
Friday, August 23, 2013

Sweet Summer Sights And Smiles And Sighs

I don't know about you but I can't believe that 
Long before Pinterest I saved images
the old fashioned way in loose leaf notebooks.
I have hundreds-maybe thousands of images-
all categorized (it's a sickness)
If any of these are your images
let me know and I will gladly  give you credit.

What does late summer look like to me?
The leaves and grass are still green but the 
wheat fields are ready to harvest-
golden and ripe.
The hay is baled and will be used for feed
when winter's blanket covers the frozen tundra.
You see a butterfly here and there.
They move languidly and know there is
not much summer time left for them.
Farmers Markets are full of bountiful harvests.
I do remember this image is from Bucks Co, PA.
Close to my old home.
Summer days play out quickly.
They leave us with shorter days and cooler nights.
Nights that are perfect for a bonfire.
Schools throw their doors open to welcome
students back.
SweetCheeks is going off to first grade.
Last year she had a 
I'm hope she is, once again, the
Apple of her teacher's eye.
And NOT THIS kind of apple!
Nope- I hope she is THIS kind of apple
Bright and sweet and just a little nutty!

God bless our teachers as they
go back to school and shape our
children's lives.

I'm not quite ready for Fall yet.
Nope!  I am holding onto summer
just a bit longer.
Just a few more warm, balmy days.
Just a few more sweet mornings
drinking coffee on the porch.
Just a few more days.....

How about you?
Are you ready for Fall?


  1. *sigh* I have to show up on Monday!

  2. Summer is over here :( . The first week of school is already over. There is already homework, lunch making and yelling and nagging. Funny thing, it is still a million degrees out and 100% humidity!

  3. I am most definitely NOT ready - another blog mentionned Christmas this morning - uh uh - no way - it's summer time for me - not letting go this easy............I think when you live in a 4 season climate you tend to hang on to summer kicking and screaming when you realize it's almost over.
    But they are gorgeous images Diana!!!

  4. No, I want to cling on to summer for as long as I can. Lovely pic of SweetCheeks and her teacher, she always looks so pretty.

  5. Cute post Diana... I am sooo ready for Fall!... we have had 100 degree temps, rationed water and wildfires for weeks now... time for some rain and cooler weather... and relief for our poor firefighters... good luck to Sweet Cheeks!... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. Diana, My sister has been looking through her fall decorations...not me. I am like you holding on to is down to less than a month officially. Yes, we need to give credit to all our wonderful teachers. Pray for all our young ones going back to school. Have fun today sitting out to enjoy your summer. xoxo,Susie

  7. I cannot do much about it to come but most Falls in Canada are beautiful days of walks, sun up to Nov .

    Then the only thing that comes after for is the Winter.

    The downfall of it is people driving in it. At times ice, sleet.
    Not good.

  8. I'm enjoying cooler mornings myself. School is back in session and I'm looking forward to Fall. I'm hoping that it brings us dryer weather too. We've had so much rain this summer, that our backyard is like a swamp! I hope "Sweet Cheeks" has a great school year this year.

  9. I always feel that way, too, Diana. Although, it does tend to stay pretty warm through to October. I love the simplicity of just wearing shorts, a tee or tank, and flip flops. We are counting down the days here going by when they close the pools ~ Labor Day weekend. We are trying to get quite a few pool days in before that happens.

  10. So inspiring and so true. Hard to believe how fast it all went. Our boys started back at school Wednesday. They are loving their teachers so far.

  11. I am not ready for the storms but the cooler evenings would be nice. We are still warm here. It dropped to 89 yesterday.

  12. I am holding onto summer, too! But - it's been in the mid-90's all week so it's still summer here. :-)

  13. Hi Diana,
    I am with you on holding onto summer. My flowers are looking so good I cannot even think about doing any fall decor yet. Sweet Cheeks will have so much fun in all day school. She will have so many friends with her great personality. Ohhhhh they grow up too fast!!!

  14. One more week before Labor Day! Schools here have been in session for two weeks already! I am glad I'm retired!:-)

    Sending the best to SweetCheeks - and all the others who are beginning the school year as well.

    xo Nellie

  15. I bet Sweet Cheeks keeps the classroom going, I tell ya. I would have loved to have head her in my class when I taught school! Too, too cute! So happy school has started back. We need some normalcy!

  16. Love the pics and nostalgia! It's quite a thought, isn't it? They're back in two weeks here! The corn is in and our neighbour is kindly sharing the aroma of muck spreading with us! Yes....autumn is approaching. Joan

  17. I am so ready for fall - not that we really get one here in Sunny So CA.
    But I love to see the leaves change and all the autumn decorations. I miss the change of seasons but not the snow, ice and wind.
    Hope SC gets a terrific teacher.

  18. SO not ready!!! I live in Mich I like fall! don't get me wrong.. but I know what comes next! and that well I DO NOT LIKE IT! I live right by the lake no not the up north one but a beautiful lake called walled lake and when I see it frozen over in the winter and all the boats gone it makes me sad! btw that sweet cheeks cracks me up! love hearing all her stories! hows the cookie cart going? haven't heard anymore about it but that cart is darling!
    Kim Buca

  19. Wonderful pictures.
    That first picture, how did you get so much yellow into it? Looks like a dream road :-)

  20. Hi there, When my girls were in Elementary School I always hated the end of summer and the beginning of school-I'd rather have them home. We are beginning to feel Fall in the air once again-it is just too early. I love fall but not ready for summer to bid adieu just yet. I'm sure Sweet Cheeks will be the hit of her class.
    Have a blessed day my friend.

  21. Why is it that summer always goes fast, no matter what age you are?

    It must be that eternal youthful feeling of summer that is just too hard to say goodby to.


  22. We've had so much rain here this summer that it's like it never was summer. I'm hoping for a mild and DRY fall!

  23. Hard to believe SC is headed to 1st grade. All the best to her!
    I am definitely ready for fall. We live close to a Bavarian Alpine Village (Helen GA) that is spectacular to visit in Autumn! We have not had many day trips due to so much rain this summer.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  24. I always resist saying I'm ready for fall because it means winter is next, but I do enjoy fall a lot. It's a beautiful time of the year for so many reasons. I'm enjoying every ounce of summer one way or another.
    I've been noticing all the stores are already putting out fall/Hallloween stuff and some dare even to show Christmas stuff! I could scream when I see it so early!! SweetCheeks is a cutie and I hope she enjoys first grade! It's a very important time for kids.

  25. The pictures were PERFECT for the end of summer. I wish Sweetcakes the best year. And I like nutty and chocolate covered apples! sandie

  26. Yes!
    I am ready for cooler weather (long way off), chili, college football, etc.

    But it is still in the 100's here1


  27. I'm ALWAYS ready for fall! I know Sweet Cheeks will be the sweet apple! To me the sound of fall is the cicadas... But I grew up calling them locusts. Are you in Green Bay? And des that make you a Packer fan?

  28. Ah summer you are losing it we are catching it, we will look after it and throw it back when it's time.

  29. to me, fall means everything in the garden starts dying, so, i'm not a fan. beautiful pics. and sweet cheeks will always be the apple of someone's eye, right, nana?:) happy weekend!

  30. I agree with you! I am not ready for summers end.Unfortunately our summer break has ended.But I am still holding on to the summer flowers...soft breezes..and long nights.

  31. I'm definitely not ready for fall. Freshmen arrived to my University this week. Lots of nervous faces. I'm still thinking of summer fun and easier schedules.

  32. First grade ~ my favorite grade to teach. ;-)

  33. Diana,
    I have to say that I'm ready for Fall, because it is my favorite season of all. I love all the seasons, but as I get older, I don't like the hot weather too much. I do hope SweetCheeks has a wonderful school year, and yes, Bless our teachers. What would we do without them? Jess has an interview for a teaching job at an elementary school. Wish her luck.


  34. although I l.o.v.e. fall I am desperately trying to eek out a few more summer days, or what we refer to as Indian Summer. I'm not ready for August to bid farewell...sounds like we were cut from the same cloth, I saved images also!

  35. Our late summers (according to calendar dates) are not much different than early summer ... hot, hot, and hot. But ... there will be a sign of change soon. It always happens and when it does, my heart does a little dance.

    Love your images.

  36. I am hanging on and hanging out. xo Ginger

  37. I am not quite ready for fall yet, I think maybe mid sept I will be ready for some cool weather...loved your pictures..Phyllis

  38. I'm ready for fall, they are telling us that we are having a row of 90+ days, I want the 75 days.

  39. I've been ready for fall since June..not a fan of summer..I grew up near Bucks county..not far from there now..

  40. What lovely photos you've shared; I love them all.
    Wishing Sweet Cheeks a fun, learning and nutty year!
    Me? I'm SO ready for fall. Our summers are so hot, humid and stifling. Our fall is short, but very much welcome to us South Floridians!

  41. A big **SIGH**! I do not like the heat, but DO like the mornings sans alarm clocks. Looks like you've been busy in your basement. We do not have basements in CA---wish we did! Enjoy the end of August. By the way, I said a prayer for your friend.


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