
Tuesday, November 26, 2013


My little grandson is VERY sick.
He went into the hospital last night
and was admitted into the 
Intensive Care Unit 
this morning.

They don't know what is wrong
with him so they are doing a 
battery of tests.

Some of his blood work numbers
are off the charts.

Please pray that they can find out
what is wrong with him and 
pray that they are able to find
the correct measures needed
to make him well.

I will come back as I can and 
let you know what is going on.

God bless you all.
Happy Thanksgiving to you if I don't 
get back before then.


  1. oh my gosh, he's in my prayers as well as the doctors who treat him,

  2. Praying hard for your grandson, and all of your family.

  3. Sending prayers and positive thoughts, Diana.

  4. Dear Sweet Diana, Your grandson is in my prayers, him and your entire family. God bless you,

  5. Oh Diana!! I am lifting him up at this very moment!!
    Hugs, Dottie

  6. Lots of prayers are coming your way!


  7. I am praying for you all..Big hugs and loves. xxoo

  8. Oh dear! Praying, praying, praying for your sweet little grandson. Peace be with all of you!

  9. Oh my goodness...please know I am praying hard for him and the doctors to find out what is wrong and to be able to treat him.


  10. Lots of prayers going up for your sweet grandson....hugs, Penny

  11. Diana, I am so sorry to hear this and I am praying for your adorable little grandson. Sending big hugs your way.

  12. Oh my goodness Diana, praying for you and your family! Hugs to you my friend!

  13. Diana--
    praying for you little grandson.
    Praying for you and your family too.

  14. Oh my gosh, how SCARY!!! Sorry to hear such horrific news. Praying for some answers for you and your family.

  15. Praying Diana for your grandson and family.....Lord, I ask you, In Jesus name to touch Diana's grandson with your healing power...that no weapon formed against this precious child of the living God, shall prosper in any way.......Give wisdom and knowledge to the doctors, but Lord you are the great Physician.....I speak divine healing for his body and peace and comfort for the family. We trust in you Lord and by your stripes...this child is healed.

  16. Praying and (((((HUGS)))). I hope they have answers soon and will know the treatment he needs. I am sure you are all worried sick. So so sorry. I hope you have good news for us soon. xo

  17. Oh, Diana, I am so very sorry. I hope they get a handle on his condition soon. You know that you have my prayers.

  18. Oh sweet friend I am praying for your beautiful boy...I am praying hard. And I am praying for you and your family...Love Nicole

  19. Oh sweet friend I am praying for your beautiful boy...I am praying hard. And I am praying for you and your family...Love Nicole

  20. Oh Diana, I am so very sorry to see this. I have a special place in my heart for this little guy and I will be sending up prayers for his healing. I hope the doc find an answers soon, that he recovers quickly and fully. I know he is surrounded by love. Please know I am thinking of you...take care dear friend.

  21. know you have my prayers going out to your family. You are always so good at rounding up the prayers for everyone else...I hope you get thousands for your darling grandson. Let's hope please that the doctors find out what's wrong and how to treat it.

    Much love and many hugs,


  22. How scary for all of you...I'm so sorry to hear this, Diana! Sending good thoughts and prayers...XOXO

  23. Diana - here's hoping by the time you read this they will have found what is wrong with that precious baby! Just know I will be praying for peace and comfort for all of your family and knowledge and direction for the Doctors attending to him.

    Blessings to you all!


  24. Diana, I was getting ready to shut down the computer when I saw this. Honey, you know you have my prayers for him, you and all your family. I will pray that the doctors find the answers that they need for this precious little guy and get him well. Many hugs and prayers are coming from your Missouri Friend.

  25. Yes, adding my prayers to those of others...

    Keeping you tucked in my thoughts and prayers.

  26. Prayers flowing from across the big lake!

  27. Father/God,
    we are asking for wisdom for the doctor's that are treating his precious little one. Please direct them so that healing may begin. Please comfort the loved ones. Thank you that YOU are ALWAYS in control. In Jesus' name...

  28. Praying my friend...sending you a big hug! Please keep us posted.

  29. Oh Diana
    I am praying so hard. Please know my heart and hugs are with you and your family. That little handsome man has all my special thoughts and prayers. Diana you must be so worried. Please know I care and am wishing for answers and better news. Hugs my friend.

  30. Oh Di,
    How scary, I will definitely keep you all in my prayers.

  31. Praying for your little grandson.
    God has more power than anything. He will surely get well soon.

  32. Oh, this is just so sad when a little one gets very sick. We will all be saving our prayers on the family's behalf and for him. Pray the doctors find out what it is then he will most like be in the clear. Take good care of him. xx's

  33. OMG Diana, so scary. I am sending prayers his way and yours too.'

  34. Praying for your precious little one and each of you. Hugs ~ Sarah

  35. Diana, I just got on here! I am in pray as I type. Poor little guy and of course your whole family. I hope by now they have figured out what is making him so sick! I will keep you all in my prayers for a fast recovery. Hugs, Teresa

  36. Adding my prayers, Diana.

  37. Prayers and Healing Energy for that sweet baby..
    Lighting a candle for him.

  38. I will be sending all the positive energy that I can in your direction.

  39. So sorry for the little guy- prayers for him and all of you. I hope they figure it out quickly.

  40. Diana, Sorry I missed this post..I will have your grandson in my prayers today. I will pray for all of you. xoxo, Susie

  41. praying for this precious child of God...prayers for the doctors and peace that only God can give to his family...please let us know how things go.

  42. Oh my dear Diana, many many prayers for this little sweetheart. Prayers for your entire family too. Praying and positive thoughts! Jane

  43. Praying for your precious grandson,Diana and your family!!

  44. Praying for the precious boy and for the entire family.

  45. He has my prayers and so does the family.

  46. So sorry to hear about your grandson. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family for a speedy recovery.

  47. Many prayers for your sweet little grandson!!!

  48. Diana, we love you ... and we love your family, too. Praying that God holds you in his arms and that the doctors find out what is going on with your dear grandson.

  49. Asking for our Father's tender and healing touch upon this precious child. May the Lord's peace and comfort be with you all and may the Holy Spirit empower the doctors with supernatural wisdom and skill as they treat your grandson.

  50. I woke up thinking about you this morning ... praying for good news!

  51. OMG, Diana! How scary! I will be praying for him and thinking about him. Big hug, my friend!

  52. I am praying for your sweet grandson and all of you! HUGS!!

  53. I am in prayer. For him and family and you and hubby.

    Praying that doctors will go ahead and get to the problem.

    I pray that those who are in charge. Also are Christian doctors and nurses. Will pray for him.

    Love ya.

  54. Oh, Diana. I am so sorry to hear that your precious grandson is so ill. I am sending up prayers for him and for your family. xo Laura

  55. Oh Diana! My heart just sunk as I read your post!! I will be praying hard for your sweet little grandson. I am so sorry that he's so sick, I'm praying that the dr's find out what is going on, and that he is well very soon! Praying for your family as well. Big hugs, sweet friend.

  56. Diana, I am so sorry that he isn't well. Adding my prayers to the others hat all will be well.

    Hugs to you.


  57. Oh Diana, these things are so hard! I am praying for your sweet little grandson and your whole family. Praying that God will give the doctors insight and that they will be able to think outside the box until they discover what is causing the problem. Prayers of many are being said on his - and your - behalf today, Friend.

  58. Praying. I will have my little ones praying today, too. They will all be here - and there is so much power in a child's prayer. Probably because their faith is more pure. Please keep us posted.

  59. Oh no, Diana! Of course my prayers are being sent up immediately for your beloved boy.
    Much love to you,

  60. So very sorry to hear this. One feels so helpless when young children at so ill and in the hospital. My thoughts and prayers will be with him this weekend. Yes, please keep us posted.

  61. OMG! I'm so sorry to hear this news. That is so scary. Sounds very serious. I will say a prayer for him that he recovers from whatever this is and they can find out what is wrong soon.

  62. Oh what a precious little guy! I am so sorry he is so sick :( Of course he is in my prayers! I sure hope he gets better lightning fast and they are able to find out what is wrong!
    Lots of love, prayers and hugs to all of you,

  63. Oh, Diana, you must be out of your mind...I'm praying for that little guy and all of you and those that are taking care of him. You have all of us praying for him so he will get better, I'm sure.

    Love Rondell

  64. Dear, We are all praying! My Hubby and I just prayed, and we know the power of agreement...
    Update as soon as you know something!!
    Love You Friend

  65. Our whole family and many others are praying for him right now! Prayers for a speedy diagnosis, for healing and for the entire family. My heart truly aches for you all as you wait. . .


  66. Prayers on top of prayers, Diana! Bless all of you! xo Nellie

  67. Your little grandbaby is in my prayers, Diana. May God watch over you all!

  68. I will keep him in my prayers Diana. That dear sweet one. And his parents. And his grandparents. All of you.

  69. Oh Nana.....this post breaks my heart........praying and meditating on his healing.



  70. Oh my, Diana. I am so sorry. I'll be praying for him with all I have!

  71. Oh my gosh, God bless him! Praying for you all...that he gets better quick and you get answers!



  72. Sending tons of prayers out to your beautiful grandson and the doctors too so they can figure out how to make him well again very quickly. Sending lots of hugs to you and your family.

  73. My husband and I are both praying for him my friend. Take care and God bless your sweet family. Hugs, Diane

  74. I am so sorry, I am sending you a hug, a kiss on the cheek and many prayers for you dearest friend. Praying for a Thanksgiving miracle

  75. Oh..I am so sorry..Praying for healing. Blessings

  76. I will be keeping your little grandson in my prayers.

  77. Diana, Praying your grandbaby recovers quickly-that the doctor will have wisdom and a Healing Hand that touches him.
    Hugs, Noreen

  78. I hope your wee one is going to be ok, Diana. Sorry to learn he is so ill. Lifting ...

    Happy Thanksgiving.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  79. Diana, I'm sorry to hear your grandson is ill and I hope he is doing much better, thinking of you all!

    xo Kat

  80. oh my what a worry...I am so so sorry to hear this. I will lift him up in prayer and pray for his Dr. to have knowledge on how to treat him. Take care my friend...please keep us updated. xo


  81. I just walked in the door and read this.
    I am crying before the Lord for him right now Diana.
    May God give those Drs wisdom right now! In Jesus name we pray and believe!

  82. Praying for your sweet grandson.

  83. Oh my Diana..You must be beside yourself..He's such a cutie...Those chubby cheeks will be better in no time...Praying for all..Hugs

  84. I'm so sorry, Diana! Praying for him and the family! You're very special to us all!

  85. so very sorry, diana. hugs and prayers to you and your family.

  86. Diana praying and praying. God be with you all and bring healing and wellness to your little grandson.
    Love to you
    Celestina Marie

  87. Oh I am so sorry he is so ill. Thoughts and prayers for this little guy....

  88. Just now got to sit down and found this post. Hope all is well by now. I'm praying for him - such a sweetie.

  89. Oh my goodness. Diana, I am praying as I write. Praying that our Lord will guide the physicians and give them knowledge and tools to find the cause and heal this sweet baby.
    Diana, I am so sorry that you and your sweet family are having to deal with this. It is one thing for us to be sick but when our babies, of any age, are sick it is almost unbearable. Our sweet Lord is with you and will get you guys through this. He will be his old self soon.
    Prayerfully, Ginger

  90. Oh what a stressful time for all of your family. I will be praying for and thinking of this little guy.

  91. Diana, I will be praying every moment for your sweet little grand baby. God bless you and your family.

  92. I am so sorry, prayers and hugs,

  93. Happy Thanksgiving, dear Diana, I am praying for your little grandson.

  94. Oh Diana. I'm so sorry. This is unbelieveable. Please keep us all informed when you can and we will keep the prayers coming. Judy

  95. You've already had my tears and now I will pray the hardest I can for you and your little guy. Not for one minute will he leave my thoughts until you tell us all is well. May all the angels in heaven surround you now.

  96. Lifting this precious little one and each of you up in prayers at this moment.

  97. Praying for your Grandson and family!

  98. I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying.

  99. I hope that no news is good news, hoping for an update soon but I understand how that goes. Still praying and lifting you all in my thoughts. love you...

  100. Oh my goodness I will pray for your grandson too Diana. I hope he's doing better. Sending you my love and prayers.

    xo Danielle

  101. Keeping your precious Grandson in my thoughts and prayers Diana! God Bless!

    Maryjane xox

  102. Oh, no! How is he doing, Diana? Praying everything is resolved by now and he is getting better. Big hug to you, my friend. Love, Maria

  103. Stopping back by this morning to see if there is any improvement. My hubby and I are praying hard.
    Sending you a big hug.
    XO Celestina Marie

  104. Adding my prayers dear Diana... love to you... praying for all of your family... xoxo Julie Marie

  105. Thoughts and prayers are with you-and hopes that the sweet little one is better and home with family soon.

  106. Stopping by for some news this morning.. been praying / will continue to lift that sweet one before our Savior..

  107. Found your post and request, Will Do!!! What a sweet boy!!

  108. he is beautiful and absolutely precious. i will pray for him now... God bless you and your family.

  109. Thoughts and prayers Diana for the little man! XOXO

  110. Oh Diana,
    I just read this at Celestina's blog. I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandson. I am saying prayers, my dear, and sending lots of love your way.

    I will be thinking of you today.


  111. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers...sending you a hug.

  112. My prayers are with you. Know that God's mercy is infinite and He surely has His arms around him.
    In prayer,

  113. I can not stop thinking about all of you! Sending love and prayers!

  114. Prayers go up and blessings come down. Sending up prayers for your little sweetheart and all of you.

  115. Praying for you and your family.

  116. Oh Diana....I pray for a miraculous healing for your little grandson. I pray that God lays his healing on him, brings the blood counts back to normal, and that he comes home with you tonight. Sending you love and hugs, sweetie. ♥

    xoxo laurie

  117. Oh my goodness that is terrible. What state and what hospital is he in? A good one I hope. I will be praying. Love, sandie

  118. Babies and animals just tug at my heart strings Sounds like he has "thrush" or monilia from all the antibiotics..That would definitely make his mouth sore...Praying for all of you..

  119. Don't even think about trying to respond ~ just take good care of yourself so you can help them.

    I pray for this precious child and the medical team. I pray that God and His angels will surround him with love and healing. And so it is ~


  120. O, prayers for him ...for all of you.

  121. Prayers and love for your little guy. XOXOXO

  122. Prayers for your sweet grandson and the entire family. xo

  123. Oh Diana, my prayers will be fervent. I know he will be okay. So many, many people love him. Especially his Nana!

  124. Diana, I am so sorry that Little CJ had to fight this battle! You must be ever so grateful for his returning health right now. God is good! What a beautiful little boy- I am glad he is recovering and you have received the best Christmas gift of all- peace of mind that he's on his way back to good health! These are the things that matter in blogland, for sure! STUFF that baby's stocking to the brim and fill it with kisses.


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