
Monday, April 21, 2014

A Post Easter Post

Ha- POST Easter POST-
Get it?
Never mind....

If you aren't interested in family pictures
that's okay-I get it.
Come back tomorrow and I will be talking
about running away!;>)

We started the day by getting 
Bright Eyes ready for church.
Yes! It's true-
She looks like a CHUNKY MONKEY!

Anyway, after church my wonderful 
daughter-in-law and son
fixed a GREAT Easter meal for all of us.
She is an excellent cook.
There was a special table for the kids
and sweet decorations on the adult table.
Her most wonderful mother-in-law
brought her a dozen roses as a thank you
for hosting.

Before eating we lined the kids up on the 
steps for pictures.
They jostled and adjusted and moved and
snickered and made faces..
You kid! Back Upper Right!
You Girl- Rose colored dress.
Stop being a hambone!
Can you please all look the SAME DIRECTION?
Whaddyathink this is?  A Cartoon Show?
After about 652 snaps this, believe it or not,
I thought was the best one until I realized
I had cut CharlesInCharge off at the nose
AND BIG BOY E has a foam SWORD in hand
which is being watched fearfully by CJK on E's left.

Here are a few more 
ON THE STEPS photos.
Missing are my oldest son 
(who was there but is camera shy)
and his 4 children (who were not there).

It was too cold and rainy to do an outside 
Easter egg hunt
so we did it inside.

The older kids wanted to know what the 
GRAND PRIZE was for collecting the most eggs.
It was decided that 
got to smash a cupcake into Uncle Ryan's face.

Lulu won!
She grabbed her cupcake and as she was looking 
at it and planning her attack
Uncle Ryan moved quickly and shoved a
cupcake in HER FACE!
Reacting quickly she brought her hand up and 
got him back.
He stupidly turned sideways.
We were going to let the boyo.
 who licks everything living or dead,
lick it out of his ear.
After inspecting the damage CJK decided that was
It was a beautiful, blessed day.
And after a long, tiring First Easter our baby girl
yawned and called it a day!
Happy Easter Memories Here!
I hope you all had a wonderful, blessed Easter, too.

If you haven't signed up yet for my
Cheer-y Cherry giveaway
pop by here.


  1. Great pics of a beautiful family. So glad you had such a great Easter. Looks like lots of fun!!

  2. What fun Easter pictures. My sister and I were commenting that we didn't get the annual cousin shot yesterday. It's so hard to get kids to sit still...especially after being ramped up on sugar. Continued blessings to you and your beautiful grands!!

  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful and fun day, Diana! Have a great week, too!

  4. Looks like a wonderful family Easter!

  5. oh what a beautiful family, the baby is just adorable in her Easter dress, what a great dinner you had!

  6. I'm glad you all had a wonderful Easter, Diana. You are blessed to have such a wonderful family! I love looking at photos of the kids:) And Baby BrightEyes is a girl after my own heart, seeing how she loves to eat!! Love the pics of the kiddos on the stairs, I bet it took some time just to get them to sit (semi) still!!

  7. oh my gosh you guys are too cute and funny! Looks like you enjoyed your family Easter. You have a beautiful family Diana.

  8. getting a group grands pic! not easy. -grin- but it does get easier, as they get older. reallllly!!!! -chuckle-

  9. What fun!!! I would have loved to see some photos of the house after hosting an "inside" egg hunt.....I bet those little "hunters" didn't leave a stone unturned looking for eggs! Hugs, Pennyt

  10. Nice family shots and that little sweetie has grown so much already it's amazing! My first thought was "look at those chubby little cheeks" Adorable:)

  11. Such a beautiful family. Love all the pics! :)
    Have a happy one,

  12. Sounds like such a wonderful family time, Diana! Love those gorgeous roses. Hope she appreciates you! LOL All the kid pics are so cute. SweetCheeks stands out in the crowd. :-) Bright Eyes is beautiful, of course, but looks a little bored with the whole thing. :-)

  13. You have such a lovely family Diana. The pictures are so precious!

  14. Oh my goodness gracious what precious photos! I'm loving that chubby baby girl. They're the best, aren't they?

  15. great pics! not sure lulu won, though:)

  16. So much fun!! Love the pics of the kiddos. The crazy candid shots are always my fav, and perfect for blackmail when they are teens! LOL

  17. What a beautiful family..Love the photos of the children on the stairs. I took photos last summer of the grand children and great nieces and nephews on the steps outside of my sister-in-laws house. 50 some shots and not one where they were all looking at the camera.

  18. Looks like you had a fun day. I managed to get a few decent pictures. (I have a couple on my blog of "my girls"). I cooked a ham dinner for out little get-together. Now we have leftovers. Great pictures of your family. The baby is adorable as are all the other kids.

  19. It looks like a lovely Easter. And I do team sports and the YMCA has three year old teams so I can tell you - it's super hard (as in nearly impossible) to get a bunch of little ones looking the same way at the same time. The trick is to surprise them. Have someone pop a balloon, use a strange sounding animal call (hunting dept), a whistle, or just say Oh, no.... LOOK! In a panicked voice. But, whether the kids are perfectly posed are not, they are still darling. :-)

  20. Diana, You have a beautiful family. With a good sense of humor. That helps. :):) I know what you mean about trying to get good photos when you have more than one kid posing.LOL Glad you enjoyed you wonderful day together. Oooo that baby is so cute. xoxo,Susie

  21. Your family is simply lovely, Diana! Looks like you had a wonderful Easter :) Hugs to you!

  22. Oh my goodness, what a little "dollie" you have there, along with a pretty awesome entire crew! So glad you had a wonderful Easter!

  23. Aw, what a wonderful day with your family!
    They're beautiful, Diana.
    and I can not believe how much Wide Eyes has grown!

  24. I love your play by play of the day! Looks like you had a nice get together. Everyone looked so cute on the steps. Love the look on your grandson's face being careful of that foam sword too.

  25. Lovely photos and looks like a lovely time shared with family.

  26. HaHa... I know a family that loves life and having fun. What a great way to celebrate Easter. BTW Roses are a nice touch MIL.

  27. What a wonderful day, Diana! Thank you for sharing it with us. xo Nellie

  28. Hi Diana, I wanted to drop you a line and thank you again for commenting on Susan's blog MUST LOVE JUNK and leaving me a sweet comment there on being in the Saturday Spotlight! You have some adorable grand kids there!!! xoxoxo Christine from

  29. You truly have a beautiful family. I loved the post and the pics. It looks like you guys had so much fun.

  30. Beautiful folks making wonderful memories on a most special day.

    enjoyed seeing them all. I can tell they are much loved.

  31. Love seeing family pics! Looks like your family has a fun time together. '-)

  32. Love all the family pics Diana. All the pictures are so sweet. Glad you had a great day.

  33. What a lovely crew you have Diana. xoxo

  34. You are so blessed......I am glad because you appreciate EVERY moment.

  35. I think those are the BEST kind of pictures Diana. :)

    xo Danielle

  36. Diana-- you have such a beautiful family-- these photos are so wonderful. That baby is just adorable--

    I'm sure you already know this-- but you are so very blessed.


  37. Sounds like a fun day! That baby is precious - as are all of them. I'm just partial to babies! LOL You have a wonderful family. Enjoy them.


  38. Love your sweet photos and sounds like a delightful time - minus the cupcake in the ear!

  39. Awww... you had a sweet Easter I see! Good looking family! LOVE that sleepy baby photo!

  40. Oh what wonderful pictures of your grands. Bright Eyes is so pretty and she seems to take everything in her stride. So glad that you had a wonderful Easter. Thanks for sharing those very special pictures.

  41. I loved your Easter pics! They range from hilarious to absolutely precious!! You just can NOT run away!

  42. LOL.. what a funny, fun loving family you have, it's a beautiful thing :-)

  43. Oh, Diana, what a crack up. And what a bunch of beautiful little people (and big ones too). Glad you had a wonderful Easter..Happy Monday..Judy

  44. LOVED reading this! So much fun to compare our days! We had a great one too, just got lucky that the weather was beautiful. We also attempted a group photo of the six grandkids - yours is a dream shot compared to what we got! And what a cute idea for a prize! We would have had even more enthusiasm at our egg hunt if I'd thought of that! And little Bright Eyes? Oh my - what a cute little bunny of a baby! Precious!

  45. Hi Diana, what a grand Easter. Lovely kids and family pics. The dinner sounds so good and the table was so pretty. Love those roses.
    I remember taking step pics with all my cousins when a little girl. They are precious moments.
    Baby Bright Eyes is adorable in her sweet little dress.
    Treasured family memories.

  46. How fun! Looks like you had a great Easter!

  47. Diana, what precious family pics! So glad that you enjoyed your Easter! :)

  48. I love seeing all the photos!! Beautiful kids who obviously have a sense of humor like their Grandmother!!

  49. You have a beautiful family friend! My goodness! Those kiddos don't get any cuter than that! And boy did I just love that little sweet bean's dress....perfect in every way! What a blessing! So glad that you had a wonderful Easter with your family! Nicole xoxo

  50. Fun pictures Diana, you have a lovely family, blessed you are.

  51. Sounds like a wonderful day have a beautiful family!!

  52. Oh how I love this! Everything about it from the beautiful new baby to those adorable pictures on the staircase! Thanks for sharing your wonderful family with us!

  53. You have such a beautiful family! That wee little one is just precious. Sounds like a fun and fantastic day with your loved ones with lots of yummy food, too. Loved seeing your photos!

  54. Lot's of memories for sure. You guys had too much fun

  55. Looks as if it was a splendid memory-making day made all the more perfect by a daughter-in-law's hosting. One could get used to that!

  56. sounds wonderful, just the way memories are made. wow, you birthed some beautiful peeps...get it, peeps!

  57. We always do our family pictures on the staircase when we're at my mom's. I can totally relate to having to take forty just to get one decent one. Super cute. Glad dinner was worth eating. :0) Ours was delicious, too. I ate three times. Hahaha.

  58. Such sweetness here - love the little ones all sitting together - an amazing feat! How precious is that baby? A beautiful family, Diana - and yes, you are a very special Mother in Law to bring roses. xo Karen

  59. great looking family! Looks like y'all had a wonderful and blessed day!!

  60. Easter sweetness! Your grand babies are growing up with memories that just cannot be bought! We spent Easter Sunday with my husbands children and their families. The grand babies were running about everywhere. It was wonderful!

  61. What precious family memories you made and recorded! Thanks for the pleasure of sharing them with us.

    Hugs and happy week,

  62. It's no secret that I love family photos!
    I LOVE watching your family grow!
    You and I are so very blessed, Sweet D!

  63. So sweet...our family photos are all crazy looking. Just like us! LOL
    I love the cupcake in the face prize!

  64. Looks like y'all made lots of wonderful memories! I love the traditional "on the steps" pics. :) I love when you share these kinds of posts. Happy times!

  65. so sweet! (well other than the cupcakes in the face lol!~)

  66. Such a sweet and fun post, are blessed!

  67. How fun! Love the kid pictures...we had a similar photo adventure at our gathering. Good times :)

  68. Aww, what cute photos. I have no tips for getting that many kids to sit still and look at the camera and not do bunny ears on someone else's head. Just think. In about ten years they will all be able to sit there and say cheese together.

  69. I do believe you have the cutest, sweetest family I've ever seen Diana!

    My computer is STILL not connected and we are only about half unpacked :(but hopefully that will be fixed soon and I can blog again and visit more often.


  70. You have a beautiful family. I'm glad you had a wonderful holiday. I bet you are the most wonderful mother-in-law around.

  71. Such wonderful photos! The food does look divine and the roses are beautiful. You have many treasured memories here my friend.



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