
Thursday, September 26, 2013

French Provincial End Table ReDo

Bonjour or Good Morning
French or English- Take your pick..
Want to see what I have been up to?
Pretty darned cute, huh?
Paris inspired!
Simple and sweet.

It didn't start out so cute!
It was REALLY REALLY dirty
and pretty beat up.
I didn't have any white chalk paint
so I scrubbed her down and used good old
Behr ultra white in a semi gloss.
Two coats did it.
There is no distressing on this piece.
Distressing, isn't it?;>)
I lined the drawer with some 
"watercolor" wallpaper that I 
have had for at least 15 years.
Anyway- I think it turned out pretty cute
and this is going in some sweet girl's 
Paris themed bedroom.

And speaking of Paris~
When MyHero and I got married he
promised to take me to Paris for our
5th anniversary.  
He came through on his promise. He did!
He took me to Paris.
Paris, Wisconsin!
It coniists of a few houses and 
some closed down stores.
How about THIS place?
Now-Look at the top of that picture.
Does it?
Welcome to my world!


  1. You did a great job on the table! Love your "Paris"! Hope you have a good day, just call me Missy

  2. Love your table and love PARIS, WI!
    Its smaller than our Paris,Il. We may not have the Eiffel Tower, but we do have a Burger King. What paper did you use in the drawer and did you stick it on permanently or just lay it in there?

  3. Diana, You did another great paint job. Love the little table. It will look good in your g.daughter's room. Don't you wonder , who named all the other towns Paris , and why? Hope you are enjoying your crisp fall weather.xoxo,Susie

  4. Cute little table, Diana! That is probably as close to Paris I will ever get too.

  5. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!! Toooooooo Funny! Love it.
    I think we have a Paris Illinois too!!!

    Love the end table so pretty.

  6. Love the table Diana!! LOL about Paris!!! Have a good day. V

  7. LOL!! You could always imagine it was the Eiffel Tower!

  8. I forgot to mention that you did a lovely job on the furniture! very nice!

  9. Oh, you are so funny! You did a great job on that table. Some little princess will be thrilled with it!

  10. See, this is why we need to be specific with our husbands, Diana! The table looks great. I love pieces like this; they have such a great shape to them.

  11. Beautiful table!!! I didn't know there was a Paris Wi....LOL. sounds like something my hubby would do.

  12. Haha! So my husband has another brother I didn't know about before! :-) We also have a New Berlin, just in case anyone's been promised a trip to Berlin. lol

  13. the table turned out beautiful and I think your husband has a sense of humor like yours!!!!!lol,

  14. You always crack me up. You are so funny. I think that little house looks charming and country living at its best though I bet it gets pretty cold there.

  15. LOL.... well... sometimes it's just good to get away. No matter what your budget. But - if I couldn't go to the real Paris, I think I could find a pretty place.

  16. Too funny Diana! In Maryland, we have Hollywood and California...LOL. You table looks great by the way!! Enjoy your day, Gail

  17. Your table turned out beautifully Diana!... love those little bunnies too... I went to Paris once... (Paris, Idaho)... just not the same... no Eiffel Tower, no Louvre... I didn't even see a French poodle there... xoxo Julie Marie

  18. That's like that trip to London - London, KY!:-)

    Marvelous work on that table for that special bedroom! She'll love it!

    xo Nellie

  19. The finished table in white looks grand.

  20. Too funny! I guess you will have to leave it to my sister, Kim, to share her pics of her trip to France with you. Then you can show your husband what you're really talking about! LOL! I bet the Paris themed bedroom is going to turn out so cute.

  21. Love seeing the "crafty" side of you...great job! Aren't hubbies frustrating...Paris,Wisconsin....just like a man! Hugs, Penny

  22. Gotta love Paris, WI!!!! Too funny!
    Great job on the end table.
    Where ya been? I haven't seen you much lately at UA??? xo

  23. If you close one eye and blink really fast, it does look like the Eiffel Tower :)

  24. Hubby and I almost got married in Paris!

    Paris Arkansas, that is.

  25. I have a table like that I was planning to redo. Yours turned out beautiful! I haven't been to Paris yet either, but I've been to Perris, California!

  26. Too funny.
    The table turned out really cute. Gotta love the magic of paint!

  27. You are so funny, it does look like it to me, lol. You did an amazing job with the little side table, I loved how it turned out. So glad you picked white, it so lovely. The lining of the drawer is such a finished touch, I so need to do that.
    Sending blessing,

  28. You are too funny. I do love the table, though. nice work. Linda

  29. Belly laugh here!!!! Now this story is too dern cute..right down to the Eiffel Tower. It's finding the beauty in things, right? And speaking of finding beauty, I love that you made the cranky little table back to beautiful.


  30. I love your paris memories. My honey has promised a trip to Hawaii when I'm 40. I'm about to google to make sure there isn't a Hawaii Texas :-) And I don't find it distressing at all that you didn't distress. I think the new do is crisp, clean, fresh and perfect!!

  31. Your sweet table turned out cute and I love the bunnies! I've been to Paris, too...Paris Texas! heehee!

  32. My mister took me to Italy, Texas... not to brag or anything. Love the table and the gorgeous paper inside. Tres bien!

  33. The table makeover is great! I'm getting ready to paint a whole bedroom set similar to this style for my girlfriend whose house burnt down. Wish me luck! for travels...Jim says he's take me around the World...showcase in Epcot!!

  34. Sounds like one of the promises mine has made to me over the years-usually they don't come to pass. We do have incredible men though don't we.
    Hugs, Noreen

  35. He could have taken you to Paris, Idaho!

  36. And a Paris, Texas! I haven't had the pleasure of either but I'm not dead yet!
    Another catastrophe saved by the power of paint. Whew!
    I like your teacup.

  37. You made my day. You are hilarious and talented too.



  38. Love your table! So pretty! And you can not say you have not seen the Eiffel Tower. Lol.

  39. Sweet table! I like a gal who bucks the trend. Unfortunately, I live only a few miles from Paris and they have a few Eiffel Towers, too. Hope that you get to visit the Paris of your dreams one day with him or without him.

  40. Bahahaha!!! That's as close to an Eiffel tower as I'll ever get! Love this little story!! The table is very pretty. Sometimes I like plain ol fashioned paint for a project. What a concept ;-)

  41. That was cute! Hey, I've been to Paris, Texas, does that count too? [giggle]

    God bless. ~:)

    (Popped over from Blueberry Lane's blog. She's also a very dear friend of mine.)

  42. Opps, I meant Blackberry Lane. I must have Blueberry's on my mind! (Duh) ha ha

  43. Too funny, Diana...but hey, he did keep his word! The table is beautiful. I love white pieces. Have a great weekend!

  44. Love the little table. So cute.

    About Paris, we have a Paris, Texas. Will that work?

  45. Beautiful job on the sweet little table! I love it!

  46. That did turn out cute! Love that the interior of the drawer has a nice liner!
    You are too darn funny! Paris, Wisconsin!! LOL... hey my hubby took me to Christmas, Michigan!! A couple of real romantics huh!!

  47. I really like that little table. It kind of reminds me of the set that the girls used to have growing up. It was a French Provincial set with a dresser and hutch and two nightstands. Can you believe I gave it away? Now, I'm sorry I did. You did a great job on the table, Diana. And I know I've mentioned before, but I LOVE that red tea cup.


  48. Love the table - it looks great! Wow you been to Paris LOL... I bet he is going to surprise you one of these days and take you to Paris, France.
    Have a Happy Fall weekend.

  49. What a pretty little table. You sure had your work cut out for you on that piece! Glad to see you've been to the real Paris. That place overseas just wishes it could compete with Paris, Wisconsin.

  50. Your table is just beautiful, Diana! Some girl will be so lucky to have it in her bedroom! Boy, you had better tell your Hero that he needs to get busy and take you to Paris, FRANCE right away! Sure hope you didn't try and climb that "Eiffel Tower" :)!

  51. Too funny, Diana! I'm from Rome, Georgia, so I completely understand! I love the night stand! It's perfect for the Paris bedroom!

  52. Great job!! I thought perhaps you were going to say Paris, TX. LOL You could still make that destination and then come further south and see me. :)


  53. How cute is that..much better than that long plane ride! You can be happy in any , anywhere
    named Paris!

    Flora Doora

  54. Oh my gosh I am laughing so hard you wouldn't believe. Well, he is a man of his word! Love it. sandie

  55. Oh Diana, you make me laugh so much, my hubs would do the same. I think you did a fantastic job on the table! So pretty!

  56. Unlike Linda at A LA Carte....atleast you didn't have to worry about your luggage being lost.....twice.

  57. Unlike Linda at A LA Carte....atleast you didn't have to worry about your luggage being lost.....twice.

  58. Too funny! Good thing you're a good sport!

    The table turned out great. You really gave her a sweet makeover!

  59. You did a really great job on the table. My husband took me to Paris, Texas once!


  60. Oh my goodness sweet friend, you're a TOTAL DIYer!!! I love your Frenchy table, you did a magnificent job, I would have nevert thought it was beat up before! I love it!
    Yes, the beans are to keep dough down from bubbling, but than I should just pinch it, but it really comes out very flat on the bottom with the beans, though. I also did cut strips for the job in the past, but this little cutter it's fun and perfect...I bet our Sweet Cheeks would love it! Big hugs,

  61. Oh and Paris Texas is histerical! I'm so ignorant, I didn't even know there was one in Texas, let alone the USA, lol!!!

  62. I swear I cannot keep a straight face while reading your blog. Love it!! I have the same night stand and huge dresser which are both on my list to paint. Still deciding on color though. You did a beautiful job on yours!

  63. That night table looks brand new. You worked a miracle with that paint. It came out so pretty. If I take my glasses off and squint, yes, I do think that is the Eiffel Tower. Now make him take you to the real one. I bet you've earned it.

  64. Start saving and go to Paris with a girlfriend if hubs won't take you!

    Seriously, EVERYONE needs to see Paris at least once in his/here life.

    It's incredible. Worth every dime spent.

    GREAT job on that end table - some little girl is going to love that! ♥

    Have a GREAT weekend. Hugs.

  65. Awesome makeover Diana...that little table looks great! You always leave me smiling:)

  66. The table is great.

    And you made me laugh. Well at least it was sorta shaped like the Eiffel Tower :)

  67. It's the thought that counts? No it isn't. I go to an auction once a month in Paris, Ontario. It has a very impressive water tower. That table is perfect for the fashionista's room! What a good grandma you are.

  68. Ha! That is too funny!!! Your piece is beautiful!!!!! Crisp and sleek! And I love what you have done with lining the drawer! AMAZING!!! Have a wonderful weekend ahead!!!

  69. Oo, la,la! Love it, love it! You know how white excited me! I have found that the Behr paint covers just as well, just gives a glossier finish and sometimes you want that look and easier to clean! Thanks always for your sweet comments. And hey, I personally like the Paris that you went to!

  70. LOL about Paris.

    Love the white table. I think the Behr paints looks great!

  71. That is a very pretty makeover, I think someone is going to be very pleased.
    I have been catching up with your posts that I missed while I was away. Your questions have had me laughing away to myself.

  72. Well, now, I think you should start working on him to take you to the other Paris (wink, wink)! And great table makeover, by the way!

  73. Diana, the table looks great! I'm still cracking up about your trip to Paris! My god you're funny!

  74. LOL! Too funny! We have a nearby town named Paris too. Love the sarcasm! Hugs, Leena

  75. Hi Diane, The table turned out so cute. It will certainly enhance that little someone"s room.
    I am probably the ONLY person in blogland who doesn't like chalk paint or distressed furniture. Shhhhh! I would much rather distress the furniture myself. As in, kicking Bob under the table!

  76. Love that sweet table! You did a beautiful job!

  77. My Granddaughter got to go to Paris.

    Buying till she dropped. She was not a shopper till she got there.

    Oh my. We dont ask.

    I am laughing at your pix. That will be me. Paris.

    Oh your a hoot.

    Love your table.


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