
Thursday, April 17, 2014


Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Anyone remember that old nursery rhyme-
or was it a poem?
Well, CAN YOU?
Can YOU bake a Cherry Pie
like the one above?
You MIGHT be able to if you win 

This is a THANK YOU for honoring 
me by being a follower.

We live right at the 
Door County , Wisconsin line.
Do you know what 
is famous for?
Can you guess?
Yep!  Cherries!
NOPE- I am NOT sending the cherry branch!
WHAT do you need to make a pie?
Well, besides CHERRIES THAT IS!
You might need a
Did I mention that it is RED? (like cherries)
Oh- Isn't it a beauty?

Now, before you start your pie you might want to

Lets, see-what else do we need (besides cherries)

You might want to slip this nifty little gadget into the pie
It makes removing that first piece of pie
a piece of cake-
(little play on baking terms there)
 to keep your crust edges
from burning..
If you have never used one of these you will 
And you NEED A BIRD!
I'll flip you one!
Here he is!
Is he cute or what?
Well, AFTER the pie is baked you MIGHT want to
remove it from the oven with a
They are red!

And you don't want to set a hot pie on
 your countertop
so you need a
Did you notice anything?
See a theme here do you?
Are you seeing red yet?

And, after all that hard work baking
you might want to sit down with a cuppa
How does Cherry Creme sound?
Well, here it is all massed together...
Do you think YOU could 
if you won?
Now WHAT do you have to DO to win?
There are only 
and you, too, can
sign up to win.
Are you 'seeing red' when you 
read that about all those steps?
Okay- I might have lied about the

ALL you HAVE TO DO is 
BE A FOLLOWER and tell me you
That's it!
Leave me a comment and let me know
you want to win!
If you are new you are most welcome,too.
Sign up as a follower and throw your
name in the hat...or the pie pan~

You have SIX DAYS to sign up.
Entries will end Tuesday, April 22nd, noon.

Maybe you can get SweetCheeks to work her magic
and pick YOUR name!
She always gets dressed for the occasion...
She MIGHT be missing a few teeth now though!

You will know by next Wednesday, April 23td
who the winner is.

This is open to anyone in the contiguous 
United States AND Canada.
Sorry- I can't ship out of the country.
so much for being part of my life here
in Blogland!


  1. Oh, pick my name, Sweet Cheeks! I can bake a cherry pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy! What a fabulous giveaway!

  2. Oh I have been following you I just don't comment a lot but I love your blog and I would LOVE to win all the red goodies.
    Wow what a prize this would be! Thank you for the chance. Lynn

  3. WOW, what a wonderful giveaway!!! Could you throw in a baking lesson...I need it!
    Thanks for the chance!

  4. :LOL this just makes me want pie with my morning coffee for breakfast! :)

    As to the 20+ steps, HA! I was just on a blog yesterday where you had to go like and follow everyone and their mother on FB, Pinterest, Twitter, and the moon to win something whether you actually even read their blogs or heard of them...and so I left. You are not kidding about 20+ steps that is for sure! :)

    These is such a cute giveaway :) Hungry now :)

  5. oh little sweet cheeks.. pick me pick me!! lol.. What a bunch of great stuff... perfect for my kitchen! someone is going to be very lucky! hope its me!! happy day my friend!

  6. Now I see the pie slicer. In your post you showed a towel to take out the first slice? I thought that seemed a bit strange. But, oh if I don't win, I am going out to purchase a few of those. Love pie, love cherries, love RED.

  7. My Husband LOVES cherry of course I want to win...I just know these items will make up for my total lack of cherry pie baking skills!!
    Ok Sweet Cheeks...what will it take???

  8. Diana what a lovely giveaway. I have never used a pie crust shield. Usually I end up putting 3 strips of aluminum foil around the edges. And that bird is adorable. Love the red and I want to WIN!
    Thanks for the giveaway and have a wonderful day!
    XO Barbara

  9. what a beautiful give away, Sweet cheeks is a beauty teeth or no teeth, I am one of those darn Canadians as you know, leave my name out, have a super day, good luck to everyone!!!!

  10. What? No crust and filling included? Oh, well. I'd still like to win. What beautiful things. Please enter me.

  11. What a great give away. It looks like I started following just in time. Please enter me, too. I've never made cherry pie, but I'd learn.

  12. I would love to win - but who wouldn't! Those are some nice prizes. And hey - do you know what color my kitchen aide is? RED! Have a good day. sandie

  13. Diana, That is a beautiful give-away gift bundle. I love the princess who pulls a name out of a hat. :):) I like that you tied everything together with cherries and red color. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  14. Now that is fun! Sure, I always want to win. And I want to see the toothless one! Heading back to bed.

  15. I am a red addict! I would love to win... and I love your 20 steps joke. I don't usually enter giveaways because if them! Congrats on your following. .. well deserved! :)

  16. I don't like cherries (makes me think of Luedun's Cherry cough drops---LOL!), but I love the color red and would be happy to bake a pecan alternative using those goods. Great give away, Diana! xo

  17. What a lovely and happy give-away this is Diana! Why would I like to win? Hmmmm, who does not LOVE cherry pie and all good things from the "kitchen in red!" Oh happy day!!!

  18. Good Morning,This is a lovely gift! I like to think my name is in the hat or pie pan, either one is just like a cherry on the top! Cause it would be the pits not to enter when, I have at the minimal 1 to 700 ratio of a chance to win.... It does sound easy peasy to me!
    Happy Blessed Easter to you! I have always thought you should win a prize for always leaving me a comment!
    More later on that one ;o) Love, Roxy

  19. Pick me, pick me......I'm a faithful follower....I would love to win this lovely giveaway! Happy Easter to you and your family, Gail

  20. Now I can't get that song out of my head! Back in the 70's we had little children's records with Danny Boy and we used to sing it all the time. I forgot most of the words but with the power of youtube, I got to listen to it again here:

  21. oh my goodness all that RED lushousness even.. I can see all those pretty pieces in my new kitchen..
    tell Sweet Cheeks auntie Sonny really needs to win these... I love Pie and so does the daughter... Yummmm:)
    Thanks for the chance.. Its really great giveaway and whoever wins--ME ME ME-- is gonna be over the moon thrilled and I'll be happy for them,,jealous but happy.. rofl.....
    love ya bunches and bushels

  22. What a sweet giveaway Diana! I love red and of course I love pie! And that pie shield, how did I not know they existed? ... Hope the Easter Bunny brings you lots of treats!

  23. Oh my gosh. I would DIE if I won this. What an awesome gift. Have you ever had the salsa from Cherry Republic? I am obsessed with it and order 6 jars at a time! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. ~Ann

  24. Sweet giveaway, Diana! I love the theme and the color. I am a follower and I'd love a chance to win.

  25. This is an outstanding giveaway, Diana! I'd love to throw my name in the pie pan! I have sung this song with our grandchildren. "Can she bake a cherry pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy? Can she bake a cherry pie, charming Billy?" It is a verse that answers the preceding one - "Oh, where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy? Oh, where have you been, charming Billy?' He answers, "I have been to see my wife. She's the joy of my life. She's a young thing and cannot leave her mother." Takes me back to my childhood.:-) xo Nellie

  26. I've never seen a shield little birdie really caught my eye....and I would love to try that coffee! Awesome giveaway! Hugs, Penny

  27. Oh Diana, what a wonderful giveaway. And to SweetCheeks: PICK ME, PICK ME!! LOL
    Love all the red. And you know what? Having lived in Wisconsin most of my life, I've never ever been to Door County. Isn't that tragic! We always go north to Duluth or west to Minneapolis. I can see we need to take the trip across the state to the other side. :-)

  28. Congrats on reaching so many followers, Diana! We love you here in blog land, can't you tell?! Wow, what a very, very generous giveaway! My eyes about popped out of my head when I read about the 20 steps to enter, hahaha! Don't you just love those types of giveaways? I end up so confused just trying to figure out the entry process that I don't bother! That pie did looks amazing, and I love the dish towel, too! So if I win, will you come to my house and bake the pie for me? I'll have a pot of coffee on:) And bring SweetCheeks and Company with you, too:)

  29. Hi Diana, Wow 703 followers-I don't know how you've gotten that many, except that you are fabulous. I also wonder how you get around to all your followers. O.k. so at first I wasn't sure what the giveaway was but girl I love all the items-no surprise since I love you! Please count me in on this-tell sweet cheeks she is simply the best. We will be on vacation from Sat. for two weeks-but I'll be checking in. If I win, please hold them for me.

  30. Wowzers! What a beautiful, generous giveaway, Diana! Of course I would love to win and you know that I follow along :)

    If I don't win your beautiful goodies can you just send me a slice of that cherry pie - wow, it looks mouthwatering good! Hugs to you, sweet lady! Your blog is a wonderful place to visit.

  31. Oh my, what an amazing "giveaway'! When I saw the pie dish, I thought "wow" that is beautiful and I would truly live to win it! But then you just kept going and going with so many awesome gifts...I couldn't believe it! smile... I have always, always loved those cute little .pie birds"! All that being said...YES I would LOVE to have my name put in the pie dish!! smile...


  32. What a generous giveaway! You are the Queen of Themes! I am a follower and I'd love to have my name tossed into the cap. Thanks for the opportunity!

  33. What a fantastic giveaway.....and since when am I not a bad!

  34. I'm not a baker man, but I'll tell Jilda to visit you missy.
    By the way am I showing up as a No Reply when I post here?

  35. What a fun giveaway! I don't have anything to make pies and boy would my hubby love it if I did! Fingers crossed!


  36. WOW!! what a cool giveaway!! I'm in for sure. I check out your blog a lot during the week. I'm always seeing what new things you have and great ideas I can learn. I love pies and this will be all fun to use while baking pies for the holidays!!!

  37. I would so love to win! Cherry pie is my favorite.
    Smiles, Dottie

  38. WOW! What an awesome giveaway! I LOVE Cherry Pie, oh my! Hugs, Maryjane xox

  39. Oh my goodness. What a fabulous giveaway! I am enthralled with the first piece thingy!! I really need to get out more!

  40. I wanna win! Me! Me! Me!
    I'm feeling lucky! (Or maybe it's just gas.)
    Any way, "Sweet Tea" and Cherry pie sound great, don't they?!

  41. Hello - I found your blog on the Fairhope Supply blog and I'm so glad I did. I love cherries!! I've made cherry themed curtains for my kitchen windows, I have a sculpted cherry spoon rest and a small cat statue named Cherries Jubilee. Every year during cherry season I pit & freeze as many cherries as possible and have made cherry jam a time or two.
    By now you must think I'm a bit nuts... let's call it enthusiastic.
    All the best,

  42. LOL!!! Of course I can bake a cherry pie!!! I would love to win your give-away! When you have a moment, stop on over and see the delicious pie I just posted! Yum, yum, yum! Come on Sweet Cheeks, Auntie Mary needs a pie plate! ;)

    Happy Easter!

  43. Please pick me....please, please, please!

  44. What a nice gift give away....I do have some cherries in the freezer so winning this gift would be perfect!!! Oh pleeeeeeze Sweet Cheeks pick meeeee!!!! My husband is desiring a cherry pie!!!

  45. Well darn, darn....Sweet Cheeks can't pick me because I picked up the entire post and ate it. MMmmmm Mmmmm! That sugar on top of the crust was so darn good! But now I've got this cherry stuck to my nose and it isn't even Christmas to pass myself off as Rudolph. Ohhh, Diana, you've done bad, bad things to my diet, haha.....but I love ya anyway MUAH


  46. Of course I want to win, and I won't even flip you a bird.

  47. That is a very generous give-away! I would love to enter.

  48. What a fabulous giveaway! I love cherries and that cherry creme coffee sounds delish! How fun it would be to use all those nifty gadgets to bake a pie with. :) Hope your weekend is fabulous!!

  49. oh my goodness! Love the giveaway! tell Sweet Cheeks to pick my name :)

  50. omgoodness! Sweetcheeks, PLEEEEEASE pick meeeee! My kitchen is red and green and natural....these red cherry goodies would fit right in! But if I don't win, I want to say I'll be very happy for the lucky person who does because this is a sweet and thoughtful gift!

  51. I nearly took a bite out of that piece of pie, then realized it was just a picture on the computer! LOL :)
    You could win 1st. prize on that pie! What a beautiful give-away. I have never entered in a blog give-away before, how fun is this! My dear Stephanie has them, but as her mother I decline. :) I would love for sweet cheeks to place my name in the pie dish. If I win, I will invite the both of you over for tea and pie. :) I believe I am now following you now Diana??? So much to learn in this blogging community!
    Thank you for this oppertunity.
    Bless you!

  52. Oh Yes, I do want to sign up...and I am a loyal follower...and I will even dance a jig and sing "

    Can she make a cherry pie,
    Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
    Can she make a cherry pie,
    Charming Billy?
    She can make a cherry pie,
    Quick as a cat can wink an eye,
    She's a young thing
    And cannot leave her mother.

    That is the most beautiful giveaway....Thanks for all this wonderful anticipation.....Love and Hugs.

  53. Hi Diana, wow what a nice giveaway! I have never made cherry pie before and I would make this pie in honor of you if I won! I love all the red accessories! Even though we just met I feel like I have known you for a long time and! Congrats on all of your followers and I can see why you have so many! Wishing you many more years of happiness blogging.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  54. What a special and very sweet giveaway Diana. I would love a chance to win those cherry pie goodies (thanks so much for a chance). You know I follow along.

    XO Danielle

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Here's a poem for ya...
    When eating some cherries
    I swallowed a pit.
    I wonder if something
    will come of it.
    Just think how ridiculous
    it would be
    if I should give birth
    to a cherry tree.
    ... The Cherry Pit
    by Bruce Lansky
    What a creative giveaway, it's bright and cheery just like YOU! Yep I am a follower :)

  57. What an interesting giveaway. You would need to send me the whole pie. I have never baked one in my life and at my age, not going to try.

  58. Oh Diana, what a delightful giveaway gift. You have thought of everything. And the beautiful princess to pick the winner, how great is that.
    So won't you please enter my name into your drawing. My kitchen is red and I have none of the wonderful items that you are giving away.
    Happy Easter to you and your wonderful family. Know the kids will have fun having a Easter Egg Hunt.

  59. Oh SweetCheeks, pick me, pick me!! What a great giveaway, Diana, and I'd love a chance to win. First of all, CHERRIES are my favorite fruit, and cherry pie one of my favorites. Second, my kitchen is RED. I changed it during winter from turquoise to red. I think red in the kitchen is so charming, and look at all these red goodies you want to share with us! Aaahhh, that bird is so cute.

    Whoever wins is a lucky girl.


  60. My pleasure for sure..I remember that as a song..Happy Easter..

  61. I've never entered a giveaway before. That is very sweet of you do to this.
    Thank you.
    And...may you and those you love have a blessed and Happy Easter.

  62. Would sure love to win your appropriate DOOR prize (ahem)... but could you throw in the fairy princess, too? *wink*

    Hugs and happy give away-ing,

  63. I want to win. And I won't tell anyone about you flipping everyone the bird.....

  64. Well, of course I'm a follower AND I want to WIN...I mean It's RED!!!! If you saw my house, you would understand!!! AND, Sweet Cheeks will Definitely draw my name :) Blessings, Cindy

  65. of course I want to win! I have been a follower for many years now.......AND the kitchen at 1515 is red and all of that would look so good in it! I can see the cherry pie cooling on the hoosier right now!

  66. Oh my goodness - what a nice give away! I remember that Billy Boy song, my Mother sang it to us when we were young - so Irish! Sweet cheeks is definitely the queen of the prom! I want to win because my daughter is pestering me to bake her a cherry pie. Pestering. :) xo

  67. Oh my goodness! What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for offering that. I'd love to win! I'm already a follower of your blog too. Now, I'm trying to remember what that bird is for.

  68. Such a generous giveaway! I love cherry pies and this would be a great way to enjoy a little baking with my girl.

    have a blessed Easter

  69. How nice of you! I would love to win this give-away!

  70. Oh, what a fabulous giveaway! I'm already a follower and I'd love to win these goodies. They are my colors, too. I love red!!
    Pssst, Sweet Cheeks...pick me, pick me!

  71. WHAT A FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY! Love how you blended all of the things together with such a sweet theme. I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway.


  72. Ooooooh, I love it! Pick me, Sweet Cheeks, pick me! :o)
    I've always wanted one of those crust guards - I could'a used one the other day for my turkey potpie!
    Thanks for a shot at the title - I knew you were good for somethin'. Hahahahahahahahahahaha

  73. Yes, we even went to Door County to pick cherries when I was young, being from Madison! I would love to win and have all those fabulous pie making goodies. I don't have a one of them - especially not in red! What a beautiful pie, I don't think mine would be that perfect. Have a wonderful, wonderful Easter.

  74. Such a fun give away. Miss Josie has been known to eat pie for breakfast. She'd love it if we won!!

  75. What a neat give away, Diana!
    But it is way too expensive to ship here so I'll wait and enter your next one.
    Have a great Easter, my friend!

  76. Thanks for the giveaway.I am a follower by email and bloglovin.I would love to win :)

  77. I'm a follower, yes indeed! Wow, what a givaway, Miss Diana!

  78. Fantastic giveaway cherries...baking pies...and RED is my favorite color! Thanks so much for the chance to win...

  79. Great Balls of Fire, really know how to get a gal's heart pumping ...what a great and generous giveaway.
    I aam, indeed, a longtime follower and I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed to win this package of the BEST items. I've never seen the pie slicer or the crust liner....sooo neat.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  80. Haha I followed you just the other day:] I do not bake pies but adore kit ken gadgets.

  81. Love that red trivet but a pie maker I am not. My grandmother made wonderful pies, parker house rolls, home made bread. She was a wonderful cook but me I am a hit it or miss it cook. Some turn out, some do not.

  82. Great giveaway ... Mr. Z. loves cherry pie but I usually take the easy way out with a frozen one. Winning this giveaway might tempt me to bake a 'from scratch' cherry pie. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Enjoy reading your blog.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  83. What a wonderful giveaway, Diana. I hope I win. Sending good vibes to Sweet Cheeks. xo Laura

  84. Yes! Flip me one! You are hilarious. That first slice spatula is genius- I've never seen that before. Nor do I have a silicone crust shield. Mine is aluminum. Great loot for your giveaway...Sweet Cheeks, work your magic!

  85. What a fabulous give away, Diana! I am already an avid follower and, of course, I would love to win! Have a beautiful Easter weekend!

  86. I WANT TO WIN!! I promise that if I win I will attempt to bake my first pie and blog about it!

  87. What a wonderful bunch of goodies! I won't enter this time....I won last time and I'm still enjoying all of my sweet gifts! Enjoy your weekend my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  88. "I can bake a cherry pie, quick as a cat can wink his eye. He's a bad? boy and can not please his mother." I think is how it goes. No I can't bake a cherry pie, but I'm wanting to incorporate some red into my kitchen. Yay! Me, I'm the winner. Or I want to be the winner:) Thanks for the giveaway!

  89. Oh wow, what a bunch of sweet goodies. I'd love to win. Thanks for offering.

  90. Oh Diana,

    I would love to be the lucky one.....

  91. Oh my goodness, now I want a cherry pie! I also want all of those NEW goodies to bake it with! I will not show you my baking pans, or utensils, etc. I inherited most of mine from my mother-in-law, may she rest in peace, they are all well-worn, but reliable. I don't think I have bought much, as she had quite a collection and I have continued to bake with them. She has been gone since 1990 and it still seems like yesterday. If I win, I will share photos of a very "pretty" pie!

  92. Thanks for letting me know about this Diana !!!
    And you're wrong about the color - I HAVE red accents in my kitchen - so it's perfect !
    Fingers crossed -
    ( and thanks again )

  93. I'd like to win the cherry pie, but if I don't...the chair that sweet cheeks is sitting in would look lovely in my living room! ;-)

  94. What a wonderful give away you have! Now I want some cherry pie!!! You may not know this, but red is one of my favorite colors besides pink and white, lol. I used to have red all throughout my home...way before I ever decided to do pink. Before it is all said and done, I am coming to visit Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ken...and when I do I want to meet you! Tina can introduce us...wouldn't that be great!

  95. Wow, what perfect timing for me to get back into La Bella Vie! I love pie and I love Cherry's and I love cooking's the awful truth, I've never baked a pie but I sure would welcome the chance with all this "wonderfulness".
    So, let's see, I always follow the rules so, yep I'm a follower and yep left a comment and I think that's it...right :)

    Having fun again my friend and so glad to see you again!

  96. I would be so 'cheery' to win your Cherry Give-away!

  97. LOVE Door County cherries!! (love Door County!!) All of the red things are perfect..... and a cherry pie sounds really good. All that and a beautiful Princess to pick the winner! What a grand contest!! I do so enjoy your blog!

  98. What an awesome giveaway! Cherry pie happens to be Mom's fave right now! Such cute accessories, too!

  99. What a great giveaway, Diana! I'm not a good baker, but all these goodies are a really nice enticement!


    I'm a follower via bloglovin and I'd love to win! -Jena Osborne

  101. I'm a follower. I don't know how I missed this post, but so glad you linked it to your latest post! Those colors will look so good in my beige kitchen. And, that was actually a song (hate being so old I started singing right along immediately) from the olden days. "...she's a young thing and cannot leave her mother."

  102. So, I'm making dinner last night when I find myself singing, "Can she make a cherry pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?" Can't shake that song!

  103. This is a fabulous giveaway!!! Love all the reds, and it might even tempt me to make a cherry pie (my favorite) for hubby and me.
    Mary Alice

  104. Wow Diana,
    I love love love Door County Cherry Pie. Yum. What a great giveaway. Add me in for a chance. Woooooooo Hooooooo love this.

  105. Yes, I want to win! I picked cherries in Door county last year, fun. Cherry pie is my fave.

  106. Bless your heart for choosing my favorite color RED! Congrats on your 710 followers! Please throw my name in the hat. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  107. Red is a wonderful color and I would love to win, so would a lot of other people. May one of us be luckier then the others.

  108. Mmmmm...cherry pie sounds so good right now!

  109. Diana, that's an amazing gift. I am always amazed by the talent and hospitality of bloggers. I love to see how people put together a gift. Someone will be extremely lucky if the princess selects his or her name.

  110. WOW!! What a give away! Thanks for including all of us, Now off to check out that new blg you shared

  111. WOW!! What a give away! Thanks for including all of us, Now off to check out that new blg you shared

  112. OH! I know I'm gonna win something 'cuz all that red will match my kitchenAid!! ;)

  113. Wow, what a lovely and generous giveaway Diana! Sure, I want to win!! My husbands favorite pie is cherry and I love all of the red. I have touches of it in my kitchen. Keeping my fingers crossed. :-)

  114. What a wonderful giveaway! Oh my! I would love to win, too, of course, and I am a new follower!

  115. Hi Diana, what a wonderful and very generous giveaway !! I would love to enter. Cherry pie is my favorite. Love the red too. I am also a follower.

  116. This is a terrific giveaway! I am a subscriber and I love to bake...perfect combination. I enjoy your blog very much.

  117. What a wonderful giveaway ~ and my favorite color! :) My mother made the most delicious cherry pies ever. I would certainly try if I were the lucky one. Thanks so much for the opportunity!


  118. Oh Diana you never fail to entertain, give me a laugh and now you go and throw a great giveaway! I wanna win - oh yes I do!
    ps - I just read your easter post in my email - about the egg hunt you are so sorry to have missed - it's a good thing I had just gone to the bathroom a few minutes before - or it might have been a soggy fit of giggles I had!

  119. Sweet Cheeks is the sweetest little princess ever. What a wonderful selection of cherry themed goodies in your generous giveaway! With Memorial Day and the Forth of July around the corner this would be a wonderful addition to anyone's red, white, and blue collection. I would certainly love to win! Have a wonderful week..... Candy

  120. Awe Diana, What a nice give-away.... Throw my name into that hat.
    I just read your "post Easter post" What a sweet time with family... you do have a good looking bunch... funny faces & all : )

  121. What a wonderful give-away, Diana! I'm a follower and oh yes, I want to win!

  122. I can make a cherry pie! My husband would be thrilled if I won because that would mean I'd have to bake a cherry pie. '-)
    Wonderful gift, Diana. Thank you for being part of my life in Blogland. You always make me smile!

  123. I follow on GFC and I want to win! Maybe that pretty princess will draw my name. :) And yes, I'll make a cherry pie with the prize.

  124. Holy guacamole, Diana! What a jackpot of a giveaway. Love Door County, especially at cherry blossom time. Thanks for the chance to win! And oooh that Sweet Cheeks, cuter by the second! J
    Hoping your Easter was blessed. Jane

  125. Once again - better late than never! I'll definitely enter your contest to win some pie making things. I know exactly what I'd do with them! Blessings, Lisa

  126. Hi Diana, I hope I'm able to leave this comment, so many times I've tried to no avail! Anyhoo, as always, I love your family fun,
    your newest Granddaughter is beautiful! Crazy around my neck of the woods, tried to leave messages way back during football,
    season, I wanted to tease you about the Packers, and can you believe it, we won...Well the Seahawks won!!! Woot! Please put
    my name in the hat for all your fun 'Cheery Cherry' items!!! If I won, I might even blog about it...Now that would be a miracle! :) xo Debbie (Cottage Hann~Me~Downs)

  127. Diana, I adore you and your blog! However, I do not adore cooking slash baking. BUT, since all these items are so darn cute, I really want to win, and would even (gasp) attempt to bake a pie if I won! (I can't promise that it would be edible, but I'd definitely enjoy the coffee! ;)

  128. I follow on GFC as tcrowley122 I would love to win!!! Thanks so much!
    tcrowley122 at hotmail dot com

  129. i know everyone before me wants to win, BUT i REALLY want to win!!!!

  130. Of course I'm a follower and of course I want to win! You do know Canada isn't part of the United States don't you? Do I still qualify?

  131. I'm a follower and I'd love to win! :-) What a wonderful give away!

  132. Of course I will follow you... anywhere, not only your blog, lol! And yeah...I want to win too, and since I know I will, I will give you addresses here or there, or everywhere; so you can ship my present, LOL!
    Thanks honey for such a generous giveaway chance! Sweet Cheeks looks adorable and all dressed up for the magic! Have a great week.

  133. OH I WANT TO WIN! Am I too late? Oh I hoe not!!!

  134. I'm a follower!!! Please pick me!! My kitchen is getting a "red & white" re-do and this would be perfect!~ work your magic Sweet pea!!! :)

  135. I didn't realize you were so close to Door County. My husband and I went there for our first 5 or 6 anniversaries :) Fun place!!

  136. Okay, I wasn't going to enter, because I never ever win anything - but that pie bird is so cute . . . how have I lived without one? I'll take a chance!

  137. First, I am embarrassed to say that I was not already a follower, but I remedied that.
    Second, you had me at RED!
    Third, I am a horrible cook, but I am a great baker and I love baking cherry pie.

  138. Oh the pies I would bake! We have 4 sour cherry trees that make the best pies! My pie pans are embarrassingly bad. Plus my kitchen is white with red! How perfect ;) Whether Sweet Cheeks picks my name or not, give her a hug for me...or give those sweet cheeks a little love pinch!
    Blessings, Deborah

  139. Oh my what a lovely fair you offer! What a sweetie pie you are Diana! TeeHeHee! I have a confession I have never made a pie before! I have made cookies, cake and Bisquick egg dishes but never a homemade pie! Thank you for sooo much enjoyment you share on your postings. That's the real prize for me!<3

  140. Hi Diana, I'm # 144 so my guess that will cut down my chances a bit, but this is so nice of you and all that red would just match my kitchen perfectly. I'm sure you will do the right thing!..Happy Wednesday..Judy..and did I mention that I just love that little Sweet Cheeks!!. Seriously, what a nice gift . You are always so thoughtful..

  141. I would Love to win! What a wonderful gift package! I love red I love cherry pie but have never made a homemade cherry pie! Well if I luck up am gonna make a cherry pie! Great gift and good luck to us all! Thanks Diana...

  142. Pick me, pick me Billy boy. Hope I'm not too late. My birthday is Friday, so it would be sooooo much fun to win. I still love reading about all the escapades you and your crew get into. xoxo

  143. Sweet-cheeks I am over here in Canada. Pick mine. I think your a real sweet cheek of a girl.

    Bye now.

    Big hugs and I am throwing you butterfly kisses that I am sure your Nanna used to throw to you. We do it over in Canada when our Grand babies and grown up girls like you. You put over your mouth four fingers and then throw away your hand and say. Butterfly kisses to you. Catch.

  144. Hi Diana (and sweet cheeks)
    Canadian here too. Does that make me eligible? Who cares. Following you from sunny southern Ontario. (sunny today anyway) Love that you are doing this and would love to win. My hubby LOVES LOVES LOVES cherry pie. I only make him one every year. Then in the fall a few apple pies...this might motivate me to make a few more? LOL
    Anyway, good luck to everyone entered! Even if I don't win I will watch for the first pie coming from that lovely set! :)

  145. Hi Diana,
    Love your blog and would love to win your Cherry giveaway!

  146. I almost missed entering! I have a cherry tree and would love to win your fun giveaway, Diana!

  147. I don't think I signed up. Thanks for the reminder on your post today. I do love me some cherry pie!


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