
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Breath Of Christmas Tour

Every year on the Saturday before Thanksgiving
my three girls and I  go on a
Christmas Tour.

The homes are always beautiful and 
have been professionally decorated for the
Christmas Season by different shops and stores
in our area.

I won't bore you with a lot of talk
but here are a few of the beautiful ideas that
Breath Of Christmas
Have you seen those candles that have the "flame"
on a little wire and it moves according to how much
heat the little light below it puts out!
It looks like a real flame!

Sorry about the quality of pictures that follow.
It was a wonderful day.

Oh! The sights we saw!
From feathered Dining Room
To Simple Kitchen
Yeah- It WAS fun to see the 
You know what ELSE 
made us catch our breath?

My daughter-in-law wondered
if people don't really look
at themselves in the mirror.
A girl had on jeans that were
she could hardly walk.
No- they were NOT leggings-
they were good old Levi jeans!
I had a picture on here early
this morning but decided it wasn't
very nice to show you someone's butt
so I took it off.
(the picture not the butt)

MyHero says my wicked 
sense of humor is going to
backfire on me one day.
I am sure it will-
hopefully, not today,
that's why I took the 
"tight jeans on a butt" 
picture off my blog!

You wanted to see it , huh?
Well, there's an old saying-
You snooze-you lose.
Sorry, sleepyhead!

Packer Game today
so I will visit later in the day!


  1. Just beautiful! Was this in Green Bay? Wish we were still there. GO PACK!

  2. Oh I just love holiday house tours! What a fun way to kick off the holiday season and get you in the mood to break out the holiday decorations! And yes, you do have a wicked sense of humor!

  3. What a wonderful tradition with your girls!

  4. Beautiful!
    Too tight jeans? What about leggings? I have seen women who look as if they have sausages stuffed into their boots!

  5. Beautiful pictures! This really puts me in a Christmas mood. Although I love Thanksgiving, I am ready for Christmas decorations to go up. Thanks for taking us along on the tour. It was wonderful!

  6. I'm so ready to pull out Christmas decorations. Thanksgiving needs to just get over with!! Can you tell I'm not excited about hosting turkey day for Chris's family?

  7. I love to go on Tour of Homes, you get so many ideas from them. Thanks for taking us on this one with you!

  8. I guess I call myself lucky. We see enough here if Florida. You know how casual the dress is. I wonder why someone wears a swimsuit top with their shorts when we are a long way from the beach! lol Love the beautiful decorations! Hugs!

  9. LOVE house tours..especially around the holidays, this one looks like a goodie! I often wonder about how people dress too...what are THEY thinking? Enjoy your holidays and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  10. So pretty Diana... and what a fun day you all must have had... I hope your son had a wonderful birthday too!... xoxo Julie Marie

  11. Diana, You are getting into the Christmas spirit...I love seeing all the wonderful decorations. I am going to a Christmas play here in town. It's given by our community theater. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
    p.s. I remember laying down on the bed to zip my jeans...if you didn't they were too big a pair.:):) But jeans were made differently then.

  12. you are so funny!...I am heading out this afternoon for our small town Christmas home tour! Maybe posting a few pics about later myself!

  13. That a nice tradition to have with your girls, Diana. I'll bet you all got lots of ideas, too. I've not seen those candles before. They seem to come up with more realistic fake candles all the time.

  14. "I Like Big Christmases!" (...never to be "mixed" with big butts!)

  15. such beautiful ribbon with the music scores, I often wonder how people get in those jeans, I suppose they stretch, the jeans not the people, no very comfy, I'm all about comfy, lol

  16. Love the photos and the decorations, Diana!


  17. Looks like you toured some gorgeous homes with your girls! Did that girl with the tight jeans have a muffin top!
    Hugs, Penny

  18. You always crack me up! I also love (not)when people wear tights or leggings as pants-ha! :)
    Anyway, what a fun tradition you have with your girls! I wish there were holiday home tours here.

  19. Oh, thanks for sparing me! I see enough of that on the streets myself...
    Thanks for the home tour pics. It sounds like a fun day with the girls.

  20. So beautiful, Diana! Have a happy Thanksgiving,
    Shelia ;)

  21. Diana,
    You crack me up!!! The rooms look beautiful and what a wonderful amount of inspiration less the tight jeans and girl in denial!!!!! Packers!!!! Go Bears!!!!

  22. Oh that would be a pretty setting the candles.How much did they cost?

    Nice outing with your girls.

    Have a nice rest of the day.

    Ya your a naughty girl. Santa will bring you a hunk of coal in your stocking. Good job you deleted it or Sweet Cheeks would tell you something. That is not nice Nana.
    Taking pictures of fat bums.

    Atleast the gal could of covered her butt with a long top.

    It is also awful my opinion when the teen boys like Biber the singer who throws fits on stage . Wears his pants to his knees.
    I say they will be all geared up years ahead these teens when they get to be an old man.They walk like Penguins. You notice.

    They will say. Oh man. You mean to tell me I am going to go the last ten years shuffling to keep my pants up like I used too when I was a teen. I am arthritic to have to move like that at my age. Guess what? Ya!

    I think the guys are worse then the gals . What do you think?

    So are the Joe the plumbers. Well actually it was them that started the fad. Oh I better stop. See what you have me saying. I dont want coal in my stocking.Thank you very much.

    Your deco's of pictures so nice.

  23. Lovely shots of those houses, no butt intended, lol.

    They are very beautiful...lucky people who own them, already decorated, it would be fun to do that.


  24. Very beautiful homes you have in the area - I think they are beautiful, but what is best of all - you and your girls make it a family tradition. That is awesome. sandie

  25. They do it here too I haven't been for a couple of years now but always worth a look very pretty and they raise money for charity.

  26. I have only once taken a holiday homes tour and it inspired and amazed me.....but I always seem to hear about them after the fact. I have to get with the program!

    As for the girl with jeans, I saw she doesnt' know comfort like stretch knit, that's all I gotta say about them apples.

    I ♥ your wicked sense of humour. We would be true life friends, I just know it. Hugs.

  27. I love holiday house tours...these homes look beautiful!!
    Diana I would NEVER want you to lose your sense of humor;) I was in HG today and one of the girls behind the counter was wearing flashy spandex pants!!!

  28. I can always count on you for a good laugh!

  29. I have never been on a holiday house tour. I have always wanted to though. Maybe this year, I'll keep my eyes open for one around here! :)

  30. I am trying SO very hard not to let all the Christmas decor get to me until after I eat turkey.(on turkey day, I know I could just eat some anytime!) but it is getting harder and harder. Those homes are so beautiful, wish I had the strength, money, creativity to do something so over the top.
    Maybe she painted the jeans on? You see it all anymore don't you?

  31. Gorgeous tour Diana, I have those flicker candles all over our home and yes they look so real. I just got your post in my mail. They are always late sending it so I guess I missed the jeans pic !! LoL

  32. I love holiday home tours! This is a great tradition that you ladies have.

    I've often wondered if some people have mirrors in their homes & IF they do, do they ever look at themselves? I kinda think they don't. :) I've seen some of those skin tight jeans too ~ certainly not attractive. At least, IMHO.


  33. Diana, these homes look wonderful! These will certainly get one in the holiday spirit! Thank you for sharing them! The "people of Walmart"- you do wonder if some people look in the mirror! Just come south and you'll really see i to you and your family!

  34. Don't know what happened to my last comment! Let me pick up here- Just come south and you'll see it all- tank tops! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  35. We used to have a Christmas house walk here many years ago and it was wonderful to go through all the homes with all the decorations up. We would have 5 houses a year and then the historic Dr Rutherford's house on it. I don't know why they quit. Ran out of houses to do, small town. No- no one came to my house. You have to open the whole thing up...not happening here.

  36. We used to have a Christmas house walk here many years ago and it was wonderful to go through all the homes with all the decorations up. We would have 5 houses a year and then the historic Dr Rutherford's house on it. I don't know why they quit. Ran out of houses to do, small town. No- no one came to my house. You have to open the whole thing up...not happening here.

  37. I have 2 sets of those candles..Don't use them much but I think they're really cool...I used to have "decorator" trees...just 2 colors one of which was silver or gold...I had tons of tree stuff.. more..I don't even put a tree up now..Nobody sees it..I do decorate the outside of my house...Cold for a Packer game...

  38. It looks like a dreamy kind of day! Hope that you got a lot of ideas. I used to love doing the holiday house tours at Christmastime.

  39. I love going on the holiday tours! I had to laugh at the tight jeans story. Just a few weeks ago when it was warmer, I saw a girl with dimpled thunder thighs wearing the shortest shorts, a spaghetti strapped top covering her torso that sported several rolls and to complete the outfit, she had on cowboy boots! Tons of makeup on her face. I was really tempted to take a picture on my phone! LOL! What are these girls thinking???

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

  40. What a great tradition, Diana! And the girl with the painted on jeans? I saw something similar earlier this year at a restaurant, a very tall and very skinny woman, wearing "painted on" white and black striped pants! Ugh!!

  41. HA! I always wondered how people could stand wearing tight pants! It is the worst feeling ever!!! And your humor puts a smile on my face!! Those pictures are amazing! What a fun time with your girls and no I have not ever seen those candles! I have battery operated ones but not flickering ones like that...very cool! Have a lovely week you!

  42. Wish I could have joined you ladies!! Thanks for sharing those photos - they left me wanting more. XOXO

  43. Well, I snoozed and lost, didn't I? Diana, my daughter and I used to do things like this. Now she lives hundreds of miles away. I miss doing things with her so much. Did you all end up having treats somewhere afterwards?

  44. Good thing done with your girls. Candles looks good with the beautiful bow around it. Decorations are nice.

  45. I love a good Christmas home tour. I also love those candles. I need to purchase a couple soon. Oh! I wish I would have seen that "butt" butt jokes here! LOL

  46. I love going on Christmas home tours. I will have to look for those candles. hmmmmm I guess i snoozed. xo Laura

  47. Darn! I snoozed and lost. Sometimes I am tempted to take a photo of something that outrageous....but don't. I use to love touring the homes decorated for Christmas, but haven't for the last several years. Such good ideas and fun!

  48. I always wonder how they can sit down and why do they want to be so uncomfortable? That's a good way to ruin the day, if you ask me. ;)
    So glad you and the girls had a great time.

  49. I just love Holiday Homes & Tours for real or in Blogland. So many wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing your great photos.

    We saw one of those "very strange" sights the other day, too. This woman was wearing a multi-colored sweater-type hoodie with all these braided thingies hanging down the sides over a flimsy top and the shortest shorts I've ever seen. Oh, and she was wearing house slipper-type booties! She was big and those very exposed legs were white. The Man had to remind me to close my mouth and stop staring. Don't people ever look in a mirror?

  50. How much is your tour? Ours is $20 PP. A bit steep, but we still go every year. So much fun. Great Momma/daughter time.


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