
Saturday, April 19, 2014

OUT with the OLD and IN with the NEW

Sometimes blogging one way just doesn't
work for a person after a while.
When that happens there is an 
alternative to just quitting blogging.
You can start a NEW blog and head in a
That is what my friend Debbie did.
Debbie is one of the first people I met when
I started blogging.
She lives on the other side of Lake Michigan.
If I could swim straight across I would come
out close to her house.
wet, bedraggled and smelling of dead fish.

Her previous blog was called 
and I loved it.
A lot of people loved it...
but Debbie didn't love it anymore.
She felt she wasn't being true to her real self.
SO-She started a NEW BLOG
named after her shop.
Seashells And Lavender
Well, you all KNOW how hard it is when
you make changes to your blog, right?
One of the big things that happen is
Do you think you could pop by  Debbie's blog here
and give her a hello and follow along if 
her blog is a fit for you?
I would really appreciate it and 
I know Debbie will be thrilled.

Tomorrow is Easter and besides
celebrating the Holy day of Easter
we will be doing our
ANNUAL Easter Egg Hunt!

I just want you to know- I am 
SO SORRY I missed this event.
It's not EVERY YEAR you get an
and it's FREE for the whole family!
Let's all plan on going together next year,

My friend, Jettie
who is almost as crazy as I am 
sent a picture of this sign along to me.  
I have the nicest friends!

If you haven't signed up for my
GIVEAWAY yet-click here
and leave me a comment.


  1. good morning girlfriend! I will certainly pop over to your friends blog... seashells and lavender sounds like something i would enjoy! I hope you have a great weekend. I really shouldnt even be on the computer right now as I have a bunny cake to bake and places to go and people to see!
    Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family!

  2. Happy Easter Diana ... and I will be sure to stop by Seashells and Lavender to pay her a visit!

  3. Diana, I thank you for your post on Debbie . I love that sweet lady. When she went through so much with her cancer, I sent prayers and wishes...she returned them , when my own daughter had breast cancer. So Debbie will always be special to me. I am not sure I want to hunt eggs with you and Jettie. eewwee. Have a happy day. xoxo,Susie

  4. Good morning, Diana!

    I think it is much harder now to start a new blog. My old one had over 1100 followers, I deleted it to start anew, and it is really hard getting going again. It is sooooooooooo sweet of you to mention Debbie's new blog - I'm already a follower! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend. I for one won't miss going to the Anal Egg Hunt this year. ;)


  5. Good Morning, I will do visit your friends blog! I think blogging must change as we change to fit and have a flow! Getting my tea and my Bible study for a bit. My daughter in law has had a root canal go very bad, and of course no oral surgeon available this week. So I think I am taking her in for a extraction.Your friends sign was different and I think I am bust that day! (Next Year) and this year...
    Happy Resurrection Day!
    Big Hug Remember some Bunny Love you! Roxy

  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA! That is ONE egg hunt I wouldn't take part of! HAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!

  7. Yeah, I think I'll skip the Anal Egg Hunt, Diana. I'm supposed to have my first colonoscopy this year since I turned 50 and I think that will be enough for me. : ) Off to visit Debbie's blog! Have fun at your Easter Egg hunt. I hope to do one next year. The granddaughter, daughter and SIL are in NY at his family's house this year. Happy Easter!

  8. Oh my goodness. I spit out my coffee when I saw that picture. Always the comedian. Happy Easter. Enjoy your family. Easter hugs!

  9. Ha! I want you to go on that ANAL Egg Hunt AFTER you swim across Lake Michigan. That sounds like a reality TV show to me!
    Going to see the new blog now. Blessings to you!

  10. I'll be sure to go over to Debbie's blog and become a follower! I can't believe that sign!!! Too funny. Hopefully, someone will notice it and correct it. Hope you have a great Easter tomorrow.

  11. I did some visitin'! Thanks! Don't you think that could be the name of my blog, too? Amazing! Have a blessed weekend my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane PS The corn chowder was A M A Z I N G !!!! We ate until we were ready to POP! HUGS!!!

  12. LOVE the sign! I was there and found the most remarkable egg studded with chocolate chips! Thought it was a real treasure until someone whispered to me and I said, "What do you mean those aren't chocolate chips!".
    Diana, you are so sick........jk.....well, sort of jk.......(((Diana)))
    I'll drop over to your friend, Debbie's new blog later today, too.

  13. gosh, I would have thought that kind of egg hunt would have been for proctologists only- but heck yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, the whole dang family is invited.. we dont get much excitement in my tiny town in the south so I'll pass on this info for next year. imagine the attendance if I send this too all the arseholes I know personally:) egads, there wont be a parking place within 3 miles.~!

    since I have seashells and lavender in my bedroom that should definately be a blog I follow.. headed that way.


  14. I love that sign and I am off now to visit your friend!! HUGS!!

  15. ROFL...that's a keeper. Heading over to visit your friends blog. Happy Easter!!

  16. Personally, I'm glad that I missed the anal egg hunt! LOL Trying to catch up on blogs.....time to visit Debbie. Have a blessed Easter, and yes, God did follow me to Reno.

  17. ok, garry and i are still laughing, nothing like going to the source to hunt for those eggs, lol!!!!!!! I will visit this lovely lady for sure!!!

  18. I'm so glad you posted that sign, I got double laughs from seeing it again. Will drop by and see her blog,

  19. Good Morning Diana, I needed a laugh this morning. The boys are going to have to hunt Easter eggs to find their Easter presents. Yes including my 15 year old grandson. It will be fun to watch. Have a Happy Easter. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  20. I guess that Easter egg hunt is for adults only? Lol I am hopping over

  21. Halarious! Too funny! Anal, I can identify! Yes, I think I must attend that one several times a year:) Will drop by the blog of your friend.

  22. Hi Diana, I've been to Deb's blog but can't find where to follow...I don't do the email thingy my inbox is always to full for that.

  23. Oh that sign!!!! Too funny! I wonder if they've realized it yet. Ha! I'll be sure to stop by Debbie's blog and check it out. I'm always looking for new blogs to follow. :) Happy Easter weekend!

  24. I snorted ice tea out my nose when I read the sign :) I'll pop over to your friend's blog.

  25. Oh, my! Where is "Spell Check" when you need it?:-) Have wonderful Saturday, Diana. xo Nellie

  26. Oh my goodness, Diana!! What a nice surprise this morning!! Thank you for announcing Seashells and Lavender in your post. I'm at the kid's for the holiday weekend, and was showing one of my daughter's the new blog, when I saw all of the comments coming in. What a sweetheart you are!!! Thank you for passing the word along, dear friend.
    As for swimming over....I can meet you half way...but could we wait until the water warms up a little more? I won't even mind the fishy smell....because I will smell the same. As a matter of fact, we could say we smell like mermaids!!! yeah, that works.
    I went to that egg hunt. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
    Happy Easter!!

  27. Debbie is such a gem, isn't she, Diana? That is so sweet of you to spread the word about her new blog. She was one of the very first people that I "met" here in blogland. We started blogging about the same time, I think. As a matter of fact, I think you and I met thru Debbie! All of the sudden this crazy person named "Nana Diana" was leaving comments on my blog:)! She is such a sweet spirit, and so refreshing to meet someone here who is the REAL deal! And that sign is just too funny! I wonder, is the hunt for anal people to attend, or is it hunting for eggs up the, well, you know!!

  28. My husband would be a good chairman for that egg hunt. He'd carefully sanitize each plastic egg, put only whole grain food inside of each one, and geometrically map the hunting area, pinpointing each numbered target. Then afterwards, he'd grid and sweep the area to be certain nothing was left undiscovered as "litter." Then he'd wonder why the grandkids don't call HIM "the fun one!"

  29. Dianna,
    I guess it must be going around that Debbie's are having a crisis when it comes to Blogging, huh??? LOL!!
    I will be heading over to her new blog now!!

    Okay, I was just hysterical reading this post!! THIS is why I came back to blogging!!!


    Happy Easter , my friend and thanks for making my day!!!


  30. I saw that sign on FB. Haha! Wishing you a lovely Easter, Diana!

  31. Well that sounds like a great event, and everyone dressed in their Sunday best too. A Colonologist must be throwing it.That fun guy, he'll do anything for free advertisement!

  32. Oh I was so taken by the event I forgot to add that I'm on my way to check out your friends new blog!

  33. I visited Debbie-I follow my last order. That sign is too much.

  34. You are so funny and I look forward to your daily posts. I will pop right over to your friends new blog. You were so kind to me when I started blogging. You were the first to sign up - thanks you so much. It's been a little over a year - how about that.
    Have a great Easter Egg Hunt.

  35. Well, I can relate! Heading over. A friend of yours is a friend of mine :-)

  36. Oh my goodness, well I"m kind of glad that I am busy to go to that Easter egg hunt.

    Happy Easter.


  37. You are a sweet of the many traits I like about you.
    I visited Debbie's blog and left a comment there.
    And....a smile as I read your blog and saw the sign about the "anal" Easter egg hunt. I'm gonna pass on that. (No pun intended.)
    Hugs and smiles to you, my friend.
    May the blessings of Easter surround you and those you love,

  38. Hi Diane, so nice of you to give your friend a boost for her new blog. I certainly know what it's like to start over. When I started over with mine the first time, before CMD, I did lose all followers but this time with the help of Linda, I didn't, so I was glad about that. I will visit Debbie too.
    The sign is so funny.
    Wishing you a special Easter for you and yours.
    Hugs from Texas!

  39. hahahahahaha...too funny...and, yes, I'll pop in on Debbie one day.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I enjoyed visiting The Lakehouse and I wish your friend all the best on her new blog. She's keeping it private just now. I have considered that myself.

  40. I'll pop on over to Debbie's. I had no idea she up and moved! Have a wonderful Easter and enjoy your egg hunt.

  41. Hi Diana, That sign is a hoot! Have a Happy Easter... I am headed over to Debbie's new blog now.

  42. Diana,
    I will check your friend's blog out when I get a chance.

    I just wanted to come over and say HAPPY EASTER! I hope your day is filled with so much love with all your family. And if you find an egg on the Easter egg hunt, please think of me.

    love you, love you, love you.


  43. I had absolutely no idea Debbie started a new blog and we are good friends! I'll have to scold her! I love your idea of swimming across Lake Michigan...smelling like fish! You are so hilarious. I want to meet you just so you can make me laugh til I hurt!

    And, funny sign. Remember when Johnny Carson did those and ads on his show? Good ole days!

    Happy Easter to you and your lovely family, Diana!


  44. That's the funniest thing I've seen all day. Hilarious.

  45. I'm off to visit Debbie's new blog. Thanks for the lead!

  46. Oh my goodness! That sign sure makes me laugh out loud! Happy Easter Diana!

    xo Danielle

  47. I was just over visiting Debbie's new place earlier today, added her to my favorites list! Wishing you a happy and blessed Easter. Hope you enjoy some precious family time and the presence of God in your life. Blessings, Cindy

  48. I visited Debbie's new blog, yes. Happy Easter to you and your family! :) That's a great sign, lol!

  49. Oh Diana you made my day with that sign! I could not stop laughing! I will be sure to visit Seashells and Lavender. Have a great day.

  50. Diana..I love that sign...too funny! See you there next year...😉

  51. LOL!
    Happy Easter to you!

  52. Looks like a great time was had by all and the food look delish! That baby is so sweet and adorable ;)
    Joy at Books and Life

  53. I just visited and commented on Debbie's new blog yesterday, but between reading and commenting, I forgot to follow her new blog, even though I'm a follower of her old one. Duh! Thanks for the reminder...I need to head over and follow! That sign had me laughing so hard that my poor flu sore stomach ached. You crack me up! Thanks for the laugh.

    Blessings, Deborah

  54. Oh and I forgot to mention that Debbie is just as sweet and sincere in person. She and I met halfway between our homes to shop once. We had a lovely day thrifting and shopping Hobby Lobby and TJ Maxx! But most of all we shared our hearts and that was the most special time of all!


Please leave a comment~They bless my heart~