
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Face From The Past? Or Is It SweetCheeks?

My friend, Vee, from
I AM calling you my friend whether
you want to be or not...
Vee sent me this picture.  
She had found it on another blog showing 
vintage images and posed the question....
Don't you think this looks like SweetCheeks?
Look at the little girl on the left.
Hmmmm....Let's see that face a bit closer...
That's as clear as it comes up.
Here's the thing.
I have literally HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of pictures of 
She is ALWAYS smiling.
I had to look for an hour to find any of her
with a somber look on her face.
And then, it was because she was sick.
Kind of eerie, isn't it?
I have always called her an
"old soul".....
Maybe she is----maybe she is-----

What do YOU think?

I am off to Milwaukee today to help
my daughter.
Seems "new baby girl" is perched
on a nerve.  Mom can only lay flat
or stand for a few minutes at a time.
We're praying that "new baby girl"
shifts positions.
Otherwise, it is going to be a
until delivery.


  1. Looks like you found a relative. Looks like her for sure.
    Gently push that baby girl off of that nerve! Oh, my mom had to move Doug a couple of times. He got on a nerve and I couldn't straighten up. It took awhile, but she used gentle pressure and kept nudging him along and he finally flipped the other way.

  2. That is eerie!! There is definitely a strong resemblance. Have a wonderful trip!! xo

  3. Maybe that is one of your ancestors! I hope all goes well this month and new baby girl is here before you know it.

  4. That's just creepy! Would that be weird if the old little girl was some long lost relative? Or maybe SweetCheeks is a time traveler??? Oh, I'd better stop before I creep myself any further!

  5. They do look alike!
    Praying for you and your daughter and her baby girl today.

  6. Yes Diana... there is an uncanny resemblance there... wish we knew more about the little girl... have you shown that to Sweet Cheeks?... I would love to hear her thoughts on it!... good luck with your daughter and new baby girl... xoxo Julie Marie

  7. Diana, I think that does look like SC, very much. let us know what SC thinks when she sees this, or her mom.:):) Hope your daughter's condition improves. It' s horrible when you can sit, stand or lie down comfortably. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  8. That is uncanny! But when you think about it, there are only so many combinations of nose, eyes, mouth, and eyebrows placement on a face. lol She is a little doll, by the way, but you know I'm a fan. Poor mama, by the way. Sounds like she's due the same time as our daughter. Baby is making sleeping or just about anything else, quite uncomfortable these days. Blessings on the family.

  9. Sweet faces. Prayers for your daughter and the baby. Hopefully, baby girl will make the needed shift soon.

  10. Something about the eyes! maybe?

  11. Have a safe trip ... hoping right along with you that Baby Doodle shifts positions and makes her mama more comfortable, if that's possible in these last weeks till delivery.

  12. Looks like that could be SC's twin, Diana! I have seen quiet a few old photos that make me think of SweetCheeks. It's uncanny! Safe travels to your daughter's house, hope baby rearranges herself soon:)

  13. Yes your sweet granddaughter does resemble the old photo. and having a new baby on the way is always wonderful, my youngest grandson is 3 and how that 3 years has flown by.

  14. Sweet Cheeks sure does look like the photo! Sorry to hear about your daughter, mine has had some issues with that as fun! Hope that little one moves around!

  15. They say that everyone has a twin! :) I hope that baby moves quick, I remember that pain! Ouch!

  16. There is definitely a likeness there!!

  17. Amazing the resemblance. I hope your Daughter feels some relief soon.

  18. Wow, I think it's neat,,,what did Sweetcheeks say about it? My last one laid on my syatic nerve for so long that after I had him I was afraid to put my foot down for fear it would still hurt, thank God it didn't. Hope little miss moves a bit.

  19. Yes, those two beautiful girls look very much alike! Prayers for your daughter...hugs, Penny

  20. There are many people out there who look like us - we just don't know them and in the long run, they could be 44th cousins.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Oh my gosh, Diana, the resemblance is amazing. That is soooo interesting. I love vintage cards.

    I hope your daughter is back on her feet soon, and all goes well with her delivery.


  23. Thinking about your daughter! How good that you are able to go help. xo Nellie

  24. The Picture does look like your sweet cheeks. I will say an extra prayer for you daughter. Is there a possibility that she will deliver a little early so she won't have to go through the month. I can imagine what she is going through. Have a safe trip and I will say some extra prayers for you. We can never have to many of them. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  25. Oh wow! It really does resemble her! Good luck to your daughter. I hope the last month gets easier for her.

  26. Yes she does look like her but there can only be ONE Sweet Cheeks though (you know that). Hope your daughter feels better soon and that baby is able to move so Mom can be more comfortable.

    xo Danielle

  27. Amazing resemblance! Keeping your daughter and baby in my prayers. Safe travels.

  28. I pray she moves a bad for mom. And that photo is odd - it sure does look like her. They say everyone has a twin.

  29. Wow! That picture really does resemble her! How neat to find an old picture like that. Oh I feel for your daughter. I have been in that position before when I was pregnant with my first child. It caused severe pain down one of my legs. It did go away though! Tell her to get on all fours and wiggle her hips. That's what the dr told me to do to get the baby to change positions.

  30. Diana, it's uncanny how much they look alike! I have sent up a prayer for your daughter. You're such an exemplary mother, Diana! You're always there for your family. Take care!

  31. Hi Diana, I agree with Vee-the pic. looks just like sweet cheeks. I have a print that looked so much like my youngest daughter,when she was little, we said she modeled for it. Hope your girl hangs in there-the last month of pregnancy can be really tough.

  32. That girl in the picture is a dead ringer for SC or rather I should say that SC is a dead ringer for the girl in the picture. It is a beautiful olden photo.
    Hope your daughter is better - massage the baby maybe it will move over a little. It's probably dropping and getting into position to make her entrance into the world. Take good care of her.

  33. Diana, the resemblance is amazing. Good luck to your daughter I hope she and baby does well.

  34. Wow...she does look like the little girl in the old photo! Amazing.

  35. Oh, gosh, the poor thing. She is adorable and the resemblance is remarkable! Hope new baby girl shifts around and gives your daughter some relief! What a good Nana you are!

  36. That is quite the resemblance! I think it's neat when you find things like that. Have a safe trip. Praying baby girl shifts positions soon. That's got to be so uncomfortable. That last month of pregnancy can be a real bear.

  37. Oh my gosh....that is so neat! Hope all goes well with your daughter. Safe travels around town tomorrow...freezing rain in the a.m., then all rain for Milwaukee. Jane

  38. That girl definitely resembles Sweet Cheeks. How funny! Hope your daughter is feeling better soon.

  39. Oh yes, I too can see the resemblance! Have a safe trip and I hope your daughter feels better soon!

  40. Wow..That's eerie for sure..I had the same thought Diana..She's always smiling...
    Hope your daughter is feeling better..Be safe...

  41. that is so cool! I love it that the neat old photo looks so much like Sweet Cheeks - we all have a twin somewhere right? Sweet Cheeks just happened to be born a few years later than her 'twin'! And I am so ready to come Milwaukee again! When it is warm and the snow is a distant memory!

  42. what an amazing photo and I do think Sweet cheeks has a double in this world, or in heaven, I will keep your girl in my prayers, the baby will hopefully moe!

  43. Travel safe!!!! Hope Sweet Cheeks is feeling 100% and New Baby Girl gives Mom a rest and prepositions :)

    Hugs, Shannon

  44. That freaks me out! Wow they do look amazingly similar. I hope everything works out well for your daughter. It's going to be a long month otherwise!

  45. Yes, I found that image at A Feathered Nest...Dawn's place. She is so good about sharing her images with us!

    No, I don't believe in reincarnation, but I do believe that family resemblances can move way down the line. Hmmmm...perhaps we've found you an instant relative.

    Hope that your poor daughter gets relief from that pinched nerve. Tickle that baby or something.

  46. Wow Diana that is weird how much that picture looks similar to Sweet Cheeks. Hope you have a good trip with your daughter and taking care of the boys.

  47. Amazing! I do believe in "old souls". Travel safely and I hope your daughter feels better quickly. Talk to that new baby girl and ask her if she
    could please move over a bit...or is she about ready to make her appearance? :)


  48. yep, I see it, spooky is right. I have always felt an 'old soul.' I 've even had others tell me that. My son, the bday boy, was about two and very talkative. he would tell me stories of his life before he came here to be my baby. He was just a wee one...omg, but the story he told of playing with his older brother in heaven just blew me away. He insisted it was true but the thing was/is his older brother died 15months before he was born. He could not have heard us talking about it because in our family things like that were never talked about. To this day that child has made me rethink everything I thought I believed in.

  49. oh my, the resemblance is eerie. Both are darling though! I hope baby moves and all will go well!

  50. OMG, she does resemble her! What does Sweet Cheeks think?
    Hope baby moves real soon for your daughters sake, Diana.

  51. oh your poor daughter! i hope everything went well and she is getting some relief!

    m ^..^

  52. Yes, there is quite a resemblence in those two photos.

  53. OH MY GOSH that is crazy how much they look alike in the picture. Awesome! Don't ya just love it???? Awwwww I hope new baby girl moves so mommy can be more comfortable! It's so hard sometimes when you get close to the delivery! Wishing the best for all of you! Grandma too!

  54. It's a very uncanny resemblance. Who knows? Maybe she's been here before. That would explain a lot.

  55. Awww. An angel anyway for sure! Our baby girl is pushing on a nerve too. She is going to a Chiopractor and the baby girl has turned and she's feeling better.

  56. Wow, that's something. They REALLY look alike! Hope your daughter's baby has shifted, and that she's more comfortable.


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