
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Please Pray For Vonda

Sometimes I do wonder 
I write about some crazy things.
I do a few haphazard projects here and there.
I make fun of MyHero & family people.
I take so-so pictures.
I get an email like this and
that I am supposed to be right here
right now.
Please take a moment and wing a prayer
upward for this new grandmother.
Here is the email that I got
Hi Diana,
I am begging a favor from you. My friend Vonda is in the hospital in Florida. She lives in Panama City Beach. She has pneumonia in both lungs and is on the ventilator. The last update, vent was doing 70% of the work. The family is concerned and have been asking for prayers. Vonda and I have been friends for 28 years, our girls grew up together, her daughter Mandy is taking this pretty hard. She became a grandmother this past year, needless to say she is over the moon for little August! I tell you all of this to ask you to pray for them, I know that you are a praying Christian. Thanking you in advance, I am trying to reach anyone that will pray for them.

Thank YOU, Melanie, for letting us know
so that we, too, can pray for her
full recovery.
As to prayer:
Let me just say that I am NOT a 
formal prayer person.
I just wing little thoughts to God
as I think of them with a name attached.
I know there are wonderful 
out there and I could use a few lessons
I suppose.
BUT-for those of you that aren't
used to formally praying-
 just know
that I believe that God "gets"
every prayer thought we send up.
So, even if you aren't church-going
or "religious" just know that
God hears you.
Aren't we lucky?

Thanks, folks!
I'll be around tomorrow with a tail tale!


  1. Praying for Vonda and her family and friends...♥

  2. Praying for Vonda and her family. God doesn't hear the fancy words, he hears the heart. You are where you need to be and don't you dare go anywhere. Praying for Sweetcheeks, too. May her and you day be better.

  3. Consider it done.

    Keep us posted.

    Poor dear. I've had pneumonia and it is scary as heck how bad it can come on and just wipe you out. Really.

    Praises be to God Above!

  4. Sending up prayers for Vonda.
    God will hear each and every word, our thoughts and prayers.

  5. Lots of prayers for Vonda our fellow blogger! Together we can do wonders!

  6. Praying for Vonda from NOLA. xo

  7. Prayers going up! I pray for her strength to come back and fight for her life and that she'll return to her loving family.

  8. Praying for Vonda and her family. I have been hospitalized with pneumonia and know how bad it can be. Please keep us update on how she is doing.

  9. Will pray, and well said, my friend.

  10. Praying for Vonda and her family and friends.

  11. Prayers going up from southwest Missouri. Praying for her healing, the doctors and medical staff to be at their best, and that her family finds peace in this situation. Thanks Diana, for the caring thoughts and actions!

  12. You are such a blessing to so many bloggers...that's why you blog my friend! Sending prayers for Vonda. Hugs, Penny

  13. Oh my heart goes out to these people...

    And this is the second similar blog entry, I have read today. -sigh-

    Gentle hugs,

  14. Thank you Diana and thank you everyone that has and is praying! Prayer makes a difference!

  15. What a special request... It is a privilege to pray for Vonda and her family.

  16. I have said a prayer and added Vonda to my prayer list and will continue to pray...Thank you for letting us know about these concerns. xo

  17. Sending prayers for Vonda so that she can be holding her sweet grandbaby again very soon!

  18. I immediately said a prayer for Vonda and for her family and friends!

  19. My prayer is this. Father please bless Vonda in Florida who is on a ventilator because she has pneumonia. Grant your peace to her friends, family and loved ones, especially her daughter Mandy and little August. Bless all to feel the warmth of your cloak surrounding them. Grant them the grace of peace and let all nurses and care givers be kind and clear. I pray for complete healing of body and mind. Name of the Father, Son an Holy Spirit. Amen

  20. thanks Diana. I did not know all the details as Melanie's blog request was very brief, but I am praying for her.

  21. Praying for Vonda and family! I believe prayers have wings, too! xo Nellie

  22. Praying for Vonda! That dear little August needs her grandma. Grandma's are just soooooo important.

  23. Prayers flowing for Vonda and her family.

  24. Prayers from Georgia for Vonda.
    Sending loving thoughts to the family in Florida.
    God bless you for sharing this.

  25. Praying for Vonda, and her family.


  26. Prayers going up for Vonda and her family.


  27. Prayers going up for Vonda, her family, and sweet friend.

  28. Sending prayers for Vonda...that she will pull through her struggle and be able to cuddle that sweet baby!

  29. Sending lots of healing prayers up for Vonda and her family. Please keep us updated if you can.

  30. I am so glad that this is the day I decided to read some blogs and came your way...saying a prayer.

  31. May the Lord bless and take care of this family is my prayer.

  32. I consider myself a prayer warrior so I'll add them to my prayer list! Thanks for letting us know. Sweet hugs, Diane

  33. You know I'll pray for Vonda too.
    And, yes Diana, you ARE blogging for a reason!

  34. So glad she reached out to you to ask for prayer, and that you are asking us. We are to pray for all of God's people. Praying for His healing mercies!!

  35. Sending my prayers for Vonda and her family. Thank you Diana!

  36. Hi Diana! This is serious and painful! I will say a novena for this woman! Thank you for bringing this to the attention of your followers!

  37. I am honored to pray for Vonda. Please keep us updated. :-(

  38. Oh, my prayers already went for Vonda. Whenever a prayer request comes I bow my head right at that minute and say a prayer. Please let us know how she is doing


  39. Whenever a prayer request comes I bow my head, right then, and pray. I have preyed for Vonda and will continue to pray.

  40. Prayers for Vonda and her family.

  41. Praying for Vonda, and the situation.
    God bless you for passing the word on sweet friend.

  42. Praying for Vonda, her family and the medical team. May their skills bring healing although God is the Great Healer.

    Please keep us updated!


  43. What a sad story. I will wing my prayer thoughts upward too and hold uplifting thoughts for this woman and her family. Thanks, Diana, for all that you do. You are a very special person.

  44. Thank you Father/God for your healing hand on Vonda lungs. We love the grandbabies that you bless us with and I pray that Vonda will have many years with hers.
    In Jesus' name, amen...

  45. Diana, I will pray for her. What ever happened to that little baby girl? Is she doing better? I pray for her every night that she will be well.
    Hope you and SC are feeling better. Seems like everyone is sick. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I keep well. Can't afford to get sick with COPD.
    Take care...

  46. "prayers for big and little things
    fly heavenward on little wings.
    and there is not one thought or word
    that goes unanswered or unheard."

    I don't remember who said that at the moment, but I remember it always and it is my true belief that every thought is heard. Sending little messages of hope on little wings. love you.

  47. You are definitely blogging for a reason. Add my prayers to all the others.

  48. Thank you each for praying for my friend! Vonda did well last night. They have gotten some levels down on the ventilator. Vonda is fighting so hard to get well right now. Family is praying that she stays calm and relaxed today.

    Thank you again for praying!

  49. I will add her to my prayer list - please keep us updated.

  50. Praying for Vonda right now, Diana. And thank you for always being there for those who are in need of prayers. You're a special one, ya know that?


  51. Prayers have already started and will continue! Hugs, Leena


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