
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Happy, Happy New Year!

What a year it has been for us.

I was going to list all the 

happenings that took their toll

on our family this past year

.......let's just say it was a very hard year......


I decided to 


and think positive thougths

about the possible exciting things

that will happen in 2014.

As of today, we have happy, healthy

adult family members that are all living

independent, productive lives.

We have also been blessed with 

sweet, loving, healthy


Thank you for understanding that 

I needed a few days away

from blogging..

I got lots accomplished and will

show you some photos later

in the week.

I am looking forward to all

of your blogs and your friendship

in 2014.

I want to leave you with a video of my

granddaughter, Lulu.

She was the only one in her school

that got up and sang solo for a 

Christmas school assembly

held for classmates and families.
She starts off a little hesitantly
and gains strength and confidence

as she goes along.

The entire auditorium roared

with applause when she finished.

I am so proud of her.

She is one of those kids that

but she asked her Mom to post

this for "Nana's blogging friends".

If you have just a moment pop

by to listen to it here.

I think she did an amazing job for her

first time in front of a crowd.

God Bless You

Happy New Year

I treasure each and every one of you.


  1. well, im just a pile of mush! your grand daughter is beautiful, and has a beautiful special voice and made me cry! now why that would make me cry I do not know.. but please tell her for me that I loved it! and no wonder youre proud of her, you absolutely should be.
    Happy New Year Diana! heres to another year of blogging and friendship! (and sharing our grandpies!)

  2. Oh that is one of my favorite songs and Lulu sang it beautifully! What a stunning girl! ... Happy new year Diana! Wishing you and your family all good things in 2014!

  3. sweet sweet. good for her. Happy New Year to you and your family. You are a breath of fresh air and I love our visits!

  4. This is one of Nana's blogging friends who thinks that Alana did an AWESOME job with that song!
    Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family! xx

  5. Tried to view your sweet grand daughter sing, but can't now. Perhaps so many people are trying to, that it is "all tuckered out." :-)

    A very Happy 2014 to you and to yours.

    Gentle hugs,
    "Here there be musing" blog

  6. Oh Diana how sweet is your grand daughter's version of one of my most favorite Christmas songs! She sang it so effortlessly. Tell Alana that I think she has a beautiful voice and to keep on sharing her most special gift of music.

    Diana I am so thrilled to have met you here in bloggyland. You've been such a wonderful friend and I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of the lovely and supportive comments you have left on my blog.

    Happy new year my friend and I look forward to growing in friendship over the coming year!
    XO Barbara

  7. Oh that was terrific! Keep singing, Alana!

    You know, I was not much in love with last year either. It shows great fortitude to "let it go" and look forward to a better, brighter New Year. Many blessings! (I have certainly enjoyed getting to know you better.)

  8. Happy New Year to you and your precious family...hugs, Penny

  9. happy new year to you!!!!

  10. Well, that was so awesome! I love that little smile when she got to belt it a bit. Beautiful voice. Tell her to keep using it.

  11. Oh,such a sweet granddaughter and talented too! A blessing in your life for sure. Wishing you a marvelous New deserve it. Jane (go Badgers!)

  12. Happy new year, Diana!! Your grand is beautiful - I see why you are so proud!

  13. Your granddaughter is lovely. She did a great job in the video!

  14. WOW !! I am all choked up here...she was just amazing. What a sweetheart and quite blessed with a beautiful voice. It is nerve-wracking to get up in front of people for a solo or speech of any kind and she did it like a pro. Hugs to her!!!

  15. Happy New Year and great job! Singing in front of a crowd is HARD! She was wonderful! :)

  16. Diana, amazing isn't a big enough word for this young woman! I admire her for having the courage to do this, but she truly did a fabulous job and she has a lovely voice!

    happy New Year to you and yours too! This was a great post and I enjoyed it. looking forward to the good that 2014 will bring us all!

  17. Diana,
    It was just so beautiful. What a huge amount of talent in that little girl. This was just too sweet. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Very special. Happy New Year my friend.

  18. Wow, she did an amazing job, what a beautiful treasure she is!! Happy 2014 to you and your family.

  19. I like your attitude about letting go of all the negatives from last year. I think I'm going to try that myself. It's much better to focus on the positive. Alana sang beautifully and looked so pretty! I know how proud you must be of her.

  20. Happy New Year to you and yours Diana. I understand about needing a break-my hubby often needs a break from me, j.k. Loved seeing Lulu sing-what a gorgeous young lady she has. She has a bright future ahead of her, especially with you in her corner. May your days be filled with joy and love with giggles thrown in.
    Hugs, Noreen

  21. Your granddaughter's performance was just wonderful! She is so talented. Thanks for posting this.

    Happy New Year to you and your family. Here's to another great year getting to know you better.

  22. Happy New Year Diana!! What a wonderful performance she put on. I sang growing up, so I know all to well those butterflies that come at the start of any new performance. She did a fantastic job!!!

  23. Applause, applause! She's wonderful! She'll be on The Voice soon! Thank you so much for sharing her performance...I love her style.
    LuLu is a STAR. :)Happy New Year to you, D!

  24. Lulu did a fabulous job! She has a beautiful voice! She has a wonderful style! Thank you for sharing her performance with us! I love your outlook and focus-looking forward! Wishing you and your family many wonderful blessings throughout the New Year!

  25. I'm very impressed! She is really good! I hope she continues with that, she has a gift!
    How proud you must be of your beautiful grand daughter!

  26. Not a dry eye in the house! Lulu is adorable, and she has a wonderful voice! There is a softness and a sweetness that is captivating. Such talent is abound in your lovely family, Sweet D! Tell Lulu thank you for thinking of your blog friends. I now can't imagine missing the privilege of hearing her Christmas Song!
    Happy New Year!

  27. Oh, how precious! Lulu sang a beautiful of my favorites! Her voice is lovely and what a talented, beautiful young lady! Blessings your way for 2014! Roxie

  28. Happy New year to you and your family. I hope this year is wonderful and things go better for you. They say we learn from trying times...but it sure can be hard to remember that while we are going through them.
    Alana did a wonderful job! You must be so proud of her. I hope she realizes how brave that was. She did something that most of couldn't do. Beautiful girl and voice!

  29. Dear Dianna, God bless you and Happy New Year.
    I'm having a Give-A-Way, come get in on the fun!
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  30. Diana...a beautiful child with a wonderful voice. You must be so proud . How brave to put herself out there.

  31. Happy, happy new year, to YOU and yours. Your granddaughter is lovely.

  32. I'm sat here all teary eyed listening to Lulu sing. She did an awesome job! Thank you so much for sharing her beautiful performance. Wishing y'all all the best in 2014.

  33. How precious of Lulu! Such an important step for her to take!

    You have been missed, Diana! I'm thrilled to be reading your blog again!

    Happy New Year!

    xo Nellie

  34. Awwwww, sha! She did so well. She has a beautiful voice. It is great to have you back. Be sure to visit Uptown Acorn today for a toast! xo

  35. Happy New Year, Diana! I have been thinking of you, I miss you! But, I'm glad you took a break, you needed it! It sure has been quite a year for so many people, hoping 2014 brings good things your way! Tell LuLu that she rocks! Her performance was awesome! Love ya!

  36. What a beautiful voice Lulu has. God has blessed her with a wonderful gift and instrument. You are blessed to have a sweet grand daughter too!!! Happy New Year to you...May this be your best year ever!!!

  37. Tell LuLu she did a wonderful job. I know you are so proud!

  38. Happy New Year Diana):)
    positive..move forward is the best I agree(:)

  39. What a lovely and sweet girl she is. She has a lovely voice and a good presence! You must be so proud of her1 Wishing you a very Happy New Year and to your family!

  40. Happy New Year to you!! Your granddaughter is a beauty with a beautiful voice. I really enjoyed her video! I know you are very proud of her!

  41. Hi Diana,
    I just wanted to stop by and miss you a very Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing what the new year will bring for you and I can always count on you for a laugh or a smile.
    Your little Granddaughter is precious.


  42. To a better 2014! Happy New Year!
    Alana did a wonderful job. How proud you must all be!

  43. Welcome back Diana..Couldn't get the video..Maybe it's just busy..Will try later..Happy New Year to all of you...

  44. Happy new year Diana. Your attitude is great. And yes some years are better left behind.

  45. So glad that your back - I was worried that you were sick. I think you have a wonderful outlook on life and are very special.
    Lulu is a star - you are very blessed to have such beautiful grandchildren.
    Happy New Year dear friend.

  46. Bravo! There is nothing more lovely than listening to a child sing. Lulu did an amazing job - what a sweet voice she has! She's Got Talent! Thank you for sharing the video - even my son came over to see what I was listening to when he heard it. Happy New Year, Diana!

  47. Now THAT took a LOT of guts to get up and sing like that! I see why you're so proud of her!
    Here's looking at a fabby 2014!

  48. Happy New Year sweet friend. Thanks for your friendship and for sharing that wonderful grandgirl with us!!

  49. She sure did a wonderful job, it was so neat to see her warm up and then get stronger and stronger. She is so sweet singing

  50. That was just beautiful. Lovely girl!

  51. Diana, your beautiful granddaughter did and amazing job. WOW!!! Happy New Year, my friend. xo Laura

  52. Great job!! I would never have the guts to do that..She's just lovely..You have every right to be proud..

  53. Lulu is amazing. Happy and Healthy 2014 to you and your family Di!

  54. Lulu is beautiful Diana... and has such a pretty voice!... please tell her how much I enjoyed her singing... and Happy New Year to you all!... xoxo Julie Marie

  55. Happy and healthy 2014 and thanks for the sweet video.

  56. Happy New Years Diana ~ sorry I have been out of the loop recently... just enjoying family time! V

  57. WOW Diana!! LuLu knocked it out of the park. What a beautiful job singing and such a pretty girl!! She has an amazing voice.
    Give her a big hug from me and let her know how much I enjoyed her Christmas song!!

    Wishing you and yours the best of 2014.
    Happy New Year.

  58. Please tell Alana she is beautiful and so talented. What a wonderful video. I enjoyed watching so much!
    Happy New Year to you and your family and I know 2014 will be the best year ever! Thank you for always visiting my blog and your comments.. I appreciate them so much!

    Flora Doora

  59. What inner strength it must take to do that - and she did a great job!! 'Course it doesn't hurt that she's beautiful, too. She's got the world at her finger tips. Thanks for sharing with us, D. Happy New Year, sweet friend!

  60. Everyone needs a bit of a break at Christmas time. Sending you wishes for wonderful 2014.


  61. I’m so happy to you are back from your break. You were missed!
    Wow, what a beautiful little granddaughter and she has a lovely voice. I know you must be so proud of her. Congratulations on her solo appearance at the Christmas assembly.
    Happy New Year!

    The French Hutch

  62. Oh, Diana, your granddaughter is just adorable and did a wonderful job. I'm glad you got a bit of a break to catch your breath! Happy New Year!

  63. I tried to go to 'here' and my computer didn't take me anywhere.

    I am wishing you a wonderful new year. sandie

  64. Diana, She did an awesome job. Talent abounds in your sweet family. Please give us an update on CJK!
    Still praying for that sweet little boy.
    Happy New Year, Ginger

  65. Wishing you all the best in the New Year.
    Alana is definitely a natural born singer , she sung that beautifully !

  66. Lulu was terrific! I hope she continues to sing...
    I hope 2014 is better for you-
    and me! 2013 was pretty rotten
    in some ways for me too.

  67. Oh Lulu! Special Special Special is all I can say. Big hugs for her, Diana.

    Thank you for your prayers for my brother-in-law. It means so much to me.

    Happy New Year!


  68. So here I sit with tears in my eyes...OMG,OMG your granddaughter is fabulous...What a voice, American Idol look out!! You must be soooo proud.

    I think we all got caught off guard this year when the holiday season was a week shorter than it usually is and you of course had your grandson sick over the Thanksgiving. You have had a tough year with losing your brother...I am sure there was a big empty spot on Christmas. Well, it's another year and we look forward to many more Nana Diana posts that make us laugh and cry, but always entertain!


  69. A very very Happy New Year to you and your family friend!!!! I am wishing you all many blessings this year and pray that it will be a great one for you!!! Please tell your granddaughter that I thought her performance was AMAZING!!!! I was blown away by the tone of her voice...she is a complete natural and her voice is going to be taking her places!!! MY GOODNESS! So beautiful! Nicole xoxo

  70. I watched the video, Alana was brilliant. She has a beautiful voice.
    Happy New Year to you and all your family, Diana.

  71. Happy New Year to the Sweetest Nana Diana!!! Wishing you and your family all the best as we enter this new year :) Sweet video of your granddaughter. Such a dear girl ~ I watched the video on google.

  72. I'm so glad I scrolled back so far this morning. I didn't see this yesterday and that was a real treat. That girl is gifted. What a beautiful song!

  73. Happy Happy New Year Diana! Many blessings to you and your sweet family this year!

  74. What a dream. Diane, your little Alana is beautiful and she did an amazing job of singing. I love her style. You must be os proud. It's also my pleasure getting to know you. Thank you for your support and friendship. Many blessings for a bright new year.....xoxo Linda

  75. Happy New Year Diana! Can't wait to see what all the year holds for you and your lovely grandchildren!

  76. alana's song was darling! to get up and sing a solo at her age is amazing to me--i'd been scared to death!

  77. Awesome! Besides being a beautiful young lady, she's very talented. Please tell her how much we've all enjoyed it!


  78. I am honored you had time to stop for a visit. You have so many comments to keep you busy plus all the personal activity. You amazed with your dolls. Absolutely gorgeous. I never had a doll when growing up. You have every right to be proud of the little one. I have a great grandson, he is just the smartest and love of my life.

  79. Happy New Year my dear. It was a very harsh 2013 and 2012 for us in the family but God is good.

  80. Your granddaughter is beautiful and has a very lovely voice. Loved the song and the applause.

    Happy New Year!

  81. This was my first visit and I am so glad my blog friend Debra sent me over. Your granddaughter was wonderful! Grandchildren are the most wonderful gift ever!


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