
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Nana Diana's Crockpot Creamy Chicken & Wild Rice Soup.

So...It is cold here still.
It is SOUP weather.
I have been busy organizing and purging STUFF.
My crockpot soup fit the bill for a busy day
Yes- I said CROCKpot.
thanks for asking..

I have been working on this recipe for years
and I think I have finally hit the perfect blend
of chicken & veggies & wild rice.
Looks good-huh?
I will post the full recipe at the end.
Here's what you need.
Chop your veggies & measure your ingredients
I always wash my rice.  
I drain it by putting a paper towel over the top -
otherwise it is hard to not lose some of it.

Add your seasoning
Give it a good stir and walk away for the day.
At the end you will add the cream.
And you're gonna toast some almonds!
Cuz they are the crowning touch.
We add fresh ground pepper, too.
Y'all come on over-
I made enough for you, too!

Give this a try-
It is SOOO good!
And, it reheats beautifully.

Now, before the recipe I have to share one thing with you.
My friend, Jettie, posted this on Facebook yesterday.
She is in Arkansas
but the quote came from 
one of OUR local pastors, Mark Gungor.
A man sees his wife is busy in the kitchen and says: "Can I help?"
She says, "Sure, take this bag of potatoes, peel half of them and put them in a pot to boil."

Not a single comment from me-
because YOU KNOW!

Here's the recipe.
I am sure there is a way to send you to some
site to get it -I just don't know how so-
 here it is!

Nana Diana’s CrockpotCreamy Chicken & Wild Rice
2/3  cup uncooked wild rice-make SURE it is wild rice-other rice gets mushy
2 boneless uncooked chicken breasts-left whole
2 celery stalks-I use the leaves, too- chopped fine
2 carrots chopped fine or shredded. (I usually shred)
3 or 4 green onions chopped fine (or 1 small onion chopped fine)- or onion flakes
4 cups chicken broth- I use a 32 oz carton of Swansons
1 teaspoon poultry seasoning
¼ cup butter
2/3 cup flour
2 cups whole milk or half & half-it’s really rich with the half and half.
Up  to 2 cups of additional chicken broth after soup is done-if you want thinner soup. 
Toasted Slivered Almonds for topping (I toast my own in a small frying pan)
Rinse the wild rice. Place the uncooked wild rice, raw chicken, chicken broth,  carrots, onions, celery and poultry seasoning in a crockpot. Cover and cook on low for 7-8 hours. The chicken should be cooked through and the rice will be soft. There will be extra liquid in the crockpot; do not drain.
Remove the chicken breasts from the crockpot and allow to cool slightly. Cut chicken into small pieces. Return the cut up chicken to the crockpot.
While chicken is reheating, melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the flour and let the mixture bubble for about a minute.
. Slowly whisk the whole milk or half and half in until it gets thick and creamy.
Add this to the rice and chicken in the crockpot and stir to combine.
You can add more chicken broth or milk depending on how much liquid you like in your soup at this point. Let heat thoroughly if you add more liquid.
Ladle into soup bowls and top with toasted slivered almonds.  SOOOO good!  The almonds are really the crowning touch.  Serves four to six.

Have a great Saturday.
We are traveling to a seminar mid-morning
and won't be home
until early Sunday morning.!


  1. Hope you have a fun day. You had me until you had to do the almonds. Crack pot cooker, you! I would have to get on my hands and knees and dig the thing out, then wash it, cuz its probably covered in dust...or is that a flavoring that I could use? Maybe at Halloween...yeah, I will wait until then to pull it out. I am sure I could do this on the top of the stove, too.

  2. this sounds wonderful, and looks good too, so creamy, perfect like you said for winter!

  3. Now that is one five star recipe! Looks delicious, I must give it a try! Thanks for sharing Miss Diana!

  4. WooT... Does that soup ever look/sound good!!!!!!! And the best part is... Put-it-together- and-go-on-with-your-day! Love that, about crock pots.

    Oh that potato story is so funny. Can't say the same about my husband though. He is the chef around here so he knows his way around a kitchen. :-))))))))

    Have a good trip and be safe.

  5. Love the potato story - MEN!!
    Soup looks delish - but today in NY it will be over 50' so I will enjoy the WARM temps and save this recipe for another day!
    Thanks for the comment on my sled - I sold 3 of these this season, so now I am on the hunt for more sleds for next year to paint!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Love the potato story - MEN!!
    Soup looks delish - but today in NY it will be over 50' so I will enjoy the WARM temps and save this recipe for another day!
    Thanks for the comment on my sled - I sold 3 of these this season, so now I am on the hunt for more sleds for next year to paint!

  8. The soup looks very yummy...gotta work on those potatoes! lol Enjoy your day my friend! Sweet hugs!

  9. Diana,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    It is 55 here with rain and it was in the single digits the beginning of the week!! Crazy!!

    Actually, i think some of my neighbors think i am nuts!! LOL!!


  10. Thanks for sharing what looks like a great recipe!

  11. Giggling at the pot. story!

    Yes, the soup would be perfect for us today. We're having heavy wind/rain/thunder! Thanks for the recipe. Have safe travel.

  12. This looks so good, Diana! I have always loved creamy soups. If I can figure out the substitution for the flour, I'd love to try it {Celiac's}. I also love being able to use my crockpot, because it's a make it and forget meal, and I can go about my day without worrying about what I'm making for dinner come 4:30!

  13. The soup looks delicious.

    Have a safe trip today!

  14. Can't wait to try this. Rainy day here!! I love the idea of using toasted almonds. Since we are GF, that is the perfect topping to substitute croutons with!! This is easily adaptable using GF ingredients!!

  15. Thank you for that wonderful soup recipe! It looks delicious. Even better that it's done in a crock pot. That potato pic at the bottom is hilarious! I guess he did what he was told huh? LOL!

  16. Mmmm, I could eat soup every single day! This looks like good old fashioned comfort food. And who doesn't love comfort food?

  17. I'm making this...just wanted to let you know! It looks yummy!

  18. I'm making chicken soup of the boys is getting sick so he must ingest the magical healing powers of chicken soup. ;)
    Wonderful, easy recipe.
    Have a good day at your seminar and safe travels.
    I'll add that my hubby would have done the same on those potatoes.
    Good grief!
    xo, T.

  19. Can I come for dinner? :-) mmm yummy!

  20. This soup sounds absolutely delicious! Perfect for this weather we are having! Safe travels to you! xo Nellie

  21. Perfect timing, I have everything already here and I was just wondering what to heck I was going to cook tomorrow for the week ;-) Thanks and have a safe drive there and back.

  22. Sounds so fabulous and it was begging to be pinned. Have a good time this weekend.

  23. LOVE THIS POST SISTER .. YUMMY AND FUNNY. I love the mans outlook on peeling those taters. LOL Have a blessed weekend my friend.

  24. The soup sounds de-lish. No chicken in the freezer otherwise I would make it today. Streets are iced up to dangerous to go out in this weather. So I will wait for another day to get some chicken for the crockpot. Have a good day.

  25. Yum!!! This is perfect for a cold winters day. So creamy . . . I like that :)
    Have a lovely day and keep smiling.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  26. LOL. The potato thing is funny, too true most times but still hilarious.

    Thanks for your recipe, always fun to learn what other's do with theirthe kitchen creations.

    Hope you had a fun time. Sorry I am have been so absent lately. Hugs.

  27. Yummmmy~ I am going to the grocery store in a few minutes to pick up the ingredients.

    I don't why you are not showing up on my reading list. Do you know why? Just need to know so much more about his blogging.

    Thanks for sharing.

  28. YUM!!! I have been making a lot of soup lately with this cold weather and this one looks so yummy. Thanks Diana for sharing. I am going to try it.

  29. That is so funny about the potatoes Diana! I've got to show this to Dale, he will love it!
    Oh YUM, does this recipe look delicious!!! I bet it really hit the spot.
    sending hugs...

  30. YUM !
    I love soup , and this one looks and sounds delicious !

  31. Soup looks delish, but ADORE your dishes and that pretty candle!

  32. Soup looks good but not soup weather for at least a few months yet.

  33. It's a lovely soup, Diana! However, last September, I became a vegan after watching The Earthlings. That potato joke cracked me up. Poor guy. So cute, though! So helplessly cute!

  34. I agree, it is soup time! I will be making my faves soon, as hubby will be gone for work. I will have to try yours too, it looks great. Isn't the heat wave we are having glorious?

  35. Diana, someone sent me the same potato quip...funny! Your soup looks delicious and love the addition of toasted almonds.

  36. THAT looks so delicious, Diana! Definitely going to try this recipe out. I love soup during the winter! Thanks for sharing it!! Have a safe trip, sweetie!

    xxoo laurie

  37. Giggle, the potato story reminds me of Jeanne Robertson and her "left brain" husband, in "Don't send a man to the grocery store". Have you ever seen her online? Here's a link:

    Your chicken soup looks delicious. Gotta try it.

  38. Diana this soup looks delicious and the recipe is easy. I love putting up a soup like this and everything is done at the end of a long work day.
    As for the man helping his wife with the potatoes. I showed this to my hubby and he said, SO!!!!
    I rest my case!! LOL


  39. Hello, I saved this one, and I will be making this for sure.
    I and a soup, salad girl!
    Blessings, Roxy

  40. Looks yummy Diana...Would you believe??(sure you would) that I'm too lazy to eat soup so I don't...UNLESS I can put it in a mug and drink it..Usually if it has a broth, like Italian wedding soup, I'll pour off the broth and eat what's left..There you have it..The honest truth..Hope you had a good day..

  41. Crack pot - HaHa! Looks hearty and yummy! That potato photo? LOL!

  42. That soup looks wonderful - I am going to copy and paste.


    Have fun at your seminar.

    And that joke - that is how my hubs fixes our house!


  43. Oh, you must save me a bowl or two....this is one of my favorite soups! it! Thanks for the recipe!


  44. This is a fabulous recipe, Diana. I love something I can put together and then just forget about. And I have all of the ingredients!! Yay!

    That is a cute true. Men interpret things so weird. Tonight hubby asked me where his candy bars were. I the bread drawer. And then he asked...with the bread? Duh!


  45. This looks fabulous - great recipe for winter!

  46. Yummy looking soup and extra special to make it in the crockpot. So right for these very cold days.

  47. That soup looks sooooo good! The almonds are a different touch but I'll bet the crunch is yummy.
    That joke about the husband and the potatoes - too real.

  48. OK. The potato pic is cracking me up. This soup really looks amazing and so dang easy! I'm not a big fan of rice but my husband loves it and I think I would like it in this soup. Anything with half and half has to be a winner. lol. I will be trying this for sure! Blessings on this Sunday Diana...

  49. This looks so yummy! I love anything in a crockpot and this one is definitely worth a try! Have a wonderful day!!~~Ang

  50. oh my! this looks amazing! now all i need is a cold day to pretend its winter and enjoy a cozy, comfort meal!

    m ^..^

  51. Glad that I found this, it would be oh so yummy for supper tonight!

  52. Sounds wonderful, I love fresh ground cracked pepper, it is my favorite. I use so much of it, I guess it is better than salt, right?

  53. It is just as good as you said it was! We had this for supper tonight. Thanks for sharing with us!

  54. Oh this sound yummy! Perfect for our northern Michigan winter days! It has been so cold here too. I must try this recipe. Thanks for sharing :)


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