
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What To Do When You Can't Leave The House -Waffles & Ice Cream & A Secret Garden

We are frozen in.
There are warnings to 
on all the local channels.

I kept the girls overnight because school was closed.
We started the day with waffles.
Our little Ria loves them!
We caught up on homework and  a
 HERE is something you don't see everyday.
made out of  ROLO candy,
gumdrops and marshmallows.
I KNEW you wouldn't believe it unless
you saw it with your own eyes!

We finished the day with
bowls of ice cream
while watching The Secret Garden.
Did you ever read
The Secret Garden?
If not you have missed a really good read.

You can click on the picture to read the book review.

SweetCheeks had never seen the movie before.
She was entranced.
Both big sisters had read the book,
and had seen the movie
before but loved watching it again.

It's great to see kids enjoying
a wonderful old movie, isn't it? we will be crafting while
the winds blow cold and strong.
Pop by  tomorrow and see the hot mess 
we made using these bins....
Speaking of hot messes....
Here's how ONE family member eats
THEIR waffle.  S
Gotta love the hair hanging
in the butter and whipped cream!


  1. Love "The Secret Garden" one of my favorites,, I could watch it every day!

  2. I am packing up my littles today and coming over in our footie PJs.....and extra whipped cream.

  3. Perfect time together. Love those puddle of butter in that waffle.

  4. I don't know how you handle the cold weather where you live. We are at a
    record low of 5. Our temp in the house is 62 and it is set on 70. The system can't handle the cold. Our schools are closed today, too. Leila always gets syrup in her hair.

    Stay warm!!!

  5. What a fun time at Nana's house! Waffles and crafts and movies, sounds like a perfect time, for sure. Staying in, not so bad when it's with Nana! Oh, that syrup, does get everywhere, doesn't it? Now, I'm thinking my cereal sounds pretty sad! Have fun girls!

  6. It is so cold here also. I wish I didn't have to go to work. I'm working until 8 p.m. and I don't want to even think about that.

    Waffles sound great. I haven't had them in ages. Hmmm.

    I have read "The Secret Garden" but never seen the movie. It's a wonderful story.

  7. Sounds like you've got a fun day planned, Diana! I'll probably do more sewing again today. Tomorrow we should actually get above freezing with a whopping 24 degrees!

  8. The best way to spend these cold days... waffles, movies, crafts and ice cream! I'm coming over :)

  9. Sounds wonderful. Wish our Mimi was closer!

  10. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a freezing cold day! Again, you are creating memories that will last forever ~ sigh!

  11. Looks like you had a super time with the girls! Oh those Packer fans....those....Packer I love the Packers, and I am a Wisconsin girl, but I would definitely have kept my parka on! We had tickets to a concert downtown Milwaukee last night....eighteen below when we got home....yikes!!! Sounds like warmer weather will be here for the weekend. Stay cozy, Jane

  12. No wonder the girls love coming over, Diana! Movies, hotdogs, popcorn,and waffles with whipped cream! Looks like you are working on a fun craft project. Keep warm, and have fun!

  13. I bet they love coming to your house Diana!
    Yesterday I didn't leave the house but today I need to venture to the grocery store.
    Boy we have had some wicked weather.
    Stay warm and cozy,

  14. Sounds like the perfect way to spend the day with your grands. We're working on day 2 of schools being closed. Even my University is closed for a 2nd day. We've got crafting and blanket tents on the agenda.

  15. what a treat
    to play catch up on nana d's blog!
    i love the hair in the whipped cream...
    the beautifully made doll clothes
    the angelically beautiful little shy alana who might just give sweet cheeks competition for
    and lastly... oh dear heart ...
    SNOW. on the patio.
    the porch. the igloo.
    enough already!
    but does that get nana d down? NO!

  16. Yes, it is great to see kids enjoying an older movie like that! Loved that book! Sounds like you had a great day with your grands! Fun, fun, fun!!! Stay warm and safe!!

  17. It looks like it was great fun at your house, Diana! You are super with those girls! xo Nellie

  18. If ya' gotta' be kept in by the cold, you certainly "have a lock on" the best ways, to pass the time. :-)

    Enjoy making memories.

    Stay warm and cozy.

    Gentle hugs...

  19. You are such a good grandmother!! I would enjoy one of those waffles right now.

  20. Well if you have to be sequestered in your home, what a better way to spend indoors than with the grands and crafting!…Stay warm!!!!..the waffles look great!

  21. I would live to spend a snow day at your house! What fun!

  22. I will have to find that movie! Grandchildren "rock" don't they!
    Have a nice day "hunkering in" and staying warm.

  23. That Sweet Cheeks is something!
    And it's cold here, too. We're having record low temperatures. But - the roads are clear so I shopped yesterday. I got groceries and then ran a few more errands since I didn't have to worry about anything spoiling in the car while I shopped. LOL Normally, I come right home, but I was able to go to Target and leave my car full of groceries without a care.

  24. I love that movie too, but I haven't watched it with Kyleigh yet...gotta find that movie! Have a wonderful crafting day....hugs, Penny

  25. That looks like so much fun, I might have to come over and join you! I was thinking of you when we were watching the Packers game...wondering if your son-in-law ended up going. We are at 7 degrees here today, so not as bad as most of the US. Stay warm and cozy, Diana...looks like you've got that covered!

  26. That looks like so much fun, I might have to come over and join you! I was thinking of you when we were watching the Packers game...wondering if your son-in-law ended up going. We are at 7 degrees here today, so not as bad as most of the US. Stay warm and cozy, Diana...looks like you've got that covered!

  27. Oh Nanna what kid does not like that breakfast. Every kid.

    No school today here. Took pictures outside.

    We are in today.

    Yesterday hubby had snow over his boots. Wet city.

    Looks like fun day. Great the kids love crafts too.

    Oh I see that movie twice. Loved it.

  28. Ha, and they closed school here to day because it was COLD! It is above freezing!!!
    Loved the Secret Garden. I know the girls are enjoying the extra time spent at Nana's house!!

  29. Sounds like such a wonderful day ahead with your girls! I miss those times now that mine are all grown up! That looks like one tasty breakfast and SweetCheeks seems to be enjoying it, hair and all! Why not!

  30. It seems that you made the best of the situation! I doubt anyone would want to get out if they could since the temps are so low and you probably have a ton of snow on the ground! Those waffles look yummy!

  31. What could be more fun than eating waffles and whip cream in Grandma's fairy house! Watching one of my all time favourite movies (loved the book) is the only thing that could top that.

  32. Looks like you all had fun weathering out this unbelievable cold..... My Grands had no school yesterday or today, good thing they are all stuck at home. I finally un buried my car last night, thought I was going to freeze it was -16 with the wind chill of -27
    I was happy to be inside where it is never very warm, since I live in an Old Upper Flat, the heat comes from the flat below which is not much, Kitchen was 45 degrees, Bedroom 48 & My Presto Heat dish got my Living area to a Balmy 58, I think I would be too Hot if the temp got above 60 in here in here in the winter.... guess after 7 years of winters here I am use to it.....
    Stay Warm & Have fun

  33. Diana,
    Now that is a great way to spend this dangerously cold weather we are having. Eating waffles and watching a good movie. Love it.

  34. It's so nice that you can help out having the girls. I know that you are having fun having them there.
    I am headed to town to watch two of mine. Better me going out in the cold than them. Besides no water here. Grrrrr.
    Stay warm and inside if you can. I know your temps. are really extreme. hey we are above zero now.

  35. brrr...stay warm and safe and inside!

  36. Looks like you guys have plenty to keep you busy. That last photo will NOT make an advertisement for the International House of Pancakes!!!!! LOL

  37. What a great way to spend a snow day. Those waffles look yummy!

  38. Hey - you eat better and have more fin then I do - I want to come and play too. sandie

  39. It's all so much more fun with little granddaughters to play with. Love watching old movies like this on a snow day. We're having a 'cold' day and staying inside! lol I'm sewing an easy project that is taking WAY too long! haha! Have fun!

  40. As a science teacher, I am loving the Kr atom. That is cool. I love these types of projects in class. My 8th graders did the Cell Cycle stages with twizzlers and gummy bears. WOW!!!!

  41. Hey how about passing one of those waffles this way!!
    It's super cold here too Diana...many of the schools in the surrounding areas where either on 2hr delays or closed...except for us:(

  42. PS-- I read The Secret Garden with my oldest when she was in the 4th grade...loved it!

  43. Hi Diana ~ NO REPLY, and I thought people just didn't love me anymore!
    I've been blogging for so long that you'd think I'd know how to do it!
    what do I do to fix it, PLEASE & Thank You

  44. Thank you Diana, I followed the link, when you get a chance could you check to see if it worked ~ not sure how to check myself....

  45. looks like lots of fun at Nana 's house, I like sweet cheeks style, get right in there!!!!That was sweet cheeks wasn't it???

  46. You have a handful keeping the kids busy but I think you have a wonderful ideas in doing it. We are lucky, our mountains keep the arctic air away from us so we are basking in 38 degree weather.

  47. Yummy! No wonder the girls love coming to Nana's house! They get a treat at the front door and it goes on from there! I love The Secret Garden- what a great book and movie! I can't wait to see what they make tomorrow!

  48. What a fun day! I loved reading The Secret Garden when I was little. The movie is great, too.
    Those waffles are making me want breakfast for dinner.
    You are such a fun Nana. :)

  49. What a fun day! I loved reading The Secret Garden when I was little. The movie is great, too.
    Those waffles are making me want breakfast for dinner.
    You are such a fun Nana. :)

  50. OMG..What a wonderful way to spend a "snow day"..What fun..??No hotdogs??

  51. My grandgirl didn't have school for 2 days and will go tomorrow. On top of that, she got sick :(
    LOL, your hot dog machine! Are the little girls going to sell hot dogs this summer to make some $$$
    Keep warm,

  52. Looks and sounds like a great way to spend a frozen cold day!

  53. What a terrific science project. Hope that it doesn't go to waste once it is graded. Just sayin'. I have the same trouble when eating my waffles. Yes, I do love sharing a good movie with children who haven't seen it before!

  54. Not read the book but have seen the movie a few times.

  55. Gotta love a fun 'snow/cold' day!! :)

  56. No I have not read the book. Sounds like you had some fun with your grandchildren. Those waffles look so great!

  57. Oh my stay safe and warm!
    It looks like you are having oodles of fun and the Secret Garden is one of my favourites. Hope the freezing cold temps will not last too long!

  58. I was home bound today too. The waffles look so yummy. I'm not sure I have ever seen the Secret Garden either, it would have been perfect viewing on a cold day like today. Laura

  59. Oh to be a kid again- eating her waffle just rhe way she wants too! I have never watched the secret garden and I'm terrible about reading books. I did a marathon of my own movies on Sunday while I messed around redoing the living room furniture layout (again)! Had to do something since we're just about shut-ins from this weather. Friday promises temps in the 30's! Yay!

  60. Brrrrr! The weather sure is making a mess of the mid-west! Looks like you're having fun with the girls though but I sure hope that it warms up so that you can get out of the house soon! Stay warm! Hugs, Leena
    PS Please let me know if this shows up as noreply. I've tried something new but if it doesn't work, I'll need that link again. Thanks!

  61. Grands are so fun. My grands' favorite breakfast (now) is pancakes and bacon. She got to stay here a couple days during her Christmas break.

    Hope it is warmer there soon. It was 4 here yesterday morning. 40 today, felt like a heat wave.


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