
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My White And Gold Nativity And A Manger Scene You Won't Forget

I saw this set several years ago
at Sam's Club of all places.
It was exactly what I had been looking for.
I set it up on top of a display case in our foyer.
I put down a strand of white lights,
then cover it with "snow" batting.
Then I wind a soft white feathery boa  through it.
When any air moves at all the feathery boa
moves and it looks like a living, breathing scene
The lithograph above it is one my father had
when he set up housekeeping in the early 1920's.

Each piece is quite beautiful for a 
mass produced product.
I love how it looks at night with the soft white under lighting.
MyHero's Grandmother Clara 
had a set quite like this
that she told me would be mine someday.
Somehow it got lost 
when they sold her home in Florida.
This is not the quality that her set was 
but it still reminds
me of the nativity she so treasured.
Now that you have seen some beautiful pieces
I want to show you another beaut!
I know you will love this!
This is set up in a yard on the way to 
the girls' school.
Ummmm... Do you love that it is made out of 
And Oh!  For the love of all that is Holy
WHERE is Mary, Joseph & Baby Jesus?
Perhaps they haven't stolen those pieces yet....


  1. Oh that is so pretty how you set it up. I love how the feather boa adds such a softness to it. That's pretty weird how that nativity was created with those signs! You'd think they could've painted them over :-)

  2. I love the feather boa. It adds such a gorgeous texture to your vignette. Such a beautiful nativity.

  3. Your nativity set it beautiful! My mom has a similar one.

    Maybe the owners of the house are 3 wise men???? ;)

  4. Your nativity scene is gorgeous. LOVE the lights and softness of the batting and boa. How funny is the last pic. Don't you just wonder what that's all about? :)

  5. your nativity set is beautiful Diana. and I love the feather boa.. perfect touch!
    as for the other set.. thats pretty funny! Im telling you.. there are crazy people out there!
    happy wednesday

  6. Your nativity scene is really beautiful, I have been looking for one like that.
    And the one set up in a yard, well...
    Have a good day!

  7. Your nativity scene is so pretty. It looks like it is so delicate. That last scene made me giglle,maybe they'll find Jesus soon!

  8. Your nativity is so beautiful! But I had to laugh at the other one. You crack me up. What won't people do?

  9. It is a beautiful Nativity. I like how you put the snow and lights under.

  10. It's a beautiful nativity, Diana! I love how you put the lights and "snow" down. The lights give it a lovely look.

  11. Love your nativity Diana. It's very pretty wiht the lighting. Hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs to the baby. xoxo,Susie

  12. Oh your nativity is just beautiful Diana! I love the softness!

  13. You've displayed your Nativity scene beautifully, Diana! It is ethereal with the lighting under the cotton. A little bit more uptown than mine I showed today called a Motley Assortment--and it is, except for the family itself.

    I wish your hero's grandmother's set could have made its way to you. I know you would have treasured it.

  14. Your Nativity set is beautiful. What a creative way of fixing the lights.

  15. Oh Diana, the last picture made me giggle :) Let us know if they do steal Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus - would love to see them all together :)

    I do love your Nativity set! It's quite beautiful and peaceful the way you have it set up. Have a most wonderful day!

  16. LOL Diana!! However I love yours, so pretty!! Vicki

  17. The nativity set is beautiful! Makes me think about the real reason for this season! Stolen road signs??? Hilarious!

  18. Lovely Nativity display, Diana. The Nativity scene is the first thing I set up here. Have a great Wednesday! xo Nellie

  19. I love all the highlights of gold on each piece of the nativity scene and wow, you are very creative in how it is displayed. Love it!

  20. Haha. Looks like the Kings arrived a tad late. LOL

    Your Nativity is beautiful. Love the way you've displayed it with the white and the boa. Great idea!

  21. I love the use of a feather boa in your manger scene. It looks great!
    Oh! Where are where are Mary and Joe??? xo

  22. So pretty! I love nativity sets. And I have been missing everyone's blogs for a few days due to Weston's birth. I should start catching up, now.... maybe. LOL Life gets busy this time of year.

  23. WOW your Nativity is simply beautiful. They look so real and with the lights makes it stand out.
    Have a great day!!!

  24. Diana,
    The nativity set is just beautiful. It looks so pretty all lit up. Just beautiful and from Sam's wooo hooo good score for that pretty set.

  25. I honestly do not believe that you stole the signs, Diana!!
    Your white nativity is very pretty the way you've displayed it
    I think Mary and Joseph are still traveling, and the baby Jesus is not yet born. At least I hope they aren't really stolen, were they?

  26. Oh gracious, how beautiful! How simply beautiful...

  27. Yes, an unusual and unexpected turn of events at the end there. Your set is lovely and you display it so well. I love the soft glow and the beauty of each piece. I suppose if we were to accurately depict the manger scene, it would be pretty messy. =D

  28. Your Nativity is so pretty. We got our set at Costco a few years back and love it. If you don't mind I do believe I will borrow your great ideas with the cotton, boa and lights..really nice! xo

  29. You are too funny. Maybe they put them inside so the baby wouldn't get frostbite.

  30. Your nativity is beautiful. I love the white lights, snow and feather boa. Too funny about the one on the way to school!!

  31. Dear Diana, Your nativity is beautiful and the way you set it up with the lights and the feather boa, wow! You have an amazing touch :)
    I am so happy to hear the CJK is home and going well, that is the best Christmas present you could even wish for. God bless you and your family,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  32. Beautiful Nativity Diana I love the soft glow of the pretty!
    That last shot really makes ya wonder!?!

  33. Yours is lovely, don't worry the stolen one will be complete one day it takes time to steal all the bits.

  34. Hey girl, Oh you have such a treasure in your Nativity scene. Strikingly beautiful! I love that you put lights under your snow and then the boa-great idea, so creative. I may have to steal the concept for the future. I'm so tired from running here and there plus having friends over for dinner tonight. Hope you are having a blessed day!

  35. Love the manger scene..The lights and the boa are a perfect effect...

  36. Ok..let's get to the good stuff....maybe they don't know there is a baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph? Got to give them kudos for trying.....three wise men.....could have been dogs playing poker. ;-)

  37. Your nativity is beautiful, Diana. Great idea using the boa! That is so funny about the nativity in the yard. Maybe the rest of it got stolen by the owners of the stolen sign?:)

  38. nana D, your creche is beautiful and love how you've displayed it. the ostrich feathers is a stroke of genius.

  39. Diana, This nativity set is so beautiful. I remember seeing it and I thought it was awesome at the time. It looks surreal with the lights and the boa.
    On the other hand, either the "so called" wise men got there too early or too late.
    Love to all, Ginger

  40. Said the first wise man: *gasp* the angels said he would be here!

    Said the second wise man: all the pictures I've seen show us here with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus! They should be right here. (as he looks down on the spot where the baby Jesus should be laying)

    Said the third wise man: are you sure you heard correctly? Is this the place the angel on high spoke of?

    Said the tabby cat Romeo: can't you guys read, it's a STOLEN for sale sign. The condition of this manger and the method by which it was acquired and the fact that this place is sold, tells me they were smart enough to go elsewhere. Were I you, I'd be out of here before the cops show up. Just saying....

  41. I love the soft colors in your nativity set. Very beautiful. I heard about a toddler one time who stole baby Jesus out of the neighbor's outdoor nativity. No one could imagine who had done such a thing. It was later discovered in his toy closet!

  42. It is absolutely gorgeous, I love the white "fluff"! And you cracked me up again with the last scene:)

  43. I love your manger scene. I never thought about putting the lights under the batting. That made it just beautiful! sandie

  44. Wow, your nativity set is so pretty and your father's lithograph is perfect to watch over it. Love the boa idea and the movement it gives.

  45. Diana,
    Love your nativity. i think I have the same set but just Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus....

    Thanks for your visits.

  46. Your nativity scene looks billowy and enchanting. So pretty. As for the stolen, pieced together set...Maybe they missed the point of Christmas? I mean...


  47. That stable is way too tacky for Mary, Joseph and Jesus! Isn't that weird? Your nativity looks so beautiful with the lights underneath the batting and boa! I always like to do that too. Gives it such a pretty glow! Have fun with your decorations! Hugs, Leena

  48. Diana, The nativity set is beautiful and I love how you lighted it.

  49. Love your nativity set. I always make sure to have mine out during the holidays too....a must!

    xo and Merry Christmas,

  50. Your Nativity scene is beautiful Diana. It looks so lovely all lit up. It will be something you can pass down someday. I still remember my g-mother and mother's set.
    sending hugs...

  51. LOVE your gorgeous nativity. I hope one day to have a really nice one like that. It looks so lovely with the white feathers.
    (Hope they are able to get the missing pieces before Christmas!)

  52. That is so pretty.

    Hope your grandson is feeling much better.

  53. That shot of the girls with their dad is amazing friend! Nothing better! And your nativity scene is amazingly gorgeous! My goodness do I just love it! The light and texture set the whole tone and makes it come alive!!! So inspiring you! I hope that you have a merry week! Nicole xoxo

  54. I like that you thought to use a boa -- it's a very pretty vignette you've created, just under your father's painting. You better guard your figurines, lest they end up in that yard!

  55. Diana,
    Your Nativity Scene is so beautiful. I also bought a Nativity set at Sam's or Costco (forgot which one) many years ago, and it is something that I'll keep forever. The people in it have real clothes adorned with jewels. I may post it before Christmas if I can.

    Your Nativity scene is something you will keep forever. It is just lovely.


  56. I love how you set up the nativity scene with the lights! Perhaps some day I will learn to be more creative with my collection of nativity scenes. For now they just sit there. . .


  57. I love what you have done with your nativity, Diana. It looks beautiful. Now about that other one. Bwahahaha!!! I'm hiding my Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. I don't want to see it with those stolen signs. xo Laura

  58. Diana, I love how you have made such a lovely Silent Night nativity scene. It is so beautiful.. I need to go look for some white feathered boas to use For my nativity figures my sweet husband bought at Sam's Club over ten years ago. I am pretty sure it is exactly like your nativity. There you go again! Inspiring me to do another project.


  59. your Nativity is gorgeous!!!! The boa adds a lot to the display, great idea. I think the 3 kings are hiding out waiting for the star to appear?????

  60. Although your nativity, with it's underlit feathers is lovely, the last pic shows true, artistic, uniqueness!

  61. Awesome Nativity display.

    You mentioned that lithograph, that's what my paternal grandfather was; a professional lithographer artist for a newspaper. Neat, huh?


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