
Thursday, November 7, 2013


Have you heard about
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever?
This is kind of a long post for me
because I included a brief synopsis of the play.
Quit your whining and grab your coffee...m'kay?
If you don't know the book-
Here is a synopsis:
The Herdmans are the worst kids in the history of the world. 
They lie, steal, smoke cigars, swear, and hit little kids. 
So no one is prepared when this outlaw family 
invades church one Sunday 
and decides to take over the annual Christmas pageant.
None of the Herdmans has ever heard the Christmas story before. 
Their interpretation of the tale — 
the Wise Men are a bunch of dirty spies and Herod needs a good beating — 
has a lot of people up in arms. 
But it will make this year's pageant the most unusual anyone has seen 
and, just possibly, the best one ever.

Our Lulu went to the local theater group

to try out for the from

ages EIGHT and up.

She is 11.

She read and got a part.

SweetCheeks age SIX

is sitting off to one side.

The director looks her over and asks if

she wants to try out.

She shyly nods her head yes.

Director doesn't hold out much hope

because she is very soft-spoken

AND only SIX.

She tells SweetCheeks to 

"imagine that you are getting ready for

school and can't find your backpack-

ONLY you are an ANGEL

and you can't

find your HALO.

Got it?"

SweetCheeks quietly nods yes-

she understands.

Director says Okay...

let me know when you are ready.

SweetCheeks goes up on stage

quietly bows her head

and closes her eyes.

(director is regretting asking her

because she seems so shy)

She looks up and says- 

OK- I'm ready now.

Here is her interpretation of the line.

This is less than 20 seconds long...

please excuse our "hair do".....

 After a couple of play practices

Sweet Cheeks also wrote her

OWN LINE and asked if it could be added.


The director added it.

Last week she told me she was going to add


She did!

She now closes the play with

"Peace On Earth Good Will Towards Men"

Now why doesn't that surprise me?

Next year she will be sitting in the

director's chair!


  1. Perfect delivery! The Director should watch out, a new star is rising.

  2. No kidding, she is a natural!! And I love that play. Everyone should read it during the Christmas season.

  3. She is great, an actress in the making, maybe.

  4. Soft spoken my foot, that girl will be heard all the way to the street, takes after Granny Nana

  5. I have said right from the start this child will be a movie star one day, I just know it!!!

  6. She'll be demanding a fully decorated trailer with stocked candy bar next, Diana! : ) I'll bet that Director was surprised when Sweet Cheeks did her thing! They are probably both excited to be in the play and it will be exciting to see them both on stage.

  7. That director had a good eye! I have a feeling this is just the beginning! Wish we could all come and watch!

  8. I can see her doing just that. And when you go see that play, please take video!

  9. Great for Sweet Cheeks! I'd love to see this version performed. xo Nellie

  10. Diana, That is funny and cute. Hope Lulu doesn't mind being upstaged. xoxo,Susie

  11. Congratulations to both your grands. How exciting!

  12. You have to watch out for the quiet ones! ;) too cute!

  13. She's so cute! And I think you have a budding actress there...look out Hollywood!

  14. It's no surprise to me...Sweet Cheeks can do whatever she sets her mind to! Hugs, Penny

  15. This is the very beginning of a life of an actress, yep, I can see it now.

    I hope then she remembers us "little people" and stops to sign our autographs.

    Good job, Sweet Cheeks - have fun, honey!! Hope you do find that halo!

    Hugs. ♥

  16. LOL- watch out LA, here she comes. Is she coaching her sister, too? What a wacky girl you have there. Takes after you.

  17. Love this post!! Way to go Sweet Cheeks!

  18. Hooray for your budding thespian!!!! -gigggles-


  19. Oh what a girl - shes a girl after my own heart. I believe that she will be a big star on Broadway someday. You go SC.. Wish I could see the play - she will steal the show.

  20. Priceless! It usually is the quiet ones that surprise the directors in the end. Good for her!!!

  21. Good Morning Diana, She never fazes to amaze me. I think the teachers will have problems keeping up with her. You give her an inch and she will take a foot or more. I love it. I always enjoy seeing what she is up to. Your girls are truly amazing. Sweetcheeks always has a way of brightening your day. Is the play to long to video and show? Just asking because I for one would love to watch it seeing I can't be there. Just kidding. Have a wonderful fun filled day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  22. Oh my goodness, an actress is born! She is wonderful!

  23. Your so blessed to have such a beautiful, talented grandaughter.

  24. She is adorable . . . I can't find my halo either, LOL

  25. Congrats to Lulu and SweetCheeks!
    I don't think she's lost that halo at all!
    I'm not at all surprised she is adding lines already. Sweet Cheeks will be directing someday-mark my words!

  26. She is definitely destined for stardom!! No doubt about it!


  27. That is awesome & I am wishing that I lived closer... I would love to see them in this.
    And I called this one a long time ago... That girl is headed for Hollywood : )

  28. Sweet Cheeks exudes confidence and I know that will take her far in life. I know that you are all very proud of her.
    Hugs today.

  29. Wow those little ones you have to be care of!!!!!!!

    Hey was that your voice on the video?


  30. That girl has star's obviously something she is born with. I'm going to look forward to seeing her when she is ready to face the world.



  31. that cutie was born to be a Star at everything she does... personally I see her going into Politics and winning BIG.

  32. I always knew that kid was destined for big things! She recites that line to perfection!

  33. Oh How fun Diana..
    love her and anything that has to do with Christmas!!
    have a good one too..

  34. These little clips are going to be shown on Entertainment Tonite in a few years! She's precious.

  35. Perfect! She nailed it! I wonder who she gets it from. Hmmmmmmmmm???

  36. How did you know I was whining?? It wasn't That long..You're so funny..
    Director for sure !!

  37. Love it! They always say you have to watch out for the quiet ones! ;)

  38. Congrats on your shining stars- how thrilling! Her video is so precious! I'm thinking the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

  39. Did I not tell you that she is 100% my Grandchild Melissa.

    My Melissa did all that and still is and she is 20. Acting, singing, the model movements and now wanting to be a school teacher now third year .

    I told her that she will be a teacher one day as I see her as a child go from a shy girl like Sweet Cheeks and then do the drama character bit. God given talent. They are.

    They sure do amaze us right.

    Why would we ever not think they would not succeed.

    I am the butterfly social Grandma also and so are you big time.

    So congrat's for your Sweet cheeks. Oh that was so her.

    Yes she will be a star one day. In Gods eyes she already is and your family..

    Good experience for her.

    Your Grandchildren are beautiful!

  40. Oh! A budding actress. How exciting!

  41. Oooh that girl is too cute!... I think she inherited her spunk from her Nana Diana!... love it!... xoxo Julie Marie

  42. That's Sweet Cheeks for you! They can't resist those cheeks and that face and then she charms the socks off them with her wit and charm when she opens her mouth too! What a great gal - as are her big sisters too!

  43. Oh so adorable!!! How could he resist her....That girl is going to go far...I'm thinking the bright lights of Broadway!


  44. What a wonderful story! She's such a doll and has definitely found her path. Hats off to the director for encouraging her.

  45. Shy my foot....Sweet Cheeks is headed for her own star on the Walk of Fame in her sister mad that she is being upstaged....

  46. Sweet Cheeks is a star! She'll be taking over soon for sure! :) Love it, Diana!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  47. Bet one day SweetCheeks will have her own star in Hollywood!!

  48. A star is born! Love the play, and wish I could see it in person!

  49. Ha Ha I see an Oscar in her future! :)

  50. Love love love that video! Sweet Cheeks -- the perfect stage name for when she hits it big!

  51. I love how she "collected" herself before she started. Priceless! Congrats, Sweet Cheeks!! XOXO

  52. Can you hearing me laughing out loud all the way from Canada? From shy 6 yr. old to rewriting the play just breaks me up! The best actresses are always difficult to deal with. lol

  53. Enjoyed your post.

  54. such a darling story, diana! congrats to lulu and sweet cheeks! have a great weekend!

  55. Have never seen this play, but sounds so fun! Am sure she will be amazing!! I think she is an actress in the making! Or should I say a director!

  56. She is definitely a little ham! LOL! Good for her and her Lulu! I always loved being in drama. Hugs, Leena

  57. She sounds soooo much like Abby! At least Sweet Cheeks knows what she likes and is not afraid to express herself. I love that!


  58. How fun that "your girls" will be in the play together! Keep us posted on how the practices are going and any more funny stories.

  59. Marvelous! Break a leg SweetCheeks. When I was directing children's theater I would have loved a little actress like her wee self!

  60. How fun! I love participating in our community theatre--if she gets "the bug," you will never get her offstage!


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