
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Papa's Back Went Out- Poor Papa- Heaven Is Watching

I picked Sweet Cheeks up from
school the other day.
She came out all smiles.

She had an assignment to write a

She chose a get well letter for Papa
because his back has been bothering him.
Here is what it says:
Remember-This was supposed to be a letter to SOMEONE.

The letter reads:
Dear sumone.
I hope you fell better soon!
And if you are going to die 
I hope Hevin is rete for you!;>)  

(Dear Someone- I hope you feel better soon!
AND if you are going to die
I hope Heaven is ready for you)

As you can see there are three angels
there to escort him to the 
Hevinly gates!

I hope he takes that 
danged elf with him!

Hope you have a great day!
I am off and running until late
tonight-so don't think I have
abandoned you- I'll be back tonight!


  1. Oh children, aren't they something else? This is a keeper, she will laugh herself silly one day seeing that.


    (Hope "Papa" is feeling better!)

  2. Frame that and make sure you keep it for her. I love her so much, she has a wonderful outlook on life.

  3. What a keeper! She has the best outlook on life! I adore her angels! I hope Papa's back is better! Yikes; I know all about back aches! So sorry his is bothering him!

  4. That Sweet Cheeks makes me laugh. I hope heaven is ready for him too. Ha, ha, ha!

  5. Oh my! I love the pretty angels and he needs to 'rete' back and say he's not ready! haha! Kids...they say the darnest things! Enjoy your day. Give hubby some extra care and special treatment! Hugs!

  6. Ha ha, what is it with that girl and seeing her Grandparents on their way out?!

  7. I can always count on you (and sweet cheeks) to start my day with laughter! That is PRICELESS!!

  8. Isn't that cute. I love how kids put things so clearly. But, I hope that Sweet Cheek's letter doesn't give Papa any ideas. He needs to stick around a little longer so he can see those sweet girls into adulthood and maybe even dance at their weddings. So, get well, Papa. Your family is not finished with you, yet. (and the elf's job isn't complete, either. LOL)

  9. What a prize! That note is definitely for keeping! Too bad about Papa's back, though! Hope that feels better quickly! xo Nellie

  10. I love! Have a wonderful day Diana! Hugs, Penny

  11. LOL! I think we forget how literal children are. I wonder if all the kids wrote "Someone". That's too funny!

  12. I love this post Diana. Out of the mouths of kids!!

  13. That is what makes life worth living!!!!!!!!!! How wonderful was that! sandie

  14. Ha Ha Diana this is too cute. Gotta love the beautiful innocence of Sweet Cheeks. Too precious. Have a great day. Drink lot's of Starbucks it will keep you in high gear to get you through the day!!!!!!

  15. Oh my gosh, Diana, Sweetcheeks letter is hilarious! That is a classic for sure, you need to save that letter and show her when she is all grown up. I don't think heaven is ready yet for your Hero:)

  16. How adorable! I'm glad you translated it for us. LOL!

  17. That SC - never know what she is going to do or say, she is priceless. Such a beautiful little girl.

  18. I love her little note, kids are so fun and truthful, always save that note, it would be so cool framed....she is a sweetie

  19. Wow! Out of mouths of Babes that I second.

    Love her hat.

  20. Her letter makes me miss the days I taught kindergarten and first grade. The stuff that kids come out with is hysterical~ when written in their evolving language skills, it is priceless! Thanks for the chuckle! Again!

  21. wow
    kids are so dang sweet arent they?
    see you in the blog-o-shere soon

  22. kids say the most beautifully innocent things.

  23. People with Juli in their names are the best! That is really cute and funny

  24. My back is just about out, too! A trip to chiropractor before Christmas is needed.

    Is she a charmer, or what!

  25. Sweet...out of the mouths of babes!! Well, I will 3rd that, just noticed two other ladies said what I was thinking reading your post. Have a great day and safe travels today.

  26. I hope that Grandpa Someone takes this all in stride. = D

  27. Great story, Diana! I was wondering where you've been. I missed your daily comments. LOL

  28. thats a shame, poor guy, I also can't wait until sweet cheeks is sixteen and reads all this again, she will be so happy you have a record of this, tell poor Papa to take care of himself,

  29. That child is hilarious!! Out of the mouth of babes.....


  30. Diana, That letter is so funny. Bless her heart. Poor Hero's back is hurting from that Elf riding him. Hope you had a great day. Are you going to get rain. The snow is melting and we are to have about 2 inches of rain...too scary, the ground is frozen...thus flooding is being predicted. What a mess, huh? Take care, xoxo,Susie

  31. So sweet,,she sure has the right nickname!

  32. What a cute letter Diana..You didn't have to translate, I understood every bit of it..Scary huh???
    Gotta love that elf !!

  33. Kids! :-)

    Hope Papa is better soon! I had injections in mine on Monday. So hoping it works!


  34. THAT one's a keeper! How sweet! Kids usually get it right. What a precious girl.

  35. Too funny! Hope her Papa's back gets better before he dies!!

  36. Wow, what a truly innocent way of viewing death!
    How refreshing.

  37. Ha! She certainly doesn't mince words!

  38. Hi Diana, how sweet is that?

    I hope Papa gets better soon. I hope that you all have a great Christmas.

    I just stopped in to post on my blog and to visit a few of you.

    I sure miss you.
    Take care...((big hugs))

    Janet W

  39. I hope he's feeling better soon! Hugs, Leena

  40. Too funny. Hope Papa (or someone) is feeling better soon xo Laura

  41. Am I the only one that thinks this may make Papa feel worse? He may not have considered that he might die from his sore back. LOL She's priceless!

  42. gah! she is delightful, best wishes to 'someone' and I hope he does know! take care.

  43. That is just beyond words. Dear Someone! LOL! I'm sure that letter cheered Papa right up! Oh, is she precious!

  44. Oh goodness me, how did I ALMOST miss this!!! Your Sweet Cheeks is gorgeous and look at her darn cute! Children are the best, specially the grands! I'm sure she's getting everything she wished for from old Santa..."Dear Someone ??!!"
    Happy and merry Christmas to you and your lovely dear family. Give SC a special kiss for me!


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