
Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Do you know bj over at Sweet Nothings?
Did you notice she was GONE?
Now, I don't mean she DIED,
She was just GONE.

She SAYS she is olden.
She SAYS she is an airhead.
But~ do you  know what she 

She is a TREASURE!
And now she has a NEW BLOG
Here's what happened to her blog:

I lost all my sweet and loyal followers....over 1700.....I lost my original DASHBOARD and over 400 blogs that I followed. I lost my DESIGN page and LAYOUT so I lost over 200 drafts for future posts.
However,what I DIDN'T lose is my love for all of you and for blogging, itself.

So, please, please
help this dear Texas 
olden crazy head  lady
get her blog back up and running.

Just click below:

If  you are a previous follower you will be glad
to find her again.
If you don't know her yet,
you are in for a treat!
Pinky Promise!

ps.  While I am asking for "help"
can anyone tell me why my blog 
IS NOT showing up as a new post?
I have cleared all my caches and cookies
and it only shows up as a new post
once in a while.
If anyone has ANY ideas as to
how to fix that I would be 
really grateful.


  1. Your the best Diana! Going to give Bj a shout out on my end too:)

  2. Thanks for doing this. I'm an old follower and will now be a new follower. I wish I could answer your question, but I have no idea. I had that problem when I was blogging.

  3. oh no, I had that happen, how does it happen, I know BJ, I thought she took a break or something, that is so sad, I will go to her new blog,

  4. So glad you found BJ, Diana! I've re-followed her with GFC and Feedly. I'm so glad she's back in the game, and many thanks to you!

  5. Well, your blog shows up as new on my Blogger Dashboard, so I couldn't offer any suggestions about the glitch you mention. I will have to try Sweet Nothings. Have a great Tuesday! xo Nellie

  6. Diana, I'll check out BJ's blog. I can get on your site just fine. I have read plenty of mix ups on blogger. So I blame them for everything...:):) Hope your day is fun. xoxo,Susie

  7. Will definitely go over to BJ's blog. Wish I could help with the computer thing but I'm not too swift in that department. Good Luck. BTW your blog shows a new post on my blogroll.

  8. Yes! The more bloggers who get the word out!

    I wish I knew why blogs don't update. Mine didn't update yesterday for three hours. Maddening! I call them the rolling blog-outs. Sometimes it's one and other times the other.

    Hope that yours is updating properly from now on.

  9. Thanks Diana. Will do. And I don't know much about working with blogs either. I think I am seeing all your updates.

  10. I have been having the same problem with my posts not showing up as new posts. It happens intermittently. When it happens, I go back to draft status and "schedule" the post to publish in 10 or 15 minutes. So far that little trick has worked for me.

  11. What the heck, what happened? I always read BJ's blog, so I'm headin' over to find out what's up.....oh, yeah, I'm the wrong person to help you with your problem, as well. I'm completely computer illiterate.

  12. Sorry I can't help you out either!! Thanks for letting us know about BJ and also for dropping by.

  13. Hi Diana, your blog shows up as new Canada, [lol] and if it does here, then all is well.

    But I have noticed that many blog rolls are not being automatically updated..something's up.

    Poor BJ, I am going over to say hello to her.


  14. Oh no! I always dread this happening to me. I've taken to sporadically exporting my blog to my computer so I don't lose everything. Although, don't think there is anything you can do about followers and your dashboard. Time to do it again, I think! So glad you let us know about BJ and her blog, Diana!

  15. Oh, and BJ, how could I not follow someone who has a "things that make my heart sing" board too, just like I do, on Pinterest. I'm following both that, and your blog now.



  16. I have heard of other bloggers having the same thing happened to them. That's terrible. I am not a computer genius either, so I can't help with your question

  17. blogging can be stressful and uncertain...and I don't understand it...but we just have to hang in there for inspiration!

  18. I have no idea about your blogger issue! Possibly post in the blogger forum to see if others having the same problem?
    Will go check out BJ...

  19. I found BJ yesterday and I was very glad I did.

    The same thing is happening to me. My blog posts are not showing up until hours later.

  20. Diana, your post just showed up on my list today.. sometimes its slow.. I am going over to your friends blog to check it out
    have a great day.

  21. Awwww, you are SUCH a sweetie and I appreciate this post more than you can know. Thanks so so much.
    Love, bj

  22. Diana,
    I am hopping over to check BJ out now. Thanks for the info on her. Woooo Hoooo I love meeting new bloggers.

  23. Thanks for letting us know about this! Always happy to help a fellow blogger when I can!

  24. I almost forgot to come back and say thank you, Diana! I did refollow her and added her new address to my blogroll. Will leave the old one up until I know whether that's the only way of seeing her old posts.

    Thank you for helping a blog sister out in this, Diana, as you always do so willingly.

  25. Hopping over to take a look! Thanks Diana! Happy Tuesday!

  26. Thanks for introducing us, Diana. I'm headed over now!

  27. Hi Diana,
    so nice to see your comment on the blog, yes its been a while since I last posted but now that I'm retired maybe I can take it up again.
    Hugs to you my friend and thank you for remembering that I'm out there :)

  28. Hi
    Nice of you to do this post, I went over and followed. Must be hard to lose all that she worked for.
    Blessings today

  29. Diana, I know all about blog changes and the like. Ugh! It can be maddening. I will head over to the new space and say hello.

    In the meantime, I see my blog on your sidebar is pulling from my OLD blog address. You'll have to go into your widget and add my new address as a new blog. I know, it's a real pain, but thank you. New address is:

  30. Wish I could help you with that one but I am an idiot with all this stuff. I wouldn't even be able to tell if I was showing up as a new post Diana :)))))))) So glad you told us about bj. I didn't know that had happened.
    Have a great afternoon!
    many hugs...

  31. Heading over now. As for the other problem, I am definitely computer illiterate. It takes me 5 hours to do what someone else does in 5 minutes :)

  32. Hi Diana, thank you for letting us know what happened to bj. I went right over and followed again.
    You are such a dear and always so helpful. Bless Your Heart!!

  33. Thanks for letting us know. I miss BJ!!!! I will be following again! xo

  34. I don't think I knew her - I will check her out - you are such a sweet friend.

    I think your post showed up new for me.


  35. I didn't follow her, but I do now.

  36. Oh my, I adore bj! I just figured she was so busy with having just moved that she hadn't had a chance to blog. What on earth happened? I do miss bloggers when they are gone. Three that I love and have not been on for ages is Chenille Cottage, Stonehouse Living, Old Time Pickers. I hop over now and then, but still nothing. Makes me worry! I will hop over to bj's! Thanks for helping her. Sorry I'm no help with your problem.

  37. I do periodically back my blog up to my computer, think I will do it now!! I don't know this lovely lady, but any friend of yours is a friend of mine! I'm headed that way!


  38. Diana, thank you for letting me know. I'm sick for BJ. I'll go right over now!

  39. Hi Diana: Thank you for the encouraging word today. I will stop by and visit BJ. Thanks also for letting us know. Blessings, Martha

  40. Diana, you are our salvation. Thanks for all the great things you do and I wouldn't even have to line out the computer idiot!!! in regards to me..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  41. My blog post today is about your big question. I too have issues. Going to check out your sweet friend!

  42. A friend of yours is a friend of mine...can't wait to go visit.

  43. That's so weird, Diana, because I just went to visit another blog friend, and her post showed up as an old one. Her new one wasn't showing. Go figure, right? Hope you get things worked out.


  44. love that she didn't give up:) sorry, i don't know an answer for your problem, diana:( it looks like others have the same problem, though. hope someone can help.

  45. Hi Diana, the Fairy blog mother is working with BJ on trying to get her blog back....meaning me.... I see there is such a great need for my services. It's great you did a special post for BJ. I am recovering from my second surgery. I hope life is treating you well. xo Linda


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