
Friday, April 4, 2014

Making A Powder Room In A Closet

Several years ago we owned a home in
Door County is called the
Maine of the Midwest.
It is gorgeous.
If you click the link above you will
see how beautiful it is.
We found a house that had been sitting vacant
for several years.
The house was stone and in very good shape
but was dysfunctional in some ways.
It desperately needed a powder room
that would service the main living part of the house.
There was a closet that opened off the back hall.
The closet was 3-1/2 feet by 5 feet.
By putting in a pocket door we were able to 
install a functional bathroom.

Now this was BEFORE I knew ANYTHING about
taking pictures (like I do now) THAT was a joke-
So, the pictures were taken with the dreaded FLASH
and the decor, by today's standards, is dated,
but it was great at the time.
I used a poster, cut the hands out 
and applied it to the wall
next to the ceiling.
I then took paint and started 
highlighting and shadowing
the applied piece.
Everyone thought it was hand-painted on the wall.
The walls were lightly marbelized.
I was able to put a small sink in there.
I used a glass shelf to keep things "light".
You can work a bathroom in just about anywhere
if you can get to the plumbing from 
the basement below.
That was the bonus to having an unfinished basement in this house.

The great thing about this house was 
that the lot went down to the channel
between Lake Michigan and the Bay.
We were able to divide the lot into
three sections.
We sold the house with one acre
and sold another acre off and
still own one lot.
Why no one had figured it out before
we did is beyond me....
but that is what happens when you are 
constantly "looking".
It's a disease!
I will show you more pictures of this
property in the future
if you are liking these rehab posts.
Let me know~

Ummm...getting close to 700 followers!
You know what THAT means!
Hmmmm...what to give you!
I was thinking of a framed
8x10 of MyHero IN BED!
I'm just having a hard time deciding 
which picture I like best!
okay-that might not be the


  1. Diana, I like the one with the masked friend. LOL. I like painting technics. I would love to see some of your decorating hints. I once did a powder room with tore piece of brown paper, wall paper pasted to the walls. Then wiped a wax over it all. :) Blessings for a warmer day. We are done with the rain for a day or so.xoxo,Susie

  2. Haha. I love the pic of the two Heros. (es?) CUTE. And can you believe, Diana, I've lived in Wisconsin almost all my life and have never been to Door County!! Maybe this summer. I hear it's gorgeous.

  3. I'm sure that was a welcome addition to a home even then, Diana. I know that having a full bath and at least another 1/2 bath are basically necessities in this day and age.

  4. Wow, it looks like a gorgeous place to live and yes, it does remind me of Maine! Your bathroom was really lovely, you are a very creative girl! I would love to see more posts like this, being a house junkie and all...and I guess I would choose the pic with the elf. I have a soft spot for Christmas décor! ;)

  5. We are lucky in the bathroom department in our home. Even though it was built in 1879, we have 3 full baths upstairs and a 1/2 bath downstairs. I would have guessed you painted that too. It's so pretty!

  6. What an awesome job on that 1/2 bath! Love it! Vicki

  7. That is brilliant!!!!

    I know that area by word of mouth because my brother in law is a marine biologist and they don't live far from there. Absolutely gorgeous. Bet it was difficultt o leave!!

    Your poor Hero - does he know he gets such teasing from his pretty blond wife? : - )

    Congrats on 700 followers - that's awesome. Keep up the good work. Hugs.

  8. It could have fooled me! =D

  9. Loving these posts! How clever of you to paint over wallpaper to give it a hand painted look! Hugs, Penny

  10. I love these posts! Your powder room is wonderful! I love the faux finish with the hands! What a stunning area! It looks like heaven! Your hero is quite a sport! I love the elf photo, so dang cute!

  11. Oh wow, it looks amazing! I, too, thought it was painted on :) Have I told you lately how clever you are?! Happy Weekend!

  12. Diane
    Why haven't you've shown more of your decorating talents before? I'm always so impressed with the uniqueness of your projects.
    You lived in Door County!!!!Oh, I've wanted to visit there for so many years. Up until last year, when both of my folks passed away,
    I drove through Wisconsin from Canada to visit them in Iowa. I always thought someday I would veer off the path and visit Door County,
    but it never happened. Now if you were to build a home on that remaining lot I would have an excuse to finally make it there......

  13. You did an amazing job on the faux finished walls, Diana! I love how you took a closet and transformed it into a powder room! I've always hear that Door County is beautiful, I've not been there (yet!). Yes, please show us more of all the homes you worked your magic on over the years! And if I win your giveaway, could I please, pretty please get an autographed 8x10 glossy of your Hero?:) Hope you are feeling better, have a great weekend!

  14. Wow little lady, that's pretty cool. You guys have been busy in the house fixer uppin' department. I always thought it would be fun to "flip." But I get too emotionally attached. I never in a zillion years thought I'd still be in the same tiny house I bought when I was 27 and single. A dog, cat, husband, and three kids later, here we are. It would be sad to leave.

  15. really made my morning pretty lady, you have such a fine sence of humor, that I love to open your posts! Your hubby sleeps peacefully not knowing one of us will win him as your 700 followers giveaway, hehehehhhheeee....
    The newly fixed Little bathroom looks great! I'm inspired as I have a visit half bathroom just like that! I love the faux finish walls, amazing!
    Have a wonderful weekend hon.

  16. Just a great sense of humor. Who wouldn't want a prized photo of your duper hero? Congrats on almost 700 followers.Great idea to take a closet and turn it into a powder room.
    The powder room is lovely with the pedestal sink and glass shelf...Airy and light. xoxo

  17. that was a beautiful wall compliment, you did such a great job, you should have a separate blog just for make overs cause it sounds like you certainly know a thing or two hunrdderedd!!!!!! you silly goose, poor Hero,

  18. You did a great job on that bathroom! I love pedestal sinks and you had a great idea to use glass shelves. Those always make rooms look bigger to me. Looking forward to seeing more of this home! Enjoy the weekend!

  19. Loving it all Diana!!! You and your Hero are a great team. Lets see more, please! Your pictures are great, no worries.
    The picture of Mr. H in his cap is my pick! You can just feel the energy of a man ready to take on the day!!!
    I wonder what the pixie knows and he aint telling!!! = )

  20. You did a beautiful job on the bathroom!

  21. What a great idea to have the closet turned into that cute powder room...Yes, please show us more of your great projects!!!

  22. I've never even heard of Door County Wisconsin - I don't get out much. What a great project and you did it with such flair. You're a natural for this type of stuff, AND a Worker Bee. Lots of work goes into flipping house. Kudos to you. Love seeing your photos!...I'm thinkin' your Hero is gonna ground you from the camera when he see these photos of himself. On second thought, probably not, as it seems he is quite the Joker!

  23. I have heard so much about how beautiful that part of the country is. I love how creative you are! I think that technique still works! Have fun choosing hero shots for the giveaway! Lol

  24. Well our bathroom isn't much does have a tub at one end, but the rest of the room looks very familiar to yours. Love the art work you added.

    BTW, I thought my dearest was the only one to sleep in a hat and glasses!!! Wow..700 followers...what is the chances of winning the giveaway..HaHa...just kidding.

  25. Wow, that idea you had of applying the hands then shading them, that's genius! It really looks like a hand painted wall. Congrats on the 'almost' milestone with your followers! And the pics of your Hero, the one on the left LOL.

  26. Congrats on the 700 followers! What a great bathroom in a tiny space! You are a genius!

  27. Oh my the neighbors could hear me snort at the photos...I'm laughing so hard.


  28. What a great idea turning that closet into a bathroom...much better for resale!! If I win I want the picture with the elf ;-)

  29. I adore Door County....such a charming place. How lucky you are to have a parcel of land there!
    Great use of a closet too!

  30. You are so talented is there anything you can't do?

  31. Ahaahashsaahshhaahhaahhaah! Diana! Poor "Hero"! You're so funny! I love what you did to the bathroom. I think you were ahead of your time! I love the pics of those rehabs and the stories that go with them! Very inspiring!

  32. Very cool Powder Room!!!

    Mmmmm, did you ever see a tiny, tiny, little "Powder Room" off of a kitchen, painted alllllllll black????? -chuckle- I did. Honest! A quirky friend had one.

  33. I already have them in a 5x7..Just couldn't resist...:)

  34. Well, look at you! That turned out so pretty. I'm enjoying the old days with you. I want to see more. I wish I would've taken more photos of my home decor back in the day. It's soooo funny to think of the style. I was 100% country. Geese and all. Tacky. Congratulations on 700 followers.

  35. You are a talented lady!
    I'm VERY impressed!!!

  36. It's fun to look back and see how we made things work. I'm so glad you took some photos along the way to share! Happy weekend my friend! Hugs!

  37. Wow! I didn't know you were also a plumber, and a carpenter!!!! You probably drove a semi too, didn't you!!!!
    If you are going to use the pics of your hero as the give away...I'll take the one on the left. I remember laughing my head off when I saw it the first's still funny.

  38. That mural you created is really unique! I can see why people thought it was hand drawn.

  39. Love Door County....sad we haven't been there in a long time.....maybe this summer. Nice pics of your powder are so creative.

  40. I know which picture I like lol! When I lived in Minnesota my aunt and uncle had a place in Door county and I visited many times...Love it!! It your powder room is great!


  41. Oh wow, a fantastic little powder roon! I'm intrigued by the hands that you cut from a poster. You were one creative girl!

  42. Oh, Diana, definitely the first picture of sleeping hero. '-)
    Love your creative use of space.

  43. I think the bathroom idea was fabulous. And I personally love pocket doors, we had one installed in our master bath to separate the toilet from the rest of the bathroom. I have a friend who goes to Door County a few times a year, it's her absolute favorite place. Now that I'm moving to northern Indiana I might just make it there myself one day!xoKathleen

  44. Diana, I love what you did with the mural. What an artist you are! I love how you cut the hands out and shadowed the walls and marbleized the ceiling. Wow!!! Beautiful job! Thanks for stopping by with all your wonderful comments. I have to tell you when I did the Bunny peat pots. I ended up using removable tape on the tissue. It worked out fine but took a while, so be patient! Hope that helps you maybe you can find out more through Graphics Fairy of their technique. That's where I got the idea. Happy Friday!

  45. I'm always amazed at your creative talents and you know your wit is what keeps me checking in every day. Congratulations on so many followers. It's not surprising!

  46. I love your posts about the house so keep them coming! You are such a decorator it does look like it was hand painted!!!

  47. You are well loved. Such fun and you are talented. God Bless you and your crafty heart! Have a wonderful weekend.

  48. Very financial smart on buying the property and dividing it! I wish we would of bought some of the land we were offered years ago, as it sold for off the charts.So excited about your 700 followers!! You are very talented and have a great eye for decorating and design!
    Blessings Always, Roxy

  49. Great idea of selling off the land. Love the look of your power room - you did a great job on it. I don't know how you and your Hero have the time to re-do homes - your just full of energy.
    Have a great day.

  50. Diana, love the bathroom re-do, Toby's name has been added to the prayer list and think you should come up with something else for your give-away...just sayin'. You don't really want to you?

  51. Uh, well, know....hmmm, well, just maybe there could be another item for the giveaway? :)

    Love that bath! The hands look beautiful and yes, I thought they were hand painted. You did a beautiful job on all of it!


  52. I love reading your rehab posts. I will never have it together to actually do one myself, but I've enjoyed fantasizing about this type of project for many years. It's fun to cheer someone on who actually has it together enough to go for it! When I decorated my first little house for us as a newlywed couple I, too, thought the result was "the cat's pajamas!" Yikes. Now I cringe whenever I see that avocado green shag carpeting in my old "snapshots"...yes, you'll know what those are, even though SweetCheeks will think it's something we grandmas discovered on Mars!

  53. Yes to the rehab posts! Door County looks amazing!


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