
Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy Anniversary To My Daughter And Son-In-Law

Happy Anniversary to Tara & The Brawny Man.
We were so blessed when he 
became part of our family
twelve years ago.
Didn't they make a beautiful bride and groom?
Sorry- That is one of those "soft" pictures that does
not translate well to the blog.
Trust me-they were beautiful together.

They have had some good times
and some hard times but their 
love has endured through it all.

Fast forward till now.
Those two above produced these three below.....
and our little Anna Bella 
who waits for us in Heaven.
Do you want to know how 
my daughter and her hubby 

Well, Daddy took the three little girls to a
Daddy/Daughter Dance at their school.
I am telling my daughter now...
I guess the honeymoon is over, honey!
(not sure why SweetCheeks head is
pushed forward like that-but-hey-
she is cute anyway!;>)

And..guess what?
My daughter
 wouldn't change a thing about 
that celebration.


  1. Happy Anniversary to a beautiful couple. The girls are so cute dressed up for the dance!

  2. A beautiful way to celebrate...look how happy and absolutely gorgeous they all look! :)

  3. Happy Anniversary to this lovely couple! That is an awesome way to spend an anniversary! True love and devotion to his family, your daughter is a lucky gal! Your son in law has 3 lovely young ladies to take to the dance!

  4. So sweet. I'm glad your daughter found a good one!

  5. Happy Anniversary to y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers to the happy couple. xo

  6. Happy Anniversaey to them all! Soft photo are not, they are a beautiful couple!

  7. Happy anniversary to that lovely couple! Many blessings to all that beautiful family!

    Have a lovely week proud mama-grammy!

  8. Happy anniversary to the sweet couple. They made some lovely little girls. I am sure your daughter would rather her husband be with his daughters that any thing else. Your granddaughters will know what to look for in a husband from the example their own father is setting. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,Susie

  9. How sweet, Diana! That must have been fun {and exhausting} for him to dance with all three of his daughters. They do look lovely in their wedding photo. Happy Anniversary to them!

  10. Happy Anniversary to them! Can't think of a better way to celebrate. Watching your girls adore their dad for the same reasons you do, oh, and secretively getting the house to yourself! LOL

  11. Happy Anniversary, what a sweet couple and handsome family! :)

  12. Happy Anniversary to the great looking couple! No wonder they have beautiful children!! What a sweet looking family, Nana Diana!

  13. Happy anniversary to the beautiful couple!

  14. What a beautiful family! And Daddies and their girls ... always so special!

  15. Congrats, what a wonderful family! they are truly blessed!

  16. Now there's a daddy who knows how to father his daughters! Well done!!

  17. Happy Anniversary to the lovely couple.

    And that was a precious way, to mark the Day.

    Gentle hugs,

  18. Happy anniversary to the happy couple. The photos are precious!! Oh my, won't those girls love that picture with their daddy when they are grown!

  19. What a beautiful family!! Happy Anniversary to your daughter and SIL! The sweet girls look so pretty dressed up for date night with daddy, I love their smiles.

  20. What a precious family! Happy Anniversary to them :) Hugs to you, Diana!

  21. Diana,
    What a beautiful couple and what a great memory to spend time with daddy at the Daddy Daughter Dance. How fun.

  22. Happy Anniversary to the couple! Look at the wrist corsages on the girls. How sweet!

  23. A father-daughter dance at fun is that?

    Happy Anniversary to your loved ones, Diana. Their wedding picture is just beautiful, and they have such a special family.


  24. Happy Anniversary wishes to your daughter and son-in-law! Lovely way for him to spend his time, too! xo Nellie

  25. Happy Anniversary to the parents of those amazing girls. Sweetcheeks didn't want her hair getting flattened so she is leaning forward. Those dresses are amazing. Beautiful for sure. I can't imagine taking those three shopping, not having ever had girls. Not to mention just looking into their closets! Wow.

  26. Hey, I bet he never dreamed he'd have four ladies wanting to go dancing with him!
    they are a very attractive couple, Diana.
    Now I know where the girls get there good looks.

  27. darling family! lucky girls to get to go dancing with dad:)

  28. You have a beautiful family. Happy Anniversary to your daughter and son- in- law.

  29. what a perfect post for the month of LOVE!

  30. Your daughter had some time to herself...What a handsome family..Happy Anniversary to them...

  31. What a great Daddy! I love that he took his daughters to the dance and Mom approved! I hope they have a very Happy Anniversary! Sounds like Tara has a keeper! I know he has one in Tara because she's yours! May they have many many more fabulous anniversaries!

  32. Hey girl, thank you so much for the help. Ok, I did the steps you sent me, if you have a second, can you see if it works, I would be so ever grateful! Thank you so much, Liz

  33. Aw...brought a tear to my eyes! That's the best gift a man can give a woman in my opinion.....the love to their daughters! (I'm sure he'll show her how much he loves way or another)! Congrats to your amazing family!~~Angela

  34. Oh they are a lovely couple. Before and NOW.

    Congrats Guys and the children are beautiful all three.

    How nice was the Daddy to do that. Yes that is beautiful and the wife was so happy it happened. She would of not had it anyway.

    That is true LOVE from a loving wife and Fab Mom. You have a beautiful family Di.

  35. What a special reminder of a beautiful couple's love for each other. These little girls will treasure and remember these times spent with their Daddy for sure. Happy anniversary to the happy couple!

    xo Danielle

  36. Beautiful family! Dad is creating special memories with the girls ~ a very good man. Wishing them love and laughter to last a lifetime!


  37. they are a beautiful couple and have created a beautiful family. A lot of marriages don't survive the loss of a child and it is a true testament to their love and commitment that they have. It was touch and go for us for a very long time after we lost our son. Even now the memories can stir some old feelings of resentment. So glad they are together, and those girls are spectacular!

  38. What a wonderfully beautiful family! Happy Anniversary to them and here's to many more years!

  39. He does look like the Brawny man! They are such a beautiful family. Precious, just precious.

  40. Diana, they were a beautiful couple and still are. And, their three girls are so pretty and sweet! They are truly blessed to have found one another and such a beautiful family!

  41. They are such a beautiful family, Diana. You have much to be thankful for. xo Laura

  42. Beautiful family and the girls look like they are so proud to be with their daddy. God bless them.

  43. Beautiful family - happy happy anniversary to them both! ♥♥♥

  44. What a wonderful thing for those granddaughters to have that special time with their dad. And truly, what mom wouldn't cherish that!

  45. Mr brawny looks like Matt Damon in his older vs younger picture. :-). I thought your daughter was expecting but must be daughter in law. SnowJam part dos and my 9 yo is out for two days...again. Global warming!!

  46. Happy Anniversary to your daughter and son-in-law!! My hubs is going to a father daughter dance next week...wonderful times!!

  47. Awww...what a beautiful family! Happy anniversary to them and here's to many, many more wonderful, happy years together!

  48. They do look great together. Happy belated anniversary to them. I was busy with grandkids yesterday and didn't get on the computer at all, so I am just now seeing this.

  49. I wish them a wonderful anniversary - I am late though.

  50. Belated Happy Anniversary! Can't think of a better expression of their love than the Daddy/Daughter dance!


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