
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Romantic Homes Review- August 2013

I don't know about you but I
get a huge kick out of opening
a magazine that I have been perusing for years
and find that , since I started blogging,
I KNOW some of the people
that are featured inside the cover.

These are in no particular order...
just how they loaded up for me today.
First up is Mary Ellen's
There's a six page spread.
Her blog is beautiful and she has
a knack for beautiful displays.

Yep- Here is the August Cover
It's as gorgeous as ever!
Oooops- I see it scanned in a little askew...sorry 'bout that!
And that 
darned girl that seems to be in every
magazine I open 
sweet darling, Elyse from
is in this month again- She does such 
beautiful craft work and has an 
artist's heart and eye.
She has THE CUTEST projects!
Do you know Jane from
She is a dear, down-to-earth person.
She has a city home and a lakeside home
and moves back and forth effortlessly.
She's a good shopper and a good cook
and shares her love of both on her blog.
(that was an old line attributed to Cary Grant)
 wants you to know she has
a very nice bust!
What?  Well, of course NOT-
I am talking about her 
~Miss Begonia~
Isn't she lovely?
Wish I had a bust like that!
I could, you know!
With plastic surgery......
Happy Sunday-
I am gone most of the day
but will try to catch up tonight.


  1. Diana, I know what you mean about being excited that you've blogged back and forth with some of the bloggers in the magazine. I am happy as can be...I blog with Blondie and Judy. Love those ladies. I am just going to have to get a subscription to Romantic Homes. It is one of my all time favoriet magazines. I remember years ago, tearing out a couple articles and keeping them...because I fell in love with the decorating.xoxox, Susie

  2. Love these photos and I'm off to visit these talented ladies! Enjoy your day.

  3. I agree! I did a tiny post a little while back about winning a magazine.......sipping tea outdoors, reading it then it started raining.

    WELL, imagine my surprise a week or so later our very own Carolyn Aiken from Aiken Home and Garden blog (one of my very favorites) mentioned she was featured in that very same magazine - I hadn't even finished reading to notice.

    It's FUN isn't it? This blog world has certainly made things meet up well - brings birds of a feather together for sure!


  4. Just got back from visiting these talented ladies blogs...gorgeous! Thanks for taking time to show clips from your new issue of RH....hugs, Penny

  5. May you and your family be blessed on this Sabbath Day. Lovely post today.

  6. I just wanted to say I often read your blog but rarely comment. Our paths cross by reading your comments on other blogs. I enjoy your posts and comments :)

  7. Great post, Diana! I loved seeing Jane's blog featured in the magazine. How exciting to know one of the people in there!!! Well...through blogging. But you still have a connection to the people you meet here. Some become close blogging friends. It may sound funny, but it's true. You become friends "outside" of the blogging sphere. Like YOU my sweet friend.

  8. I forgot....Sandi from A Cottage Muse is included in the biggest feature of all!!! She's a real sweetheart, too!

  9. I have looked for this magazine before but never seem to locate it-which is a good because I'd probably want to shop more. Have fun today. I'll think of you while I'm away; hopefully will have lots of incredible photos to share when I return.
    Hugs, Noreen

  10. Yes, it's great to open magazines now and know about the featured posts belonging to someone we know from our blog world! I also love magazines, I have so many, I'll be buried in them some day, lol.. I'm gonna pay a visit to this ladies too. Thank you sweet and pretty lady for your visit, I love it when you do! Big hugs,

  11. I'm not famous like you!!! I know no one from magazines!!!

    But these are gorgeous photos, I do love that romantic shabby look...

    Have a great week!

  12. The August issue is one of my favorites. :D So proud for our friend Jane. :D

  13. You're a pioneer :)
    BTW, My grandmother used to have a bed like the one in your picture.

  14. Oh my goodness - you do know a lot of gals! I have to say my favorite it the last one - I love that dress- so delicate!!! I love the lace. So beautiful. Actually they all are.

  15. I'm the same, Diana! I open up each issue now wondering how many bloggers featured I "know"! : )

  16. It is wonderful how bloggers are getting the recognition they deserve for all of their hard work! I'll check out these ladies blogs when I have time later. Thanks for telling us about them! Have a great day!

  17. It's always exciting to find the latest issue of Romantic Homes in my mail box! I was so happy to see Jane featured! And I am a big fan of Elyse's work, I bought her book, "Tinkered Treasures", and just love it! You are so sweet to give fellow bloggers the recognition they deserve:)

  18. How fun to know those blogs. I will definitely have to go and check them out!

  19. One of my very favorite magazines Diana... sooo happy to see sweet Janie in there!... xoxo Julie Marie

  20. Loved all of these photos. Just my style.. I wish I was creative like this but I think I missed that train somewhere.. I hope you're having a blessed Sunday!

  21. That dress is darling..probably a size 0...

  22. I was squealing in Chapters on day as I pointed out all the bloggers I know (well read) that were in two of the magazines. It's exciting!

  23. Wonderful pictures and some new blogs to peruse - thankya darllin'!

  24. I love that magazine. I'll have to get that issue. Great you knew people in it.

  25. Gorgeous room, bunting, and bust! Your friends have exquisite taste!

  26. I remember admiring that bust on her blog!

    Thanks for the tips. I'll run out and buy a few magazines!

  27. hee hee!

    it's always a treat and a hoot to be included in one of your posts, nana diana.

    happy tuesday, sweat pea!


  28. This issue was full of fun wasn't it?! Even our friend Michelle from Petite Michelle Louise was in 2 features!!

  29. What a treasure trove of information you have given us! I don't know the ladies or blogs that you featured but they all look amazing. I will HAVE to go get a copy of that magazine to see more details. Thanks for sharing those photos with us.

  30. It appears that you know all the popular kids! :)
    I'm going to check out all the clever peeps now.


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