
Saturday, October 5, 2013

SweetCheeks Puts Pumpkins Around The Playhouse

Is this cute, or what?
It was a late afternoon on a beautiful Fall day.
SweetCheeks went out with her little rake
and weeded in front of the fence and raked.
Then she took the grape vine left over
from her wreath project 
and strung it along the fence.
Where are you going with 
Nana's old wagon?
Around front to get some of 
YOUR pumpkins, Nana!

I see you found some!
Now what are you doing?
The pumpkins were dirty, Nana.
I'm washing them.
And now that they're clean 
she takes them along the side of the house
towards the bay.
She walks into the sunlight as only a child can
pulling her load lightly behind her.
SweetCheeks finds just the right spot
for her first pumpkin.
Then finds a home for the other two.
Then she stand back and admires her handiwork.
And, as evening sets in it is time for her to go home.
After she goes 
I look out and find a lump in my throat.
Here are the little wagon wheel marks 
she has left behind.
 I know that one day soon  she won't be pulling
that little red wagon across our lawn.
She will be off on her next big life adventure
and Nana's house 
will have lost a bit of its magic appeal.
But just for today she was mine!

I am leaving mid-morning and will be
at a seminar until late evening.
Bear with me-I will catch up as I can.


  1. Diana, This post is so sweet. It has it home with me. We need to have our grandkids over to enjoy , because all to soon they do grow up and start doing things that will not bring them to their grandparent's house. I love that SC washed those pumpkins and used the last of her grapevines. I think she's a lot like her Nana. xoxoxo, Susie

  2. Such a sweet post, Diana. I love her joy of helping you with the decorating. We need to start working on our outdoor Halloween decorations too.

  3. Oh Diana... "Nana's house" will always hold that magical appeal for her... she so reminds me of when I was a little girl... just like she is carrying those cute pumpkins in the red wagon, she will carry these memories with her the rest of her life... such precious times... the little playhouse looks darling... and so does she... now I have a lump in MY throat... this is why I tell everyone I am ten years old again many days... some days, I love being that little girl again... happy weekend to you, xoxo Julie Marie

  4. Oh Diana, how sweet and precious. I don't have grandchildren yet but someday! So glad you get to enjoy these days. Thanks for sharing them with us. You just pulled at my heart strings.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  5. I love that she washed off your dirty old pumpkins! You are so blessed to have most of the grandkidsso living so close to you and you can watch them growing up. You're living a Grandma's dream!

  6. How lovely she has made everything look. Her house is in a very desirable location overlooking the bay.

  7. What a great post Diana! I started my morning reading your blog and it reminded me of the simple and innocent pleasures in life. Red wagons and little girls, pumpkins and playhouses make those special memories that fill our hearts with joy. I especially love the view of the water, looks so peaceful. I took a moment, closed my eyes and pictured myself sitting there quietly... thank you for sharing!

  8. What a blessed little girl and how I love how she decorated her playhouse! You are also blessed to be able to enjoy her.

  9. Just so you'll know...Nana's house never loses its appeal. I still think of all my grandmothers' homes and there's appeal with each one. I'd love to be able to return.

    She has the decorating gene now doesn't she?!

  10. She is a special little girl, and methinks she takes after her nana :-) I feel just the same way you do, that soon they will be off on their own, bigger adventures, we can only hope we left them with good memories. What a wonderful post!!!!

  11. oh my, tears first thing this morning, you melt my heart,

  12. You know that no matter how old you get, Nana's house always has magic. Its the only place when you grow up where you can go back and find that little girl inside you again. She will always be that little girl around you. Have a good weekend.

  13. How cute, Diana! She did a good job taking care of the little house. It looks like you had a beautiful day that day, too.

  14. You are oh so right, I felt so wistful looking at those little red wagon tracks across your beautiful grass! Kids grow up so quickly, we need to love and appreciate every moment we have with them!
    Have a great weekend.


  15. What precious moments! So glad you are capturing them on photo and melting our hearts along the way. Lump in my throat as I see the tracks of the wagon wheel. Come on!
    My children grew up living on a lake and had adventures like that. I have beautiful pictures of them by the water.

  16. Sweet Cheeks did a wonderful job. The pumpkins were just the right finishing touch.

  17. This is such a sweet post Diana. Our time with the kids is priceless and fleeting. It's so wonderful that you've documented your relationship with your grands. I think Sweet Cheeks is a little decorator in the making.

  18. You're making me cry with the wagon wheel marks. Enjoy her while she's little, they grow up way too fast.

  19. I know all about that sort of lump in the throat!
    What a sweet post. Your little granddaughter is lovely, and I find it incredibly sweet that she loves her little house and garden at Nana's enough to care for it so well.

  20. What a heart-warming post! She's a darling and I love her sweet little house. She's definitely making it her own. Wow! I had no idea you lived on the water. What a gorgeous view. Have a great time at the seminar.

  21. Sweet Cheeks playhouse is just adorable, esp with the pumpkins. Love how she wants to decorate it. How blessed you are!

  22. She is just like her Grandma. Loves to be creative and make everything around her pretty :) How sweet!

  23. Hi Di,
    I can't believe how big she has gotten! No more baby talk and dress up in her princess outfits? It's scary how fast time flies. The playhouse looks adorable.

  24. She's grown so much over the past year, where did our little sprite go!

  25. How very sweet! Viewing this with a grandmother's heart and eyes, very sweet indeed! It does pass so quickly. Each phase is wonderful but oh for days like you had. And you know that someday her children and grandchildren will be told about this day.

  26. Your right about SC moving on to new adventures as she get older. But think of all the wonderful memories SW has of you and her. Of course you do also. I think she is so much like you. What a great nana you are to all those wonderful grands.
    Happy weekend.

  27. She has such a sweet smile. I love her playhouse and she did a fine job dressing it for Autumn. They grow so fast. She's blessed that you are keeping this blog. Don't you know one day her children will love seeing these photos.

  28. Oh, what a sweet post. That little gal has the magic touch! She may just be an interior decorator or landscape artist. Profound thought... I have several friends who have experienced the pain of losing that magic status... It hurts, but it seems to be the natural order... I lost my adopted grandson, who was seven, when his mama left our family... I'm told he cried a long time. I still keep his picture in my closet so I can whisper a little prayer for his well being.

    You enjoy every minute.

  29. And - now I have tears in MY eyes! The years pass altogether much too quickly! xo Nellie

  30. You are right -- this is cute! And by the time I got to the end, I had a lump in my throat, too. Time goes so quickly! I loved the last photo of the wagon tracks.

  31. Diana this post is adorable. Sweet cheeks is so cute. I love the little playhouse so cute and the picket fence is adorable. Have a great seminar today.

  32. This is the sweetest post, Diana...a moment in time. She is quite the little decorator, and somehow I think you've had something to do with that...

  33. Don't make me cry....too late. Baby girl wanted to bust out the red wagon today when I was painting and I said no, do the chalk instead. Now it's raining. Now I've got make sure we get it out tomorrow. It's life funny that way.

  34. So sweet..She's getting bigger for sure..Cute post..

  35. i'm pretty sure nana's house will always hold it's magic for her:) very sweet post and the little house is adorable!

  36. Such a sweet post, Diana. They just grow up too quickly. You are so lucky to be able to enjoy her company as much as you do. xo Laura

  37. So sweet! Got me all teary eyed. She's got that fall decor looking good. Love her little play house.

  38. Diana what a precious and heartwarming post. SC is such a darling and a grandmothers love like yours is touching. You've given me a lump in the throat too.
    Makin memories, m&m's
    Happy weekend

  39. Diana, I think we all have a lump in our throats and a tear in our eyes! What a precious story and post! Miss Sweet Cheeks is growing up way too fast! We have all enjoyed her sense of humor and style! It's clear to see that love abounds in your precious family!

  40. What sweet story. . Cherish and embrace every moment! She did a great job. Xo Tammy

  41. Her little house overlooking the bay is so beautiful! A very sweet post, Diana.
    btw I like the Lulu Av sign ;)

  42. Who built the play house? It is precious! And so is she.

  43. So sweet! She is getting so big! wow how time does fly.
    And Grandma's house is always special even when they have so much to do they don't get to Grandma's as often!

  44. What an amazing post!! I love it!! She is adorable! Enjoy her while you can! They grow so fast."

    Your grass is so luscious and green!


  45. Diana, what a wonderful and sweet post! Your little grand daughter is so cute! What a great day you had!! Lovely memories!

  46. Well, I got a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye reading this......they are soooo precious and I know just what you mean............I can't help thanking God for beautiful families and lives~~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

  47. Such a sweet post! Sweet Cheeks will always love her Nana, pulling a wagon or not!

  48. Hi Diana, She will still come and wrap her nana around her little finger. No matter how old they get they still come home to grandma's or mom's. She still may pull that red wagon through your yard. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  49. Diana, you gave me a lump in my throat too. What a sweet and innocent way to spend the afternoon, and how very lucky she is to have you for a grandmother!!! Something tells me all her adventures will lead back to you and your home :)

  50. She's getting so grown up! The playhouse is lovely and is her own little start at home making. She's got the decorating spot on. Mine are also getting big and always playing football or on some team or other. I have only one grand at home now so I go help out her momma and enjoy them as much as I can, but, by next week we should have another and things will get chaotic and crazy and fun! Just the way I like it.

  51. Where is their doll house? The house and the yard is pretty and I love the way the girls have decorated it for Halloween. I think grandma has taught them a lot!

  52. Totally adorable! I'm fighting tears re: your comments about her growing up & changing. It's so true! I started missing Alex &
    Abby when they got so "busy" with their activities and friends. :)
    That's the way life goes though. Just treasure the moments you're with them!


  53. Her dimples are AAAdorable! She has a great eye for decorating; very nice job on the Play House, Diana. You must be very proud!

  54. What a sweet post. The pic of her pulling the wagon and the light could be in a photo contest I think. Glad you are enjoying every minute with your grandchildren.

  55. Bittersweet memories...I know you'll be soaking up all the grandkid love for years to come, Diana. They are so lucky to have you!

  56. Oh Diana what a sweet post.I don't have Grandchildren...but I feel that way about my daughter.They grow up so fast!I cannot believe my daughter is turning 14 this year.Where do the years go?!

  57. Your house is surrounded by so much beauty, Diana, and your yard is so green and groomed. What is your secret? How fun for SweetCheeks to put pumpkins around the play house. She is having the time of her life decorating for Autumn.


  58. So, while you catch up with the cousins i am catching up on some posts I missed. you made the cutest painted pumpkins and I love the ones around Sweet Cheeks "House" Have fun, come back with great stories and pictures



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