
Friday, October 25, 2013

LOOK AT THIS HOUSE My Daughter Found!

I was gone all day yesterday.
I drove South about 100 miles to look at
with my daughter.
I won't post the address yet 
or tell you just where it is
but it is in their scope.
It needs work.
Quite a lot of work...
 WHERE do you find walls that are this thick?
You find it in a house that was built in the 1860's!
This is a kitchen window with original sill.
There are lots of original features 
but the bathrooms have been updated beautifully.
There's a nice big living room
To the left you can see the front door with transom.
Front side porch off the kitchen
Back side porch & pergola off the kitchen
Kitchen is a gut job-plain & simple.
Except the original brick floor and wall would stay.
That's a small pantry on the far right.
So....This MIGHT be the home for two little boys
and a brand new baby girl to grow up in.
It MIGHT be their forever home.
Can't you see those little guys scrambling around 
the barn that sits behind the house?
IF they get the house I found a 
for them.
A MOOOOOVING statue for their front yard.
Shhhhhhhh.....I want it to be a total surprise!

I have some sweet little girls here
for the weekend so I will visit
as I can today!


  1. What an interesting and fantastic home. The barn is great! Keep us posted.

    Hope you have lots of fun this weekend.

  2. I love old houses like that ! Hope they can get it if they want it! :)

  3. OMGoodness! It looks like a French farmhouse! What a dream! I wish your "loves" their dream! (mmmooooowah!)

  4. It is a lovely home, what a treasure! The barn looks awesome too! I am excited for them!

    Sounds like you will be enjoying your weekend lots! Hope that you have loads of fun with the girls!!!

  5. I love the house Diana . The housewarming present, not so much. :):) You make me start my day with a laugh. Keep us posted about the house...a lot of history there. xoxo,Susie
    p.s. hug the girls for me.

  6. I'll bet you know someone who took on a project like this eleven years ago and is still in the process of putting the finishing touches on things ... I'll give you a hint ... ME!!

    Here's my two cents: Make sure that your daughter hires a home inspector who has experience with old houses and who LIKES old houses. A regular run-of-the-mill home inspector will note things like non GFI outlets and the potential for lead paint (duh). What she really needs to know is the major stuff. (Our inspector wasn't worth doodly, but we didn't know that at the time.)

    This house has great potential. I'm sure that kitchen has scared off more than one potential buyer, but we both know that kitchens can be fixed. (save the cupboards to use elsewhere, of course) I hope it works out for your daughter!!

  7. It's a beautiful house. If I had the money, I would love to take on a project like this. I've always dreamed of taking an old house and fixing it MY way.

    Your housewarming gift made me smile. You are too much!

  8. Ha Ha Diana love the cow. If that doesn't say welcome or run (not sure) I do not know what does!! This house is so full of sweet character and ohhhhh the fun in fixing it up. I hope they can get it. That barn would make a great guest house or work room. Too amazing all of it and the town oh my great place to live.

  9. What a wonderful old house! A great fixer upper. I can just imagine how it will look after renovations.

    The cow is cute. Maybe the kids will let you keep it for them in your front yard. :-)

  10. They MUST buy it! That house has some great bones and is amazing!!

  11. Beautiful home, Diana. Oh yes, that cow statue would just make the property. I know the neighbors would just love it, too. ; )

  12. Diana..Congratulations on having a sweet baby girl!! Girls are so much fun! Just look at those cute little great grand girls we have!


  13. Gorgeous.. such potential!! Love the barn! Enjoy your weekend Diana! V

  14. the outside is beautiful, the inside is fixable, the cow is just a little too much...just a little. lol

  15. Oh my goodness, when can I move in? That house is amazing and then there's that big beautiful barn! So perfect for a young family. I can just imagine the kids growing up here! Wow!!!

  16. I love it! I hope they do get it. It would be a wonder forever home and once you do that kitchen, it would be so awesome. But she would have to have all the Christmas dinners there. Its just that awesome. Congrats on the baby girl for her.

  17. Oh my gosh, it is fabulous!!The work and detail put in is so beautiful and you sure cant find it in homes built today!! I sure hope they get it, what a beautiful home to raise a family in!!

  18. What an incredible house! I'm hoping they decide on the house just so we get to take peeks at it when she's moved in.

  19. What a gorgeous old home! How's the furnace? The statue is priceless! Yes, that'd be quite the shock...surprise...something! LOL!

  20. That house is a dream!!!! Oh my would I love a house like much character!!! Please keep us in the loop with this one!!!

  21. Sounds like a nice renovation project!! I love old houses they have that charm and character that new houses don't.. and oh boy when they get that surprise!!

  22. Oh, I hope they get it! I would love to see what she does with it. And pardon me, but mom's mooove in present might not be so present, in fact, quite hidden away!

    You're a pistol, Diana.

  23. I love the house, I hope that they get it. What fun to fix up things and a barn for those boys - what a treat. Have fun with your little girls - they will keep you hopping.
    Have a great fun weekend.

  24. This is a beauty!! I hope it works out and I think that present would be so very much appreciated, by them and all their new neighbors!! :)

  25. Just love the cow my blog is mc images my header was a mad cow

  26. It is beautiful - so they won't be too far from you either - which is wonderful. My son and his wife bought one - and I have to warn you it is a lot of work - but you all seem like you can handle it.

    Love the cow!!!!!!!!!!


  27. Oh! It is all together wonderful. A house of dreams and a perfect place for a family to grow in.
    Smiles, Dottie

  28. I am squealing with delight!!! reminds me so much of our 822..she will be in heaven! be glad you live an hour away if you know what I mean!

  29. I think it is gorgeous! I would be chomping at the bit to buy it even with the kitchen needing a total redo. The thing about it is she can do it exactly the way she wants...and that's a house with some really great bones.

  30. I think it is gorgeous! I would be chomping at the bit to buy it even with the kitchen needing a total redo. The thing about it is she can do it exactly the way she wants...and that's a house with some really great bones.

  31. Amazing house! That barn would be perfect for those children! Also, that "mooving" statue would fit right in.:-) xo Nellie

  32. Fabulous house! I could spend a lot of time looking at all the interesting parts. Those walls should help with keeping the coolness and warmth in. Great insulation! I would die for window sills like that. I can see the boys sitting in them, lol. Now those cute boys wouldn't do that...would they? I have to go back and look at the pictures again. I know I will see even more then I did the first time I looked.

  33. What a gorgeous home, Diana! I love old stone homes, I think older homes have so much more character than brand new and bland houses! The kitchen, well, not so much!! I also really love the barn, hope they find the perfect home for them!! Have fun with the girls this weekend, give them big hugs from me!!

  34. This old house is spectacular!!!! What a perfect place for children to grow-up in! I LOVE it...hope it all works out and they have nothing but happiness!!! : ) hugs...

  35. I sure hope your daughter gets that house. It is fabulous. I love old houses. The have so much charm and character. Looks like a great place to raise a family.

  36. Even though it may be old, some of those homes are better built than today's. Trust all goes well with the purchase. It looks like a grand old home. Thanks always for your visits, but most of all for becoming one of my followers. I truly appreciate it.

  37. Can I live in their barn? I promise I won't eat too much. I adore the entire house except for the cabinets painted with vines on them in the kitchen photos. Those have to go. Just don't move them into my barn.

  38. Gorgeous. I absolutely love old houses, their architecture and the history. I bet it would be just beautiful...and you simply cannot have a barn without a cow! :)

  39. What a FABULOUS house! I love it! As to the barn with cow...them that can milk, gets to.
    Words of wisdom here...

  40. Wow what a great house..."good bones" I would say! Yes a lot of work but if they are up to it I so appreciate people who bring those beauties back to life. keep us posted

  41. Wow, what a gorgeous home. You just don't get details and charm like that these days. I do hope it all works out, what a perfect home for your grandchildren to grow up in.

  42. Love the house..lots of charm..Old houses scare me..good bones but a lot of money and work to restore them..You're good at that..It should be thought of as a forever home under those circumstances..Sorry..I'm just too practical..and with three little ones...:) It could be gorgeous for sure your cow..Fun touch..only you..

  43. OMG! I adore you! You make me laugh every time I need it! LOVE the housewarming gift....(and the house is awesome too)!

  44. What a beautiful home. Lots of potential! Love the cows! LOL

  45. Diana, this is a lovely home! She has her Mom's genes in fixing up older homes; doesn't she? I can only imagine it with the boys running through it! Truly a beautiful home!

  46. Very, very cool house Diana. Is she really in love with it? I can see it- lots of work but so worth it!
    YOur housewarming gift is lovely, ya nut!

  47. Hi there, First congrat's to the entire family. I have eleven grands but only three are boys. O.k.-so I have to say I love the house(I hope they are buying it)but I think that Cow belongs in your yard-lol. Love the nursery you showed too. Hope you have a fabulous weekend my friend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  48. I LOVE that place! Oh I hope they get it!

  49. AWESOME home! I sure could live there! I hope they get it, if they want it!

  50. OH MY, awesome is the word. Can I live in the barn. This is a dream. After a positive home inspection by a structural engineer. Go, Go, Go!
    I would love to watch the restoration process.
    Hugs, Ginger

  51. Wow, that's not a house, it's a mansion...They just have to get much work, but so perfect!


  52. Looks like a great house with good bones, Dianna!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  53. OMGoodness, it is gorgeous!
    I love old stone houses.
    I hope it works out for them.

  54. This could be amazing, but lots of work. I defiantly can see the potential for awesomeness!!! Looks like you all have a project!! Can't wait to read about this if this works out.

  55. GORGEOUS! So much character and the possibilities are limitless! Hope this is the one, just love it!

  56. LOVE THE HOUSE!!! WOW, absolutely wonderful, I sure hope they go for it because I'd love to see how they make it their home. gorgeous stone work and i love the bathrooms!

  57. That house has so much potential! A wonderful place to raise a family. Love the Moooooooooo lady. Well maybe not LADY since she's flashing everyone! Haha! I love it!

  58. Love that house, Diana, My daughter and her family bought the oldest surviving farmhouse in Atlanta, They are fixing it up slowly, but loving their life in it. I think they will be absolutely thrilled with your gift. I suggest putting it front and center where no one can miss it. LOL
    xo Laura

  59. Wow Diana...the house is a gem!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that the two soon to be big brothers will have a new place to share with their little sister (congrats)!!

  60. What a beautiful old house, I love it! It would be a great place for the grands to grow up in.

  61. That looks like a home straight out of country living magazine. What a treasure! The possibilities are endless. Love that barn too! I am excited for them!

  62. I love when houses are unique and not a cookie cutter of the other houses in the neighborhood. So much charm potential.

    Now about that cow . . .

  63. That is beautiful, it would make a wonderful family home.
    Mind you, if I was your daughter I would be tempted to tell you I had moved to another address, so that you could send your housewarming gift there!

  64. What a great home, I hope they get it!! Keep us updated. XO

  65. drool!!!!! And we are having a little girl too about that exact same date :)

  66. Oh my!! I love old houses and that one looks wonderful! A lot of work perhaps, but oh the end result would
    be wonderful!

  67. OMGosh, what a fabulous home! I am crossing my fingers for them!!!

  68. Gorgeous! Crossing my fingers for they to get a good deal ;)

  69. Oh i hope they buy it!! Think of all the fun you'll have watching them restore it!

  70. This house makes me happy! How wonderful to sit on THAT toilet with the columns surround. How important I would feel.. hahaha.
    I love the brick floors in the kitchen and the porches... how fun to decorate them! LOVE the barn. I hope they get this house so we can follow along on all the updates!


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