we have those twirly things too Diana... don't like!!
    Love the lavendar & the porch swing! Enjoy... V

  20. Oh I just love a front porch with a swing! And as fast as I clean my porch, it gets all covered with pollen again. But it sure looks pretty when it's clean!

  21. Wow, you have been busy. Doesn't it feel fabulous to have a clean porch? Love the colors too. The bicycle is too sweet for words.I bet sitting in the porch swing is so relaxing. xp

  22. You're too funny! I hope you put the stripped naked tags in so the perverts can find you. Then you can preach Jesus to them! ;-)

  23. Love the lavender color on those chairs too. Your bicycle is always a favorite with me as well. We have so much yard work to do. The mosquitoes are wicked awful this year.

  24. Outdoor spring cleaning is my favorite! Everything stripped and washed and rearranged and refreshed ... just in time for the heat and bugs of summer. Oh, well. (I love your lavender chairs, too.)

  25. I know exactly how you feel today because my husband and I worked on our front porch all day yesterday too! It was a very laborious day! We're finishing up today with some wood projects out there. Isn't it wonderful to have a clean porch to relax on now?

  26. you have a beautiful front view, as well as a beautiful back view! what a perfect spot. :-)

    now of course, you can't always have the "hero's buttttttt" view. but then, that makes it all the more special, when it appears. right??? ,-))))))


  27. will you pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzze take a break and blog about it?!?!?! you are simply wearing this olden gal out!!! reading about all your do-do-do-do-do-nessssss.


    i now need a nap, just reading this blog!!!!!


  28. When I was a kid I used to enjoy playing with those whirly things from the trees. Now they are just a nuisance. I love the blue flower in the bike basket. Nice shot of your hero. :-)

  29. Love the chairs! And, the bicycle...what a fun touch.

  30. Oh, to have a big porch to relax on! Wish I had one. :) Love the pink bicycle with the flowers and is that a little kitty cat statue? Sweet!

  31. Oh Diana, I can't tell you how nice and refreshing it is to pop in and see what you have been up to :) You make me smile, dear lady. I look forward to seeing how your porch looks which I know will look amazing!

    Enjoy your day - hugs!

  32. Oh, I so envy your being able to sit by the water! I'd be in absolute heaven and my camera would be right there with me!

  33. You make m e howl with laughter, Diana.

    The apple didn't fall far from the tree of your father.....and he sure was a handsome fella.


  34. So funny! Love the bicycle. I want one of those-to sit under a tree with flowers in the basket! Not to ride!

  35. Ha Ha Diana. I love love the bike and love that it is pink. So pretty in pink.

  36. Okay.....I am doing my porch too. Gosh, do I HAVE to wash it down before I stain it.....uge, so much work. I love your chairs and the bike....I think while you work so hard, you do get those mini breaks by looking out over the bay....very relaxing!!!

  37. I love your flower bed and the chairs are really pretty. Looks very relaxing their. I spin yarn and that would be a nice place to sit and spin or knit.

  38. Love the backyard and I wish I had that porch swing!

  39. I want a porch swing, but first I need a big porch. Did you boot your Hero in the rump when it was sticking out like that? I know you found it tempting. Admit it!
    xoxo, T.

  40. The little sneak..... Good thing Hero wasn't naked or the weirdos on the internet would be on your site all the time. Love your pink bicycle with the Lobelia.

  41. You are just too cute, Diana! I love what you have done with your porch area. I have always wanted a porch swing, but I must first build a porch! Ha! Ha!

    We are going camping for a few days, so I won't be by for a while.

    Have a lovely week!


  42. Love your porch...and the porch swing. If I come visit'll know where to find me

  43. HI Diana (:)
    Oh love the blue chairs and pretty yard..
    yes we were soososososo lucky to have good dads...........and moms(:)
    cute post..hugs...Patty

  44. Ha
    arm wrestle me for that shelf..oh I wish it was mine ..just a pic from Pinterest I think..(:)

  45. Very nice Diana! I finally posted after a long hiatus.
    It is funny to hear the word hot from you or me for that matter.
    The bike is just too cute. I couldn't find lobelia either...what's up with that?
    Hugs friend,

  46. I'm having porch swing envy....I love it! I have a bike but no flowers in the basket yet.... I really like the flowers that you chose~ Hugs, Penny

  47. Oh, I love your old bicycle with the flowers in the basket! It looks nice and cool and peaceful there. I couldn't find lobelia this year either. As I was scrolling down the sweet photos of this lovely scene, I just knew you couldn't keep a straight face and there it was - my favorite laugh of the day! You always look at the funny side of life and I love that. Hugs xo Karen

  48. I love the lobelia in the bike basket, too! I've been looking for a bike for the yard, but haven't found an older one like yours yet. Those lavender chairs are a pretty color. Why do you have naked cherubs on the swing? Just wondering.....
    Yup, great shot of your Hero. I'm sure he was cracking a smile just for you.
    Your little spot under the tree is beautiful, Diana. I'd love to sit with you and chat, dear friend.

  49. Diane,
    Very cute post. Love those Lavender chairs too. Your garden looks relaxing and how adorable is that bike! Hubby photo made me smile, stopping back to see your porch. It is 95 today in Philadelphia, YIKES, thank goodness for central air, blogs and on-demand.

  50. Love the lobelia. The chairs are really pretty! Can't wait to see your porch all decked out.


  51. Still trying to change my no-reply email address on google. I have done what everyone tells me to do, spent hours researching and it seems that I will never get it fixed. any other ideas? I think I will have to contact my Geek Squad...

  52. I laugh sometimes when people get to my blog by what they type in a search engine...this one made me laugh, "Does it get hot in Georgia?"
    HA! The answer is OH YES!!!
    Let's hope the perverts stay away from your blog! LOL

  53. You are a busy bee my dear! Love what you have done. Now go out and relax! (I decided to not take a break from blogging, me oh my)! xox

  54. A good clean out always makes you feel good.

  55. my bike does look like yours--awesome! love the swing, diana:) and i see a target in that last pic--haha!

  56. You are too silly! Your hubby is a good sport! Those chairs are so pretty- they must look grand on the lawn with a view of the house from the lake. We don't have the whirly gigs yet- yet another thing to look forward to- not!! Did you get it good yesterday with that storm? It hit here around 5:00 a.m. Lots of lightning and heavy rain.

  57. your poor hubs! Looking forward to seeing your finished porch.

  58. I love, love, love your pink bike with the lobelia spilling out of the basket! And the chairs look like such a cozy place to sit. It's so darn hot and muggy here, I'm camped inside staying cool in the a/c! Bet your Hero would just love to know that his behinny is featured today on your blog:)

  59. The pink bicycle and purple chairs look so pretty together! I am a porch person and I LOVE your swing. A porch is my favorite room in the house~~~Did Mr. Hero know you had taken his picture? We won't tell.....usually guys do this sort of thing. (hehe) Don't work too hard~~~Roxie

  60. Love the bicycle...I can hear your hero saying "hide me , hide me"..

  61. You are always busy with beautification projects! I'd love a porch! That is one thing lacking at this house! xo Nellie

  62. I LOVE your porch swing! I have never had a place to hang one but I did own one once. I gave it to my daughter in law and hung on their porch for awhile..and not sure where it is now. Anyway..they are neat. So old fashioned. Going to do any painting? I recently covered a cushion I bought for my old bench..covered it with fabric..held together with duct tape! Yeah..I did. :)
    I shall return to see finished porch!

  63. p.s. I think I need a pink bike and blue flowers!! :)

  64. Love, love, love the bike with the flowers in the basket!! Love your porch swing too!! I wish I had one, but our porch has no cover over it.

  65. YOur hero...LOL!!! So funny, your porch is just a dream!


  66. I would love to just kick back in those pretty chairs with you friend! And that bicycle with the flowers is so whimsical!! Just stunning! Beautiful all the way around! Happy week to you! Nicole xoxo

  67. You maintain a busy life, that is a good thing! I sure do miss having my hubby around to help out around the place. Remember to thank him every now and again :) Blessings, Cindy

  68. That is hard work but I know it will be beautiful when you are finished. We pressure washed our front porch and THEN planted flowers and of course, had it all to do over again!!!

  69. LOVE those lavender chairs!! Where did you get them or did I miss that??????
    And I adore your porch!! Is there a link that shows the front of your home that you can send to me/ I am curious!! LOL!!


  70. I love your bike with the lobelia is already suffering from the heat. I'm not sure I can save it. Looking forward to seeing the porch all finished!

  71. How fun to see your front porch project! I miss the front porch of our Northwoods home. I'll pretend that I didn't see the other picture.


  72. Diana, I'm just like you when it comes to " to do lists". If I do something that's not on the list, I add it just for the thrill of crossing it off! I always feel silly doing it but I must simply do it! I always thought your eyes were blue!

  73. Love the yard, love the porch and yard and your resident gardener!!!


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