
Saturday, August 3, 2013

What's Rose And Turquoise And Staged All Over- The Family Room!

This is only a partial view of the 
Family Room.
It is down one step from the dinette.
It closes off with 
(which I don't have a picture of this time).
Ruth has always loved the colors of
rose and turquoise
so that is what we are working with here.
Once again, they did not have to 
buy a single item to stage this room.
This beautiful piece sits just inside
the doors to the right.
The light hit that clock face full force and almost blinded me!
Ruth has her large collection of 
Romantic Homes and Victoria, 
plus some china, stored inside.
I guess this is the only picture I took of that room
as we were packing up.
 Once the hutch was taken to auction
we re-positioned  the sofa and 
brought the chairs close to the fireplace.
This is that same corner now.
She already had all the oil paintings.
The one over the sofa moved from a bedroom
to this room.
To the left of the French doors sits a grand piano.
 This is looking along the left wall towards
the fireplace and other corner.
The blinds in this room are copper,
as are in the rooms throughout the house,
  and cast a rosy glow 
when hit by the sun.
Below is the view
dead center from the dinette looking into the room.
As in the other rooms, the carpeting will most likely
be replaced and there is an allowance for that in the price.
The mantle is an antique one they added to the home
several years ago.
It's amazing what you can do with someone's things,
isn't it?
All this furniture will go to auction, too,
when the house sells.
Except for this chair and footstool-
a family heirloom.
So far so good, huh?
Tomorrow- I will tell you about the
elephant in the bedroom!
You'll want to see that!


  1. Wow Diana - she has some gorgeous pieces - what a world of difference it would have made if she'd agreed to get rid of the carpets!!!!!!
    You've done a wonderful job!

  2. Diana, Your friend has some really beautiful things. I would love that piano. You have done a great job with the staging. xoxo,Susie

  3. It is beautiful. It looks super elegant, yet comfortable at the same time.

  4. That carpet needs to be toned down a notch or two. Dark hardwood would be wonderful in that room. Switch the pillows around- put the sofa pillows in the chairs and the chair ones on the sofa. Getting that hutch out of there will make it look so much bigger.
    Hope you get finished there soon. I know you have been at it forever.

  5. such a beautiful home, it sounds like hard work but you seemed to be loving it!

  6. You are doing a great job with the staging! How fun! I am getting ready to catch up on all your recent post. I have been so sick. Feeling a little better now and ready to see what you and the girls have been up to. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. It's looking good Diana! Nothing like some god staging to show off some pretty features. Have a great weekend!

  8. great job staging, diana:) your friend's beautiful things make that job easy, huh? happy weekend!

  9. Hello!!

    It is amazing of all the treasures this woman has collected over all these years. I did love the post on the red and white dishes. Girl, you are gonna need another vacation after all this is finished.
    Come visit me and we will play on our slip and slide!
    NOT really. But do come, we will just sit and rest!
    Blessings Always, Roxy

  10. what a lovely house and gorgeous furniture and the other lamps etc. What a shame it has to be sold. it certainly did make a lot of difference when you moved that cabinet. It opened up the room! Joan

  11. My goodness how lovely! What a delightful tour! Thank you and always thnaks for being a sweet friend! I never seem to get around where I need to at blog world! Love to you today sweet friend! Annie

  12. I think this house will sell in no time! Hope you're having a great weekend.

  13. Looks beautiful Diana!

  14. Looks beautiful Diana!

  15. Happy weekend to you! Such a beautiful room. Everything looks perfectly staged! You are doing a fantastic job, Diana.

  16. So many beautiful things! You are doing a lovely job.

  17. Boy she is keeping you busy but, I think the time you are sharing with you friend is so precious and will be appreciated in the years to come.

  18. Looking good!
    I love that fireplace. It looks so cozy with the chairs flanking it.

  19. It does sound like so much fun, Diana, along with the hard work. The results are fantastic. That piano corner is lovely too. I hope that your friend will send you some photos of the rooms they're moving to, after everything is in its place. That would be interesting!

  20. When is Ruth planning on putting her home up for auction?

    And I can't remember - is she moving a long ways away or just getting something smaller/downsizing?

    I wish her the very best of luck.

  21. I have truly been enjoying these makeover posts. I LOVE the transfer ware - be still my heart, you lucky duck!

    The dining room makeover is just lovely!

    I'm in love with the piano! I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!

    Have a great day!

  22. You are doing an amazing job of staging and that's tough with the carpet. Hugs, marty

  23. I think the carpet would look awesome if she painted her walls a creamy white...much cheaper than replacing carpet...:)
    You are doing a great job.
    We are going thru the same thing...when I sell or move a piece out, we rearrange what's left, which has sure shown me that I didn't need all the pieces I had to start with. :)
    O, and I saw you over at Anns, talking about the pink typewriter your boss bought just for you...
    well, yeah....he thought he had Loni Anderson working for him...he'd have bought you a beautiful pink car, probably. :)))

  24. Nice job on taking that room from busy to traditional comfort! It's so much easier to pare down someone else's things than our own and your friend is so lucky to have you to make the decisions.

  25. WOW what a beautiful room. All of Ruth's furniture and paintings are stunning. What fun to be a part of this staging.

  26. Your friend certainly has lovely furniture and paintings. She must be moving to a much smaller place if she's getting rid of so much. Are you starting to get just a bit exhausted? You've been working so very hard and doing such a great job!

  27. Great job of staging! I've heard of a bull in a china closet but never an elephant in a bedroom. Can't wait to see it!


  28. Gorgeous pieces and how much fun to do this!!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Gypsea Nurse

  29. Looks great..You've done super job..Love the piano..Some beautiful pieces..Can't wait to see the elephant...

  30. PS..I wouldn't like the blue pillows on the chairs..The others on the couch would be OK..Keep things the way they are?/

  31. Just gorgeous Diana. Ruth has beautiful pieces and you staged every thing so perfectly. I love the artwork and that piano is so wonderful. I would sit right down and play.

    Looking forward to more. It is a joy to see your post in my inbox.
    Have a great evening.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  32. Loved the staging of the 2 rooms in your friend's home!!
    She has some beautiful things!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  33. You are doing a great job, it's really going to help prospective buyers envision their life in this house.

    Oh, and my Mom...she's on her way, lol.


  34. have you done this type of staging before? If not, you are a natural and have a great eye as they say. Your friend certainly has some beautiful things, I don't know how she decided what to keep!

  35. So Lovely, What a wonderful collection of beautiful things. This house should sell quickly. Maybe it will sell furnished!

  36. Diana , the home is beautiful. There are some beautiful things, the home should sell really quick.

  37. Oh my goodness she has a beautiful home. Do you know Diana - the one thing I have always wanted were French Doors. sandie

  38. Wow....this is looking wonderful. Elephants? What the what?

  39. The mantel above the fireplace is beautiful! I smiled when I saw the piano because it brought back memories for me. I used to take piano lessons when I was a little girl. Ruthie's piano is gorgeous. I am lovin' the staged rooms, and thank you for sharing them.


  40. Beautiful pieces of furniture and I love the mantle! I am so glad she is keeping the heirloom chair and ottoman.

  41. The room looks so warm and cozy diana! she definently has some wonderful pieces, love the heirloom chair!!


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