
Friday, November 22, 2013

Romantic Homes November 2013- Where Is The Blogger Feature

For years when you opened 
the first few pages of
you were greeted by 
small profiles of different bloggers.
They have QUIT profiling bloggers
like they once did..
Romantic Homes, are you listening?
We (bloggers) LOVED that feature!

I found so many wonderful blogs
through their magazine introductions..
Blogs I would NEVER have discovered otherwise.

Their November cover, however, 
is as beautiful as always
and I will tell you about that blogger
later on in this post.
Inside there are articles that feature
several of my fellow bloggers.
I have loved Elyse Major since 
I first discovered her blog
If you purchase the magazine,
 there is a tutorial on
how to make this:
Our Elyse is sumthin'!

There is also a seven page feature on Anja's
She has a beautiful home in Germany.
The magazine article is full of beauty.
Here is one more sneak peak 
into Anjia's life.

I have been following 
for a while now.
Not only is she talented,
 she is a lovely person.
Her home is on the cover above AND
she has a SIXTEEN PAGE spread!
Yes!  You read that right! 16 pages.
Here is one little reason 
WHY she got so much press.
Cindy, Can I come sit at your table if I promise to behave?

I cannot for the life of me figure out 
who this house belongs to 
unless it is the stylist, 
There is no mention (that I could see) 
of the owner's name.
If I missed the name I apologize.
Anyway, the table below caught my eye,
as did the light above it.
My daughter has that set-only her seat covers are 
cream needle point with a floral much like this one.
It belonged to her paternal 
Great-Grandmother Hazel.
We enjoyed many meals sitting there 
during the Holidays.

And-when it was in GG Hazel's house
THAT same light fixture hung above the table.
The hospital bought the house and we were able
to save the light fixture.  
We used it in a house we rehabbed 
and the new owners
requested that we leave it there when 
we sold them the house- we did.

And, last but not least,
Susan Frick has an article called 
Silver Bells
She has a blog called Evelyn & Rose, too.
Here is just a snippet of what she had published.
I did not know her before but I am follower now!

So, there you have it-
November's issue of Romantic Homes.
Come back tomorrow and I'll show you 
what I am up to now!

Who said I was up to

Be careful what you say- Santa is watching-
I'd hate to see you get coal in your stocking-
unless that's what you want, of course!


  1. My daughter has a paternal Great-Grandma Hazel, too! But we got an antique brass bed instead of chairs. And when my cottage is done, Romantic Homes will be BEGGING to show it, and I might just have to say "sorry, poopheads. You made Nana Diana unhappy."

  2. Can you believe that I do not get this magazine?? I need to change that I think. You should get commission on new subscriptions, Diana!

  3. They are not doing the blogger feature anymore and are doing one home feature instead, one of the editors told me in an email. I think a lot of people looked forward to seeing that also.

  4. I have missed some of my favorite features in some magazines, too. Guess we have to "go with the flow." The December issue of Romantic Homes features Susan Branch on the page in the back. Enjoy your Friday! xoNellie

  5. Diana, For a while I thought the cover photo might have been your dining table....because I know you have a collection of the red glasses.
    I keep telling myself I am going to subscribe to Romantic homes, maybe that will be next year's birthday gift to myself. Hope your weekend is wonderful. xoxo,Susie

  6. so much talent out in blog land, beautiful homes!

  7. I too am saddened that they no longer feature bloggers... I loved meeting new friends that way, and was honored and flattered to have my own blog featured in last February's issue... like you, I wonder why they quit?... don't they know it is probably mostly bloggers who buy them?... this issue is a keeper though, and I plan on making some of those little birdhouses... xoxo Julie Marie

  8. I am very disappointed in Romantic Homes in the last two issues, Diana. I've always gotten the magazine, but my subscription is up and I'm not renewing. I loved the Blogger Features for two reasons. Like you, I found a lot of blogs that way and always enjoyed seeing my "blogging friends" in the features. Of course, I always hoped my day would come for that section, too, but obviously that ain't gonna happen now. I noticed a few other changes, too, that just made it feel different, so I guess I should be happy that they happened before I renewed the subscription.

  9. I am going to miss the blogger features too....Have a wonderful week end...hugs, Penny

  10. Nana, you ROCK! Thank you for taking the time to post about fellow bloggers. Your shout outs are sweet and heartfelt. I really appreciate all your kind words about our home's cover and story feature. I can't wait to see what you have to say about the December cover! Giggle.

  11. I think I would like that magazine. I am sorry they dropped the blogging features.

  12. Thanks so much for including me in your post, Diana! I'm like you - I really miss that 'site seeing' section of bloggers. I found many other bloggers that way, too. It's so good to 'meet' you here in blogland. I'll be following along your adventures.
    Thanks again,

  13. I don't know why they would do away with bloggers. That's crazy. Bloggers are the nicest people in the world. Perhaps you should take over the magazine and straighten things out. I think they need you!

  14. Ah I love that feature too. Hope they bring it back. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

  15. I liked the blogger feature in the magazine too, but having a bloggers home featured is really neat!! Plus, they are still featuring bloggers...just a little more in depth. We'll get used to it after awhile. and you are still doing your review, which is very nice. so all is well in blogville. I like seeing more of the bloggers homes...instead of just the little blurb we used to see.

  16. Good morning Diana and friends! I am going out to buy me a romantic homes magazine. I used to get it but let my subscription expire and signed up for Traditional Homes. I am letting it expire because just about every room is white, white, white. I enjoy color. I wish they would keep the blogger features, then I would probably get a subcsription. Maybe Santa will bring me an ipad!!

  17. Diana you rock, tell them that you want this, do they have a FB page?

    I used to love RH, but haven't checked them out for a while. But I can totally understand why you would love the blogger features. What a great way to find new bloggers.

    Start a petition, I wonder if Martha had anything to do with them dropping the bloggers? After all the comments she made about bloggers?


  18. Stop!!!







  19. I haven't had a chance to read my copy yet...tonight...

  20. Well, crazy one, when is your house going to be in that mag? Maybe I should email them and let them know you are ready for them to shoot at any time.
    Bwahahahahaha! They might even catch John in his boxers!

  21. I miss that article about bloggers too! I always went to that first. There were lots of pretties in this issue.


  22. Good Morning Diana, this was a beautiful review of their magazine . . I hope they see it and put the bloggers feature back in. It is nice that they do feature these amazing homes and thank you for making it so easy (with links)to check out their blogs. Sometime today or tomorrow when I'm in the mood for a break from quilting, I'll be revisiting this post and checking out their blogs. You are always a sweetheart and I love how you support your blogging sisters. You are always featuring their blogs, or sending out pray requests. You dear friend are an angel :)
    Keep Smiling,
    Connie :)

  23. They should listen to their readers,

  24. What gorgeousness! If the price of heating fuel goes up any more, we may be asking for coal in our stockings. Have a wonderful weekend Diana. Make sure the deer hide in your neck of the woods, beginning tomorrow morning! :-)

  25. I think the bloggers feature is where I first heard of blogging!
    I hope they'll bring it back.
    The mag is still filled with beautiful home features still and what a coincidence that your hubbys G'Mother had that same light and table set.
    I have let things go in homes I've sold that I wish I had back too.
    Have a good weekend, Diana!

  26. Thanks, Diana, for introducing us to these bloggers. I'm going to visit them! You are so sweet to do this...have a wonderful weekend.

  27. Hi Diana,
    I enjoyed this issue too and it's great to see all those blogger's homes featured. However, like you I miss the blogger highlights. I wondered the same myself.


  28. I don't even purchase magazines anymore because the blogs are so amazing...and free!

  29. I know, I noticed that too and am not happy about it at all! That was one of my favorites!

  30. Sweet Cheeks has a lovely new home! WOW!!!
    I think RH dropped the blogger thing because so many weren't active bloggers! I have found some nice blogs thru them. I did notice that they repeated some and some weren't blogging anymore. I would think that with all of "US" active bloggers, that they would have a HUGH selection to pick from!

  31. I so agree, Diana! That was always one of the first features I would turn to when my magazine arrived. And I always cheered on fellow bloggers who were featured. Susan and I have been following each other for some time, and she is as sweet and thoughtful as she is talented! You will love her! Oh, and I love Elyese's style, I bought her book and just adore her projects!

  32. I've never bought this magazine but I think I need to start....loved that DR with the burlap thingies on the back of the chairs...

  33. So much gorgeous beauty here!! Holy wowzers!!! I will have to pop over and check out these lovelies!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!!!

  34. It's a shame they aren't featuring bloggers anymore, but it's nice that you did! Thanks for bringing some great blogs to my attention!

  35. Hi Diana,
    These are all such great bloggers and beautiful features on each of them. I have known Cindy for some time and can you believe she has 4 kids and a hubby that live in that cute house and it looks so gorgeous always. I have gotten several pillows from her Cute PInk Stuff and love them all. Thanks for sharing the new Romantic Homes and the featured bloggers.

  36. This is is fun to find new blogs...if you like eye candy, I found one not too long ago which was listed on a european quilter's side bar.
    It is called On the Polder.

    I started going through some of her older posts when I had the time...the scenery is amazing.

    They live in a 100 year old dike house along a canal and it is just fascinating. Her photos are wonderful and when I found her blog I felt like I'd just brought some huge coffee table book home from the library to peruse at my leisure :)

  37. I miss that feature too Diana...there goes my chances of making it in there!
    As for sweet Susan of Evelyn and Rose, she is a kindred spirit and I am lucky to have met her and call her friend!

  38. I wish...but I don't get this magazine! How lovely everything is...especially those chairs...the decorations are gorgeous!

    See you later!


  39. Gorgeous homes! I rarely pick up that magazine...I depend on you and your reviews! :) Sorry they have chosen not to feature bloggers ~ I think it's such an exciting event for those chosen.


  40. I used to subscribe to Romantic Homes...I still love it but, due to budget reasons, I had to cut my mags down to one and I chose County Living. I am not too shabby chic...especially in this new home. It calls for more like...Pottery Barn style.
    I can't believe they have quite featuring bloggers...I tend to think that people may be viewing blogs more than buying decorating magazines...I still look forward to my new CL every month, tho.
    Going over to visit some of these bloggers...


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